"Lost" Every Man for Himself (TV Episode 2006) Poster

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A Sawyer episode
faincut26 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Focusing on Sawyer and his con abilities, we learn in this episode that beneath his layers of deceit, he has a conscience. The flashback takes us to the time where Sawyer did time in prison, and reveals how he conned his way out. Through this flashback, we understand why Sawyer is very emotional, towards Kate, even though he tips a new cell mate at the beginning of the flashback, and tells Kate that: "It's every man for himself". The others leader, Ben, reveals his con on Sawyer and tells him that: "The only way to gain a con artist's respect is by conning him". More is revealed about the role of Jack among the Others. He is called to save the woman Jin shot in S03E02. In that operation room he discovers why he is kept by the Others - to save someone's life. Finally, we get more scenes with Desmond - and how he predicts the future. 8 of 10.
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Dark struggles
TheLittleSongbird28 March 2018
When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

"Every Man for Himself" is a big improvement over the disappointing "Further Instructions", without being one of the best episodes of Season 3 or of 'Lost' in general. For me it was very good and nearly great, and unlike what "Further Instructions" did for Locke it does Sawyer justice in one of the higher-faring Sawyer-centric episodes. Nothing here is done terribly, just that a couple of things have been done better in other episodes before and since and it lacked the extra something and wonder of other 'Lost' episodes.

The cliff-hanger was well done and interesting but for personal tastes didn't have me jumping out of my chair, there are more shocking ones on 'Lost'. Ben's con agreed is fallen for too easily, but it does provide some nice tension.

However, a lot is done right here. It sets new ideas up well, there are a few interesting and surprising reveals, the character of Colleen is worth rooting for and love still the chemistry between Jack and Juliet (still interesting). Desmond has a fun role in the episode, the island events are nice to watch and The Others are suitably sinister and brutal.

People may have reservations over the predictability of the flashbacks, for me they added a good deal to Sawyer's character and his struggles and felt relevant to what was going on with his very dark complex struggles and what was happening to him in the present. Sawyer is written in a way that's intriguing and relatable and Ben is up to this point in 'Lost' at his most Machiavellian.

All the acting is very good, especially from Josh Holloway and Michael Emerson.

Can't fault the stylishness and atmosphere of the visuals, nor the effective use of music, mostly taut writing and the tightly controlled direction.

Overall, very good and almost great. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Live Together or Die Alone
claudio_carvalho27 October 2006
"The Others" bring Sawyer to a room, injects a needle in his sternum and when he wakes up, Benjamin Limus tells him that a pacemaker has been implanted in his heart and any physical effort for him will be lethal, since his heart will blow-up. Sawyer recalls his period in prison, when he betrayed another prisoner to commute six years of sentence and be released earlier. Colleen, the women shot by Sun, is submitted to a surgery, has complications and Juliet calls Jack on to help her, but it is too late. Paulo is playing golf on the beach, and Desmond asks for a club to build a weird apparatus. Benjamin brings the controlled Sawyer with him to the top of a hill to show where they are.

"Every Man for Himself" is one of the best episodes of "Lost". The coward and despicable behavior of "The Others", leaded by the Machiavellian Benjamin Limus (aka Henry Gale), irritated me. Sawyer shows through flashback how low she may go to take advantage on a situation, which is the reason of the title of this show ("Every Man for Himself"). The attitudes of Desmond are intriguing, and Paulo has again another short participation, but now at least with a few lines. The reference to a submarine increased the mystery about who "The Others" are. Evangeline Lilly is really a very pretty woman. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): Not Available

Note: On 6 April 2013, I saw this episode again on DVD.
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Feeling Silly!
ihala-3911428 May 2020
I'm rating this epiode 10 out of 10 just for Sawyer's "Dear GOGO GAGA" LOOOOL
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What 'The Long Con' should have been.
QoS0077 August 2008
'Every Man For Himself' is easily one of the best Sawyer-centric episodes. It contains both elements of Sawyer's deceptive past and elements of exactly what the Others are capable of. This episode proves once again that the first six episodes of the third season mean business. They didn't exactly follow the normal Lost season opener time-line, which EMFH proved. Sawyer's struggle between escape and the dark clutches of Ben had me on the edge of my seat during the entire episode. Ben and Sawyer showed wonderful chemistry episode, because of their opposite mannerisms and intentions. Watching them try to top each other led to one of the best hours in television history.

Another beautiful, jaw-dropping hour of Lost.
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More Hydra Island! Oh joy!
ametaphysicalshark28 November 2008
"Every Man for Himself" is everything wrong with the first six episodes of season 3 (other than "The Cost of Living", perhaps). The Hydra island storyline is the worst ever on "Lost", a completely useless example of prolonging the plot for the sake of prolonging the plot. Moreover, the episode barely even has enough good characterization in it to be worthwhile. The flashback is okay, though not great, and there's enough of Desmond and the regular island folk to make this watchable, but the Hydra island stuff is intolerable, especially Kate and Sawyer growling at each other from their cages, Pickett making faces, and (oh joy!) lots of shaky-cam which is apparently supposed to substitute for any actual tension. Also, Sawyer falls for Ben's con a bit too easily.

It's tough going, getting through five of these first six episodes. Luckily season 3 would rebound with "Not in Portland" and with one exception remain tremendously engaging and enjoyable.
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Lost at it's darkest
mpenny23 May 2010
Favorite Scene – The only really good scene in the episode. The scene with Boone in the sweat lodge.

Episode 3.4 Every Man for Himself 6/10

Island Plot – Ben goes to drastic means to get Sawyers cooperation. Jack tries to save an Others life.

Flashback – In prison Sawyer tries to con another inmate.

This is the episode where the Hydra Island subplot started to get tedious and a little to dark for my taste. If seeing Sawyer get beat up and emotionally and physically abused for an hour seems fun to you than this is your episode. For me it grows only more tedious with each viewing. Having said that, I have to admit there is a certain perverse pleasure in seeing Ben kick Sawyers rear end. Who knew he had it in him?

The flashbacks are OK and do give an interesting fact about Sawyer personnel life that I didn't see coming. The Jack and Juliet scenes are very good as usual and the subplot with Desmond, Charlie and Claire is mildly interesting. The "surprise" reveal at the end of the episode was pretty lame at the time and hasn't gotten much better.

All and all, not a bad episode but definitely not a classic.
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Mxtreme121 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just laughing about the fact that Linus' still saying things like '' we're not killers'' LOL
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Bad writing for this episode
BruceWayne313 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So the others can hear the convo between kate and sawyer while they are in the cage, ok, but then they are very close When kate gets out, he could of whispered everything into her ear. On top of that kate can get out of the cage but goes back in. Really???? She couldn't run to the plane crew and get help? So dumb. Jack was in the operating room, all types of surgery equipment around him, he couldn't get a weapon and get his way out? Come on.
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