How to Train Your Dragon (2010) Poster

Craig Ferguson: Gobber



  • Hiccup : [about the Night Fury]  I really did hit one.

    Gobber : Sure.

    Hiccup : He never listens!

    Gobber : Well, it runs in the family.

    Hiccup : And when he does, it's always with this... disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich.


    Hiccup : "Excuse me, barmaid! I'm afraid you brought me the wrong offspring! I ordered an extra-large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fish-bone!"

    Gobber : Now, you're thinkin' about this all wrong. It's not so much what you *look* like, it's what's *inside* that he can't stand.


    Hiccup : [sarcastic]  Thank you for summing that up.

    Gobber : Look the point is, stop trying so hard to be something you're not!

    Hiccup : I just wanna be one of you guys!

  • Stoick : [to Toothless]  Thank you, for saving my son.

    Gobber : [grimacing]  Well, you know... *most* of him.

  • Gobber : Look for its blind spot! Every dragon has one. Find it, hide in it, and strike!

    [Tuffnut and Ruffnut huddle in front of the dragon's face] 

    Ruffnut : [sniffing]  Whoa! Do you *ever* bathe?

    Tuffnut : You don't like it, then just get your own blind spot!

    [they shove at each other] 

    Ruffnut : How about I give *you* one...!

    [the dragon blasts fire at them, they run for cover] 

    Gobber : Blind spot, yes. Deaf spot... Not so much.

  • Hiccup : Aw, come on, let me out, please? I need to make my mark!

    Gobber : Oh, you've made plenty of marks! All in the wrong places!

    Hiccup : Please, two minutes! I'll kill a dragon, my life will get infinitely better... I might even get a date!

    Gobber : You can't lift a hammer, you can't swing an axe, you can't even throw one of these!

    [holds up a set of bolas] 

    Hiccup : [gesturing to a catapult machine of his own making]  Okay fine, but this will throw it for me!

    [He touches the machine and it fires a set of bolas through the window, knocking out another Viking] 

    Gobber : See, now this right here is what I'm talkin' about!

    Hiccup : It, it... mild calibration issue, I...

    Gobber : Don't you... no, Hiccup! If you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all... this.

    [gestures to all of Hiccup] 

    Hiccup : But you just pointed to all of me!

    Gobber : Yes! That's it! Stop being all of you!

    Hiccup : [annoyed, squinting sideways at him]  Oh...

    Gobber : Oh, yeah!

    Hiccup : You, sir, are playing a dangerous game! Keeping this much raw... viking-ness... contained! There'll be consequences!

    Gobber : [deadpan]  I'll take my chances.

    [heaves a dented sword into Hiccup's hands] 

    Gobber : Sword. Sharpened. Now.

  • Gobber : Behind these doors are just a few of the many species you will learn to fight. The Deadly Nadder...

    Fishlegs : [speaking rapidly]  Speed Eight, Armor Sixteen...

    Gobber : The Hideous Zippleback...

    Fishlegs : Plus Eleven Stealth, times Two...

    Gobber : The Monstrous Nightmare...

    Fishlegs : Firepower Fifteen...

    Gobber : The Terrible Terror...

    Fishlegs : Attack Eight, Venom Twelve...

    Gobber : [shouts]  Can you stop that?

    [normal voice] 

    Gobber : And... the Gronckle!

    Fishlegs : [whispering to Hiccup]  Jaw Strength Eight.

  • Gobber : Oh, nice of you to join the party! I thought you'd been carried off!

    Hiccup : Who, me? Nah, come on! I'm way too muscular for their taste! They wouldn't know what to do with... all this!

    [gesturing to himself and flexing] 

    Gobber : Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?

  • Gobber : Remember, a dragon will always, *always*... go for the kill.

    [cut to Hiccup in the forest where he freed the Night Fury] 

    Hiccup : [picking up the cut bolas]  So why didn't you?

  • Stoick : [about Hiccup]  What am I going to do with him, Gobber?

    Gobber : Put 'im in training with the others.

    Stoick : No, I'm serious!

    Gobber : So am I!

    Stoick : He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage!

    Gobber : Ah, you don't know that.

    Stoick : I do know that.

    Gobber : No you don't.

    Stoick : No, actually, I do.

    Gobber : No, you don't!

    Stoick : Listen, you know what he's like. From the time he could crawl he's been... different. He doesn't listen, he has the attention span of a sparrow... I take him fishing and he goes hunting for, for trolls!

    Gobber : Trolls exist! They steal your socks. But only the left ones. What's with that?

    Stoick : When I was a boy...

    Gobber : Oh here we go.

    Stoick : father told me to bang my head against a rock and I did it! I thought I was crazy, but I didn't question him. And you know what happened?

    Gobber : You got a headache.

    Stoick : That rock split in two! It taught me what a Viking can do, Gobber, he can, he can crush mountains, level forests, tame seas! Even as a boy, I knew what I was, what I had to become... Hiccup is not that boy.

    Gobber : You can't stop him, Stoick. You can only prepare him. I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is you won't always be around to protect him! He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now!

  • Stoick : When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose.

    Gobber : And my undies. Good thing I brought extras.

  • Gobber : Meet the Terrible Terror!

    Tuffnut : Ha! It's like the size of my...

    [the Terror leaps onto his face] 

    Tuffnut : OH, GET IT OFF!

  • [a Gronkle is let out into the training ring] 

    Gobber : Today is about survival. If you get blasted, you're dead. Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need?

    Hiccup : A doctor?

    Fishlegs : Plus five speed?

    Astrid : A shield!

    Gobber : Shield! Go!

    [the teens scramble around to grab shields] 

    Gobber : Your most important piece of equipment is your shield! If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield, take the shield!

  • Snotlout : [to Astrid, during training]  So anyway, uh, I moved into my parents' basement? You should come by some time to work out. You look like you work out!

    [his shield is knocked out by a Gronkle's fireball] 

    Gobber : Snotlout, you're done!

    Hiccup : [to Astrid]  So I guess it's just you and me, huh?

    Astrid : Nope, just you.

    [she dodges away and Hiccup's shield is hit by the Gronkle's fire] 

  • Gobber : Today is about teamwork! The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head *breathes* gas, the other head *lights* it. Your job, is to know which is which!

    Fishlegs : [whispering]  Razor-sharp serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims...

    Hiccup : Will you *please* stop that?

  • Viking : Get to the ships!

    Stoick : No, no...!

    [the Green Death blasts the Viking ships, trapping the Vikings on the beach] 

    Gobber : Smart, that one.

    Stoick : I was a fool. Lead the men to the far side of the island!

    Spitelout : Right!

    Stoick : Gobber, go with the men!

    Gobber : I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy.

    Stoick : I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing something to hunt!

    Gobber : [takes his hand]  Then I can double that time.

  • [after his latest "victory," in the final round of dragon training] 

    Hiccup : So, later!

    Gobber : [catches him]  Oh-oh, not so fast.

    Hiccup : Uh, I'm kind of late for...

    Astrid : [livid, jams her axehead into his throat]  What? Late for *what*, exactly?

  • Gobber : Welcome to Dragon Training!

    Astrid : No turning back.

    Tuffnut : I hope I get some serious burns!

    Ruffnut : I'm hoping for some mauling, like, on my shoulder or lower back.

    Astrid : Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it.

    Hiccup : [deadpan]  Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain. Love it.

    Tuffnut : Oh great, who let *him* in?

  • Gobber : [Slapping a thick book on the table]  The Dragon Manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of.

    [Thunder rumbles] 

    Gobber : No attacks tonight. Study up.

    Tuffnut : Wait, you mean *read*?

    Ruffnut : While we're still alive?

    Snotlout : Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?

    Fishlegs : [eagerly]  Oh! I've read it like, seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face, and, and there's this other one, that buries itself for like a week...

    Tuffnut : [interrupting]  Yeah, that sounds great. There was a chance I was gonna read that...

    Ruffnut : But, now...?

  • [Toothless shoot the plasma blast to the Green Death] 

    Hiccup : Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move Fishlegs!

    Tuffnut : Look at us! We're on a dragon. We're on a dragons! All of us.

    Hiccup : Up! Let's move it.

    Gobber : Every bit the boar-headed stubborn Viking you ever were!

  • Gobber : And with one twist, he took my hand and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look on his face. I was delicious! He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month before another one of them took my leg!

    [gestures to his fake leg] 

    Fishlegs : Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon? Like if your mind was still in control of it, you could have killed that dragon from the inside, by... crushing its heart, or something.

    Snotlout : I swear, I'm so angry right now! I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot. I'll chop off the legs of every dragon I fight... with my face!

    Gobber : Uh-uh-uh, no. It's the wings and the tails you really want. If it can't fly, it can't get away. A *downed* dragon... is a dead dragon.

  • Gobber : [the Green Death emerges]  Beard of Thor! What *is* that?

    Stoick : [overwhelmed]  Odin help us...

  • Gobber : The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first dragon in front of the entire village.

    Snotlout : [joking]  Hiccup already killed a Night Fury, so, does that disqualify him, or...?

    [all snicker] 

    Tuffnut : Can I transfer to the class with the cool Vikings?

  • [running after the Mother Dragon] 

    Stoick : [shouts]  Here!

    Gobber : [chuckling]  Oh-ho-ho, no...


    Gobber : Here!

  • Gobber : [to Hiccup during dragon training]  Don't worry. You're small and you're weak. That'll make you less of a target! They'll see you as sick or insane and go after the more viking-like teens instead.

  • Gobber : [to a Gronckle]  Get back to bed, you overgrown sausage!

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