Flight of Fury (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Mediocrity, a step up for Seagal.
supertom-311 February 2007
Following the appalling Attack Force, chances were that Seagal could only have a step up with Flight Of Fury. To out-stink Attack Force would take some doing. Flight Of Fury is a marked improvement overall, but still in the grand scheme of thinks, mediocre. Mediocrity is seemingly an achievement for Seagal these days, a sad insight into his movie career's decline. Where Attack Force was a hodge-podge of plot lines altered drastically from conception, to filming, to post production, Flight Of Fury keeps the plot line more simple. Someone steals a high-tech stealth fighter, planning to use it to fire chemical weapons (which we later, bizarrely discover, will destroy the whole world in 48 hrs). Seagal has to get the plane back. It's that simple, no annoying sub-plots, and conspiracies weighing the film down like far too many of his recent works. That's not to suddenly say the storytelling is good though, it's pretty poor. The introduction to side characters is badly done for example.

In filmic terms FOF is bad. It's badly acted by all involved, and Seagal looks bored to tears almost. He's just got the look of a toddler who's been forced to perform the school nativity against his will, and so performs with a constant grimace and air of half assedness. Can we blame Seagal though when the material is so un-ambitious and cruddy? Not really. This is the final film of his Castel Studio's, multi-picture deal. The producers can't be bothered to make anything remotely good, promising a 12 or so million dollar budget, and (after Seagal's obligatory 5 million) probably pocketing a nice hefty chunk of it themselves (If the film was made for the remaining 7 million, then I'm Elvis Pressley!). So in that respect why should Seagal put the effort into a film that's already got distribution sorted before it's made. Fan's though may argue, he at least owes them the effort. He's seriously looking jaded, and the continued use of stand ins and dub-overs is further indication of this. Michael Keusch directs with some efficiency, while the cinematography is quite good, but in all technical areas (and as usual with Castel, a bog standard stunt team) there's nothing more than mediocrity, and nothing to help the film rise above its material, and bored leading man. Again there's a few action scenes focusing on characters other than Seagal, which in all truth we don't want to see.

Overall the action isn't too bad. It's nice and violent, and on occasion we're treated to a few vintage nasty Seagal beatings, but overall nothing special. Partly due to a poor stunt crew, and the lack of time to film anything too complex or exciting. For me, Shadow Man was a more enjoyable film, because while ignoring the incoherent, jumbled, plot line, there were more vintage Seagal moments, and more of him in centre stage. He never disappeared for long periods during the film. Seagal disappears bizarrely during one action scene here, and re-appears after, with little explanation. There's far too much stock footage used. Using stock shots isn't an entirely horrendous thing, but using it as a crutch is. We're treated to countless establishing shots of naval ships, all the time, which get annoying. Plus the continuity of the stock footage is all over the place (just check the backdrops, chopping and changing).

The film is just middle of the road. It says it all that the films best scene is a completely needless, and gratuitous girl on girl scene, with two hot chicks. Seagal even perks up briefly then too! Overall this may be one of the better stock footage based actioners out there, but that's not saying much at all. This will please many fans, but they should bear in mind, Seagal himself would probably want to forget this one's existence. **
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Don't bother. No, seriously - don't bother.
Voluntary-Pi14 July 2011
I have always been a fan of a good Segal romp, even a bad Segal romp, but this takes the biscuit. I have just sat through this and agree with previous reviews, the ONLY good bit about the movie is the completely unnecessary brief girl-on-girl scene.

The direction is terrible, the script is worse, the sound quality is dire and the (ab)use and rapid repetition of stock footage is diabolical, especially during flight scenes.

I've not written a movie review on here before, but this film was so bad it actually drove me to warn other movie-lovers NOT to watch this one.
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Should never been made....
m-de-graaf3 February 2009
This movie should have never been made.

What a shame of the budget.

Please hire convincing actors, and make a proper movie. Very thin plot, and unconvincing lines. Almost hilarious, and that is a shame for an action movie....

Definitely not worth watching.

They keep replaying the same "shots" of an Stealth airplane flying away. You have seen it ones, and that was not worth re-running 3 or 4 times.

It is time for Steven Seagal to retire from movie-making.

His movies are getting worser every time.

Black Dawn, and Submerged were already bad, but this movie is even worse.
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A waste of Celluloid
rsimm23 February 2007
I can't believe that Steven Segal's career has hit so low that he has been reduced to making 4th rate films with 5th rate secondary actors. I watched this moving expecting to see him beet the crap out of some people the way he usually does. When he is reduced to using a single judo chop between the shoulder blades to take out an opponent and the guy falls like a ton of bricks something is wrong.

The plot is unbelievable as a movie, and even if you excuse the visuals, and had read this story as a novel, you'd be left wondering why you had even picked up the book.

Steven Segal goes through the motions and seems as if he is only doing this because he is under obligation. He shows no effort and no enthusiasm, and in some scenes he doesn't show up at all.

I hate to repeat other peoples comments, but the use of stock footage for cut scenes and for visuals of the aircrafts in flight is pathetic. The condition of those scenes chopped in, is shaky and scenes themselves seemed to have deteriorated over time. The zappruder film showing President John F Kennedy being assassinated is steadier and cleaner.

My honest opinion is to tell you not to waste your time seeing this movie, it is not up to the standards of his work in the glimmer man or exit wounds. I read one review that said the movie had a 12 million dollar budget (Segal being paid 5 of that) and that the movie still came in under budget. I must concur.

It is no wonder that this is a direct to DVD movie, as no conscientious theatre owner would play this movie .
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Dire Stuff - The worst Seagal movie I've seen......so far
Welshfilmfan12 February 2009
'Flight Of Fury' is a shockingly dire but worst of all boring Action Film - I don't expect a lot from a Seagal Film, all I expect is to be moderately entertained for 90 or so minutes with some mindless action -unfortunately this doesn't even achieve that low expectation, The action scenes are few and far between, the plot (which is totally irrelevant in these Films) is needlessly complicated and confusing with huge plot holes throughout, The acting is truly abysmal - bordering on embarrassing with Seagal and his whispering One expression performance being the best among the sorry lot of 3rd raters - I find it hard to believe that anything close to $12M was spent on this dire mess unless $11M of that 12 was Seagal's Salary - I somehow doubt it! The one moment of any interest to Straight guys or gay girls is that out of seemingly nowhere two hot chicks end up in a lesbian sex scene of sorts complete with huge baps on display other than that - It's mediocre stuff which is no different to many of the Michael Dudikoff B-Movies I've endured

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Borderline Unwatchable
Top_Salmon30 March 2009
Unless you are mentally ill or the most die hard segal fan you will tire of this horrendous excuse for a film in under 5 minutes.

The Plot - Even for a Seagal film, the plot is just stupid. I mean its not just bad, its barely coherent.

The Acting - Unbelievably wooden. Literally seen better acting in porno's. Ironically this film tries to cash in on this audience which a 'lesbian love scene' which is utterly cringe-worthy.

Special Effects - wouldn't look out of place in a 60's sword and sorcery flick.

Unless you suffer from insomnia and have exhausted all other cures, don't make the same mistake as i did and buy this DVD, as you will be asking for that hour and a half of your life back.
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Don't waste Your time.
p-zeddi14 February 2007
I usually don't comment anything (i read the others opinions)... but this, this one I _have_ to comment... I was convinced do watch this movie by worlds like action, F-117 and other hi-tech stuff, but by only few first minutes and I changed my mind... Lousy acting, lousy script and a big science fiction.

It's one of the worst movies I have ever seen...

Simply... don't bother...

And one more thing, before any movie I usually check user comments and rating on this site... 3.7 points and I give this movie a try, now I'm wondering WHO rate this movie by giving it more than 2 points ??????????
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Never takes off
ODDBear2 June 2010
Who would have thought that a Steven Seagal movie would employ loads of stock footage in it? Not me, not in 2001 at least when I last saw Big Steve on the big screen in the terrific "Exit Wounds".

"Flight of Fury" is hokey entertainment at best. The stock footage is painfully obvious and (probably) used to make the film look bigger. The story is awfully thin and it took Seagal and another dude to pen it. The fight scenes are uninspired and the gun play is fairly pedestrian. The flight scenes were far better some twenty years ago in "Top Gun" and the acting not very good. In fact, Old Steve mumbles his lines in such a relaxed manner that I expected him to fall asleep every now and then.

Despite all it's faults; "Flight of Fury" isn't all that painful to sit through. It moves along pretty well, the one on one fight with Steve at the end is well played out and an extra star must be awarded for his best physical form in years. There's even a lesbian scene here (completely out of the blue and pointless) but they're always quite the eye candy.

All in all, not a good movie by any means but for fans of Steve it may be worth the hour and a half on a slow night.
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indioblack1174 August 2007
Steven Seagal appears to be sleepwalking through a dreadful movie shot almost entirely in close-up to disguise the complete lack of budget and resources. To pick on the technical flaws - silver F/A-18s and F-14s take of from a carrier for an air-strike, and miraculously become camouflaged F-16s for the actual strike - would give this movie more credibility than it deserves. Suffice it to say that the most interesting thing in the movie is the credit titles which fade on and then disappear in a lightning wipe, which presumably is available to all users of Final Cut Pro. Putting all your creativity into your own credit puts Michael Keusch in the same category as Marcel Mandu.
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More awful trash from Seagal 1/2 * out of *****
WelshFilmCraze26 March 2010
FLIGHT OF FURY takes the mantle of being the very WORST Steven Seagal flick I've ever seen...up to now.

It's a dreadful bore with no action scenes of any interest, Seagal isn't really trying in this - he's fat and his voice is dubbed once more.

The co-stars fare no better, being a rather sorry load of 3rd raters.

The Direction by Keusch is very poor and it comes as no surprise that he's also responsible for another couple of Seagal stinkers (SHADOW MAN & ATTACK FORCE) The screenplay Co-written by Seagal himself is laughably inept.

According to IMDb $12M was spent on this boring load of old tosh - more like $1.2M

FLIGHT OF FURY is actually a shot for shot remake of the Michael Dudikoff flick BLACK THUNDER - A B-movie remake of a B-movie.

This has NO redeeming qualities whatsoever,Give it a MISS! 1/2 *
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nice spy plane footage
stock-19 July 2007
It's sad to see how Steven Seagal has, somehow, become the outcast of 'mainstream' Hollywood, as he nowadays lives in a camper trailer-truck with a German chauffeur driver, somewhere in Romania. Something is definitely not right in his U.S. Homeland.

The movie starts off with a U.S. military prison somewhere in LA. If you missed the caption telling that, you would immediately believe it was a modern day Nazi/SS detainee camp, where medical 'doctors' pray on their inmates brains. And indeed John Sands' (Seagal's) brain memory is ordered to be erased by 'high command'. Next a X-77 stealth fighter is tested and hijacked, where old-timer general Barnes has no alternative as for Seagal's envoy mission into Afghan territory to fly the X-77 home.

It's interesting to see how Seagal only shows obedience to these old-timer U.S. Military Generals. A sure hint that recent changes in the military command could very well be seen as a silent coup, where Seagal on a earlier mission winded up in military confinement, where he should forget about things, the nice way or by brute medical force.

Next Seagal flies with a Big Black Bird, a SR-71, to Afghanistan where some unique footage is shown. Interesting is also that the bad guys are a mix of British educated Balkan mercenaries which show Israeli terrorist (Black Sunday) mentality. The bad bitch even turns out to be gay. The uninformed naive audience could very well believe that Afghanistan had been hijacked by a international mercenary gang, where the local people have no alternative as to hide in mountain caves.

No surprises though, as Seagal turns out, yet again, as the man who always wins, and delivers the X-77 at Andrews air-force base in mint condition, with two chemical bombs as extra bonus. A shame though that old timer General Barnes and Admiral Pendleton are only allowed to settle their scores with crates of single malt whiskey and are not allowed to discuss some boxes of Cuban cigars, let alone to light one up. The nice spy plane footage and Seagal's point of view on the Afghanistan situation make it a 9 out of 10 for me.
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He Was Trying, That's The Good News...
tarbosh2200014 May 2010
He's Back! Barely two months after "Attack Force"! The plot, which is a ripoff of a Michael Dudikoff movie by the way ("Black Thunder")... is about John Sands (The Big Man) who has to stop a renegade pilot from giving a powerful jet plane to "Romanian Russians" (?).

The good news is that this is a step up from "Attack Force", which is great, and it looks like Seagal was trying. The bad news is that he's still fat, and using ADR voice-overs. This movie is chock, and I mean chock full of stock footage from other movies like "Stealth Fighter" and "Black Thunder". The "script" even uses the same names. Every aerial shot is mismatched.

There's some good action and explosions toward the end, and Seagal's one liner is "Hell Yeah" which is funny. My life is complete.

For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
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Flight of Fury
Scarecrow-883 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Seagal, Mr. Personality himself, this time is the United States' greatest Stealth pilot who is promised a pardon from the military(..who attempted to swipe his memory at the beginning of the movie for which he escaped base, later caught after interrupting a gang of robbers in a shootout at a gas station)if he is able to successfully infiltrate a Northern Afghanistan terrorist base operated by a group called Black Sunday, who have commandeered an Air Force stealth fighter thanks to an American traitor. Along with a fellow pilot who admired the traitor, Jannick(Mark Bazeley), John Sands(Seagal)will fly into enemy territory, receiving help from his Arab lover, Jessica(Ciera Payton)and a freedom fighter, Rojar(Alki David) once they are on ground. Jannick is kidnapped by Black Sunday leaders, Stone(Vincenzo Nicoli)and his female enforcer, Eliana(Katie Jones), and Sands must figure out how to not only re-take command of the kidnapped stealth fighter, but rescue him as well. And, maybe, Sands can get revenge on the traitor he trained, Rather(Steve Toussaint)in the process. Sands has 72 hours until a General's Navy pilots bomb the entire area. On board the stealth, Black Sunday equipped a biochemical bomb, hoping to detonate it on the United States.

Seagal gets a chance to shoot Afghans when he isn't slicing their throats with knives. The film is mostly machine guns firing and bodies dropping dead. The setting of Afghanistan doesn't hold up to scrutiny(..nor does how easily Seagal and co. are able to move about the area undetected so easily) and the plot itself is nothing to write home about. The movie is edited fast, the camera a bit too jerky. Seagal isn't as active a hero as he once was and his action scenes are tightly edited where we have a hard time seeing him taking out his foes, unlike the good old days. One of Seagal's poorest efforts, and he's as understated as ever(..not a compliment). Even more disappointing is the fact that Seagal never fights in hand to hand combat with the film's chief villains, tis a shame. He doesn't even snap a wrist or crack a neck in any visible way(..sure we see a slight resemblance of some tool getting tossed around, but it's not as clear a picture as I enjoy because the filmmakers have such fast edits and dizzying close-ups).
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More DTV crap from Seagal.
poolandrews10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Flight of Fury starts as General Tom Barnes (Angus MacInnes) organises an unofficial test flight of the X-77, a new stealth fighter jet with the ability to literally turn invisible. General Barnes gives his top pilot Colonel Ratcher (Steve Toussaint) the job & everything goes well until the X-77 disappears, even more literally than Barnes wanted as Ratcher flies it to Northern Afghanistan & delivers it to a terrorist group known as the Black Sunday lead by Peter Stone (Vincenzo Nicoli) who plans to use the X-77 to fly into US airspace undetected & drop some bombs which will kills lots of people. General Barnes is worried by the loss of his plane & sends in one man army John Sands (co-writer & executive producer Steven Seagal) to get it back & kill all the bad guy's in the process...

This American, British & Romanian co-production was directed by Michael Keusch & was the third film in which he directed Seagal after the equally awful Shadow Man (2006) & Attack Force (2007), luckily someone decided the partnership wasn't working & an unsuspecting public have thankfully been spared any further collaboration's between the two. Apparently Flight of Fury is an almost scene-for-scene word-for-word remake of Black Thunder (1988) starring Michael Dudikoff with many of the same character's even sharing the same name so exactly the same dialogue could be used without the makers even having to change things like names although I must admit I have never seen Black Thunder & therefore cannot compare the two. Flight of Fury is a terrible film, the poorly made & written waste of time that Seagal specialises in these days. It's boring even though it's not that slow, the character's are poor, it's full of clichés, things happen at random, the plot is poor, the reasoning behind events are none existent & it's a very lazy production overall as it never once convinces the viewer that they are anywhere near Afghanistan or that proper military procedures are being followed. The action scenes are lame & there's no real excitement in it, the villains are boring as are the heroes & it's right down there with the worst Seagal has made.

Flight of Fury seems to be made up largely of stock footage which isn't even matched up that well, the background can change, peoples clothes change, the area changes, the sky & the quality of film changes very abruptly as it's all too obvious we are watching clips from other (better) films spliced in. Hell, Seagal never even goes anywhere near a plane in this. The action scenes consist of shoot-outs so badly edited it's hard to tell who is who & of course Seagal breaking peoples arms. The whole production feels very cheap & shoddy.

The IMDb reckons this had a budget of about $12,000,000 which I think is total rubbish, I mean if so where did all the money go? Although set in Afghanistan which is a war torn arid desert Flight of Fury looks like it was filmed down my local woods, it was actually shot in Romania & the Romanian countryside does not make a convincing Afghanistan. The acting is terrible as one would expect & Seagal looks dubbed again.

Flight of Fury is a terrible action film that is boring, amateurish & is an almost scene-for-scene remake of another film anyway. Another really lazy & poorly produced action thriller from Seagal, why do I even bother any more?
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Hmm... Where do i begin?
tmbvd314 September 2009
I just watched this movie on Starz. Let me go through a few things i thought could have been improved; the acting, writing, directing, special effects, camera crew, sound, and lighting. It also seemed as though the writers had no idea anything that had to do with the movie. Apparently back in 2007, when the dollar was stronger you could buy a super advanced stealth bomber that could go completely invisible for $75 million. Now-a-days those things cost about $3 billion and they cant go invisible. Apparently you can fly from the US to the middle east in an hour. There was a completely random lesbian scene, which I didn't mind, but it seemed like a lame attempt to get more guys to see it. The camera would randomly zoom in on actors and skip to random scenes. Oh yeah, since its a Steven Segal movie, its predictable as hell. All in all I rank it right up there with Snakes on a Plane.
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A Little Entertaining
mattydoom18 July 2007
Over the years I've seen a bunch of these straight to video Segal movies, and every one holds the same amount of entertainment; unfortanetley, the entertainment level is at a low. Sure, the action sequences were amusing, but that was pretty much it. Seagal was really in his prime when he did movies like; Under Siege, Under Siege 2, and Executive Decision(at least on the action standpoint), but during the past ten years, these types of movies that star Segal really do not meet his past qualifications.

On the more positive side, the movie did make good use of time, like some of the action sequences and use of wit. Just when the movie seemed to just drag on, a pretty cool action scene brought it up out of the gutter. I honestly believe that more of Segal's movies would do better if he wasn't the only one that fans recognize in the movie. Supporting actors and actresses are a very important thing, and if his current movies had this known supporting actors and actresses, maybe the movie will get more popular results.
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I thought it was OK!
MrOllie21 August 2012
If you can ignore the usual faults with Seagal movies then this is an OK action flick. In this one Steve is a fighter pilot and the only man who can recapture s stolen US Stealth aircraft. The aeroplane action scenes where better than I expected them to be after reading some of the reviews of this film, and the acting was I thought OK. There is not so much hand to hand fight scenes in this film as in other Seagal movies which might disappoint some Seagal fans,however, we do have a lesbian scene midway through the film with Steve lurking in the background looking a little like a seedy voyeur. Steve does tend to mumble his lines at times so we are not sure what he has said, but still most Seagal fans should find this a decent movie.
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A traumatic experience overall.
trenchant-troll28 April 2007
Well, I can once and for all put an end to the question: 'What is the worst movie ever made...ever?' It is Flight of Fury, starring and co-written by Steven Seagal. Sure there are lots of famously bad movies, but this one takes the cake in that it takes itself so seriously.

It is a Romanian-made film that speaks to just how far Romania has to go to catch up with Bollywood. It also speaks to just how utterly devoid of intellect and talent Steven Seagal has become. This movie is so bad that you literally feel violated after watching it and need to crouch in the corner of the shower and cry, knowing that nothing will make you feel clean again.

It was released only on video (I can't imagine why) and I suspect the workers that had to make the DVD's had to wear protective gear and receive regular counseling.
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Don't waste 98 minutes of your life!
MG_8410 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Seagal movies have never been Oscar material but with each passing release they get worse and worse.

This one starts with Seagal getting picked up by the FBI because he killed a few people 'in self defence' he's active military so is saved from jail to rescue a stolen Stealth plane that will be used by the cliché 'evil English villain' that Hollywood is so obsessed with including these days.

Suffice to say the film has terrible dialog that is almost always delivered with a hefty topping of cheese and lack of acting talent. The story isn't interesting and there are segments of it which make absolutely no sense and do not add anything to the story, characters of movie as a whole such as the 'lesbian' interaction between the two main females in the cast which is there purely for titilation to get viewers and yet isn't even titilating just confusing as it makes no sense as to why it happened when it didn't need to.

In short a terrible script with bad dialog, delivered by sub-par actors, boring and at times badly choreographed action scenes, and non-relevant parts that only serve to achieve the near-impossible and make the movie even worse.

Save 98 minutes of your life and give this miss, even if you are Seagal's most ardent fan.
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One of Seagal's worst
TheLittleSongbird8 July 2011
I don't think Flight of Fury is his very worst, I think Out for a Kill and Submerged are worse, but for me it is down there. Seagal gives one of his laziest and phoned-in performances here, but fortunately for him he isn't the only bad thing about Flight of Fury, next to nothing works. The photography and editing looks cheap, as does the stock footage, while the direction is next to non-existent. The action is tedious, the characters indifferent, the dialogue atrocious, the story predictable and full of holes, the pace pedantic and sluggish and absolutely nobody gives a good, let alone credible, performance in the cast. All in all, a mess. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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kyle-mcdonald28 May 2007
OK yes this is a direct to video movie but you know that not all direct to video movies are bad especially Steven seagals they just like his other ones lots of action good fighting scenes got a good story to it etc the only thing different is that it was not in theatres. And yes the other acting in this movie are bad but that is just because they are only in a few movies before this one and just to let you know one of the best scenes in this movie is a sex scene between two girls. So the next time you see this movie make sure you buy it or rent it because it is really good.

So I give this movie 8 out of 10 stars.
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standard steven seagal flick, you either like him or you don't
daworldismine7 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
this is a decent little action flick for a quite night in, this time steven seagal has been sent to find a stolen stealth fighter, and as any good steven seagal movie does, he kicks ass, pure and simple steven seagal is still bad ass, sure he's got a little older, and put a bit of wheight on but he's still the most badass action hero out there, and while this movie is no classic, it delivers, it's an action movie, and you get plenty of it as seagal breaks necks, wrists, throws knives in ya through, this is good stuff, and definitely better than some of the movies he's bought out of recent times, and too me at least he proves here he's still got what it takes and is still the king of cool. bottem line it's a standard steven seagal movie if you like his movies, your gonna dig this, if you don't then you won't simple. but definitely recommended to seagal fans
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what they all said
onlinefor4 October 2007
he was my hero for all time until he went along with {if you can call it a movie} I went to the show to watch it and come out and not just asking for me money back but asked for double the money thats how bad my hero's acting and the hole thing was.............I can't believe that Steven Segal's career has hit so low that he has been reduced to making 4th rate films with 5th rate secondary actors. I watched this moving expecting to see him beet the crap out of some people the way he usually does. When he is reduced to using a single judo chop between the shoulder blades to take out an opponent and the guy falls like a ton of bricks something is wrong.

The plot is unbelievable as a movie, and even if you excuse the visuals, and had read this story as a novel, you'd be left wondering why you had even picked up the book.

Steven Segal goes through the motions and seems as if he is only doing this because he is under obligation. He shows no effort and no enthusiasm, and in some scenes he doesn't show up at all.

I hate to repeat other peoples comments, but the use of stock footage for cut scenes and for visuals of the aircrafts in flight is pathetic. The condition of those scenes chopped in, is shaky and scenes themselves seemed to have deteriorated over time. The zappruder film showing President John F Kennedy being assassinated is steadier and cleaner.

My honest opinion is to tell you not to waste your time seeing this movie, it is not up to the standards of his work in the glimmer man or exit wounds. I read one review that said the movie had a 12 million dollar budget (Segal being paid 5 of that) and that the movie still came in under budget. I must concur.

It is no wonder that this is a direct to DVD movie, as no conscientious theater owner would play this movie .
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"This guy is extraordinary."
lost-in-limbo17 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see Steven Seagal in his prime… then don't watch "Flight of Fury". Quite the bottom-of-the-barrel, straight-to-DVD enterprise and around this period it would be no surprise. One uninspired effort after another. Not as bad as "Attack Force", but it's down there. In a training exercise an American pilot steals a high-tech top secret bomber and flies it to somewhere in Afghanistan to sell it to some terrorists known as the Black Sunday group. Wanting their plane back, they get former air force pilot John Sands who just recently escaped prison to find himself back in custody. He's offered his freedom if he completes his mission of retrieving the bomber behind enemy lines. "Flight of Fury" is a boring political action-joint, which gains much of its thrills from its sequences of aircraft combat (namely the exhilarating cat and mouse interplay between the Stealth and an F-16), outside of that it's the usual predictable marital arts or better put lack of it from our star. The stuntman was doing double time, as it looked like some scenes it had them doing the walking, other than just the hand-on hand combat. However Segeal (the expert he is) mans the plane (that's the high-tech stealth bomber which has a cloaking system) and he does look quite comfortable in that sitting position. Too bad for him he doesn't have much time in the cockpit… but he still finds ways to go about things in a casual manner and being rather blunt with his dialogues "That's amazing". You could say the stealth bomber is metaphor to Seagal… cunning, fast and graceful when in action with those encountering them not knowing what hit them. One thing though Seagal is indestructible… I don't about the bomber. "It's the ultimate weapon". What really gave me a laugh were the early sequences when he takes out some thugs in a convenient store, as he slides across the floor shooting a gun. It looked like he was rolling along on possibly a board?! Another hysterical moment would be the randomly thrown in lesbian sequence. Where was Seagel when this was happening? Actually hiding out in the same building, probably watching on. It was supposedly a distraction for him to get away. We know how much of a ladies man he is and how the young ladies melt over him. Maybe it because of his knife, no gun skills. Shooting without looking while holding an automatic machine gun in one hand with exact precision. What can he not do? Then again the editing does make him look good, as the director's tight handling flashes up the screen with many hazardous techniques, stock footage and numbing poses.

"Rewind the security tape. You'll see it was self-deference."
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Straightforward but padded
dolemite7213 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst it's a marked improvement from the dreadful Attack Force (mind you, you'd be hard pressed to make worse) Flight Of Fury still suffers from too much padding, and needless build-up. Seagal seems a little more energetic in the action scenes, and looks a little trimmer than usual. However, he spend too much time in a cockpit (uttering "Roger That!") or stood around, whilst the film-makers are tragically under-using his (still) mighty star presence. The 'voice dubbing' problem is also very evident...again! And the endless (i.e, borrowed, flight and naval footage) could soon form the basis of a new 'drinking game' (down a shot of whisky, when a military H.Q of any kind, comes into shot......you'll be drunk in 30 minutes)

Seagal must retrieve an ultra-hi-tech Stealth fighter plane (with invisibility cloaking) from the Afghanistan terrorists, after his own student (and fellow pilot) steals it for the highest bidder. Once again, the synopsis (on paper) sounds exciting enough, but there are just too many scenes of naval commandos discussing the whereabouts of Seagal (probably to pad out Seagals limited involvement?) There's some nice (small) fights near the end (and in slo-mo, they all look like Seagal) but as usual, these brutal fight scenes, are edited together too quickly (when will a director ever zoom back, and showcase Seagals technique, to it's maximum potential?)

All in all, with a bigger budget and less padding, Flight Of Fury could have easily slipped into theatres around the world. However, it's limited budget (and sometimes limited imagination) forever consign it to s-t-v hell, which is a shame, because on paper (as previously stated) it seemed an exciting change of pace for the stout sensei.

All in all, i'd give it a 6, but to casual viewers, i'd give it 4 to 5
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