"Torchwood" Everything Changes (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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Torchwood carries torch
zebedee-624 November 2006
It would be difficult for any show to live up to the expectations placed on this show by the legions of Dr Who fans. But having watched it, the show has great promise, is entertaining and witty and yes at times a little bit like Xfiles meets Supernatural, but then what is wrong with that. So too, it shows a character who does not conform to "normal" social "values", but then perhaps it is time for TV to break the mold and show that everyone has a heart and everyone can be heartless equally, regardless of background, upbringing and preference. The team are a little dysfunctional for a group who have supposedly worked together for some time, which some may perceive as miscasting, but that is explained well by the secretive nature of their leader and their work. If I had to work in that situation I would be suspicious and play my cards close to my chest too. I think the cast are excellent. And for those who condemn shows on their first outing...you can please some of the people some of the time. I just hope you remember your condemnation the next time a studio exec cancels you favorite show mid season for no good (in your opinion) reason. Torchwood may not be YOUR thing....but it is mine...keep up the good work team!
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TORCHWOOD lands - in Cardiff
darrenhf6 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
TORCHWOOD is, in the UK at least, the most eagerly awaited science fiction series since, well since DOCTOR WHO was reborn. Fever pitch was achieved quite some time ago and now it's time to tell whether it was worth it or not. The jury's still out, but it does have an awful lot going for it on the strength of this first episode. Eve Myles is terrific as Gwen, the ordinary cop who finds her life turned upside down when she encounters a special unit called Torchwood who seem to be above the law and have the ability to reanimate corpses (for a short time at least). They are led by Captain Jack Harkness, a man who was last heard of during World War Two. There are some other people, but they barely make an impact. Presumably they will come more to the fore in future episodes. The story revolves around Gwen's coming to join Torchwood, how she reacts to the strange unearthly things they do, such as keeping a pet pterodactyl (no explanation offered) and finally how she solves a series of murders that is plaguing the city. The set up is strong (though the time/space rift explanation of why all this is happening in Cardiff smacks of Buffy's Hellmouth), the city looks absolutely stupendous and it all goes at a fast pace. A revelation it might not have been, but the opening show of Torchwood shows great promise of things to come.
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off to a solid (if not particularly earth-shattering) start
movieman_kev10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Policewoman Gwen Cooper (Eva Miles) is thrust into the clandestine world of the organization known as 'Torchwood' in this series premiere episode of the more adult-oriented spin-off of "Doctor Who". She meets the flamboyant, but amazingly suave Captain Jack Harkness and his team who head up Torchwood 3. The alien artifacts are supposed to not leave there base of operations, but ,of course, every worker takes a trinket here and there. These employees being no different.

This didn't start off with a bang (although it might've ended with one), but it still piqued my interest none the less and made Torchwood one of the shows that I follow regularly. Eva is a good actor, as is John Barrowman, although in the pilot episode their doesn't seem to be any chemistry between the two (nor any of the other characters for that matter)

My Grade: B
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Very Late Crossover Fan
seamonkey-fan9 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As a Whovian I am sad to say I got a late start with Torchwood, mainly because I wasn't in the "mood" for keeping up with a dark, very adult show. The exact reasons I love Doctor Who is the family watches it together, plenty of humor and rarely left sad at the end of an episode. When I first gave TW a try I naturally liked Captain Jack as his character & Barrowman's acting is enjoyably engaging both in Doctor Who & TW. However I didn't feel a connection to any of the other characters & even disliked Gwen & Owen, but some characters are not likable by everyone and that makes for more interest as well. After Doctor Who left us hanging for a few months between shows after "A Good Man Goes to War" I went back to Torchwood for a Doctor fix. Difference this time is I watched the stories out of serial order but watched linked story lines. Started with season 1 finale of Doctor Who and went to Torchwood's "Captain Jack Harkness" & "End of Days" back to Who's "Utopia", etc. By doing it this way I now have a greater appreciation for the show and feel more invested in the characters, where they've been, what they hope to accomplish at Torchwood & in some personal life issues but especially the huge growth in morals of Capt Jack. Potential spoiler: The fact that he went from con man to giving his life willingly to help Doctor 9 & Rose shows a great change and the beginning of a strong character arc. I see this again in the episode "Captain Jack Harkness". When I think back to most TV shows I follow loyally I didn't enjoy the first season or two as most have growing pains, this show is no different to me. I give this beginning a 7 but quickly start hitting episodes that deserve an 8 or 9. So from a late watcher and one who didn't start off gobsmacked I'd suggest that others who felt negatively about the shows lack of various strengths give it more time or jump about a bit as I did (though careful to stay within a story arc). You might find yourself developing an appreciation for what this show offers. It is not Doctor Who and is only in the same genre with a few crossover characters, not the same kind of show. As long as you go into it without expecting the style of Doctor Who and give it some time you might find yourself a fan before you know it. One last thought; I believe the writers are very talented to develop such a range of story lines and styles in writing two so completely differing shows as Doctor Who and Torchwood yet staying true to the original characters of the Doctor and Captain Jack. I find that brilliant! I will cherish Doctor Who until my last breath but will continue to develop a relationship with Torchwood.
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Everything changes-Nice and solid opener
ScourgeOfImdb15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I come from the side of this fandom that is doctor who and wasn't expecting torchwood series 1 and 2 to be very good. I had watched season 3 already and had not planned on watching the first two series'. However, after season 3 completely wowed me, I started to crave a bit more torchwood.

This episode is almost a trip back in time to the hit a sci-fi shows of the 2000s, starring a young, likeable, sexy cast of men and women. This first episode of Torchwood gives us a nice mystery around gwen cooper investigating the organisation. It has some moments that feel slightly out of place, such as the F-bomb in the first few minutes and some of the more over the top violence in the weevil scene but other than that it's a solid opener and holds promising things 8/10.
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Torchwood first episode
patrickmunns3 November 2006
This is the first and best episode of Torchwood or "Torchy" as I have come to call it. It starts with a murder scene where a young ginger boy has been stabbed in the back. The Torchwood team bring the poor little mite back to life with a magic glove and ask him what he saw. He's all pale and wrinkly but they manage to bring him back and it's like great he's alive, and they say what's your name and he says John Tucker and they say how did you die and he says I don't know and they say what did you see when you died and he says nothing....I SAW NOTHINGGGGGG!!!!! and it's really sad because he seemed like such a nice ginger boy but then he's dead....again. That was the best bit but the rest is good too.
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You should try plastic surgery.
Sleepin_Dragon18 September 2020
PC Gwen Cooper discovers there's a whole lot more going on in Cardiff than she ever thought possible. Who, or what are Torchwood.

It's a good first episode, it's intriguing, exciting, it's fresh, and very energetic. I like that there is a story, but it retains a sense of mystery.

Strong cast, Barrowman is almost subtle, he's very good. I'm a big fan of Indira Varma, such a shame she wasn't a regular.

Nicely produced, however some of the ariel shots make me feel a little queasy.

I worked in Cardiff throughout the Torchwood years, it added a real buzz.

It really did run so well in parallel with Doctor Who, oh for those days.

Enjoyable, 7/10.
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Not exceptional, but acceptable
thomasgouldsbrough18 February 2022
It's certainly not a bad start to a show. The ending is quite strong, it came out of nowhere, and it was quite exciting. However, it's quite generic, and it certainly doesn't hold a candle to Doctor Who in times of a series opener.
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Was non consensual sex okay in 2006?
AvidWatcher1012 June 2021
Character uses an alien substance/drug to cause two people who wanted nothing to do with him to suddenly drag him home for sex. No one even addresses it. Sorry but 2006 isn't that long ago. How could the writers et al have thought this was okay?
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Unrealized Potential
tired_angel14 November 2006
As a loyalist to its parent show Doctor Who, I decided to give Torchwood a try. The series premier can be classified as a rough start at best from which it has been unable to recover. Although in defence of the actors themselves, this programme has a stellar cast, just a poor script.

The basis of the show follows a group of the elite volunteers at Torchwood led by Capt. Jack Harkness who set about gathering alien technology in addition to defending the earth (more specifically Cardiff) from aliens that would prey on its population in preparation for the 21st century when "Everything changes".

Now that I've got you up to speed here are a few of my comments. With very inventive plot topics from fairies to interesting alien technology each episode fails to answer either of the 2 vital questions posed by the series:

"Why did this series of events happen?" and "How does this help prepare for the future when 'Everything changes'?"

The first question is never answered since the lead character (Capt. Jack) keeps all answers and explanations to himself, never sharing with any of his team much less the viewer. At the end of nearly every episode, whatever has been discovered or recovered is locked away in a vault never to be opened. The curiosity of the human spirit is not permitted here, which is the magic that makes truly great science fiction. And while I understand leaving a little bit of mystery about the future is necessary, it is possible to show how each episode at least contributes to Torchwood's ultimate goal by either helping the earth enrich the lives of its people or defend itself in some way rather than baffling viewers altogether.

Another comment I feel I should mention is that this series has zero character development. Capt. Jack is portrayed as a cold intelligent man with no morality or compassion. While Gwen Cooper's character has a slightly softer side, she appears to have no effect on the team dynamics since her arrival. The remainder of the Torchwood team almost have no personalities other than to provide Capt. Jack and Gwen with technical information on cue when they need it. The old adage goes "There is no I in team." And Capt. Jack doesn't seem to need anyone or anything to help him achieve his objective. In this way, they are not a team, only an audience.

On a lighter note, I must compliment the set designers on the prop's and special effects. The set designs are wonderfully original and inventive, particularly the Torchwood facility itself. And on a more personal note, I fancy the official black SUV they use to travel about Cardiff.

I encourage you to see this programme for yourself and come to your own conclusions, but do not come with high expectations as in my opinion they will not be met. Set up as the perfect spin off of Doctor Who, the writers fail to follow through.
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