Dabbe (2006) Poster


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Coventry26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In case you're intrigued by discovering the significance of that oddball title, just remember that goofy trick with the calculator we all tried at least once back in grade school. If you type 58008 and subsequently turn the device upside down, it looks as if it says "boobs" on the display. "D@bbe" is a similar type of gimmick, only times evolved towards the use of Internet lingo now, of course. There! Sorted out that little mysterious piece of the "D@bbe" puzzle for you already! Don't ask me what it means, though. Apparently the titular entity (?) is some sort of Djinn like in "Wishmaster", but this Muslim version doesn't grant any wishes yet homes inside modern media (mobile phones, internet…) and gradually forces people to commit suicide in the most gruesome fashions.

There really isn't that much to say about "D@bbe" except that it turned out a major personal disappointment. The plot and narrative structure is very reminiscent to the overload of lame and unexciting Asian ghost we've been receiving ever since "Ringu" came out around the late 1990's. You know, those movies that desperately try to be mysterious and scary, through brief ghastly appearances and supernatural hodgepodge, but miserably fail because they can't hide the fact there isn't an interesting and/or original story to tell. Usually these films open promisingly and atmospheric, but as soon as the events start requiring clarity and explanation, the whole thing becomes hopelessly implausible and even ridiculous. "D@bbe" is exactly like that. The first half hour is still fairly compelling, with three young people investigating the sudden and horrendous suicide of their mutual friend. The police are interested in the case as well, as similarly disturbing suicides like his come reported from all over the globe. There's undoubtedly a connection with the Internet and a bizarre email address that continues to send messages even after Tarik's death. The more the trio of friends and the overzealous police detective get closer to the truth, the more they too begin to suffer from nightmarish visions and stalking websites. I personally presumed duds like "Fear.Com" and "Horrorvision" made it clear that the Internet isn't scary horror movie material, but I'm mistaken yet again. "D@bbe" isn't frightening, with the exception of a few notable moments near the beginning and one ghoulish end shot that I nevertheless don't understand, and it's intolerably slow-paced and overlong. Sine it's primarily a ghost story, there's a total minimum of gore and a very low body count, so fans of splatter and spectacle should definitely beware. Director Hasan Karacadag knows a thing or two about cinematography and stylish compositions (either that or he worked with a talented cameraman), but the handful of beautiful shots can't save the dullness and incoherence of the script. The acting performances are abominable and I certainly wouldn't advise these Turkish players to quit their day jobs in exchange for a professional career. I sincerely hope they haven't already! But, what perhaps bothered me the most about "D@bbe" isn't the actual film's fault. The copy I watched suffered from the absolute most horrendous subtitling job I ever witnessed in my life. It was so bad it nearly ruined the viewing experience regardless of the movie's own quality! There were words missing, incomprehensible sentence structures, misspelled expressions and senseless phrases. In the whole of Turkey, there's must be someone who speaks and writes better English than the person who did the translating for this film?
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Copy copy copy...
ethernaldreams12 February 2007
As a writer has written above, this movie looks lie a Japanese horror film. If you ask why, there is a Japanese consultant for this movie. If I heaven't seen Takeshi Miike's movies before, I would have worshiped to the quality of this movie.

The lights and the visual effects were very good.

But sadly, it is a copy. Yes, it includes Islamic horror contents but the highest level of horror is given in the Japanese way.

I would recommend "One Missed Call"(Sorry, I don't know its Japanese name) to those who think that this movie is something original and full of horror.
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Not the best but needs to be watched
eventlaunch26 July 2019
This movie will make you think it's lole kairo the movie pulse with elements of Islamic theology crazy yet effective
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Good Idea But Disturbing Acting & Script
uqsl22 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The subject of the movie sounds promising. It has its roots in Quran and it has the same atmosphere as the ghost stories our grandmothers used to tell us when we were kids. But poor acting and terrible script ruin everything. The movie gets even funny from time to time. I watched this one at a movie theater and I remember most spectators were laughing at certain scenes. Djins hiding back of the door! Come on people, this does not deserve ten stars just because it is the best Turkish horror movie, or because it is better than "Okul" or "Büyü". Sheer subject is not enough to call a movie good. Imagine you go to a movie theater to see a horror movie and you laugh more than you get thrilled. The director does not even respect the audience by presenting a movie like that. It was a total waste of time for me!
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Wow this is bad
beyoglu12 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie for free and I still want my money back. Where to start? This is a low budget film, though on various sites the budget has been listed anywhere from 1,000,000 Turkish lira (about $550,000) to 150,00 Turkish lira. I really hope it wasn't the higher figure, because putting out a film like this for so much money is a crime. The story is a confusing part spin on themes from The Ring. The director spent time in Japan and took film courses there. He doesn't live in Japan as someone wrote, but lives in Istanbul with a Japanese wife, who works as an art director. After the death of Tarik, people close to him begin getting terrifying emails. We never really get to understand what Tarik's relationship with the others is except a friend and rejected love interest of one. This comes out in the first seconds of the film. The story has elements of Islamic mythology and superstitions from Turkey, but it's hardly referenced in a way that a non-Islamic myth knowing audience would understand. The acting is awful and the dialog is even more so. The subtitles in English were insultingly bad. Since we speak Turkish, we just ignored the subtitles and suffered through the original dialog. The animation, done by supposedly one of the best animators in Turkey, was actually very good. The opening credits show was very good. But what the animator was doing on this film I'll never know. Most every scene begins with the camera placed at the ceiling level, giving a perspective of the room and then pans down to eye level. I'll repeat that, almost every scene. One great contrived scene has a woman going to the market and listing everything she's planning on buying, "Bread, and eggs, and some chocolate for myself." Another has three friends sitting precariously on top of a locomotive just, you know, for a chat. Ridiculous is too kind a word.

See it if you're a fan of schlock cinema and confusing plots and bad lines. Or if you're really masochistic, watch part 2 and don't forget to check out the poster for his latest film Bir Cin Vakasi. Worth a look for a good laugh. Absolute dreck.
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terrible movie
ulaskorpe4 May 2009
this scenario could be filmed more originally , i m really disappointed watching this film. First of all there s no standard for the monsters, i mean each scene there appears a new monster which is structurally. after all they are not even scary , just some guy under mask . different than the others and never seems again - the masks and those creatures are described very weak , it seems funny rather than being horror. also acting of players are terribly bad , I'm not sure they are actors anyway maybe directors friends ? some details tried to be given but couldn't be placed on the movie , why its there cannot be solved. like a guy coming out of the sea in the beginning - what was that and why the watchers should be scared ?
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freakishly funny! :)
ocean_nereid1 October 2007
this movie is the worst of all in Turkish horror movies!I even prefer the Turkish version of the Exorcist!and that film was made at least 3 decades ago.i can't believe how this movie scares people!the acting was as if the people were actually acting at a theater!even the Turkish dubbing is horrible!special make up artistry is definitely beyond words at the negative-adjective list of mine! :) this movie has given me the feeling that it's just a movie for the last project to finish college or something. it was really an amateur movie. i don't recommend watching it to anybody!it's just a waste of time!trust me! or maybe you should watch it so that you can see the difference between a bad and a good movie and appreciate the better ones more! :)
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A good subject handled bad
skundak-16 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I happened to watch the film. It is a complete disaster. The scenes are not related, they just portray some awful elements. As an example, the three main characters appear in the middle of nowhere and then discuss the suicide of their friends, later they do the same on top of a steam locomotive. There no connecting scenes. The subject is not examined enough, instead lots of recurring scenes are inserted in the film. If it was an American film, it will probably have the half of its running time. The actors of the film just talk about the main subject and this makes the film boring. As I sad before lack of connecting scenes makes the film one of the worst of its kind. I hope the subject/main plot will later filmed more professionally in the near future.
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i have a theory about this movie...
sserhata11 September 2006
Actually I was surprised when I read the other comments. Everybody is concerning about bad script, bad actors, disturbing effects etc. But i have found "388@0" successful. It has a script that fits to "Kairo"-"Pulse". But more than that, it has some cultural components as "djins". They are evil spirits that they can not effect human life directly. But Turkish culture has a lot of stories about djin attacks to human life. The name of the film "DaBBE" refers to "dabbet-ul arz" of the Islam. "Dabbet-ul arz" is Arabic and means "the one that walks on earth". It is mentioned in the Qoran (the holy book of Muslims). It will come to earth as one of the last signs of the Armageddon. And it will tell everybody that who will go to heaven or hell. Because of containing cultural scary myths, "DABBE" has a psychological element to scare audience. That is why it is successful. It takes a original script and adapts it to the cultural myths. So you are not scared of audio/visual effects but deep in your brain, the script makes you scared. But, yes actors and actress are so bad. One more thing to mention. The characters have some e-mails or phone calls after the first death. The subject of the e-mails and the phone number of the dialer is shown as "388@0". When you look this in the mirror. You see "0@88E" = "D@BBE"
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waste waste waste
taksim6 April 2006
I wish I would be writing a comment for a film. How dare I call this one a film. The worst thing that a horror movie could face is to make the audience laugh. At the first scene the guy should not have run in the tunnel screaming something about his veins. Everybody was on the floor. Then how can you possibly make the audience back in a horror mode? Basically HK could not make. All that I saw and hear was screaming guys and very loud sound effects. After a while they do not scare but seriously disturb. You understand the movie has nothing else to scare you but they will keep giving this stupid sounds.

And I gotta say something about acting. I do seriously believe each scene was shot in one try, I bet. Probably all the players saw the camera first time in their lives.

To sum up, a disaster "movie look alike" should have a disaster comment, sorry for that. But please do not waste your time with that. Treat it like a biohazard or nuclear waste. KEEP AWAY at all costs.
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'''D@bbe''' , '''Tanoshii Eiga'''
colormedanny8 October 2006
I watch screening by chance a few weeks ago to see '''Dabbe''', '''D@bbe''' up here in Tokyo.I could not know about Islamic or Turkish horror movies. I liked it.This film is very good mix of famous Japanese horrors.I was surprised because director of '''Dabbe''', '''Mr.Hasan Karacadag''' is not Japanese.But the style of this film is very near the J-horror techniques.I know its very difficult to make J-horror movie with other Asian countries people and cultures.Because J-horror style is very special.The appeal of the stories is likely to be found in old Japanese culture and historical background unique to Japan.I think the background of Islamic culture and spiritual Japanese stories are using same things.The secret sides of dead and life, with suspecting of religion. '''Dabbe''' , '''D@bbe''' was very enjoyable and attractive for me.In Japanese language we say;'''Tanoshii Eiga!!!
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thrilling and interesting
incimanas2 September 2008
d@bbe is a very good low-budget horror thriller in the traditional sense.It is not a ghost story,or revenge story or haunting story.Briefly The story of dabbe is about possession of internet-world.Jinns and madness meet on 'world wide web' for hellish torment. OK, Acting is terrible but no problem because It has shocks and suspense, especially in the second half.And listen; It's better than some of those movies which make up making millions of dollars despite having no affect on the viewer. If you wonder how we make a good and haunted supernatural thrillers without money,without good equipment,without actors this is your type of films, heyy,people if u haven't seen this movie yet, go to your local movie library and rent it!!!(there is English sub problem with first version you have yo find second version-right one!)
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Ridiculous Trash Horror from Turkey
suak-14 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about a religious prophecy that forecasts doomsday initiated by the advent of a "spiderweb-like" entity, which turns out to be the Internet. The story is told from the view of four friends and a police officer, who are all killed one-by-one by evil ghosts in the course of the film.

The movie is extremely trashy due to bad acting, cheap special effects, and mindless conversations. However, what makes the movie really unbearable is the attempts to scare the viewer with mere visuals and sounds, which are just annoying instead of horrific. The happenings in between don't add anything to tension or story because they are not linked but represent a loose collection of scenes without logical structure.

Some questions to the producers of the movie: 1.) What was so special about trying to link the whole story to the Internet? In the end the ghosts crawl out of everywhere, which means they didn't need the medium. I mean, come on: 388@0 ? 2.) What were all these elements that you used supposed to mean, like the tunnel in the end, the evil eyes in the video, the pentagram in the room behind the curtains? They seem to have no deeper sense. 3.) What happened in the end? Is everybody dead now? Why is everything yellow all the time? Why do the ghost sometimes run away and sometimes attack? Why is the guy screaming for help through the phone to himself? Why is this movie so illogical? Why did anyone give you money to make such a bad movie? Why, why, why?

Don't see this movie!
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disrespecting of scarface
aykutbalmumcu27 May 2006
first of all i want to say that this feature ( i will not even call it a movie ) is a big disappointment for everyone who has buy the DVD with big expectations. its a waste of time!!! it is a waste of time like it is to the whole film crew...a waste of time and money..bad acting, bad screenplay, bad direction of photography ( whats all about the yellow color ?? ) and a very very bad plot...don't the director get it that this one is full of clichés?? those sudden effects are disturbing and awful but definitely not scary. A low budget production with many references to mainstream horror cinema...what a dilemma, isn't it? one of those Ring - like movies that don't even get close to it.....or shouldn't i say that this one is awful like The ring was.. I wish there were a "0" to vote for this movie so i wouldn't blame myself for giving this one a point..

But last but not least i want to comment the most disturbing point for me in this crap thing..the SCARFACE poster in the house of the two girls ( whatever their names are )!!..i think it shouldn't be in a feature like that because it is a big big big disrespecting for such a great FILM !! ( Its better when Mickey & Mallory watch it on TV ).....
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A must see
olefin19 July 2006
This movie is sooo bad that it is good at the end. It'll probably become a cult movie, I have friends who have seen it >3 times, just because it is so much fun. From the screenplay to the acting, everything is so mind-blowingly poor, too poor to be explained by lack of money. Well, it looks like all the money was actually spent for the opening credits, but that is another story. What makes the movie beautiful is that it wasn't meant this way, Dabbe takes itself seriously, it wasn't meant to be funny. I think it is a must see, although at more than one scene the stupidity of the main character made me want to turn off the whole thing. Hang in there, it is worth it!
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Best Greek Horror Movie Ever!
halilhamevioglu14 September 2018
Don't mind the ones who claim this is a Turkish movie. This is a pure Greek Horror movie. And I say wow! I do believe that they had never been this afraid since 1974. Greeks know how to be afraid as well as how to swim!
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Its like Ring but worse like a lot worse
nikoskont23 August 2021
If you afraid of shadows prepare to get scared like a lot.

I spent most of the movie yawning, you will get scared only if you're super sensitive to BS.
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Sharia cautionary tale: Brilliant, but not necessarily for hardcore genre fans
Dabbe is a landmark in Turkish cinema. It is one of the first and to this day only truly Turkish horror franchises. Dabbe is about a Djinn, but it is about more than that as well. One scene that truly alerted me to the uniquely Turkish nature of this film was when a female coworker goes into the first victim's (a male's) house she finds it strange and a mess. She says, "So I should clean up, then?" as opposed to "Do you want me to clean up?" That way it is not her suggestion and if the male coworker does not want her to clean up (which ends up being the case) it is a misunderstanding on her part, not a rejection of a suggestion on the male's end.

I say this is not for hardcore genre fans because 1) it doesn't show any gore: all the action is implied, probably to get around Turkey's censorship laws. 2) the acting and the production are not as inspired as even many American and European indie horror films: there are some brilliant aesthetics in this film (the scenes that take place amongst the ancient ruins and the one in the shop with the traditional plates are nothing less than stunningly beautiful), but the production is not as sharp, nor is the dialogue or the execution of said dialogue as good as Western horror. These sins can be forgiven, however, as this film is revolutionary for Turkish cinema.

It is a cautionary tale in that it warns about the dangers of the non-Islamic world, particularly via the internet. It is faithfully a Muslim film, through and through, as it adheres to the official Islamic ideology in its cautionary message. The moral of the story appears to be: Don't get too curious about things Haram, because there is always the potential for hell to break through, given an invitation.

That said, this is essentially the message of many Christian demonological films like Rosemary's Baby, the Blair Witch Project, Exorcismus, It Follows*.... However, the moralism/fundamentalism is more subtle in these Western films. Dabbe is an in your face morality play, and that's fine. I don't watch horror films because I believe the myths and tropes they portray to be true, nor do I expect them to even have a good moral message.

Recently, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night was touted, by Vice (it's primary distributor) and American critics as a revolutionary, Iranian, horror film. Unfortunately, it is not particularly Iranian, and as such, not particularly revolutionary. The actors are Iranian and the dialogue is is Farsi, but it was filmed and distributed in the USA.

Dabbe is different because, although it is from Iran's neighbors to the West, it is indeed a Muslim/Sharia film and retains many tropes of both Turkish and Iranian cinema and culture. It is brilliant for what it is: an Islamic horror film (about a Djinn, an Islamic demon) filmed under quasi-Sharia (with all its censorship and moralism) that stretches the boundaries of filming in the region. The very idea of a Muslim horror film is controversial. Since that is the case, however, it may not be especially engrossing for Western horror audiences. Still, a great film and worth watching, especially if you're into international cinema.

Of course, there is always the possibility that Orientalism is at work in my insistence that this film is indeed uniquely Turkish and uniquely Muslim. Perhaps it is simply the Muslim version of stories like the Christian the Exorcist, the Buddhist the Curse or the Jewish the Possession et al. However, I do think the elements of Islam that are incorporated into this film are, indeed, what make it unique and special. This film is worth watching simply because it is a Muslim demon story, not a Christian, Buddhist or Jewish one. If it were Christian, Buddhist or Jewish it would require more sophistication, eloquence and style. Maybe I am exorcising Muslim horror cinema here. Perhaps that makes this review fundamentally Orientalist. If I am guilty of that, I do apologize. Still, this is an important film, albeit maybe not the greatest horror film or even a contender when compared to the multitude of brilliant, demonological films from the Asia, Europe and the USA.

There is, also, a lesson here for Western audiences, coincidentally. Our obsession with communicative capitalism has not necessarily been beneficial culturally. Our anonymous rant platforms have descended into shouting and trolling contests. Our occasionally righteous voices are drowned out by the irrationality of reactionism. At the same time we are supposed to understand that this is good for democracy and liberalism. It is estimated that up to 60% of divorce petitions in the United States mention the website Facebook. Is communicative capitalism opening portals for Djinns to come through, or is it the serpent himself? The one that promises knowledge, the insidious light bearer? The one that brings light with a detrimental price? Perhaps the Western/liberal world has something to learn from Islam and Sharia. Certainly that was the lesson a Western view could take away from films like the Separation.

*A few others I might invoke by way of comparison are Unfriended, Pulse, Suicide Circle, V/H/S, Ringu, Paranormal Activity: Tokyo Nights.
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"D@bbe" fails to deliver a compelling story or real scares
sanadalsalt5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you ever tried typing 58008 on a calculator and turning it upside down, then you'll understand the significance of the oddball title of "D@bbe". It is a similar type of gimmick, but evolved towards the use of internet lingo. The titular entity in this movie is like a Djinn that resides in modern media, such as mobile phones and the internet, gradually forcing people to commit suicide in gruesome ways, but without granting wishes like in the movie "Wishmaster". Unfortunately, "D@bbe" is a major personal disappointment, with a plot and narrative structure that is very reminiscent of the overload of lame and unexciting Asian ghost movies we've been receiving ever since "Ringu" came out in the late 1990s. Although the first half-hour is fairly compelling, as three young people investigate the sudden and horrendous suicide of their mutual friend, the movie quickly becomes implausible and ridiculous. "D@bbe" is not frightening, with the exception of a few notable moments near the beginning and one ghoulish end shot that is difficult to understand, and it's intolerably slow-paced and overlong. The acting performances are abominable, and the subtitling job is horrendous, with words missing, incomprehensible sentence structures, misspelled expressions, and senseless phrases. The movie has a low budget and a confusing storyline, with elements of Islamic mythology and superstitions from Turkey that are hardly referenced in a way that a non-Islamic myth-knowing audience would understand. The animation and the opening credits are very good, but most scenes begin with the camera placed at the ceiling level, giving a perspective of the room and then panning down to eye level. There are also many contrived scenes that are ridiculous, such as a woman listing everything she's planning to buy at the market or three friends sitting on top of a locomotive for a chat.

In conclusion, "D@bbe" may have attempted to incorporate modern technology and internet lingo into a horror movie, but it ultimately fails to deliver a compelling story or any real scares. The film's low budget and confusing storyline, combined with poor acting performances and a subpar subtitling job, make it difficult to recommend. Ultimately, "D@bbe" falls flat and is unlikely to satisfy even the most ardent horror movie fans.
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''Dabbe'' is better than ''pulse'' and ''kairo''
deniz_gurelax1 October 2006
When I watched 'Dabbe'I was shocking.Because The budget of this film is only 100.000 Dollar.This film is about the doomsday of Islamic belief.This is very hard story for a movie maker,especially in Turkey.Because there is a lot of taboo about Islamic themes.The director of 'Dabbe' ''Hasan Karacadag'' is very courageous and first I want to congratulate him for his courage. The word 'Dabbe' appears in a number of verses of the Qur'an, although Surat an-Naml: 82 is the only one that refers to this particular event that will happen in the final times. When we set out the features of the 'Dabbe' as it appears in this verse, the following picture emerges:

1. The 'Dabbe' is a moving like hair(The cables of internet)

2. The 'Dabbe' is the product of the earth.(silicon-computer)

3. The 'Dabbe'is a thing or creature that speaks and gives a particular message, which is addressed to all of mankind.

4.The mean of 'dabbe'(Sanskritic language):Things,like spider's web

So this movie says:'Dabbe'is internet The edit of 'Dabbe'is so interesting.I could not see ever this paradoxically storytelling in another horror movies.Also 'dabbe' using internet for deep horror impact.I watched 'kairo' and pulse.I liked 'kairo' but pulse is very weak.Ithink The success of Dabbe is secret in this word;''DJinns''.'Dabbe' does'not use Ghost,souls,zombie,vampire etc.It use the scary of Jinns.In the mirror life and in the Shadow life you can feel the power of them.They are Jinns and they want to contact with people.They are using internet and they want to connect with the brain of human.They are copying you and they shown you, just ''other piece of YOU'.What is the other piece of you;If you wonder please watch 'D@bbe' immediately!The doomsday is very near!
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watch it alone in the dark!
jasonnora5 May 2009
"dabbe" does not seem like the kind of other Turkish film. I liked it! Its Not that lame, typical horror film too. I don't care about budget problems,the plot of film was unique for me. Some scenes and story lines were very look like Asian horror films but if you watch it alone in the dark,the unstable tension of editing will slowly haunting you. You may feel very eerie and unknown fears. I watched it alone in my house and my room was so dark. and I dreamed some unknown creatures until the morning. that dream was scared shiitt of me!! with no money,with no technical equipments,with no actors, Dabbe was very very strange film for me! yes,its strange horror film, never and never don't watch alone in the dark if you have some phobia and dream problems!

In all, this film is entertaining from start to finish and I would recommend it to anyone, watch it alone in the dark :-)
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Not so good
munusagareeka22 February 2023
The unnecessary loud voices often used in the movie are very disturbing. Every character except Hodja shouts continuously without any reason as if they are paid heavily for that. I am very surprised at their violent character. The viewer can have a headache easily after seeing the movie.

Yes,like many people I believe in djnns. As many turkish films are based on black magic and djnns,I expected more information on them. I don't understand if Kubra's mother already knew that Ibru's father had done black magic on Kubra and her family,why she didn't take those things out of their toilet? And another thing..We saw while removing the cloth from the urn,smoke came out. Then how is it possible that Hodja buried Sare again! However, I am not sastisfied with this movie.
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Your eyes will curse you
kosmasp8 November 2021
I think that is putting it mildly. Also I doubt that anyone will actually treat this to an HD remaster ... I just can't imagine anyone spending the money ... and it probably will be quite hard to ... "restore". Or to make this look good in any sense.

Having said that (video quality if you are being nice and not aged well), after quite the slow start there are certain effects in this that do work. It's mostly the sound design that "saves" the movie from being completely unbearable ... but that is at least something. Also even though the special effects are actually good, they are not that bad either. Especially considering the age of the movie and all the other things I've already mentioned.

On the other hand this seems to have been succesful enough to spark so many sequels ... so what do I know right?
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The Truth of apocalypse! Perfect!
bkapriano2 October 2006
This film is best Turkish horror film.You can feel very strong atmosphere of Islamic horror stories.If you believe the religion(Islam or other ones) you will like this film more than atheists.But this film is not Islamic or religion-ism etc movie.This film is horror about another worlds.whispers,jinns,''D@bbe'Tull arz'',apocalypse of human souls,internet.In turkey we never watch a film like ''Dabbe''.I liked it very much.Because when I watched this film I feel dead near my body.Please watch ''D@bbe'' when you alone.and please don't turn off LIGHT!Its dangerous........... definitely you will see a bad dream!

I am waiting for second film of director ''Hasan Karacadag''.I know he lives in Japan.He is also a genius of physics.
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pandator-13 December 2006
The story of the movie is real great. There are couple of other movies like this one(Büyü). The real freaky thing about it is that at the gala of Büyü the movie theater burnt down, a lot of things went wrong during the filming. And at the filming of this movie(Dabbe), according to director and cast, there where couple of shapes flashing in the pictures. And the director got really scary nightmares where he got warned.

This doesn't surprise me, the movies tell's us about beings that are mentioned in the Quran.

Have fun watching it.
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