Hallows Point (2007) Poster


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Most Excellent Movie!
carwin-229 December 2007
I have to say, now is my time to brag. I work for Mike George (assoc producer) his mom, and she took me to see the movie. I loved it! Thought is was very clever and quite a change from the normal "slasher" type movies out there. Well done!! The movie takes you to Hollows Point and right from the start you are drawn in my the great acting these young actors do. And the old timers aren't so bad either. I have to say I was thrilled to see David Naughton in a roll that he pulled off quite well. Andrew Matthews was the clear winner though in my book. That guy was creepy without coming off as stupid. I can't wait to see another film by this company.
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Hallows Point An Entertaining Horror Movie
TiffanyH206 December 2007
Hallows Point has an original look and feel to it that I found refreshing and very entertaining. Maybe I'm just burned out of the torture/grisly movies because that's all I've seen lately, but HP had a throwback 80's feel to it that I enjoyed - not that I'm a big fan of 80's horror - much of it stunk, but this movie had the same feel but updated with an involving, intricate storyline and modern editing techniques that helped keep the story moving briskly.

One of the nicest surprises for this low budget movie is how great it looks - beautiful lighting and an abandoned schoolhouse set that looked cold and gritty. Another plus that few independent horror movies offer is an original soundtrack that sticks in your mind well after you've finished watching it. The cast is pretty good with special kudos to Tom Nowicki who gives a creepy performance as the evil Nathanial Raber without overdoing it.

The thing that impressed me the most is what maybe a turn off to some though. Hallows Point doesn't go for cheap thrills or sadistic exploitation. While it does offer some blood and guts, it avoids many of the clichés independent horror movies usually rely on and tries to be different and not follow the recent horror trends. Some will admire this trait, others won't because they want the same old stuff under a different title.

I'm not going to give away the ending here, but I will say that it rocks and is one of the best horror endings I've seen in a long time and was the perfect wrap-up to a cool movie.
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Me and a couple of my classmates was in this movie
shscookiemunster20 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to break it to you but this movie isn't scary at all. Maybe it's because I worked on the movie or maybe it's because I watch movies like this all the time I don't know. When I went to the movie opening I was excited to see me and my friends in the movie but my face was only on the screen for a second. Any ways me and my friends were not impressed with the movie. It's kind of slow moving and boring.

I wish I could tell everyone to go see it but it's kind of not worth it. I am going to make movies with my friends when I go to college in Orlando and I can tell you guys that I will make scary movies.

I think scary movies need to have scarier stories that are like real life. I tell you like when we saw the movie the hills have eyes we were scared cause things like that can happen. Movies like hallows pointless can't.

I am giving this movie a 5 cause I'm in it.
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Hallow's Point
hpmaniac-112 February 2009
I enjoyed watching the movie Hallow's Point. I have to mention that one of the things that I liked most is the suspense level. You kept wondering what corner Mr. Raber was going to be lurking around or what room he was waiting in.

I enjoy horror/action/thriller type movies, however I do not like the gore-galore type of films.

It is nice when films leave something to the imagination and makes your curiosity peak. I think Mr. Ward achieved that in this film. Hallow's Point had the nice feel of the older style thriller movies and you could easily put yourself into the students place, almost as if you were there experiencing it yourself.

Overall, I give this movie a high rating and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys thriller style movies.
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Hallows Point
xbfader22 February 2009
I have been a horror fan since I was a teen. I remember when the exorcist came out and it was impossible to see it because of my age. I finally got to see it later on video and then finally in the theater.

I have heard so much about this movie but never had a chance to see it all because of it's limited release in theaters. Too bad the good old days of independent horror drive-ins and big old theaters before they were chopped into Cineplexes are gone.

I finally did get to see a bootleg video copy (when you get a bootleg the picture quality is always going to be bad) but I was amazed at the production quality of this film - believe me I have seen them all and was absolutely floored when I heard the entire film was independently produced, filmed, edited, etc all in Tampa, Florida! That alone is commendable. Everything from the makeup to the cinematography to directing, music, etc was that of a Hollywood produced film.

I thought the movie itself was entertaining. It had a good mix of good old horror along with mini subplots comedy and some other surprises you do not see in many horror movies. I am so sick of all the remakes of all the classics like Texas chainsaw, Friday the 13th, Bloody Valentine, Hills have eyes - come on we need more original writers and directors more movies like Hallows Point, Wrong Turn, Hostel.

When this movie is released on DVD check it out turn the lights out, hopefully it will be a stormy night and turn up the surround sound (that was another very good aspect of the film). The sound / music are excellent.

Do your Homework! :-)
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Excellent Movie was never completed only a preview copy was released for feedback
turnkeyconstruction20 August 2022
The initial movie was excellent can't wait for final to be edited and released one day, The original the did one screening on and people at the screening really liked it. I believe they were going to make certain cgi changes and add some old school looks to give it that time flashback feel. Either way well done.
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