Meatball Machine (2005) Poster

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Splattery Japanese Cyber-punk...
EVOL6667 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Japanese cyber-punk films have never really done a whole lot for me, but of the handful that I've seen, most have been at least visually interesting and at least mostly entertaining. MEATBALL MACHINE is no exception.

The storyline is about a species of parasites that take over human hosts, takes control of their bodies, turns them into "necroborgs", and causes them to fight each other with the sole purpose of eating each other - apparently as a "game" for the enjoyment of said parasites. The film mainly revolves around a shy guy and gal who fall for each other, but whose love-affair is cut short by both being infected with the parasites, and are forced to fight each other. It becomes a test of human-will vs. the parasite's control over their physical bodies...

MEATBALL MACHINE will invariably be compared to TETSUO (as most cyber-punk films are), and for good reason. There are definitely some thematic parallels, though the films are definitely different. There's plenty of fun, splattery moments in MEATBALL MACHINE, and the creature/borg FX are definitely the high-point - a mixture of TETSUO-meets-GWAR that are both elaborate and inventive. Depending on your taste for these types of films, MEATBALL MACHINE may or may not be your thing. If you enjoy hyper-kinetic cyber-punk films with a healthy dose of splatter - this one's for you...7/10
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Entertaining and cheerful massacre
sevdah30 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know whether to recommend this movie to the fans of " Tetsuo " or not . Why " Tetsuo " ? Because you can easily label some things about this movie as a very obvious " Tetsuo " rip - off . The concept is similar , editing is equally frantic and fast - which is good because , aside from making the movie more dynamic , it obscures some flaws caused by low budget and other factors .

There is lot more gore , less eroticism and , in the case of " Meatball machine " , the transformation of human being into a creature that's partially a machine( sounds familiar ? ) called " Necroborg " ( very original ) is caused by slimy little aliens .

These slimy little scums from outer space actually use human beings as vessels for their gladiator games that they play with each other . They infest the body , somehow manage to put an insane amount of mechanical parts in it pulling them seemingly out of nowhere and turn it into a killing machine that targets other Necroborgs . Their aim is to defeat another alien who is in another Necroborg , rip it out of the corpse and eat it .

All in all , the plot sounds somewhat silly and I didn't expect much , but at the end I actually enjoyed this film .

As I said before , this is a low budget flick , but it's still relatively decent . Don't expect much from actors , they're mostly not very good , but it can be tolerated . I liked the atmosphere and gore , certain bizarre situations and the way the movie is directed and edited . Although the story is not too original , it possesses certain charm - to me at least .

7 out of 10 .
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"Meatball Machine" has a little bit of meat but definitely wasn't a ball!
tonymo197719 April 2010
"Meatball Machine"

Have you ever wanted to see a film based solely on the positives you created in your own head? Completely ignoring any cinematic standards or any reviews written on the film? Because, of course, your going to believe what you want to believe anyway. This way of thinking is very true in my case and for my latest film review for the Japanese shock film "Meatball Machine"

'Meatball Machine" is another film among the ranks of the Tokyo Gore- splatter film genres, with a pinch of Sci-Fi. I was curiously drawn to the film solely on genre, but more specifically because Japanese Effects Director Yoshihiro Nishimura helms the ever so, not so easily forgotten style of excessive blood, mutations of grandeur and everything perverse his big brain can throw at you. In this case the film is a complete success for it's costumes and effects. I've come to the realization that the best way to judge Nishimura's FX work is to base it strictly on a physiological basis. If you feel a little queasy or your stomach mildly turns, then the film is usually pretty good. If you experience any worse symptoms then the aforementioned, you better settle in and expect a wild ride.

As for the remainder of the film.... I'll get to that a bit later...after the jump!

"Meatball Machine" pits a young machine worker "Yoji" ( Issei Takahashi) as a lonely member of society. He's not great with the ladies and frequents adult theaters only to receive advancements from a transvestite. When a friend attempts to cheer him up and brings him to a brothel to de-virginize him, he walks out before anything happens.

On a daily basis he longs across a field at the affection of his desire, a young women, a co-worker whom he cannot muster enough courage to share his feelings.

This sub-plot plays second fiddle to the meat of the story that explodingly connects a bit later in the film.

Japan has become infested with parasitic alien creatures that inhabit and take control of human hosts, and when one of the host bodies are met face to face with another, a fight to the death ensues...oh and the winner rips out the alien parasite and eats it upon victory (yeah. not a real family friendly film). One of the more eventful scenes in the film is when a alien is found by "Yoji" outside the porn theatre. He brings it home and puts it in his closet. When he invites his affection home with him, it rears it's ugly head, and horrible scorpion tail, that it inserts inside her vagina, spewing the alien parasite inside her to take control of her. I swear, maybe it was just me, but it looked like she actually took pleasure when that elephants trunk stinger penetrated her Hoo Hoo....eww! This sequence sets off a chain of events that is "Meatball Machine"

Co-Directors Yudai Yamaguchi and Jan'ichi Yamamoto create this concoction based on earlier work written, produced and directed by Yamamoto in 1999. Their science experiment Circa 2005 starts very well- with elements of horrific, excessive gore, violence and welcomed extremism. My first thoughts were " I'm in for gory, gory, goodness".

Like this head split in two!!!!!( Not the best Photo)

Overall the direction was moderately constructed-Costume and Effects were pleasantly expected. The Writing at times, I felt lacked in originality and direction, at times becoming loose, making the pace and energy of the film misplaced. The love story, sub-plot was refreshingly agreeable for sheer ironic purposes. In conclusion the film is a success for any fan of the Japanese bloody madness genre. A little too weird in subject matter for my taste, but it is worth watching....once!

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Necroborgs... I'd pay to see even more of the franchise!
blackandwhiteradio13 August 2008
For fans of Troma or the Cyberpunk genre mixed with a little blood shed then this film for you! There is a good amount of blood shed within the confines of this film, also the effects can be impressionable and awesome. The plot is ridiculous and refreshing, not being chained down to what we as audiences are expectant of from films these days.

Also notable are the little aliens, who I found cute. All in all, it's a good film for fans of the genre. Also recommended are films such as Tetsuo:The Iron Man and Versus for that weird Japanese film approach, filled with wonderful obscurity and bloodshed. Of course, seeing this film you should already have knowledge of the two.
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Full Of Gory Cheese...But Needed More Bread
koroshiya-ichi-129 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is pretty sick. There's lot's of disgusting gore and more jiggling latex prosthetics than most B-Budget horror flicks out there, but the story is pretty aimless. There are several moments where it seems as if the only purpose of the actors is to remind the viewer that they are watching a live-action movie. Besides these flaws, which may only be minor for some people, the movie does possess a certain coolness, which shines primarily in the "fight" scenes. The climax of the story takes a while to get going, and might drag on a little too long. The music is done pretty well, as are the sound effects. Overall, This could be a great addition to the library of any J-Horror film fan, or anyone who just loves a good splatter-fest. If you can't rent it anywhere, however, don't bother purchasing it, or you might be let down.
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Love means never having to say you're infested with an alien parasite.
Stachehunter-857-731118 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let's cut to the chase: Boy meets girl. Both parties are emotionally and sexually stunted. Unexplained alien parasites are wandering around looking for humans to mutate into "Necroborgs" who fight one another to the death. Aliens turn both boy and girl into quasi-alien fighting machines, although they really, really like each other. Mayhem ensues, gallons of blood are spilled, and the boy finally proves his love by "growing" what amounts to a giant penis cannon from his chest and blowing up his girlfriend real good. No one ever said love comes easily.

This ridiculous and zany entry into Japanese splatter lacks a strong story, as well as the two main characters flat-lining in their performances. The earlier and much better "Tetsuo" is the movie "Meatball" is attempting to emulate. For all the wacky Bohemian mutation going on here, the entire enterprise simply becomes the worst thing it can mutate into: boring.

The mutated humans look as if they've been covered in epoxy and rolled around Home Depot creating hardware body shells from stuff mostly found in the plumbing and electrical parts section. Special mention to the rubber hose crew for ripping off the flailing tentacles first seen in John Carpenter's "The Thing". Far too much time is spent on human interior shots, where the parasites do their dirty work. The aliens look like pink versions of 1959's "The Tingler", crossed with those very expensive Hawaiian crab-claw flowers you pay 25 bucks apiece for in an uptown florist shop. The parasites spend a lot of time crying,evidently having sex with themselves, and giggling, for reasons unexplained...until the end of this junk, where you are treated to a ten-minute conversation between two parasites who are evidently pals playing a cosmic game of some sort. The viewer is treated to a final shot of a nasty eyeball thingy spaceship, with a happy voice-over that the games will continue.

By the time this stupid excuse for a movie rolls around, you'll feel like someone repeatedly hit you in the face with a plate of rotten sushi. There is not a single meatball in sight, which is sad. Very sad.
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For lovers of gore and blood by the gallon this is a neat little film-for anyone else this is going to be something to avoid
dbborroughs6 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Deranged and graphically gory Japanese film about little beings taking people over and turning them into necroborg-zombie like machines- which beat and hack each other apart so that the winner can eat the loser. In the middle of this a pair of lovers become infected.

Technically superb horror comedy(?) is only for those with strong stomachs as blood and body parts go flying. Good taste prevents me from describing what happens here, but lets just say its pretty gruesome. If you like this sort of thing with form several steps above slender content by all means see this film. Personally I'm not normally one to enjoy films like this on anything but the how sick and twisted do they go level. Here I was intrigued enough that I can suggest it to people I know who like really gory movies.. Its also a film with enough going on in the details that I want to see it again since now that I know what was going on-as revealed in the end-I want to go back and see what it was I didn't catch on to. There is an internal logic rare in these films.

7ish out of 10 for those who like blood and severed limbs, its a zero or more precisely a run and hide alert for everyone else.
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Meatball Machine
BandSAboutMovies27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yudai Yamaguchi keeps showing up on our site, but when you make movies like Battlefield Baseball and Versus, you get as many entries as you want.

Based on the 1999 film written, produced and directed by Junichi Yamamoto, this film has two geeky would-be lovers who never really get together, as Sachiko ends up penetrated not by Yoji, but by the NecroBorg in his room. Instead of the love that they wanted to experience, they must battle to the death, and by battle to the death, I mean a war that explodes viscera and blood and meat and organs all over the place.

As a kid, I always dreamed of getting to transform into something better, like Ultraman, but the reality would probably be that I'd be one of these gory creations, battling for the joy of some high pitched alien floating in space that can't wait to eat me.

This isn't the kind of movie I'd watch on a first date, unless you've found a partner that likes movies that have ten minute long grossout fights and try to make Tetsuo into something directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis. And if you find them, keep that unicorn and treat them like the magical and special royalty they assuredly are.
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jmerlino1 April 2021
This film plays like a full-length, color Tetsuo the Iron Man. As with that film, I suspect that viewers who are not Japanese (like me) are missing some important cultural resonance.

What I, the gaijin, saw was a somewhat entertaining gore/splatter film with some uniquely Japanese body horror elements. (Japanese body horror often seems to involve growing massive new parts that may be made of non-organic materials).

I wasn't, like, on the edge of my seat or anything, but the fight scenes are pretty great.

It's free on Amazon right now, which is about what you'd want to pay for it.
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Ugly, poorly crafted; short on ideas, long on poor execution.
suite921 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Shy factory worker, Yoji, trudges through life.

Alien parasites control people and gets them to fight each other.

The people Yoji works with try to get him sexual experience. After yet another failure along these lines, Yoji finds an alien, and takes it to his work. He tries to drill into it, and fails.

Yoji prevents his boss from raping a woman, Sachiko, who works near the factory. He gets beaten up and fired, but meets the woman, anyway. She was a victim of child abuse at the hands of her father.

In the middle of their revealing discussion to one another, one of the aliens attacks her. He tries lamely to stop it, and fails utterly. She attacks him, then leaves. Yoji wakes up in a place where an alien hunter hangs out. The alien hunter explains some of the history of the quiet invasion, and tells him that the only way to save Sachiko is to kill her and the parasite. The hunter's daughter was partially saved from the parasites, but is still somewhat infected. So the hunter infects Yoji so he can feed Yoji to his daughter.

Yoji and Sachiko fight each other. Way too many minutes on the internal shots of tiny parasites in context-free wiggling. ----Scores---- Cinematography: 3/10 Soft focus, wobbly camera.

Sound: 3/10 Harsh, staccato, irritating. Anti-relevant background music.

Acting: 1/10 What acting?

Screenplay: 4/10 Short on ideas, long on poor execution.

SFX: 1/10 So much obvious effort, so badly done.
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The visceral pleasure of watching cyborgs tear each other apart
K_Todorov22 September 2007
Directed by the duo Yudai Yamaguchi (Battlefield Baseball) and Jun'ichi Yamamoto "Meatball Machine" is apparently a remake of Yamamoto's 1999 movie with the same name. I doubt I'll ever get a chance to see the original so I'll just stick commenting on this one. First of what is "Meatball Machine" ? A simple in noway pretentious low budget industrial splatter flick packed with great make up effects and gore. It's not something you'll end up writing books about but it's nevertheless entertaining if you dig this type of cinema.

"Meatball Machine" follows the well known plot. Boy loves girl but is too afraid to ask her on a date. Boy finally meets girl. Girl gets infected by a parasitic alien creature that turns her into a homicidal cyborg. Boy, in turn does also transform into said thing, and goes on a quest to save his love. Will he succeed? Who gives a damn, as long as there is carnage and death I'm satisfied.

The plot is simple, relatively clichéd but it does it's job well enough setting the movie's course straight forward into a bloody confrontation between the two leading characters. There is a subplot focusing on how the parasite that infected the girl came into to their lives. And yes it too luckily shows more violence. I'm happy. Acting is what you would expect from a no budget splatter film. It's not exactly painful for the ears but it's not exactly good either.

The movie's main attraction besides the violence and gore (like I haven't mentioned that enough already) are the cyborg designs. Done by Keita Amemiya who's work in creating outlandish creatures and costumes for both movies and video-games is well known. The necroborgs as they are called in "Meatball Machine" look stunningly detailed. Without the usage of CGI Amemiya's designs are a breathtaking fusion of flesh and metal, painfully awesome in their appearance. Able to transforms various parts of the body into cool weaponry such as saws, rocket launchers, blood-firing shotguns and so on and so on. Though you can easily recognize the cheapness of the film, necroborgs are A-movie class.

"Meatball Machine" is "Tetsuo The Iron Man" mixed up with "Alien" all done in low budget and extra ketchup mode. It's an immensely entertaining film that disregards modern special effects and proves that the splatter genre is still alive and kicking.
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bad to the bone
OpinionGuy9 July 2006
"Meatball Machine" has got to be one of the most complex ridiculous, awful and over-exaggerated sci-fi horror films that I have ever came across. It is about good against evil and a coming-of-age tale, with the aim of to entertain with bloody, sleazy and humorous context. Because of that the violence isn't particularly gruesome and it doesn't make you squirm, but the gratuitous bloodletting and nudity does run freely. The performances by Issei Takahashi and Toru Tezuka is the worst i have seen, if that was not enough it is also directed by an unheard of director called Yudai Yamaguchi. This movie just have it all, it is bad to the bone!, A must see for every b-movie freak!!!... Simply: an enjoying and rare gem.
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Painful piece of trash
samulikalaoja6 November 2017
I love bad movies and from the title alone I was waiting for a great bad movie but this is just boring pile of trash. Special effects remind me of GWAR's cheap ass movies from 90's but even those are at least somewhat fun.

All the acting is horrible and the creepy romance between two main characters is one of the worst things in this picture.

This movie is like The Amazing Bulk. It's funny for first few minutes but after that you just want it to end, but it just keeps on going.

I would give this movie 1/10 but it gets one point from the child murder scene. Don't watch this movie.
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What a Disappointment, Kodoku and this are kill a kids,ugh!
wallancengeowgreenlemon25 December 2021
Such a Disappointment, unlike Tokyo Gore Police, Tetsuo The iron man, Machine Girl and Robo Geisha, This is Just a little Dispointing, 5/10.

To be honest,the gore is a More gory, but Story is just meh,
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Stunning splatterfest freakout
Indyrod21 June 2008
Wow baby, this is indeed some fine Asian horror/gore, and a crazy outlandish movie. This is a Japanese splatterfest that reminded me a little of Tetsuo, except in this case with all the blood and guts, there is a bizarre love story. It's hard to imagine how they even dreamed up this visually stunning movie, with some unique alien creatures that infect humans as parasites, turning them into part machine or I guess cyborgs. The only thing wrong with these creatures after they take over a human, is they need to kill each other and eat the other. hmmm, yum yum. This would probably be called industrial splatter or something like that, with a superb soundtrack to add to all the fun. The movie also borrows a little from Carpenter's "The Thing" in creature design and effects. I would put this in the must-have category for gorehounds, as there is non-stop carnage and some very fine gore. And a must-have for stoners, because you don't even need to read the sub-titles, the visual images alone are enough of a mind trip. The design of the little creatures that inhabit the human body like a fetus reminded me a little of Frank Henenlotter's movies, which is another homage to some excellent gore films with a sense of humour. "Meatball Machine" is great fun for gorehounds, there is no doubt about it, and I simply loved it.
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Wonderful, absolutely wonderful film
orrinkillspeople14 February 2008
Meatball Machine is an amazing splatter film, it has an original plot with young love, buckets of blood, and weird alien creatures that mutate people into freakish robotic war machines.

Now the film isn't for everyone, people who love splatter films or the movie Tetsuo: the Iron Man will applaud it.

The special effects can be cheesy at some points of the film, but your not exactly suppose to take the film very seriously.

Yet, all in all it's a lot of fun, well if you find budding romantics infested with slimy tumor like gobbles who seek to destroy each other in bloody alien oozing battles.
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way cool
Vastarien2023 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by the silly title folks, this is one sweet ride! A true successor to Tetsuo the Iron Man and Ichi the Killer, this gem starts with a bang and lays the gore on thick until the credits roll. It seems that aliens are taking over people's bodies and modifying them into war-machines, which are then used to fight each other in a twisted game for the amusement of their species. The winner of the battle eats the loser alive. That's mostly it for plot, but who cares when the gore is this good? I have no idea how many buckets of slime were used, but it's disgusting to behold. There is interesting and effective use of stop-motion when the takeovers are in progress, and loving care is lavished on all of the creature and make-up effects. The CGI is a bit limited, but that actually doesn't detract from the overall quality one bit, at least for me. This was truly a fun and stomach-turning film that deserves much praise, and has truly earned its place in the stack of Cult Classics. Find it and watch, you won't be disappointed!
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Necroborgs are cool with me!
ElijahCSkuggs16 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the feedback I've heard concerning Meatball Machine has been pretty mixed. A couple even saying that they think "it sucked". Well, to those people I say, get some f@ckin imagination and go f@ck yourself. This was a very entertaining flick.

The story starts with this mechanical bug which attacks and somehow transforms its hosts into these Gwar-costume looking, deathbots called Necroborgs. Eventually you learn that these mechanical bugs also attach a little parasite onto you, which then is able to control your actions due to hot-wiring your nervous system. Unfortunately for two love-seeking lonely young adults, they happen to cross paths with the mechanical bug, and before you know it transformations are taking place and blood is being splattered. Is there a way to stop the transformation? Maybe a way to stop this mechanical bug threat? Why do the Necroborgs fight one another? Do the two desperate singles get to express their feelings for one another and do the nasty? Only one way to find out.

Going into Meatball Machine I was kinda wary due to the mixed reactions, but it turned out being a great surprise. A few unanswered questions, some average acting at times and a slightly confusing ending are the only weak points I can think of. From the anime feel to it, to the parasites becoming little characters themselves and even to the low budget feel, this movie hits the right mark much more than it misses. With a ever-developing story that's interesting enough to keep oneself asking questions throughout mixed with the cool make-up effects and blood splatter, this is one flick fans of bizarro/horror/Tetsuo/splatter fans should check out. 8 outta 10
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An unexpected Epic
bonn-snipp18 August 2008
Some may feel that the rating i have just given is a bit generous, but for what this film is i think the directors have done a good job with that they had available to them, this is also a film a film of an acquired taste!

my immediate thought was the direct connection to the classic cult film 'The Thing' i.e the parasitical aliens from outta space, infesting human host to then reek havoc wherever possible!

You can see how this film pays homage to such a film and others of the horror/gore genre, however cleverly maintains its own originality, well these things fight each other for one and then continue to eat then fallen rival! Only killing and picking a human when it needs a new host! To then pick another fight with another infected host! And this film even throws in a love story but i wont say no more otherwise it gives too much away.

GREAT! But like i said of an acquired taste, so don't be surprised if you don't like the film. It is low budget and yes it is blood thirsty, with the creatures/aliens/things morphing their limbs into crude looking weapons, i.e saws, drills, blades and even the odd gun to all but decimate there opponent. I found myself cringing at what i was being shown but at the same time glued to the screen wondering what was going to happen next!

So if you like gore, you like aliens, you like fighting and even maybe a little bit of love thrown in somewhere, then i must recommend this film as a must see. I just wish i came across this earlier then i did!
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Why aren't more films (especially American) more like Meatball Machine?
chicago79791 January 2009
Why aren't more films (especially American) more like Meatball Machine?

This is my first official on-line review and I am charged with "electrical ecstasy" after having chosen "Meatball Machine" as my first endeavor. This is a review, so I'll try to stick to mere reflection and gut emotion.

I mean, this is one creative piece of work even though it is clearly inspired by the now classic TETSUO! So what if it's not all original? I own both of these films and though Tetsuo is one strange son of a bitch, Meatball Machine is far superior and can be sat through without the strong desire to indulge in a dose of mind altering drugs to clarify film significance. Meatball Machine is as elaborate in it's story as it is in its high influx of blood and gore. Thank you Jesus for Japanese Cinema!

Simply put, the last time my dreams were overrun by visions of horror happened after watching Nightmare on Elm Street when I was 7 or so. I could picture in my dreams a tongue coming out of a telephone for weeks on end. This time (at 31) my dreams were pleasantly awe inspiring.

In this film human bodies are host to Aliens whose sole purpose is to try and fulfill their never ending quench for human flesh and blood. Humans become flesh eating cyborgs!!! There's more!!! Fight scenes!! Great Music!! Great point-of-view shots! Decent acting by the woman Cyborg (at least better than her male counterpart). The fight seen in the end is worth watching ten or twenty times.

Oh, and did I forget to mention it's a Love story! Wow, I hate love stories but this takes the cake!

I can't wait to have friends over to watch this film once more just to see the reaction on their faces. Sadly, I took time to write this review because I'm afraid most friends and family wont understand Meatball Machine. The truth is America as a whole is not prepared for Meatball Machine.

Lastly, My wife walked in while I was watching the climactic fight scene at the end and she was speechless. Normally she says something like "why are you watching that junk?" This time she had nothing to say. I was glad!

This is not junk. This isn't just SPLATTER (splatter for the sake of splatter is also great). This is Art my friends. Art.

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Classic Alien Creature Flick
sydneyswesternsuburbs23 July 2015
Directors and writers Yudai Yamaguchi who also wrote another classic flick versus 2000 and Jun'ichi Yamamoto have created a gem in Meatball Machine.

Starring Issei Takahashi who was also in other classic flicks, Kill Bill: Vol. 1 2003 and Kill Bill: Vol. 2 2004.

Also starring Aoba Kawai.

I enjoyed the special effects.

If you enjoyed this as much as I did then check out other classic alien creature flicks, Alien 1979, Aliens 1986, Alien: Resurrection 1997, Peacemaker 1990, Alien Raiders 2008, AVP: Alien vs. Predator 2004, Altered 2006, Avatar 2009, Bad Taste 1987, Battle Los Angeles 2011, The Blob 1988, Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977, Cloverfield 2008, Dark City 1998, The Day of the Triffids 1962, District 9 2009, Doom 2005, The Faculty 1998, Feast 2005, Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds 2008, The Hidden 1987, Dark Angel 1990, Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978, The Mist 2007, Night of the Creeps 1986, Phantoms 1998, Predator 1987, Predator 2 1990, Predators 2010, Progeny 1998, Signs 2002, Skyline 2010, Society 1989, Splinter 2008, The Thing 1982, This Island Earth 1955, Dark Breed 1996, Dark Skies 2013, Honeymoon 2014, The Thing 2011, Super 8 2011, A Quiet Place 2018, Attack the Block 2011, Brightburn 2019, Prey 2022 and War of the Worlds 1953.
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Horror/Gore sci-fi human and relatable twist?!
TooKakkoiiforYou_32111 April 2021
This must be the first in my life I've ever seen relatable and fragile characters as the protagonists of this type of movie, usually relegated to kickass one-liners spewing macho men or women a là Doom Guy or Ellen Ripley (funny, considered this movie was clearly influenced by Alien and Invasion of the Body Snatchers). For that alone, this movie gets 1000% my approval. Hollywood and America please take notes...once again.
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Like Romeo And Juliet, Only Much Bloodier...
azathothpwiggins20 May 2022
MEATBALL MACHINE is a tale of the trials and tribulations of young love. It's also about alien parasites that latch onto human hosts, drill out their eyeballs, and assimilate / mutate their organs, turning them into weapons of mass destruction.

Our young heroes are caught up in an epic struggle between warring extraterrestrial entities bent on decimating each other in the messiest, gushiest ways possible.

Will true love prevail, or will the Necroborgs inherit the Earth?

This bizarre movie is an excellent example of the triumph of imagination over budgetary limitations...
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