Supergator (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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Super Idiotic
MartianOctocretr519 July 2007
The same extreme close-up footage of what appears to be a pit bull gorging on a blood rare piece of meat is inserted again and again with each kill. Considering how many kills there are in this trash fest, you'll become so familiar with the gator's incisors, you might start giving each tooth a name.

Ridiculous and deranged. So much so, it begins to look like it's a parody, but I think the film actually took itself seriously. This is one of those flicks with so many outrageously stupid lines it could become a cult classic of the so-bad-it's-good kind. The acting is beyond atrocious. There's one Jessica Simpson look alike who is casually jogging around (looking like she's doing an episode of Bay Watch) through the forest after seeing two gruesome deaths. The skeptics she encounters recite lines like robots. There's three dimwitted twerps who flunked out of Animal House wandering around looking for an anti-drunkenness elixir. Then there's some whack lady (an unrecognizable Kelly McGillis) who wants to catch the thing. And some poor man's Capt. Ahab who also wants to croak it. Oh, and the vulcanologists who just stand around gossiping.

I love the rampage scene, where the gator chases everything that moves. Red CGI splotch paint balls replace characters frequently; that's about the level of the CGI effects. The "volcano" looks like one of those science project things kids do. Characters with "Next victim" written on their faces always seem to fall down while running so the thing can devour them. Terrified extras screaming and running: straight out of an old Godzilla type flick. By this time, you're either rooting for the monster, or rolling on the floor in hysterics.

Demented script, comically awful acting, brazenly sloppy special effects: this one is so amateurish, you have to see it to believe it.
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Supergator Best Comedy I Have Seen In Years!
loiscordrey20 July 2007
Laughed the whole way through. Thought it was a parody on all films of the genre. You have GOT to be kidding.All the kids in the room were laughing too. How about those blood sprays?? All death scenes the same except for the wardrobe change. OMG--the acting...But I am glad some people enjoyed it in a different way. Kelly McGillis looked about 65. What on earth has happened to her. That was freaky.

Another thing I found odd was the murky, ghastly looking water. I have never been to Hawaii but always thought the water was sky blue. Must be all the fake Kool-Aid blood, huh?

Still my whole family watched it all the way through. We took bets who would be the last actor standing--and none of us predicted the end.
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Could Do Better
caro_partridge22 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film is neither good or bad enough to be great. The premise is promising (for that sub-set of people who love creaturefeatures) - a prehistoric alligator, produced Jurassic-Park style via DNA from a fossil, running around a Hawaiian resort (which may or may not be about to volcanically explode) eating the tourists. And the great thing about alligator or crocodile films (again, for the lovers of such movies) is that nowhere is safe - the critters can be in the water! On land! Hiding in bushes! Anywhere the cast goes, the crocogator can follow. This usually makes for some great "reptile persecuting and chasing frightened teens" other movies.

Personally, I'd ignore all the reviews about bad acting, bad CGI, low budget, eastern European cast, plot holes the size of Bulgaria, continuity errors etc - those are part and parcel of this genre, and should be celebrated rather than snottily mocked by those who - against all evidence and knowledge of the genre - apparently expected a high-quality movie. If one mocks creature-features for all of the above, then they all get a 1/10 rating - which ignores the fact that some are far more enjoyable than others.

Unfortunately, although this movie features all of the above, it is not one of the good ones. Its main problem is that the writers have apparently mistaken premise for plot - although it (sort of) makes sense that the Supergator is there (because Kelly McGillis's company made it from a fossil), and that the volcanologists are there looking at the volcano, and that a variety of red-t-shirted and bikini-clad teens are there... that's not *plot*.

It simply isn't enough to have a supergator running around eating the minor cast. There are no hooks - no tragic backstory, no budding romance, no egg-stealing teens, no black-shirted leering villains to die in the final gruesome scenes (Kelly McGillis didn't even have the grace to adopt a Bulgarian accent!) and not even a clear-cut hero and heroine. As a result, you simply have a few cast members pottering around the island for one-line reasons ("Let's visit the waterfall!" "Let's look at the volcano!" "Let's pose in our bikinis!" "Let's declare a vendetta against the supergator even though I have no stated reason for so doing!" etc), getting chewed up and spat out. It is, quite frankly, boring.

There are a few nice touches - the typical homages to Jaws, some cheesy one-liners, a couple of spectacular deaths by Surprise Leaping Supergator - as well as the litany of amusing continuity errors, plot holes, superfluous bikinis, random lesbians, stereotypical (Quint-essential) old man with a vendetta etc. But none of those things are enough to make up for the lack of plot and character-development - hence we never get as far as caring what happens to any of them, and the suspense is virtually nil.

Overall, I'd watch Crocodile 2: Death Roll instead!
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Pretty Awful, I loved it
Relaets13 August 2007
This was pretty awful, but if you go in expecting something any different, you simply aren't too bright. Of course it's going to be bad, that's part of the fun. So I repeat - if you want to watch a GOOD movie, do not watch this. It's that simple. There's no reason anyone should be giving this one star and writing a bad review for it, because there is no reason you should have seen the movie if you wanted something decent.

The plot was pretty much non-existent, like 10 or 20 other sci-fi channel movie plots, genetic engineering gone wrong, violence ensues.

Save for one or two actresses (who are fortunately eaten very quickly), the acting was pretty decent, and some of the dialog between characters is actually pretty well written, it's almost a shame that no one lives long enough to develop their character.

Special effects were so-so, exactly what you'd expect from a sci-fi channel original. Aside from the fact that it seemed to drastically change size throughout the movie, the 'supergator' was not bad at all. The blood however looked like it was put in with mspaint. You know the spraycan tool? It's like that. Perhaps they did this on purpose, so that when someone you liked gets eaten, you at least get the comic relief of ridiculous blood effects.

Overall, it was very entertaining, an excellent movie to watch with friends on a Saturday night. If you really like the crumminess of other sci-fi channel movies, you will like this too. If you hate their movies, why on earth are you even looking this up?
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I've seen better
middle_earthfan45418 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of B-movies and many of them sucked but this one is one of the few of them I have to consider OK but certainly NOT the best monster movie I've ever seen.

It starts out in Hawaii. A group of geologists are studying an active volcano while a scientist and her companion search for an alligator experiment gone wrong and somehow escaped from a research lab. After about 20 or so deaths, the monster is killed of course but before then, so many visible flaws are seen throughout the film. Here are a few of them.

To start, the monster is clearly CGI and it makes many sounds from other movies, including the velociraptor shriek and Spinosaurus roar from Jurassic Park; nothing new.

The monster seems more intent on simply killing every few minutes instead of eating like a normal Alligator that can go on without food for months but since it's not exactly an alligator, I can't quite confirm the monsters metabolism or compare this movie to reality.

The victims themselves sometimes die slowly, all the while screaming as the monster chews on them but the shots are too close up to see anything in particular so they aren't really enjoyable.

The guns that are used on the monster have little to no effect on it and seem to bounce off its scales as if they were metal but in reality, I doubt that even a prehistoric alligator can withstand bullets. However the guns don't seem to run out of ammo and one in particular, a 12 gauge shotgun is fired upon the monster from an impossible range.

A disappointing fact is that almost all of the characters die; even ones that I expected to survive but eventually got killed.

All in all, it's an OK movie but for those of you who prefer a realistic horror film instead of a cheap, CGI B-movie with mediocre acting and effects, I suggest you avoid this one.
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Supergator = Superstupid
michaeljharvey29 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
B-movies can sometimes be so uniquely and creatively bad they become fun to watch. Supergator is really, really bad...but not in a unique or fun way. It's a very poorly done rip-off of Jurassic Park, Lake Placid and just about any monster movie you've ever seen all rolled into one.

At first the movie seems to be playing up its own cheesiness, with lots of babes in bikinis and ridiculous acting. However, as the story progresses it becomes unclear if the director started to take things a little too seriously. We start to wonder, "Wait, did they think they were actually making a good movie and not a B-movie laugher?". At one point the film actually tries to logically explain why there's a giant, pre-historic gator living on a volcanic mountain in Hawaii. Whatever, I was looking for more babes in bikinis at that point.

How did Kelly McGillis end up in this mess? She was a real star at one point. Has her career sunk to the level of Supergator? Maybe it's time to retire. The bad acting is compounded by a script that takes itself way too seriously. Bianca Lawson, one of the leads, is so bad she has no business even trying to act. Some people simply have no talent for acting. She is one of them.

As for the special effects, they are perhaps the worst I have ever seen. If you're going to make a movie (even a B-movie) about a giant killer gator, at least have the budget to make it look somewhat real. The gator looks like a low-resolution animation from a video game that was dropped into the film at the last minute.

The biggest question has to be: Why even spend money making a movie like this? The entire idea is a complete retread of movies that have already been made with a bigger budget, better writing and better actors. Although this movie has its campy moments, it's not campy enough to come off as a parody.

The money spent making this disaster could have been put towards a much better, original idea. Or they could have just given the money to charity. Either would have been a better use of the funds.
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Stunningly awful
Laikie14 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am seldom at a loss for words, but this was, just possibly, the very worst movie I've ever seen. The acting, dialogue and special effects were so bad that at first I thought I was watching a parody. Aghhhhh. The special effects were quite strange, such as buckets of blood seemingly splashed from behind rocks and other props in a strange one-dimensional perspective. The actors read their lines like high school kids auditioning for their first play. The dual plot of volcano and supergator just didn't mesh and the ending made no sense at all. Okay, gator dead, let's show some old clips of a volcano erupting. If any of these actors ever make "the big time" in film, they may want to erase this movie from their bios. This movie might be fun at a boozy frat party, but only if no other options were available.
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I will never understand
tom_jeffords15 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I will never understand why the SciFi Channel continues to put out such garbage. Supergator one of a long (no idea of how long) line of ripoffs of Jurassic Park and Anaconda that the SciFi Channel has put on. I am not making any of the following titles up. Boa, Boa II, Python, Python II, Boa vs Python, Komodo, Komodo vs Python. None of which drew the ratings a Dragon Riders of Pern, a Witchworld, or The Word for World is Forest would have. And I seriously doubt that any of the latter would have cost remarkably more than any of the former. So why? I just don't get it. But enough about the SciFi Channel's general incompetence. Let's talk about this latest travesty. Poor acting, bad CGI, complete lack of logic and common sense on the part of the writers, stereotypical characters, etc. A prehistoric alligator is brought to life Jurassic Park style in Hawaii, escapes and mayhem ensues, while a dormant volcanoes threatens to erupt. The only thing I liked about this was the overabundance of eye candy.
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Things get ugly in beautiful Hawaai.
michaelRokeefe11 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Every once in a while the SyFy channel offers up an interesting action horror flick; this is not one. Scott Kinney plays a geologist along with a gaggle of vulcanologists studying an Hawaiian volcano that may be nearing eruption. Molten lava would be a horrific way to die; but that could be made even worse. A 30-foot-long supergator has escaped a secret bio-engineering research center; it was born of fossilized prehistoric DNA. The spikey-backed komodo dragon-like creator decides to head down river to a high dollar tourist trap/resort for lunch. This supergator manages to quickly travel distances to sustain his insatiable lust for crunchy blood. CGI and acting is about as ridiculous as the story. In the cast: Bianca Lawson, Josh Kelly, Holly Weber, Meg Cionni and an almost unrecognizable Kelly McGillis.
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Another waste of two hours
bigham7816 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Sci-fi keeps getting worse with these so-called original movies. PU did this one ever stinks. They must use the worse CGI, as their monsters are looking worse movie after movie. They take gator and mix his DNA with a Dinosaur. Did they mix in a mass murder as well? The so-called Supergator is not eating the people in the movie. He just killing them and moving right on to next victim. Don't insult our intelligence in these movies. Gators are not on the move right after a meal and since gators are from the dingo age. I'd say whatever dinosaur they mixed in would be relaxed right after killing and eating as well. Not Supergator. He kills one victim and two seconds later he's on top of another and another. The plot was terrible using an active volcano and people checking that out and getting killed along the way. The volcano blows at the end. Made no sense and if you missed this piece of crap. I recommend missing it the next time.
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Fine for male viewers of all ages
ctomvelu113 March 2010
Girls in tiny bikinis and tight tank tops and cutoffs are what keeps SUPERGATOR halfway interesting. The gator, a mutant created from the DNA of a prehistoric creature, isn't half bad looking, either. The problem is, you have a bunch of actors (some of them clearly extras) running around, trying to escape a CGI creation that clearly is not there. Closeups of its (fiber glass) jaws chomping on cast members, with a lot of fake-looking blood flowing, doesn't really help. Anyhow, an aging Brad Johnson, who has appeared in far worse than this, plays a geologist checking out a volcano with the help of several folks, including a former student who is not much on acting but easy on the eyes. She spends a lot of time huddled in Johnson's massive arms. Meanwhile, a woman scientist and a great white hunter are out searching for the gator, which has escaped her lab. The two groups collide, and the gator has plenty to chow down on before heading for town. In the sames stretch of woods are two bikini-clad babes being photographed for a magazine, three young males who are busy getting blitzed and a pair of barely-clad female hikers who are frequently filmed from behind. I kept expecting one or more of the gals to take her top off or have sex or something, but nothing like this happens. On the other hand, the two bikini-clad babes do a lot of jumping up and down and running. At one point, one of them hides from the gator under a fallen tree and poses as if she were still being shot for a magazine cover. Believe me, I am not complaining. The film falls apart once the gator hits town, arriving right in the middle of a celebration that Johnson has tried to convince town officials to call off (sound familiar?) The body count is awesome but not very well done. See it for the babes and the nasty-looking gator.
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Above-Average Sci-Fi Channel Creature Feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder1 October 2015
Working in Hawaii to stop an impending eruption, a vulcanologist and his team come across a scientist tracking an escaped prehistoric crocodile in the area and must unite to bring the creature down before it rampages through the area.

Overall this one was a very enjoyable cheesy creature feature. What makes this one so much fun is the rather fun encounters that come about here from the continuation of the channel's quick-shot attacks throughout here. The suspenseful stalking of the couple at the lake in the beginning, the cheesy model photo-shoot at the waterfall which leads in the first of many chases through the forest, the attack on the pot harvesters at the clearing or the tense scene of the couple hiding out by the trees in the jungle where they hope to let it pass by without being seen are all part of this kind of set-up along the first half. The second half of the film is where this one really gets fun with the attack on the ridge coming up through the trees and launching a surprise attack, the ambush at the waterfall knocking them into the water and the incredibly fun time of the jeep attack that leads into the chase through the forest all come off as rather fun attacks in here due to the rather enjoyable time here. Even with these, though, the film's at its best with the finale where the creature attacks the tourists at the resort which has a ton of high-quality features, from the stalking of the guests to the chaos of the panicked crowds fleeing it advancing after them, the gunfire brought to bear on the creature to bring it down resulting in some great action to come along chasing it around and the final resolution to kill the creature gives this one a lot to really like, especially with the other big action scenes in this section really building into a solid series of scenes keeping the pace up quite nicely here. There's also quite a bit of fun with the main creature here, having not only a fun overall design suitable for a cheesy creature feature while also managing to get a nice tactic out of the use of the realistic creatures' jaws throughout many of the attacks which gives this a really cheesy tone that makes this one good enough to overcome the few flaws in here. The biggest issue in this one comes from the film's rather uneven first half which is filled with the brief attacks while spending far too much time on the back-story for each of the incidental characters set-up here as cannon-fodder. The photo-shoot models, the sorority couple, and the stoners all get way too much there than they really should since they're here only to up the body count. The other flaw here is the per-usual CGI that c comes into use for the creature which comes with all the usual hallmarks of the style here. These are what hold this one down.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and drug use.
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Not bad. Great boobs!
millerfan15 July 2007
Where should I start? It's not like I watch Sci-Fi channel for its important and life-affirming programing...but every once in a while, some good t&a is integral to one's developmental health, and this movie was full of it. Definitely not a great movie, but entertaining nevertheless, especially with a pint or two of Moose Drool, or any brew of choice.

First of all, the Hawaiian scenery is quite impressive, not quite Jackson Hole, but spectacular nonetheless. I didn't quite get the ending, but the girls were hot, especially that Bianca Lawson chick, she's pretty hot.

The CGI was passable for your standard Sci-fi channel B-flick, but what can you expect, they're not spending the 100 million dollars that Michael Bay spent on Transformers. The acting was fairly decent, but by no means Oscar worthy. It's a fair exchange for the Playboy centerfolds that ran around half naked in pink g-stings.

Overall, I liked this film, and would probably watch this film again. Since Roger Corman has launched the careers of everyone from Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Jack Nicholson, Jamie Lee Curtis and Brad Johnson, I hope the actors in this movie will follow in the footsteps of these fine examples instead of the Candice Railson and Mary Woronov's of his company.
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Wow! Effects were BAD!
LostSok052315 July 2007
I didn't expect much, or even ask much, from Sci-Fi Channel movies. And I mostly like them. But the only thing that was worse than the script and acting in this stinker was the effects.

It was nice to see Kelly McGillis again, although her role was so thinly written it was painful to watch. The no-names show why they will almost certainly remain so.

The story, which had potential, was leaden with bland, uninspired dialog, and porno-logic behavior. You simply didn't buy these character, or care what happened to them.

Where's Stephen Baldwin when you need him!?!?

The scenery was nice, though.
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Worst Movie Ever
rodrigues-lisa26 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood B-movie bile at its worst.

1) The blood spray is clearly added (badly) after the fact. 2) THERE ARE NO ALLIGATORS IN HAWAII 3) There is only one active volcano in Hawaii and it is a crater (Kilauea Caldera) not a mountain. The vulcanologist clearly sail up the Wailua River before hiking through Waimea Canyon (opposite sides of the island).

Really horrific waste of video stock.

I suppose no one should be surprised by the low quality of these original films. Considering the fact that SciFi (Science Fiction) has now been switched to SyFy... what the heck does that stand for? Syince Fyction? Symbiotic fysiotherapie? This film is an excellent example of how movies are more oft than not made for an audience with an IQ of 12.
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Typical Sci-Fi Channel crapola
bobafett36528 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this film I really wasn't expecting much. The scene with the photographer and the two lumps of stupid posing for him only served to support my expectations.

The concept was completely retarded, which in and of itself isn't enough to kill the movie. Most Sci-Fi Channel movies are ridiculous but incredibly fun. This isn't that fun. The acting is terrible, with the actors either being too intense or seeming like they just don't give a crap. The special effects aren't much better. The up close attack scenes are laughable. You can see it's clearly a rubber head. And the recycled Jurassic Park raptor screeches are more than a little distracting.

I was most disappointed in Bianca Lawson, who did a wonderful job as Kendra during her short run on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It saddened me to see her in a movie like this.

In all, not the WORST movie to come out of Sci-Fi Channel, but in no way a great movie by any stretch of the imagination.
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Cheap and idiotic, but I have seen much worse
TheLittleSongbird27 June 2012
I wasn't expecting much from Supergator, and at the end of the day it was neither better or worse than I was expecting, not quite good enough to be one of SyFy's more tolerable efforts and not quite bad enough to be among their worst. I did like the Jaws homages and a couple of the gruesome deaths were reasonably fun. However, Supergator does suffer from a number of assets that make even the worst of SyFy's output intolerably bad. It is cheap visually, with choppy editing and laughably fake effects. The script, especially the one-liners, is incredibly cheesy, sometimes amusingly but often after like the tenth cheesy line I got irritated, the story is so thin you wonder whether there is one at all and is predictable, ridiculous and has holes so big and so vast it was like trying to drive a truck along a road full of them and the characters are stereotypical of the usual SyFy creature movie clichés and superfluously developed. I've seen worse acting before, but it is still really atrocious, with everybody looking uncharismatic and stiff throughout. All in all, not the worst SyFy movie I've seen but still cheap and idiotic. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Wowingly Horrible
iconhulk13 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie title on SyFy just now. Thought to myself wow this can't be bad. Boy was I wowingly wrong (Couldn't be a word, yet but I think it will be) Story was good, effects and the writing of this were stupid.. I don't wanna say I hate the cast cause they were good. Its the writer/s and maybe Director... Alligator if it only looked like one. Or "Mutant Alligator". Now they say it's a pre-historic Alligator. Explain how old would it make this.. Alligator.. Explain how a FUEL INJECTED JEEP, made for outdoors playing dies just like that... When they have already a killed a girl in a bikini who was doing the right thing now moving and staying 'out of sight'. Her and Fatty still get found and ate. When they just saw Mr. big gator but yet how would they not hear him circle where they were..? It doesn't make sense.. Now the, blonde Dr. Lady has been demolished? Who wrote this garbage.. When you got a dumb hunter with a 'LITTLE' @$$ gun..... When he's seen this thing and knows how big and should know how strong it is.... BEING PRE-HISTORIC... BURT GOMER aka Michael Gross (Tremors I-IV)would have ROFLMAO... Well, there's your movie... You want me to write it fine. Contact me. But he's my star with some others 1 other star and couple other co stars. This movie could have been better just with a little more thought and talent.. Poor Graphics on this Gator... Anaconda is how old and its got better looking graphics for its snake... And this movie just keeps getting worse...
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This is how films are NOT made!
TheEmulator2315 July 2007
This is so bad it isn't even funny. Their are some films that are so bad it's funny, but this is not one of those films. I really don't understand films like this and how they are even made! I hated every part of this embarrassing flick. I hate that all these sci-fi channel flicks are continuing to be made and people all hate them. Even the god awful blood effects are less than a mediocre video-game these days! It is truly awful in every respect. The pathetic acting, the story is non-existence, the idiot actors that dance around and try to act are just plain embarrassing! Financially I just don't have a clue what is trying to be accomplished by doing all these (Hell I won't even call it a B-movie because that would be a compliment) D movies in the first place! I feel sorry most of all for the lead actor Brad Johnson. It always makes me wonder how actors end up working for such crummy fare after working with, not just working, but being one of the main stars of a Steven Spielberg picture! (He starred alongside Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter, and John Goodman in Spielberg's "Always.") I just can't understand how it happens that an even decent actor would attach his name to this pathetic attempt of a film! I can see the pitch,"Alright Brad want to be in a movie about a giant Crocodile, but the script is not really there, the effects are going to be laughable, and everyone involved are has beens. So want to do it?" Just for god's sake do not dare waste your time w/ this garbage or you will be sorry. Pointless, Pointless, Pointless is all I can say about this "MOVIE." I use that term extremely loosely.
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Repetitive Blood and Bikinis
stumpmee7722 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ten minutes in I was wondering if the National Organization of Women was still around; want to apprise them of this film--in ways that frequently clench my teeth continuous reduction of women to cheesecake in order to generate men's interests. Maybe shouldn't be too hard of the filmmaker(s); they did throw in token smart gal, who's also token the black and 50+ normal looking Kelly McGillis; both serving to placate women who would get mad if not for their presence. Well neither worked for a certain 40 plus black woman. God again wish there was a minus rating scale.

Few films in my life have I seen women horribly relegated to the ranks of gorgeous but mindless scenery. Wouldn't be surprised a pervert was a major participant in the production of this tripe. Majority of women are showing bare midriffs and in brief thongs and screaming fear these babes (and dullard chauvinists littering the film a little less) takes away from developing the story above a Girls Gone Wild eatery for monster with male eaten to cover up the obvious. It takes place in fun in sun Hawaii--we know. Do we need that overly long scene of fashion photographer working on his ideas with bikini gals? No! Thank God the token black was also the token girl dressed modestly. Sadly she's the only one attempting carrying the film--granted coming of as a precocious little girl but everyone in this acts immature--even the actress as the deviating female; no one's acting.

And finally that super-grating supergator, what does this writer think of him? Well just said it--Grating. EAT in blur, first EATING chomp spurts blood, run after hapless victims to EAT--There's no rudimentary problem solving, no cleverly out-thinking prey! And the people don't think of a way to get it dead that's imaginative--Solution's straight from 1st Jaws movie as is the opening scene setting up the storyline.

There, my long warning and here's my final shorter one. Avoid this.
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Another Sci Fi Channel bad CGI stuffed 'creature feature'.
poolandrews22 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Supergator is set in Hawaii where a group of vulcanologist's are studying a volcano near a holiday resort, they think it might be about to blow. Professor Scott Kinney (Brad Johnson), one of his senior graduates Ryan Houston (Josn Kelly) are sent in to liaise with resident volcano watchers Max (Dave Ruskjer) & his assistant Alexandra Stevens (Mary Alexander Stiefvater) & compare notes, the sort of things vulcanologist's do. They decide to set some seismograph's up near the base of the volcano to measure it's activity, the group set off but hadn't counted on there being a 30 foot genetically created 'supergator' that kills & eats anyone it comes across & it's heading straight for the holiday resort where it has plenty of tasty humans to pick from...

King of the rip-off cheapies Roger Corman strikes again, this straight-to-video Sci Fi Channel creature feature was executive produced by Corman while it was co-written & directed by Brian Clyde & isn't anything particularly special although it passes the time harmlessly enough if you don't expect too much. The script by Clyde, Frances Doel & Jeffrey Sturges is pretty clichéd & very standard for this type of film, basically there's some form of huge man eating monster/creature running around eating the less important members of the cast & when all said & done that's all there is to Supergator really. The film moves along at a reasonable pace, I certainly wouldn't call it slow or boring & there are a few unintentionally funny moments. I must also congratulate the makers for such a high body count & surprisingly a lot of the cast die even some I was expecting to make it. The reason behind the supergator itself is your standard 'genetic experiment gone horribly wrong' type scenario, you know I was sitting there watching this & I was thinking to myself why would a bunch of scientists create a huge prehistoric alligator? It just doesn't make any sense to me, what were they hoping to prove or find out that they couldn't achieve by genetically creating a docile, plant eating dinosaur that could have been easily controlled & relied on not to eat every person it came across? I don't know, then again maybe I'm just thinking about this too much. If you like cheesy creature features then Supergator isn't all that bad but it's nothing new or special.

Director Clyde doesn't do much to liven things up, some of the scenery is quite nice but the direction & the set-ups aren't that great. It seems just about every tourist on Hawaii is traipsing through this particularly patch of forest where the supergator lives, there are random people like models, dope heads, fishermen, lovers, waterfall watchers, random guy's driving jeeps & vulcanologist's walking around. The gore is disappointing, there is one severed body part, someone is decapitated otherwise there are just quick shots of people covered in fake blood. The CGI computer effects are poor, the supergator itself looks OK but it isn't animated that well & every time it attacks someone a fake puppet head & jaws are used & there are close-ups of it's blood stained mouth & teeth yet when the film switches back to the CGI supergator it's mouth & teeth are perfectly clean. What does it do? Whip out a handkerchief & wipe itself? There is also a fair amount of CGI blood which looks pretty fake, almost like a solid red cloud.

With a supposed budget of about $250,000 this was pretty damned low budget & in a way they did OK with the meagre amount they had but it's still not a very good film. Actually shot on location in Hawaii apparently. The acting isn't anything particularly memorable. Kelly McGillis of Top Gun (1986) fame plays a scientist & gets eaten.

Supergator is an OK time waster & that's being kind to it, it didn't impress me that much but it kept me relatively quiet for 100 odd minutes. I've definitely seen better but then again I've definitely seen worse.
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Not a great movie, but great theater!
gray1937-125 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry guys, but if you didn't like this movie (Why is it not called Dinocroc II? Because they used gator DNA!) you shouldn't be watching the Sci Fi Channel. We've got a reasonable scenario, a scary beastie (near-decent CGI), and babes galore (most of whom, excepting Misses Lawson (Carla) and Stiefvater (Alex), you've likely never seen before and may not again) with so much gore I can't see how it avoided an "R".

The Supergator has gotta be the hungriest critter ever to have graced the silver screen, on in this case the boob tube. First it eats a pair of lovers who threaten to do "it" in front of the waterfall, but don't, take a swim instead, and become gator nosh anyway. Then with a swooping leap it eats a fey photog, and follows him up with a toothsome (pun) model. Next (or maybe not) he eats a couple of hiker chicks who though warned (Hey, this is Hawaii, there are no wild animals), mosey on toward the waterfall and .... Then there are the two skinny, drunken entrepreneur wannabes, chomp, while their fat friend runs away. The fat friend encounters the other model who fled the photo-shoot (and whom you thought escaped -- Ha!). They hide in a mango (or is a banyan) root maze until... yep, super-gator tea time. I don't know if this was actually shot in Hawaii, but it absolutely was not shot in Bulgaria.

Our heroes, the vulcanologist, Dr. Scott Kinney (Brad Johnson) and his crew climb the side of the long dormant, now gurgling, volcano and meet up with the paleo-geneticist (Kim Taft, who invented Supergator) and her white hunter, on the prowl to recover (like, terminally) the incredible creature (maybe we could call him Edipus Rex?). Scott's obnoxious student assistant goes off over the hill to reset a camera, and darned if he doesn't lose one fall out of one to the monster.

Both teams flee back to the waterfall lagoon where their boats are, and as Scott's two female associates, Carla and Alex, start to head back downriver to warn the town of the impending eruption, they **fall out of the boat**! Scott saves Carla and Alex is helped by Kim (played by Kelly McGillis) -- Kelly McGillis whom we all love from "Cat Chaser." If you don't know why we love her from "Cat Chaser," go rent the movie. Oh, she gets et.

Dr. Scott and the white hunter take off by boat to whack the creature, and the two girls (Carla and Alex) take off on foot to warn the town. They catch a ride with some jerk who stalls his jeep just as the super-gator intersects their course. Cameo appearance for our driver. The women flee on foot, only Alex doesn't flee quite quickly enough, and "another one bites the dust. Another one bites the dust."

The crews, or what's left of them, make it back to town where the festival luau is about to go down (you might think of this as homage to "Jaws" except it's used in every one of these things). The volcano has quieted, but we still gotta warn the crowd that there's a prehistoric monster running amok. Since no one pays attention the super-gator eats the park manager and several patrons, actually I lost count, on his way to destruction. I won't tell you how, but you can figure it out about 15 minutes before hand. It's a gas.

In the epilogue Scott and Carla go off laughing about their experiences, which I found in quite poor taste. I mean, I was laughing, but the characters shouldn't be. Then there are the obligatory pictures of the Kileuea lava flow, which I don't get.
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Supergator vs. Holly Weber
DonutMassacre6418 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
....or at least that's what it should've been. Model Holly Weber plays the chick in the pink bikini who spends the first hour running from the gator until she gets killed off. Being one of the few characters that knew what was going on (and being the eye candy that probably was what grabbed the attention of male viewers on a boring Saturday night in the first place), killing her off halfway through was an instant buzzkill. What the movie was actually about though was a group of volcanologists getting in the way of the gator's rampage through Hawaii along with a scientist and a hunter who are in pursuit of it.

The acting is bad, effects are cheap (the gator and it's attacks are made with bad cgi and countless cutaways), and the plot is thin and uninteresting. But hey, it's a Sci-Fi Channel Original Movie so it's not unusual. If they had scrapped the volcanologists in favor of the gator rampaging through co-eds, models, and other dumb characters like in the first half this could've been a decently fun "turn off your brain" creature feature you might sit through on a boring rainy Saturday night (or whatever night Sci-Fi premieres these types of movies). But instead we get something that only piques slight interest for about 15 minutes and then it's snooze control from then on out.

1/10 straight to the bin trash with Holly Weber's screentime giving it another star.
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DinoCroc's lawyers are on the phone. They'd like a word with you...
Phillemos29 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, this movie is DinoCroc2. The difference is, "Supergator" takes place in Hawaii instead of some small hick town. The creature looks EXACTLY like DinoCroc, with one small exception -- DinoCroc spent most of his time walking around on two legs, while Supergator is strictly quadrupedal. Surely though, that represents evolution taking its course. This movie, as is the case with most SciFi Channel Original movies, is pretty silly. The highlight is a bikini-clad model spending most of the first hour running away after her fellow model got chomped up by Supergator. She then runs into a geeky guy, and they try to hide together. And you're like, "will they shack up?" "will they escape from Supergator's reign of terror?" And just when you think they will, Supergator appears out of nowhere and ambushes them. Oh, well. For one brief, shining moment, I thought the geek might get lucky. The other highlight is being able to watch the continuing downward spiral of Kelly McGillis' career, from "Top Gun" 20 years ago to this atrocity. In fact, her career has gone downhill so badly, she turns into gator chow barely an hour into the movie. Overall, this movie is pretty bad, but still entertaining enough to keep you watching. Deserving of a 4.
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Scarecrow-883 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I would love to know what the death toll was for Supergator, because once the beast starts eating folks it doesn't stop. I mean, it doesn't even attempt to take a rest break, it just keeps eating and has quite an appetite.

This time the killer monster is a prehistoric alligator from the Paleostone age(..recreated from the DNA of a jaw bone, these scientists never learn)running rampant on the wild life refuge of a Hawaiin island, eating every human being in sight.

What I found most amusing was how the filmmakers went out of their way to create these various story-lines / sub-plots, maneuvering characters into positions just to be eaten. They exist only as a food source. Kelly McGillis stopped by to pick up a paycheck as the scientist(..or one of the scientists) responsible for the creature's creation. John Colton is the water boat hunter she hires to help her find it. Brad Johnson is a vulcanologist researching a volcano, afraid it might just erupt. Josh Kelly is a young apprentice assisting him and Bianca Lawson is a former student, now a journalist wishing to follow along, working on an article detailing their progress. Mary Alexander Stiefvater is the volcano expert who called Johnson about the volcano. Others show up primarily to be eaten.

Like other sci-fi channel movies of this type, the filmmakers rely heavily on computer generated effects. When they shoot attacks up close, the filmmakers create vague depictions of bloody arms and legs caught within the sharp grip inside the mouth of the gator. What's frustrating about this process is that you barely can see any of the bloody action, although the victims' screams are pretty effective as they are being torn into. Like in Jaws, Supergator has the public event scene(..a luau in this particular situation)our heroes attempt to stop due to the dangerous threat, falling on deaf ears with the organizers, resulting in a massacre. The cgi attacks are rather laughable, with only one or two that are even remotely effective. To their credit, the filmmakers try their best to stage the attacks as ferocious and horrifying as possible, but the cgi is just too obvious. I believe the closer attacks are staged so erratically due to the fact that all they had was a prosthetic mouth(..probably hands just operating it off screen), so the editing is haphazard not just for the attempt of capturing the situation in a feverish intensity, but out of necessity.
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