Magic Gift of the Snowman (Video 1995) Poster

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The Healing Power of Imagination
ExplorerDS678915 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I first heard about this film through a review by Phelous, a popular internet reviewer, and ever since then I wanted to see the film and judge it for myself, wondering if it's really as cheesy and saccharine as he said. I have put it off for a while, but as the film tells us, "there's a time for questions and a time for action," so I watched it all the way through, and I can now safely say that Phelous pretty much on the mark, as while Magic Gift of the Snowman has its heart in the right place, its head is somewhere else... like where the sun don't shine. I like that they TRIED to convey the message about the power of healing through strength, determination, and even imagination, but they did it all wrong. This cartoon misses the mark by a mile. Like it had all the right pieces, but every piece was wrong. Even from the very beginning, where, as you'll be pleased to know, we start on a "happy" note: this family has a little girl who has some kind of mysterious, incurable disease. The doctor tells them that if she can make to Christmas, she might be alright. Not sure why, as they are extremely vague on what kind of illness Emery Elizabeth has. Her parents and brother, Landon, are understandably upset and sad that they may be losing a member of their family, and hope that she finds the will to live. Guess they really want to hammer the point home that this is a fairy tale. They say they've done all they can do, which I find hard to believe, but Landon decides to go a step further. So early one morning, he goes outside and builds a snowman, which he places directly outside his sister's bedroom window, then he goes inside to wake her and show her the surprise. Now, other than being unable to walk, Emery Elizabeth seems just fine to me. They made it out like she were in a coma and losing the fight against a terminal illness, but there are no IVs or monitors in her room and the only piece of equipment she has is a wheelchair. In fact, they didn't even need to say she was deathly ill, they could have easily just made her break her leg, be stuck inside at Christmas and feeling depressed. Did they even read this script out loud? So Landon introduces his sister's new bedroom buddy as Snowden the Snowman. He even offers to tell her a story about him, on condition that she eat some oatmeal. Is she malnourished too? When Landon finally begins his long-awaited tale, he tells about he and his sister going to visit Princess Electra in her magical kingdom: a land of no grownups, no homework, just kids who play all day. They also meet Snowden, and I don't know who was voicing him or what they were trying to do with this character, but he falls extremely flat. If he's trying to play it "cool", it's anything but. Snowden convinces Em to use her imagination to transform her wheelchair into a train, so they can traverse the land in style. It's a happy land where everyone is protected by the radiant, happy smile of Princess Electra. Nothing could possibly go wrong here. Pretty boring, isn't it? I'd say what we need is a villain.

So after a long, hard day of fun and games, Snowden puts Landon and Emery Elizabeth to bed in beds that are made of marshmallows, but look like waffles, then the lullaby birds come to sing a long, drawn out, monotonous song. They aren't asleep for long when Snowden bursts in to tell them that Princess Electra's smile has been stolen. Huh? How do you steal a smile? But it's true, she's looking sad and so are her once happy, playful subjects. What happened, you may wonder? Well, the evil, no-good, Lord of Yuck himself, the Shameless Charlatan infiltrated the princess' bedroom and literally stole her smile and locked it in a box. Er, keep in mind this is all just a story told by a little boy who made it up on the fly, so suspend your disbelief as far as you can. The Charlatan must be stopped, as Princess Electra's is the only kingdom he did not control, but that may soon change. It's at this point that Snowden becomes a bit of a jerk, as he decides to endanger the lives of two children to venture off to the Charlatan's kingdom, and also puts the pressure of deciding their next move on Emery Elizabeth, who is now filled with doubt. Snowden is apathetic to her emotions and tells her to stop feeling sorry for herself. Hey, show a little compassion; she's dying, you ice-hole. They make it across the river to the Charlatan's land, courtesy of floating atop Snowden who, although said earlier that he couldn't swim, managed to get across with no problem. So, who exactly is the Charlatan? As said, he rules everywhere except Electra's kingdom. He's a weird, deformed, maniacal man who turns everything he touches into "yuck", which is a mixture of sludge and sewage, I guess. His plan is to, you guessed it, take over the world. Of course! And because they felt the need to pad this thing out a bit longer, Emery Elizabeth's wheelchair becomes stuck in some yuck, and she lacks the imaginative powers, or rather the courage to use said powers to transform it into a vehicle. She falls into despair and says to leave her there, which Snowden is perfectly okay with doing. Some "cool friend' you cooked up for your sister, Landon. He's willing to leave you both to die. You might think he was using reverse psychology, but no, he took off for reals. Once again, Landon becomes proactive and convinces Em to overcome her fear and access the power inside of her, which she does and transformers her chair into a plane. They fly to the top of the mountain where that bozo Snowden was waiting. "What took ya so long?" You know, Snowden, I hope it's very SUNNY tomorrow. Anyway, the hapless trio arrive just in time to stop the Charlatan, who looks just like the Cryptkeeper, from destroying Electra's smile, which he kept in a box locked in a birdcage... again, made up on the fly by a little boy. They get the boxed smile away in time, and just as the Charlatan is about to take his revenge, Emery Elizabeth opens the box, blinding him by its effervescent rays, sending him stumbling around the room, knocking over his potions and starting a big fire. Em transformers her chair into a helicopter and flies to safety just as the Charlatan burns alive. Yes, he really does burn to death. You know, for kids! As for Snowden, he sadly didn't make it. Merry Christmas, Em. Oh, but maybe it will be after all, for the next morning, Landon awakens to find Emery Elizabeth not only still alive, but walking! How? She even gives him a snow globe with a tiny Snowden inside it. How? Why? Okay, fine, don't explain it, you didn't explain anything else.

In closing, if you're curious about this special, I would recommend you watch either Phelous or Bobsheaux's reviews, because although it wasn't terrible, Magic Gift of the Snowman was by no means good. The animation is alright in some places, but at times characters go off model. The voice acting is extremely lifeless and flat, which is unfortunate because of all the talented voice actors attached to the project, such as Scott McNeil, Terry Klassen, Ian James Corlett, Phil Hayes, and Gary Chalk. While I know that Ian voiced the Charlatan, and Emery Elizabeth was voiced by actress Andrea Libman, I have no idea who voices anybody else. The movie is also pretty slow paced, but that's okay because not every children's cartoon needs to be fast and loud, something that takes its time is perfectly acceptable, but as long as it's within reason. For me, while the story made no sense and it feels like this project wasn't entirely thought through, I liked some parts of it. I liked the relationship Landon had with Em, being a good big brother taking care of his little sister dying of Plot Device-itis. However, there are far better movies to watch at Christmas time, so while I wouldn't really recommend this, I still have to say it's NOT terrible and some parts are very charming. As I said above, you're better off just watching reviews of it online, though if you do see the DVD on sale for a buck, pick it up. At least it's something the little ones can watch before nap time.
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Magic Gift Of The Snowman rocks!
aidantgeraghty-118 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I first watched Magic Gift Of The Snowman when I was 6 years old (1998) Since then I have watched it probably at least 20 times, because it is so nice and it is so good.

how could you leave this movie with an overall of 3.0/10.0 It is really good... have you even watched it, because if you haven't it is probably too late now because you may be an adult, but to a child it is an excellent, touching, exciting movie!

The way the main characters Landen tells his sick little sister Emerie-Elizabeth the exciting story about the Magic Gift Of The Snowman to keep her from giving up on herself and dying is such a good story line for a movie! The movie's music is pretty good too. It reminds viewers of being happy back in the 1990's (1995-2000). I just love the Magic Gift Of The Snowman!!!!!!

I give Magic Gift Of The Snowman a 10.0/10.0! Thankyou, from Aidan
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The Season Of Perpetual Hope.
Dawalk-127 December 2017
When Blockbuster Video and most other video stores weren't yet defunct, I think I remember seeing the box cover to this VHS tape in that particular video store. Somehow, I would end up on passing on this. But after watching this just a few, late nights ago, this past weekend on Youtube, I now wish I hadn't. It's yet another of those animated movies I wish I had watched growing up, since then, it's been added to that list of mine. After looking at lists by others who mentioned what are the best and worst Christmas movies/specials ever made, and looking for good or great Christmas movies/specials I hadn't seen, if I'd made my own list, I'd consider it one of the best. And I really do. I found one of the better ones that were new to me.

The title of my review is a quote I thought of that was stated by Kevin McAllister's mother, Mrs. McAllister, in Home Alone ("This is Christmas!!! The season of perpetual hope!") and this is a fine example of what is meant by that. That's one of the things that this holiday really concerns. In this animated family/fantasy/musical movie, a girl named Emery Elizabeth is suffering from some illness. After her parents tried bringing in a doctor to find out whether he is successful in curing her, her brother, Landen, asks his parents if there's another way, some other form of medicine. His dad tells him that the only medicine that would cure her now is finding her strength and the will to stay alive, and believing that she'll survive. At this point, Christmas is only three days away, so Landen spends each of the three nights telling parts of a story that involve him, his sister, and a snowman he built outside Emery Elizabeth's bedroom window named Snowden, who he uses to keep an eye on her. Will she recover and be healthy enough in time to celebrate the holiday with her folks?

Another genre in which this could fall into is adventure, because it truly is one that the two kids and their snowman friend have. One of the other reviewers here mentioned that those outside the kid demographic and who didn't grow up watching this may not be into it in adulthood. But I think it's great and appealing enough for all demographics, since it seemed to be so to him and he reviewed it. Among the places they go to in the land where the siblings visit include a palace where a queen who is usually chipper lives. But later, she is no longer chipper due to having her smile stolen and Landen, Emery Elizabeth, and Snowden have to search for it and bring it back to her, as well as restore the queendom to it's former glory. After some hindrances get in the way and problems are solved, they eventually make their way to a fortress of a villain, who reminds me of the Crypt-keeper from the Tales Of The Crypt franchise and turns everything into what is known as "yuck", and they must go through him before everything can be returned to normal.

The messages I get from this are "where there's a will, there's a way" and finding one's self-confidence. They're both very positive messages to take to heart. One of the other reviewers of this mentioned that this movie is by Jetlag Productions, I didn't notice that in the opening credits, but rather by some other production company whose name I can't remember right now, I'd have to check again, as I read somewhere else that Jetlag is supposedly one of the poorer animation studios. Emery Elizabeth uses the power of her imagination to temporarily convert her wheelchair into other modes of transportation in order to get around difficult situations and obstacles. Faith was all she needed to get through it all. Speaking about the technicalities of this: Everything about the artwork (the character designs, backgrounds, layouts, etc.), are nicely illustrated, the animation is properly fluid enough, the voice acting is well-done, the songs may be better than the incidental, instrumental music. This is one of the Christmas specials that is well-worth seeing with repetitive viewings, whether having Christmas in it's usual month of December or even if anybody celebrates Christmas in July. The only thing I'm disappointed about is not getting to see the kingdom restored and everything resolved there, and I wish that had been included, but despite that one, little nitpick, it's still great. Recommended.
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One of my favourite Jetlag animations
TheLittleSongbird20 June 2012
Going through my phase of re-watching the animations of Golden Films, Jetlag and Burbank(both Films Australia and Animation Studios), Magic Gift of the Snowman was always one of my favourites, and of many gems and a few disappointments from an adult perspective Magic Gift of the Snowman is one of the standouts. The animation is suitably colourful, for me one of the better-looking Jetlag productions in that regard, while the script leaves you in a heart-warming mood, the characters are likable(Emery Elizabeth especially really touched me) and the voice work, consisting of voice actors who could be seen as regulars for Jetlag Productions, is solid enough once you get used to Snowden's cool talk. My favourite assets though of Magic Gift of the Snowman were the music and the story. The music is lovely, whimsical in the background music while all the three songs work, You Have the Power is especially soothing. And the story is very cute and imaginative, with lovely morals about dreams, happiness and imagination and their needs. In conclusion, one of the standouts from Jetlag Productions, Magic Gift of the Snowman is heart-warming and imaginative, and above all serves its purpose to entertain its target audience very well. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Magic Gift of the Snowman is a modest film.
lostcinematheq14 March 2021
Its music isn't up to Disney's, but still uniquely beautiful. Every song made me full of wonder and joy, especially the one that plays when entering Electra's Kingdom for the first time. The film's animation isn't perfect either, but that's also precisely what gives it such character. Because sometimes it's not about being the most technical. Sometimes all it takes is a little charm and sincerity. This was a magical story that moved me in ways I could have never expected. I hope to watch it during Christmas every year!
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