"Lost" Flashes Before Your Eyes (TV Episode 2007) Poster

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TheFirst0116 March 2020
I got nothing else to say than this is the best episode of Lost that is not the first episode or the conclusion. This one has the most affectionate story yet of the flashbacks, and you really feel for Desmond. Probably the best flashback episode so far, and the ending of the episode broke my heart. The whole episode made sense so that we could understand why Desmond told Charlie what he said in the ending.
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One of the best
pkwairia4 September 2019
This is one of my favourite episodes. Well written and executed.
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So many twists and turns it could be a half clove hitch!!!
peterjaybee2 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
See you in another life Brother (said with a Scotish accent! This is an amazing episode revolving around Desmond. You will be left with so many questions and a few answers "...your gonna die Charlie".

The episode contains flashbacks? of Desmond. He can see the future (or the past)back in England with his girlfriend Penny, but he can remember the island. Little things like his alarm clock remind him of pressing the button and "saving the world".

I cannot really explain this episode. It left me in a state of awe and really sums up the lost series for me in the way they both entertain whilst making you think about life, beliefs and religion.

This is definitely in my top 5 lost episodes along with the season 2 and 3 premiers, walkabout and the episode where Boone climbs into the yellow plane.
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The universe has a way of self-correcting
ametaphysicalshark8 December 2008
The universe has a way of self-correcting... and apparently so do great television shows that make a costly mistake like the six episode pod which opened season three ("The Cost of Living" is a major exception, though). Almost as an apology for the massive failure that was the Hydra island pod of episodes, the season returned several months later with two consecutive masterpieces, both among the finest episodes of "Lost". "Flashes Before Your Eyes" takes a break from the Jack-Kate-Sawyer-Ben-Juliet saga to reveal exactly what happened to Desmond after he turned the failsafe key, how he knew what Locke was going to say before he made his speech in "Further Instructions", and why he ended up naked. Well, the last one isn't exactly explained in detail...

Much like the previous episode "Not in Portland" the episode effortlessly mixes character-based drama and mythology-based thrills without one element over-powering the other. In many ways Desmond is the perfect character to do this with. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" reveals some significant details of how time relates to "Lost", but it does so in scenes with ramifications and a significant effect on Desmond's character and his perception. Again, the Penny/Desmond love story proves to be one of the rare romances on "Lost" which is actually striking and effective, and surprisingly believable as well.

The episode sees the introduction of Charles Widmore, it sets up Desmond's flashes which would continue having a significant impact on the series throughout season three and eventually sort of form the basis for the show's greatest episode: "The Constant". This one is a superb episode, only flawed due to the lazy production design- London doesn't really look like London, 'honour' is spelt as 'honor' on a recruitment poster, the 'pub' looks like an American bar, and the football match on the television looks like a Spanish match from the late 80's, and barely anything like an English match from the 90's. Great direction for this episode, and a superb script by Damon Lindelof and Drew Goddard.
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Just Wow!
ihala-3911430 May 2020
Best episode ever .. I love Desmond and I love whoever wrote this smart episode!!!
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"Please let me go back one more time. I'll do it right, I'll do it right this time"
gridoon202414 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Words fail to adequately describe the brilliance of "Flashes Before Your Eyes". It was a bold move to temporarily drop all the Others-related story lines and focus on Desmond (with the strongest supporting parts going to Charlie and, of course, Penny) and the aftermath of his turning of the fail-safe key, but it paid off in what is easily the best LOST episode since "Live Together, Die Alone" (not coincidentally, another Desmond-centric episode). So when he turned that key, Desmond traveled back to the 1990s - or did he? Is it possible to live through something for the first AND the second time simultaneously? And if prediction of the future is really, as this episode suggests, a form of deja vu by someone who has already experienced the future, and Desmond can now see the future on the island, does that mean he has been there before?!?! The possibilities/theories are mind-blowing. But this is not a dryly intellectual episode: it is also highly emotional, and sometimes moving to the point of tears. Desmond gets to relive his life and repeat his mistakes, even while he knows them and wants to avoid them. Henry Ian Cusick gives an incredible performance, pulling you along for the ride all the way. But no review can really do enough justice to FBYE, you have to experience it for yourself. If I could keep only one LOST episode, this would be a serious consideration. **** out of 4.
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Lost Season 3 episode 8
sunyboy114 February 2007
Lost is getting back to its greatness, very good episode today. The history and background of Desmond was amazing, and then the introduction of the psychic woman, that was genius. She knew Desmonds history and what was going to happen next. But I think she's a little evil by not telling people they're in danger, come on!just joking.

From start to finish the episode was smooth, from the island to the Desmond memories. LOST IS BACK AND KICKING!!!

Note: Some first time viewers may be confused if they've never seen LOST before.

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Electrifying among one of the best episodes of Lost
UniqueParticle6 July 2021
Rarely get captivated like I did with the brilliant episode. It's focused on Desmond Hume which is interesting throughout and quite well written! Everything about the philosophy of time travel, the meant to be, the events that have already happened and the way it was directed is just gold. Not much like this majestic piece of cinema, I'm so glad I rewatched it!
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A flash of brilliance
TheLittleSongbird15 April 2018
When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

"Flashes Before Your Eyes" is one of the best episodes of the early half of Season 3 (even the best up to this point) and is one of the best of the season for me. So brilliant was almost every aspect of the episode, which was as classic 'Lost' Season 3 got, that it actually made me look past and forget the sloppy lack of authenticity for how London looks. Can understand though if others don't find it so forgivable.

The episode has pretty much everything that 'Lost' is all about. It was great to have a break from the Hydra Island storyline, and return to the rest of the survivors. We may not have many answers here, but a lot of the episode probes thought with riveting plot twists, Desmond made even more interesting than he already was and lots of foreshadowing.

Furthermore, there are intriguing ideas set up with a lot of potential and the romance between Desmond and Penny being handled sensitively and being one of the most successful 'Lost' romances. The role of Charles Widmore and the chemistry between him and Desmond is another highlight.

Acting is on point as to be expected, Henry Ian Cusick being remarkable.

Can't fault the stylishness and atmosphere of the visuals, nor the effective use of music, taut writing and the tightly controlled direction.

In summary, brilliant and classic 'Lost'. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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The Intriguing Final Destination of Charlie
claudio_carvalho19 February 2007
While in the woods with Locke, Sayid, Charlie and Hurley, Desmond rushes to the sea and rescues Claire that was drowning. When Charlie questions his premonition, Desmond recalls that after using the key in the hatch, he traveled back in time to London, where he met Penny again. He has a Déjà vu with many situations, including his traumatic meeting with Penny's father, the arrogant Mr. Charles Widmore. In the end he discloses a secret to Charlie.

"Flashes Before Your Eyes" is an intriguing episode of Lost, centered in Desmond and his mysterious premonitions and time travel. The story is open to interpretations (has he traveled in time or just had a trip in his mind? – everything is possible in the island) and a great episode. My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): Not Available

Note: On 7 April 2013, I saw this episode again on DVD.
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lost-season 3 episode 8 flashes before your eyes
orlandoandmeforever15 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
the best television i've seen in a long time!!!

AMAZING episode I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desmond's visions are so interesting, and how he knows everything that will happen to Claire and Charlie , and then he tells Charlie he's gonna die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edge of your seat, crazy addicting television!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAY GOOD!!!!!!!

everybody should watch lost it only gets better and better !!!

no one can not love this show, so many mysteries but no answers ,but it still so great i absolutely cannot stop watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am in love with it !!!!
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Love it!
macktoid1 August 2022
This episode introduces us to both Charles Widmore and "Eloise." They have a quite a history, it turns out later!

Anyway, I love her character in this episode and in the returning epsodes in which she appears.

Actually, I think she's my favorite female character in the whole series! She has that special "creepy' factor going.
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clever episode
mpenny229 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Island Plot - Charley and Hurley try to uncover the reason behind Desmond's strange behavior

Flashback - Desmond's breakup with Penny

This episode initially annoyed me. mainly because at the time it was said that it would tell the story of what happened to Desmond after the destruction of the hatch. It does, but not how I expected. Instead of telling us how Desmond, Locke and Eko survived the hatch explosion it showed Desmond some how transported to an earlier point in his life. the crucial point that led to him coming to the Island. Will he use the opportunity to change his past or will he follow his destiny.

This is an unusual episode in how it's set up. Instead of having flashbacks spread out throughout the episode it has one giant flashback bookended by some on island scenes. Basically Charlie and Hurley realize that Desmond seems to be able to see things before that happen. They confront him about it. In the end he ends up telling one of them a very terrifying prophesy that will haunt the rest of the season.

In re-watching it i found it to be a very good episode with huge implications for the remainder of the series. It also introduced us to the character Eloise. That makes it worth the price of admission.
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Poor attempt at England
mattyjadams15 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the episode but the portrayal of England was poor and un researched. It looked nothing like England/London looks like and there were multiple spelling mistakes at key points. Example : Armed Forces Career Office Honor spelt as such. British English as spoken and used throughout the majority of the world is spelt with a u - therefore, Honour.

It's the small things that irritate people and believe it or not most of my British friends have been and will be put off watching the show over something so petty. I know it's petty but a lot of non Americans see this as Americas ignorance of the rest of the world and I am inclined to believe them - it doesn't happen in foreign dramas they make sure the small things are right. To be honest I'm disappointed in the Lost research team.
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If you're going to pretend you're in England... get the spelling right!
sylvesterthekat17 February 2007
This isn't so much a review as merely a comment on this particular episode.

This episode was generally a good one and I'm hoping that it is a portent of things to come (ie that we see more of the cast other than Jack, Kate and Sawyer) and that we return to the mystery aspect of the storyline.

I'm English so it was slightly annoying to me that they made such a glaring error as to spell the word 'honour' incorrectly on the recruitment poster when Desmond walked past an armed forces recruitment office. That was the most glaring one. It was mostly obvious that they weren't really in London but I guess to anyone who hasn't lived there it wouldn't be so bad! I wonder if they've given themselves a way out of the series by implying that if Desmond ever makes the choice to marry Penny, the world will come to an end and so will the show! It looks anyway like it might be curtains for one particular character, after what was revealed by Desmond at the end.
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Mr.Widmore's office
esraa18 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the first scene where Desmond is in Mr. Widmore's office, Desmond sits on the chair that is on the right, and there is no picture- which has NAMASTE on it- on the right wall. In the second scene, we see Desmond sitting on the chair on the left, and he turns right and sees the picture on the wall. In the following scenes, when Mr.Widmore moves to his bar for whiskey, we see that the same picture is on the left wall this time. Has anyone noticed this goof, or have I missed a point?

This episode finally sparks the joy of watching Lost. Since the beginning of Season 3, I have lost interest and excitement,but LOST is back with this mysterious, full of surprises episode.
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Disney Britain
tristantull10 April 2007
I agree with the comment that said they were put off with the depiction of England, although I think it's more of a generic Britain as at first I thought it was supposed to be Edinburgh? As the lead was Scottish, there was an advert for The Royal Scots (infantry regiments recruit locally and therefore would not advertise in London) at the Armed Forces(?) recruiting office with guess what? A big picture of a U.S. soldier below it! As for the endless red 'phone boxes and football match on the TV that looked like it was recorded in 1982.... The British actors must have been cringing, Lost remains fabulous but please, you are intelligent people making this show with a big UK base, don't treat us like this! I wonder how the Australians and Koreans saw themselves in previous episodes?
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The best episode of LOST so far
sd-7756225 May 2024
I swear to god this show is unbelievable every episode gets better than the other but this episode is like so good that it gave me goosebumps I mean it's just the idea of time traveling that is good but LOST make it even better this show is so ahead of its time........ I swear to god this show is unbelievable every episode is better than the other but this episode is like so good that it gave me goosebumps I mean it's just the idea of time traveling that is good but LOST make it even better this show is so ahead of its time I swear to god this show is unbelievable every episode is better than the other but this episode is like so good that it gave me goosebumps I mean it's just the idea of time traveling that is good but LOST make it even better this show is so ahead of its time.
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Slower and slower
grzybek515 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the series, I can't stand this Season 3, with plot getting slower and sloooower. What happened at the island in this episode? NOTHING, just nothing! Desmond saves Claire, Charlie is jealous and suspicious (as always) and they are sitting and talking on the beach. What's interesting about that? Where's action? Also those mysterious events at the island become more and more lame. Locke having visions in the tent, Desmond having 'flashbacks from the future' - c'mon! I'll surely watch following episodes, but I'm afraid LOST will finally become boring and unwatchable. 6/10 - my love to the series hasn't completely vanished yet.
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