Body/Antibody (2007) Poster


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An original premise, but terrible execution
Leofwine_draca18 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
BODY/ANTIBODY is a dreadful little lame-o comedy about an OCD guy who's obsessed with keeping himself clean. The entire story plays out in his apartment and involves a love affair with his new neighbour. I admire the film's original premise, but it soon transpires that the narrative is quite terrible, featuring kinky sex scenes and very little else. The whole thing feels dated in a bad way, looking like a '90s-era sitcom, but the attempts at psychological depth are embarrassing and the whole thing is merely junk.
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Body/Antibody - Interesting Quirky Black Comedy
samantha-kilmartin30 October 2007
I also saw this movie at the Brooklyn Film Festival, with my husband, and we LOVED it. We see a lot of independent movies and like to see films that are a little bit different, so this movie really appealed to us. The plot is clever and interesting, in fact, I think it is one of the most original scripts, but interestingly, also one in which most people can relate to (or if not from New York, at least have heard about!). The twists and turns of the movie keep you guessing to the end - really. When was the last time you saw a really interesting movie, with an intriguing plot?

The acting is superb. The characters again are unusual, you can throw out all of your pre-conceived ideas of femme fatale (apart from the sexy part). The two main characters add to the generally quirky vibe of the film and this is really refreshing.

Basically,this movie is fun, it's a really well made black comedy with a few surprises. Go see it if you get the chance.
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Caught this gem at the Fort Lauderdale film fest.
pappasl30 October 2007
I am a sucker for "indie" films, but recently I've noticed an influx of low-budget crap. As better camcorders get cheaper, everyone with a couple of grand in their pocket is suddenly calling himself a filmmaker. This spate of amateurish horse-pucky had left me disillusioned. Then along came Body/Antibody. A truly indie film, with the kind of quirky, un-Hollywood story that typified everything I had previously grown to love about self produced films. Granted, this is not for everyone. If you have a "World's Greatest Grandma" bumper sticker, you may want to skip this one. But if you, like me, can enjoy a roller coaster ride of a story that goes from goofy romance to creepy thriller with more twists than a pretzel, don't miss this one.

I should also mention that the performances of the three main characters were absolutely believable and fun. Their skill added a plausibility to the story that was essential.

If you are lucky enough to have this film screen in your town, go see it, you won't be disappointed. This is a truly unique story. An independent film worthy of that title.
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fun, creepy, and oddly engaging
deezeedee30 October 2007
This film is actually lots of fun. It hooks you and has you laughing out loud at the beginning with its offbeat romantic comedy. Then you are on the edge of your seat as the romance goes off the rails--with unpredictable twists--in the second half.

Sure, it has a few flaws in production values, but for a low budget indie film with virtually unknown actors, it is really quite a coup. The cinematography is quite good, as is the directing. The acting is consistently strong and engaging. You can really "buy in" to the characters. If you see it with an audience at one of the festivals, you can feel them getting pulled in.

In short--fun, creepy, and oddly engaging. And very entertaining.
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Body/Antibody is intriguing, smart and provocative.
ramcess-16 November 2007
I had the pleasure of seeing this picture at one the New York screenings. I was immediately interested in this film when I saw the movie trailer. The trailer promised a film that was intriguing, smart and provocative. Body/Antibody actually exceeded my expectations and delivers extraordinary twists on an age-old story. The compelling plot and the lead actors take you on a journey that brings you to a place where you are stuck in the world of a man's bizarre psychosis. Yet you find yourself empathetic and drawn to his plight. The beautiful cinematography reinforces this repulsively clean and pristine alternative universe. I applaud the filmmakers for preserving the integrity and spirit of independent cinema. Well done!
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OCD -- Oddly Compelling and Delightful!
jodiverse31 October 2007
Usually when I hear the term "indie film", I roll my eyes and think, "Oh great. I'm going to be subjected to absurdly quirky characters engaged in improbable activities in jumpy black and white", and if I even watch at all, I find myself watching my watch more than the screen. So I was very pleasantly surprised to find that "Body/Antibody" was NOTHING like that, and, in fact was so engaging and well-done that the only time I consulted my watch, I was actually disappointed because I realized that the movie was almost over.

Perhaps one of the most engaging and unconventional aspects of this film is its characters. Kip, portrayed to marvelously comical effect by handsome Robert Gomes, could have easily sunk into "stock" characterization of a man afflicted with OCD, but instead is infused with a touching combination of ridiculousness and pathos. The struggle to accept another body into his sheltered life plays across his face beautifully.

That other body, Celine, played by deceptively delicate Leslie Kendall, is a wonderful breath of fresh air (excuse the cliché) -- not just in Kip's stale life but in the movie theater as well. She hearkens back to a certain sort of "old time" elegance and glamour that is so lacking in movies these days. Her performance is nuanced and layered, and I found myself constantly wondering, "What ELSE is there about Celine? There MUST be more." And oh, there was!

This is typical of the movie as a whole as well. Just when you think, "Oh, I know what's going to happen next!", you find you really don't. The direction manages to not reveal anything that shouldn't be revealed, but teases us juuust enough that we can't help but think, "Did he do that for a certain reason? Is that going to be important later on?" The direction is intelligent and cautious, never giving anything away and barely hinting at what's to happen next.

When the movie was over, I turned to my boyfriend and said, "You know what? I would have actually PAID to see this." If you know me at all, you know that's sayin' something. ;-)
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Body/Antibody @ The Fort Lauderdale Film Festival
acchik585 November 2007
I am a movie lover. So, it was with great anticipation that I went to see Body/Antibody at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival. Boy, am I glad I did! My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed this film. From the opening shot to the closing credits. The whiteness and starkness of Kip's environment and how it becomes "invaded", enabled us to feel his emotions. The leads did an excellent job in their roles. Robert Gomes as Kip, reminded me of George Clooney and Leslie Kendall as Celine reminded me of the "old time" Hollywood glamor girls. All the details in this film were defined by the writing and direction. I don't know what it takes to make a movie. I can only imagine the hard work, time, money and emotion spent on making all the pieces come together, in the hopes of the audience enjoying the outcome. Let me say, it was obvious by their reaction, the audience enjoyed the outcome a great deal. I would recommend this film to people who appreciate character development and a good mystery with just the right amount of dark humor thrown in.
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Germs are not welcome
drylungvocalmartyr15 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this surprisingly good dark comedy at the Titanic Film Festival in Budapest. It's best labeled as dark comedy although there are various tone shifts throughout the movie. I guess all of us could -to a lesser extent, of course- relate to the main character, Kip's phobias. His "problems" are well documented and create some really funny moments at the start of the film. Only an attractive and mysterious woman could possibly penetrate Kip's elaborate defense mechanisms, thus the middle section introduces a femme fatale to the isolated world of our hero. This demanding role, which is pivotal to the film's success, is brilliantly played by the beautiful Leslie Kendall. At this point we are led to think that the movie might turn out to be a romantic comedy after all, events however take a different turn as love is replaced by manipulation, betrayal and greed and we are back into black comedy territory again. Although the film is for the most part set in a Manhattan apartment it is never really an issue: the script with its various twists and turns manages to keep our attention level high. Special credit must be given to Charlie Schmid's score too; it's very atypical and adds a great deal to the overall atmosphere of the movie. One of the directors, Kerry Douglas Dye was present at the screening and he told us that his intentions when writing the script was to always go for the less obvious and try to avoid all Hollywood clichés. Budget was tight, filming was tense but he pretty much succeeded and the end result is an unconventional yet very enjoyable dark comedy. I'm a sure buyer for the upcoming DVD
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