"Doctor Who" Revelation of the Daleks: Part Two (TV Episode 1985) Poster

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A really fresh type of Dalek story!
dalekprimelol9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story really is one of a kind. Which other Dalek story could have assassins, a radio DJ and a planet for funerals. It really is unique. The setting of necrosis is really good and davros being this great healer is fantastic! The assassins sent to kill davros are also excellent! The best characters other than the Doctor peri and davros in the story. I would've liked to see them come back if they weren't killed at the end! You also get some really great scenes with the Doctor and davros. There are also excellent action scenes. And the DJ is brilliant! My only criticism is the rubbish love story which ends in one of the most ridiculous scenes in Doctor who history where she stabs him with a syringe. But yeah overall a great story.
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wetmars13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well well well.. the finale of Season 22, what could I say? The writing was finally good at this time, the Daleks didn't get busted in this story.
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Brlackpool, it should have been Blackpool!!!
Sleepin_Dragon25 January 2019
It saddens me when I watch this, and on the DVD release it cuts off, sadly The Doctor and Peri never get to Blackpool, to The Nightmare Fair. Prior to the tragic hiatus, The Doctor and Peri, battle Davros and The Doctors, in a classic episode.

The writing is impeccable, it's one of the best stories from the latter part of the classic series, and one of the last dark, chilling stories (Mindwarp apart that is.) So many terrific elements, the story is so multi layered, but it all comes together so neatly, Davros using Kara for money, her hiring Orcini to assassinate him, Davros tricking The Doctor to visit Necros, and of course the arrival of the renegade Daleks at the end. With all that going on, you'd have thought it would have been a mess, but it's tight, and very well produced, some great action scenes, including the battle of the two Dalek factions.

I must admit to enjoying the scene where Tasambeker is exterminated, if only it had happened sooner. More creepy goings on in the basement, and of course some great humour, I love the banter between Jobel and The Doctor, Jobel and Peri, so funny, but sinister underneath.

It still saddens me to think that the show faced the axe after this, Colin's first full series featured some real gems, this perhaps being the brightest of them.

A classic. 10/10

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Black comedy and Daleks
mbellfield7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Where as "Resurrection" was more action packed and had tons of sub plots, "Revelation" is a more slower character focused story with its gruesome ideas more talked about then shown. But it's violence/horror has a reason/purpose to be here. For me "Resurrection" is incredibly messy with a ton of sub plots and characters that dont really do much. But here Eric Saward has taken his time to set up the world/characters to give us a better feel to this structured story. The story is full of great characters, but mainly duos, meaning we learn more, and get the plot going more.

First we have Davros/the Daleks. Davros is Incredibly evil/manipulative here, it's so much fun to see how he as a dictator/fascist can control people, especially later with certain characters. Davros has tricked this world/company to offer them a peaceful ending in death, to stop sickness and give out food to save the people. However it's revealed that he is using the bodies, dead/preserved ones to create new Daleks and food. It's incredibly creepy/horrific, made better by the bleak and sick humorous nature of this society. Davros even later gets a great horrible and slightly comedic line I've the Dr discovers this. He didn't tell any family members because of consumer rights.

Natasha and Grigory are two nurse/freedom fighters who are trying to find her father's body. I enjoyed these two and It's through them we learn the horrors of this place, leading to one of my favourite moments. She discovered her father in some incredible make up, all mutated with his brain exposed. He slowly is becoming a Dalek. It's a short scene but I loved the slight fatherly thing of asking whos this new boy then?. It makes the scene even more tragic when she has to kill him. The father is also the old friend the Dr is here too see, so it's such a shame that there wasn't a scene between the Dr and Natasha talking about him or Dr discovering his end. Towards the end they almost destroy the bunker but a Dalek kills them first. Eric Saward here builds up characters and then kills them far better this time.

Takis and Lilt are two nurse/morguetistans who are very up themselves/quite bitter about the job and the new trainee. But I really enjoyed learning more about why there so bitter. It also paints this world/society well too. This place is for the rich and everyone has to fight to stay relevant/seen as important. There brutal to the two freedom fighters because there scared there meddling will cause them to lose just that. But I really liked how one was very bitter and one was slightly more worried about himself. In the end they call the Daleks of Skaro to come take Davros, which usually would seem very stupid. But it's because there fear blinds them. Towards the end they find a better way to create food using the flowers. You start of kinda hating them but then wish them luck.

Jobel and Tasambeker have a very interesting arc and my favourite of the story. Jobel is a disgusting advancing predator to the woman on this planet, but also in his own contradictory/state of mind he wants to be the best at his job he, but hates the idea of been watched/working for Davros. He also kinda wants a pleasant death. He was offered immortality but refused. But I like how open the idea is. Following him is a sweet/truly innocent trainee who hes really is nasty too and finds her disgusting. She crushes on him but he causes her so much pain because she slightly hates him too. It's really fascinating to see her innocence's and then anger. In the end shes tricked and manipulated to kill him by Davros and we see an excellent scene in which she desperately tries to warn him and yet he just causes her to snap and kills him. But then she is killed too. It just makes Davros feel like a true threat again and reflects that original Nazi leader he once had. He deliberately manipulates her to just kill him. It's incredibly dark.

We then meet Kara, a business woman who just loves power but not in a bad way, more an ignorant gloated hero way. Which you see by the way she's almost aroused by hiring hitman Orcini With her cringyly loyal assistant Vogel. The two are just ego bloated madmen who lust for power/success. There's some great puns between them. It's incredibly tense to see her/Orcini at the end in the hands of Davros, seeing her truly fear him and yet still trying to look smug. Orcini is a typical hitman character with an obvious storyline of this is my last mission. But hes performed so well, full of secret thoughts/subtext behind his sharp looks that he's just great fun. He's an older man now and looking to retire and yet willingly takes on this chance to kill Davros. It's shame we don't really hear much about why he hates Davros. Apart of me does feel like Lytton being here instead would of been a great end for his arc. Plus be rather fitting to get revenge on Davros due to past stories. I did also love how slick the action of the him/Bostock is when they attack the Daleks/Davros. We don't get to much from his assistant Bostsock, but I liked how much Orcini respects him despite were he comes from/how he looks, even when others look down on him. He's incredibly loyal to the very end and I was quite sad to see him go because it was beautiful tragic to see him have his hair stroked as he lays dead, then have Orcini drag him to press the button so they can save the day together. They destory the Daleks on this planet but fail to kill Davros and it's awfully poetic, yet a cruel end.

Lastly we see the DJ who is played brilliantly over the top, like a crazy/cringy radio host. But there's a great moment towards the end when we learn about the real him. He loves earth, people/radios since he was a kid and his grandfather gave him old tapes. Its sweet to see how shy and welcoming to Peri he is. He's not a bad guy in the end it's all just an act. The and Peri here are sadly the weakest part as they don't get much to do, they spend a full episode of walking around. Although it works to allow the characters to develop, it makes the Dr feel like he's not the lead in his own show. Colin is giving it his absolute all and adds great subtext that never really gets expand on, like a good actor does. There's some lovely moments with him. Such as at his grave stone when he really looks like hes scared about his future and death. I do feel this needed to be the drs arc here. There's also another scene in which Colin is walking down a corridor, hears Peri scream you killed him, stops and closes his eyes and looks angry. It's brilliant and they really should of pushed this more darker but sweet Dr to do something drastic like the 5th Dr did in Resurrection. I feel this story deserves that moment more.

In Resurrection there was an incredible scene were the Dr goes to kill Davros, but theres no build up to it and the events don't feel like it's justified. Here with all this awful stuff Davros has been doing that scene would work. The 6th Dr after learning what Davros has done, fearing his death takes the action to kill Davros. But Davros manipulates him and the Daleks take him instead. Even the very odd cliffhanger of the drs grave falling on him could of been used as a plot point. The Dr seeing his grave, seeing the dalek, watches it's leak with fake blood, and sees it's a trick, it makes him angry and he pushes the statue down and demands If he is to die it will not be at the hands of the Daleks, it will be getting rid of them. That's what I've of done. When you listen to Colin baker and Terry Molloy in big finish there's just uncertainty feeling of power between them, your not sure who's going to make the first move. I love Tom baker with Davros but theres something about Colin's Dr with him I just love.

People working here also willingly mock the dead, joke about the smells/looks or even talk about how one woman is so obviously faking it for money. The characters on paper are great but everyone plays it's so brilliantly it makes its work better. The sets/locations just add to this feel, cold snow on the outside, blue warm outfits in inside which is also full of beautiful flowers. It's so stunning to see. Even the Daleks gold and white design just adds to this look, they blend in with this fake perfect look of this place. The music is incredibly beautiful and creepy, especially when Colin is looking at the gravestone. And Graham Harpers directions and angels are incredibly cool. I particularly loved seeing the shot of Tamasbeker have the the Dalek eyestalk upclose next to her face or when the Dalek slides into the room of Davros's head. It's stunning to look at. So this story is full of incredibly dark moments so the story gives us some comedic elements to try and lighten the mood, I massively disagree that it kills the tension as it's very subtle or when it goes further adds to the world or characters self/attitudes. It's black comedy. But some scenes are very funny for the doctor who charm. Mainly the idea of Davros making a fake gravestone and when Jobel dies his wig falls off. Or Daleks being liked by rock and roll. It's ridiculous fun that I think adds to this story. I just still can't get over those damn Dalek zippy voices. Alot of fans say that the Dr being here means that Davros causes his own plan to fail. While the drs arc needed to be stronger regardless of the Dr, Davros would of eventually been overthrown like we saw anyway. It's just slightly wasteful with its regulars.

Overall "Revelation" has an excellent theme of "images" and how many many characters hide behind one. Its much stronger and more horrific but it's idea is in the dialogue then in the action. Doing an idea of a Doing an idea of a funeral home/after life is incredibly risky but even Eric Saward didn't go as shamefully far as Moffats "Death in heaven" did with its idea that you love one feels very bit of the pain in a cremation. That's just dangerous, the fact it was played as a real world heaven no fake out is reckless.
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A terrible Part 2.
poolandrews2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks: Part 2 starts as the Doctor (Colin Baker) realises that something is wrong on Necros, entering the Tranquil Repose his companion Peri (Nicola Bryant) is sent to see the DJ (Alexi Sayle) while the Doctor is captured by Daleks. The Doctor confronts Davros (Terry Molloy) who reveals his plans to create anew even more powerful generation of Daleks which he intends to use to take control of the Universe, that is unless the Doctor can stop him...

Episode 13 from season 22 this Doctor Who adventure originally aired here in the UK during March 1985 & was the final story from Colin Baker's first full season as the Doctor & was the only time he faced the Daleks, it was also infamously the last story before the show was put on hiatus for a year after the people that mattered at the BBC decided the show was awful & judging by this & the previous story Timelash (1985) you can see where they were coming from. Directed by Graeme Harper I thought Part 1 to revelation of the Daleks was alright but this second episode is absolutely awful, the script by Eric Saward is terrible as it goes nowhere & leaves many questions unanswered. For a start what the hell was that statue all about? It's never explained & whose blood did the Doctor get on his cape? I'm really trying to think about some sort of explanation but I can't. Why did Davros lure the Doctor to Necros? I don't understand why he just doesn't keep a low profile & set his plan in motion, it just doesn't make any reasonable logical sense for a character who is meant to be some kind of genius. The Doctor & Peri barely do anything, the DJ is still awful but at least he gets killed & the Daleks are just awful in this. Their voices are terrible, they sound like guy's trying to sound like robots, they never seem to just kill anyone anymore & what's this crap about putting Davros on trial? Wouldn't they just blast him? This is just terrible with huge plot holes (what happens to Grigory & Natasha? They just suddenly disappear from the story), narrative that makes no sense, horrible dialogue & a boring pace as all the 'action' seems to take place within the last 10 minutes. The ending has the Doctor tell Peri 'I'll take you to..' & then it ends on a freeze frame which is a direct result of the show being canned, originally he said 'I'll take you to Blackpool' for a story called Nightmare Fair which would have kicked off season 23 before the rethink.

I am not of the opinion that terrible special effects add a certain charm to Doctor Who & there's nothing like an embarrassingly poor effect to 'pull me out' of a story & Revelation of the Daleks has plenty of them. I won't go into detail but the laser effects, the explosions & it just looks awful when Davros hovers above the ground. Last night I watched this on DVD as it was broadcast & the special effects are awful, then I watched it again with certain scenes replaced with new CGI effects & it looks so much better, in fact I almost believed a Dalek could fire a laser beam! I hope every Doctor Who story released on DVD gets new CGI effects because the ones used originally are just so bad I literally cringe at some of them. The direction is often annoying here as well with all the scenes involving the DJ shot in soft focus which gives the picture a horrible blurred appearance & I just don't see any worthwhile purpose for it as it looks terrible. Daleks are thin on the ground here, they only had about five & to make this story the makers had to borrow two from a BBC exhibition! I've never been a fan of the Daleks, to me they are just over-sized pepper-pots with a sink plunger although I think Davros is a great villain & he looks really good here with an impressive mask even if his dialogue is a little inaudible at times. The sets aren't anything special, the make-up & hair-dos are silly & it's just a shoddy poorly made story & it comes as no surprise the show was canned for a bit. This also marked the end of outside location shooting for Doctor Who using film, from after this all location filming was done on videotape which is a shame because I've always liked the look of film over tinny videotape.

Again I watched this on DVD with the commentary track running & no-one really says anything of any note although writer Saward confesses he named the character of Kara after a type of potato from which some chips he was eating were made from!

Revelation of the Daleks: Part 2 is an absolute embarrassment as far as I'm concerned, I'm sorry but I just think it's terrible & after a decent Part 1 goes nowhere. Overall across it's two episodes I'll give Revelation of the Daleks a disappointing but still generous 4 out of 5 stars, the second worst story from season 22 after Timelash.
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