"The X-Files" This Is Not Happening (TV Episode 2001) Poster

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Too Good To Be True
Muldernscully22 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is Not Happening, the overly used phrase in the X-Files, is also an excellent episode from season eight. It's not that "this is not happening" is a bad phrase, it's just that some of its uses are a bit contrived, especially in this episode.

In this episode, Scully is having dreams of Mulder in the spacecraft. The interesting thing is that that is exactly what is happening to Mulder. Do they share some kind of special abduction connection that allows her to see what is happening to him?

In an effort to find Mulder, Doggett brings in an old acquaintance of his, Monica Reyes. She is smoking, which is an ominous thing in the X-Files, and she doesn't shake their hands. I found that to be quite odd. She just stands back when Doggett introduces her to Scully and Skinner. But we see immediately that Reyes is an odd duck, talking about how spiritual she is and she has a lot of intuition for things. We quickly see that Reyes is a female Mulder, though she comes to her weird conclusions in a different way from Mulder.

It was nice to see Roy Thinnes return as Jeremiah Smith, the nice alien that likes to heal people. At first we see him running around in Nike shoes, showing only the shoes. The episode put too much emphasis on the shoes he was wearing, as if knocking us over the head with the fact that Jeremiah Smith is the one wearing the Nike shoes. I don't think the audience is that dense.

In a rare instance, Skinner calls Scully Dana, trying to be more sensitive, I suppose. It still sounds odd to hear her first name.

The acting is top-notch in This is Not Happening, especially by Gillian Anderson, as they get closer to finding Mulder, and her emotions start affecting her objectivity. The episode was billed as the return of Fox Mulder, so the end doesn't really shock you as maybe it's intended to, because we know that Mulder will be in future episodes. Though the ending does leave you puzzled as to exactly how they're going to bring him back. But, for sure, the return of Mulder is a good thing that IS happening.
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Nicely executed but the mythological arc is so worn out by this point
ddeboer1 June 2010
Despite being a big X files fan I never watched EVERY episode from beginning to end. Once Mulder left the show for an extended period, I stopped watching for an extended period. I have been watching each episode now on DVD from start to finish. Now I get to see what happened after I dropped off the series and I find that Season 8 is much better than I expected it to be. In fact it is quite captivating and Doggett is a good character. Having said that, I am weary of the following (1) shape shifters, and (2) a continually suffering Scully complete with melancholic theme music. I am almost weary of (1) UFO cults and (2) Scully rivals (Monica Reyes actually turned out to be intriguing). Problem is...I stopped caring about the mythology once I realized they were going to tack on more questions than answers thus giving the story an obvious "make it up as we go along" kind of feel. Furthermore, the "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING" lament at the end actually made me laugh. At least Scully didn't shake her fists to the heavens while shouting it. I find I no longer care about Mulder and I am more interested in the tidy episodic bits of uncovering the latest phenomenological challenge. The arc has become dreary and repetitive requiring that you still care about Mulder to keep it interesting. The monster of the week episodes despite being less ambitious have a longer shelf life than the arc.
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"No frickin' way."
classicsoncall21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Here's something to ponder. In prior episodes speculating on Mulder's abduction, we see him splayed out on a lab table, being experimented on, and his face drawn out with those weird appliances. So how is it that Scully's nightmares about Mulder look exactly like that? That seems like a bit of a stretch to me, unless the story is hinting at some sort of telepathic communication between the two of them, or alternatively, some form of communication initiated by the aliens. Maybe we'll find out.

I liked the idea of Roy Thinnes being brought back as Jeremiah Smith, but he wasn't around long enough to make a major impact on things. Transforming himself into the image of John Doggett on the videotape should have done more to jog the real Doggett into becoming more of a believer but it looks like he's not ready yet. I wonder if Nike got a sales boost out of this episode; I never heard anything about it, but my instincts tell me probably not.

So with Mulder finally showing up, though in the same condition as the other abductees who disappeared along with him, the stage is set for more revelations involving the mythology arc. I can't help but agree with some of the other reviewers here that maybe the whole idea of aliens and conspiracies was running a little thin by this point in the series. At least a new direction was previewed with the introduction of Agent Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish) in something of an an awkward entrance, but the link to Agent Doggett's murdered son is enough to whet one's appetite to learn more of his back story.
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One of the best mythology episodes ever
alex-ross7710 April 2006
Gillian Anderson really stole the show in 'This is Not Happening' with Scully painfully accepting the possibility that Mulder could be dead, after lifeless alien abductees are discovered in the dessert. Mark Snow also left his mark in this episode, putting in tear-jerking music to some dramatic scenes, including one where Scully sees the ghost of her missing partner. 'This is Not Happening' introduces us to new characters, Monica Reyes (who we will see at the end of this season and in the next) and Absalom, a friend of Jeremiah Smith (he's also in the episode) who's predicted an alien apocalypse. The ending is bound to capture you, but sadly with an non superior follow-up leading on from it.

My favourite episode of the overlooked season eight, is just perfect for shippers (like me!) and deserves more applause than it gets at the moment.
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An incredible episode- Gillian at her best
brian-wiz18 May 2019
One of the best X Files episodes. Gillian deserved an Emmy for this season. This episode in particular.

Monica is also a great addition to the show.
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If you're trying to prepare yourself I want you to stop.
Sanpaco131 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This review is finally happening. Although it is followed immediately by some groaners of mythology episodes for the rest of the series, I thoroughly enjoy this two parter. It start with a kid chasing a UFO through some backcountry and finally stumbling over a woman's all but dead body in the middle of a field. We find out that this kid and the woman found are all related to the abductions that were taking place when Mulder was abducted, and since it appears as though many of the abductees are now being returned in very poor shape, it makes sense that the team is about to find Mulder as well. In the midst of all these returnings in Jeremiah Smith from Talitha Cumi who we learned has the power to heal people. He is involved with a UFO cult led by a man named Absalom. As Scully and friends track down the mystery of the abductees, they are led to the cult and ultimately Scully finds Jeremiah and as she is trying to get him to help her, Mulder is returned in the middle of a field in the same terrible shape as the others. She rushes back to the cabin where Jeremiah is to get him to heal Mulder and as she does, a UFO arrives and takes Jeremiah away. In the final moments Scully falls to her knees and in agony screams out, "This is not happening!" hence the title of the episode. Interestingly, Reyes doesn't even bug me too much in the episode. I can see why they thought bringing her on might be a good idea. But while we're on that topic, I did want to smack her when she throws her cigarette down in the hills and stamps it out as she talks about how beautiful the country is. Yeah it was beautiful until stupid smoker losers like you showed up and littered their junk all over the place. Anyway, I enjoy the episode. I'll give it a 8 out of 10.
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Introducing Monica "mini-CSM" Reyes
XweAponX18 September 2018
Who could possibly be of at least partial Mexican heritage if you use a little bit of imagination. Which is hard for me, as I am always remembering that movie about Mystic Pizza that she was in.

But the reason why I want to make this review right now is because this is the first introduction to the character and also contains a huge hint that she would be working with the cigarette smoking man at later times. It's something that we didn't consider when these episodes were being shown, but from the moment we saw her in "My Struggle II", it all makes sense. It's not that she smokes, it's the way that she smokes. She is always "quitting", but never actually does. I was glad when they brought the character back but I was sad that they never brought Robert Patrick back to be Dogget again.

"This is not happening" is a conglomeration of all of the X-Files clichés starting from season one up until this episode. You may recognize "Absalom" (Judson Scott aka Joachim from The Wrath of Khan), and Jeremiah Smith aka Roy Thinnes of "The Invaders" fame, and there is even a reappearence of Theresa Hoese, who was in the pilot X-Files episode.

But this episode simply isn't the last dregs of the syndicate mythos story, it's not more of the shape changing alien bounty hunter flying around from state to state in his invisible UFO picking up former UFO abductees.

Here, the abductees are being returned, for a new purpose which doesn't become clear until the next episode and the new "alien replacement/super soldier" arc begins.

This is also a large amount of irony here, things would have worked out more positively had not the FBI become involved and invaded Absolom's compound.

The mysterious thing here is that Jeremiah Smith has always had the same shape changing powers as the alien bounty Hunter, and we also know that the alien bounty Hunter had the same healing powers that Jeremiah Smith had. The alien bounty hunter played so well by Brian Thompson. But after this episode we never see either of these characters ever again.
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A powerhouse performance from Anderson, great episode.
Sleepin_Dragon29 September 2022
An alien abductee, that was taken just before Milder, is found in the wilderness, meaning there's a faint hope that Mulder is still alive.

My highlight of series 8 so far, and I'm someone that has generally really enjoyed the bulk of it, it wasn't what I was expecting.

This was a great piece of storytelling, I'd argue it's one for the die hards and regular viewers, anyone casual would be looking vaguely around the room.

Agent Reyes made a nice addition, Monica is such an interesting character, Gish was excellent I thought.

Anderson was phenomenal here, one of the single best appearances, she stole the show, and shone in every single scene, we saw. She different sides of her character, I actually loved her scenes with Skinner.

It felt like a throwback to an earlier time, I loved it, 9/10.
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More alien nonsense.
shauncore80824 August 2022
Nobody cares about the alien stuff, nor the characters' personal drama. Disagree? Just look at the viewer count.

Agent Reyes was actually a nice addition, it's sad to see that went nowhere. I'm fully aware that the last season+ of X-Files is essentially garbage, but I've tried and failed to watch it to the end at least three times. I WILL make it through this time. It should have been obvious to the creators that nobody cared about any of this. If David Duchovny didn't care enough to continue the show, just go on without him. It would have existed just fine either way, so it was really a waste to CONSTANTLY center everything around his character. Sure, most people (myself included) would have liked him to stay in the show. But ultimately, he, like every other character, was completely irreverent to the show. Just have some likeable characters investigating something weird and call it good.
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