"Lost" Two for the Road (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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Left me Shocked
aliensprez22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I don't understand why people hate Ana Lucia. I personally thought she was an awesome character, tough as nails but controlled by her emotions. Her story is heartbreaking. So far, none of Kate's episodes have compelled me to feel as much as Ana Lucia's. She's so interesting. Although I thought it was rather pointless and strange to have her and Sawyer get together, the rest of this episode is pretty good. I feel like there could've been a better reason for Ana Lucia to end up in Australia, but it was still cool to see another appearance by Jack's dad. At this point, he's basically more of a main character than Rose because it feels like he's had more screen time. Anyways, the twist was completely shocking and I'm sad to see Ana Lucia and Libby go.
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Watching lost for the 2nd time
jenkothetarheel17 September 2020
My second time around watching lost and I completely forgot the ending to this episode and didn't see it coming again! I'm not going to spoil it for you but the way this episode ended caught me completely off guard and the acting is impeccable. Prepare to be shocked!
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Armed and Dangerous
claudio_carvalho7 July 2006
SPOILER: Jake and Kate bring the exhausted Michael back to the hatch. Henry tries to kill Ana Lucia, but she is saved by John Locke in the last moment. Ana Lucia tries to convince Sawyer to give a weapon to her for killing Henry, and she has sex with him. She recalls her troubled relationship with her mother and the end of her career in the police force and her short connection with Jake's father Dr. Christian Shephard. Hurley invites Libby for a picnic in a secret spot. When Ana Lucia is unable to shoot Henry, Michael offers himself for the assignment.

I believe that the final unexpected twist in "Two For the Run" surprised even the greatest fan of "Lost". I personally would never expect those happenings in the hatch. Although being a quite disturbed and unpleasant character, I liked Ana Lucia; I was also curious to know more about Libby, especially about the reasons of her internment in a mental institution. The return of Michael to the episodes, and his deplorable act, will certainly lead "Lost" to other directions. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): Not Available

Note: On 31 March 2013, I saw this episode again.
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A powerful episode, and not only for the ending
ametaphysicalshark17 October 2008
SPOILER: Given my (justified, I think) writer-centric view of television shows in general and "Lost" in this case, it is rather frustrating, but also oddly pleasing, that I find myself unable to explain how Elizabeth Sarnoff and Christina M. Kim, far and away the two worst writers on "Lost" as far as I'm concerned, managed to write something as powerful and effective as "Two for the Road". As a result of my frustrating inability to explain this phenomenon to myself, I won't bother trying to explain it in this IMDb comment. I'll just have to settle for giving Kim and Sarnoff credit for writing a script with real depth and quality, and one which features so much great dialogue.

"Two for the Road" boasts one of the most interesting flashbacks on "Lost", with Ana-Lucia meeting Christian Shepard at a bar and agreeing to go to Sydney with him as his 'bodyguard'. It's sheer class as a concept, given what the two characters have just been through, and whether or not it was planned when Ana-Lucia was introduced or not is irrelevant to its quality. The characters choose not to use their actual names for the trip, and what ensues is a rather phenomenally well-written several scenes with the pair, who play brilliantly off each other. It's not just the clever dialogue that's impressive here, it's the depth of characterization, the fact that every action is not only consistent with what we know about the characters and what we've seen them do, but is driven by their previous actions. It's remarkable characterization, and this is almost certainly Christian's best and most definitive episode as a character, and John Terry's performance here is brilliant.

On the island the events are mainly concentrated on the hatch, Fenry Gale, and Michael's return. This isn't a recap, so I'm not going to go into much detail but the key scene here in relation to Ana-Lucia is her encounter with Fenry Gale. His psychological manipulation of her is almost brutally hard to witness, given what the flashback does for Ana-Lucia and how well Michelle Rodriguez conveys Ana's emotions on the island. Watching her first few appearances for the third or fourth time recently annoyed me as much as they usually do, but once you see the full plan the writers had for the character completed it's hard not to see her arc as one of the most effective character arcs on the show. The shocking ending to the episode, which I don't think anybody saw coming at the time, is surprisingly executed very tastefully, and I credit director Paul A. Edwards for that, as well as Harold Perrineau and Michelle Rodriguez. It's a heartbreaking ending to a heartbreaking episode, especially given the subplot with Hurley preparing a date with Libby, on the surface before the final reveal a light, bubbly portion of this otherwise almost relentlessly bleak episode, after the final reveal some of the most devastatingly tough to watch scenes on "Lost".

"Two for the Road" was nominated for a WGA award for 'Writing for an Episodic Drama', and it's a deserved nomination given the excellence of the structure and pacing of the script, and of the dialogue and characterization. Although it might be remembered most for its shocking (and tastefully-executed) ending, the episode as a whole is worthy of just as much praise as its last five minutes. To top it all off, we even get one of the best jokes aimed at fans in the entire series when Sawyer is reading the final ten pages of the "Bad Twin" manuscript and Jack yanks it right out of his hands and burns it. They just love torturing us.

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Gun shots galore!
shashikrishna4 May 2006
SPOILER: Michael's return injects new fuel into the happenings on the beach. Ana Lucia is a center of attention in this episode which projects a few more informative bits of her troubled past. It also showcases her meeting Jack's father at an airport bar in the United States and flying with him to Australia. While Hurley is busy trying to pack a neat little picnic for himself and Libby, Sawyer is playing spoilsport (as always) to Jack's demand for guns.While the episode draws to a close we see Sawyer realizing that Ana Lucia had managed to get hold of his gun without his knowledge. Back in the hatch Ana Lucia gets ready to get even with Henry who had tried to attack her earlier but is in for a rude surprise instead.
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pvjxiwu30 November 2020
Great and shocking solution From beginning to end and I think I will hate Michael very much.
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Amazing, show-changing episode!
mhazenm6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
All I have to say after this episode is... wow. Michael returns at the end of the episode before this one, "S.O.S." and offers new information about the Others... whether this information is false or true is very unsure... but it does sound kind of "fishy." Meanwhile, Ana Lucia gives Henry Gale his food, and tries to question him, he attacks her, and accuses her of being the murderer of two innocent people, though they attacked her. As Henry is strangling Ana, Locke comes in, and knocks him out from behind. Later, Henry tells Locke that he forgives him for hitting him. Locke asks him why he attacked and tried to kill Ana Lucia, and not him... Henry replies that she is bad... or something. Anyway, later, Ana wants a gun from Sawyer so she can have her revenge on Henry. Of course, Sawyer does not give her a gun, so she decided to please him sexually so she can steal it. She goes back down to the hatch, and waits for everyone to leave. Once they are all gone, she enters the safe where Henry is kept, hands him a knife, and tells him to cut himself free. He then says: "Well, I guess this is it," and Ana nods (or something close to that.) Then, Ana Lucia holds the gun out and aims it at him and...

Commercial Break

...Back from the commercial break, we see Ana sitting on a couch, and Michael approaches her. She tells him that they have captured one of the others, and he's in the hatch. She explains how she wanted to kill him, but was unable to. Michael asks for the gun. He says how horrible these people are, and how he wants to kill Henry for her. She hands him the gun, and he asks for the combo. She reluctantly tells it to him.


Then, he turns to her, slightly shaking, and says "sorry." "for what?" He aims, and fires one bullet into her chest. She gives him a look of betrayal and confusion as she dies. Michael is obviously shaken by what he has just done, and is very alert. Libby enters the room looking for some blankets for her picnic with the lovestruck Hurley. She sees Michael aiming the gun at the now dead Ana Lucia, and says: "Michael?!" He turns quickly, and shoots her twice in the lower abdomen. She falls to the ground. Michael slowly enters the safe that contains a battered Henry Gale. Henry stands. Michael takes the gun, and shoots himself in the left arm.

Episode over.

Again... All I have to say is... WOW. I didn't really care about Ana Lucia, but I was so interested in Libby's character, and I really wanted to see some of her back story before they killed her off. I'm sure the genius creators of LOST will somehow find a way to let us know more about her after her death. I'm anxious for next week's episode to see what happens... It stinks that the finale is on my graduation day... so I'll have to record it and see it that way.
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Two for the Road
TheLittleSongbird9 March 2018
When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

Season 2 of 'Lost' to me was very solid with many good to outstanding episodes (with a notable exception being "Fire + Water", which took strangeness too literally). "Two for the Road" is one of the season's best, and the best episode since "Lockdown". Other previous Season 2 favourites are "Man of Science, Man of Faith", "Orientation", "The Other 48 Days", "The 23rd Psalm", "One of Them" and of course "Lockdown".

It's not just because of the ending, with one of 'Lost's' leaving-one-floored twists and basically it's an ending that is both shocking and tragic. Everything with Henry Gale continues to transfix and burn with intensity, Michael's arc (until his unthinkable act here) is one that one roots for him in a nightmarish situation for a father and there's even a little humour with Sawyer and Jack.

Really enjoyed Ana Lucia and Christian Shepherd's scenes too, very cleverly written and with a great performance from John Terry and Michelle Rodriguez showing that she can be good with good material to work from (not the case too often). The chemistry between Libby and Hurley is sweet and affecting.

All the acting is pitched beautifully, particularly Michael Emerson, Harold Perrineau, Cynthia Watros, John Terry and Michelle Rodriguez.

Visually, 'Lost' continues to be stylish, atmospheric and beautiful in "Two for the Road", as always making the most of the island setting. The music is as always chilling and understated, the writing is taut and smart and the episode is one of the best directed ones of Season 2.

Overall, fabulous and a Season 2 high. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Ana Lucia Is Dead!
killmisterbucko29 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the best episode in the history of LOST, as the useless, horrid Ana Lucia's miserable excuse for a life finally comes to an end. Way to go, Michael!

Nobody liked her. Nobody will miss her. She is a horrible, horrible actress, and nearly single-handedly ruined this show for me. The first season, without Michelle Rodriguez, was incredible. The show started to go downhill when she showed up. But now, Michael has saved the show forever by eliminating by far its worst character. Season 3, without Ana Lucia, continued to amaze.

One thousand hails for Michael for this great accomplishment!
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Michelle Rodriguez sucks
kgarrett191 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
She's ruining the show. Please kill her off soon. Anna Lucia is the worst character. Her back story is annoying and she doesn't belong on the show. Get her off please. Finally she's dead! Thank you lord!!
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Always hated Michael
jwalsh307 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Michael was the most annoying character on the show. Incessant yelling, rudeness to all, pushy, bullying, narrow minded and caring for no one but his own needs. So to top it off, he's a traitor and murderer. After this, every second of screen time with Michael when rewatching is worse than the first time.

Other than hating any scene with Michael in it, the epi was good.
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This Was Where I Stopped Watching!
FilmCreature30 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching lost at this episode because I thought Ana-Lucia and Libby's deaths were unnecessary and really depressing. Then I found out that they kept Libby around just to die in the next episode! Gah! I can't handle it.

I liked this show for the first season, but it definitely declined in the second season, I found Jack and Locke's little religious feud to be annoying. The deaths of Rodriguez & Watros' characters was the final straw!

I give this episode a 4/10, for being the end to my viewing of this formerly great series created by Alias legend J.J. Abrams. I hope his series in the future will improve on this one.
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I hated it
Mxtreme120 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't like traitors... It's just sad actually...
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