"Doctor Who" The Space Pirates: Episode Two (TV Episode 1969) Poster

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This was hard work.
Sleepin_Dragon1 March 2021
Assumed to be Space Pirates, The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are in real trouble.

I have no issues with the story, I think the ideas show true imagination, you would expect no more from the mind of Robert Holmes, sadly, something just isn't right.

The dialogue isn't good, it's bland and boring, it's an unimaginative production, with static characters speaking forgettable lines. The accents.... are abysmal, was there any need to try and made the characters American, they didn't need to be.

I love the fact that this episode exists, it's such an important insight into The Space Pirates, we see the cast, we see the sets, and we get to see......the troubles.

Were they perhaps focused too much on the upcoming twelve part finale for The Second Doctor, this so while feels a little unloved.

Gordon Costelow could have been amusing as Milo Clancey, he looks the part, but again, that accent is hard to get past.

The TARDIS crew have been largely absent for the most part, which really is a shame, it improves a lot when they're on screen, but they're rarely present. I do like the situation they find themselves in.

Is that a wig or a helmet?

It's slow, but does have a few nice ideas. 5/10.
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Star Trek type western in space: One of the less successful Doctor Who adventures in my opinion.
A_Kind_Of_CineMagic19 September 2014
Review of all 6 episodes:

This story is one of the lower points of Doctor Who for me. It does not have a reputation as a great story but according to many commentators it is reasonably OK. In my opinion though it is surely one of the 10-15 weakest entries in the series first 50 years. Bear in mind that I am comparing it to the immensely high standards of what I think is one of the finest TV series of all time. This story is not terrible compared to the bad TV shows out there or even the bad science fiction shows (e.g. 10.5 Apocalypse or Flash Gordon 2007), compared to a lot of dross on TV this is reasonably acceptable. For Doctor Who though this is very disappointing with cheesy delivery of dialogue, often unimpressive American accents and weak performances. As well as that the story lacks any real excitement or cleverness. I was a bit bored at times.

This is a 'space opera' similar to some 60s Star Trek, based around Western motifs. It has 'Space Pirates' who are like bandits, a mining company and an old prospector type, 'Milo Clancey', who some fans see as a fun and interesting character. I see him as an embarrassment with his dodgy accent, over the top acting and poor, sometimes laughable delivery of strange Western style dialogue. There is nothing of great quality or interest in any of the guest characters, the acting or the direction. One thing which is of good quality according to what evidence remains is the special effects. Almost Gerry Anderson style space ships and space stations all done very well giving some great visuals going by reviews of the original production and sequences in reconstructions. The story and script are OK, if unexceptional. It is nowhere near writer Robert Holmes later classics, but the direction (by Michael Hart) and delivery by the actors is what makes it dull and really cheesy.

Apart from the good effects, this is in my opinion one of the weaker stories in the series' rich history.

My Ratings: Episodes 1, 4 and 6 - 4/10, Episodes 2 & 5 - 4.5/10, Episode 3 - 3/10

Overall: 4/10
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S6: The Space Pirates: A situation hard to comprehend today but testament to the passion of individuals and fans
bob the moo31 January 2014
There is only one episode of the Space Pirates serial which remains and to be honest that is probably a good thing since it is full of silly characters (the ol' timer space cowboy with the terrible accent and facial hair) and lots of authority figures who give performances so stiff and unnatural that I assume they must also be the guys who are inside the suits for the Ice Warrior or Cybermen. So no great loss but the good news is that I'm told this the last serial to have any missing episodes and as such it seems like a time to reflect on that.

It really is hard to comprehend how so much was lost and that anyone would look at a very popular show today and think "well, we've shown that already so we'll not need to again" and scrap it off. Imagine the idea of Fox just deleting the masters of The Simpsons or HBO doing it to The Sopranos – it seems like such a stupid situation that it could never happen. I understand why it was done, but it still amazes me. The more amazing thing really is how many of the serials and episodes in the first 6 seasons actually do exist, and I did enjoy reading up about how these had been recovered by the BBC but also by the efforts of fans. For all the episodes audio recordings are available due to fans and the recently recovered episodes continue that trend by being more to do with the passion and efforts of individuals rather than the BBC themselves. As much as I may have moaned about the missing serials (particularly in the Troughton era) it is impressive that as much does exist.

You can see this in the Doctor Who fan community because the efforts and excitement over the possibility of recovered episodes really does seem to engender a passion for discovery and an appreciation for what exists. I'm not near this level but I confess that, as I watched through the old serials for the first time, it was pretty exciting to have new ones suddenly pop up in my path (as Web of Fear etc did). The good news is that this is now the end of this policy and there are no more missing episodes moving forward after this serial. I'm sure I will regret this as I reach some of the Sylvester McCoy era serials, but for now it is a good thing and it is just a real shame that Troughton was such a victim of this as I really did enjoy his Doctor a great deal. I'll never be a part of the fan community in the way others are but for sure the news of episodes or serials being recovered in the future (as unlikely as that is) and I'll be right back to watch them with excitement.
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I see no major problems
hgwsavage21 February 2020
I watched this on the lost in time set, and enjoyed it. Sure, the American stuff is kinda bad, but other than that it's good, or at least shouldn't have comparable ratings to time and the Rani.
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