Our Story Our Voice (2007) Poster

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The voice is the single most powerful human asset
pseedpsp8 February 2007
'Our story Our voice' offers great insight to the issue of multi-cultural-ism. It really does highlight the possibilities for human kind to truly embrace globalisation. The right to a voice from the source rather than through the filter system of judgement is what this film manifests; and director's like Owen Alik Shahada are at the forefront of making no apology for using film to shout out loud and say 'one can speak for them self'. This film uses frank images in a way that drives the spoken word. It is a documentary with no pretentiousness.In a time when colonialism,albeit sometimes with well meaning intentions,still assumes that its engines know best. That is because it doesn't know that it doesn't know what is best. This film airs the views that have no voice in the political arena, and views that offer solutions that could set a blue print for the success of multi-cultural-ism. The sound-scapes are also used effectively to reinforce the themes. Halaqua Media the film makers have also lived up the their reputation of producing cinematographic gems in the making of this film.
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When Whispers become screams
ocacia2 February 2007
It doesn't take much thinking to look at who controls media and the subsequent representation depicted in Hollywood, BBC, CNN etc. The rare question is never asked, whose voice do we keep hearing, and if that voice is the dominant race-class then what does the other voice sound like—aka the majority of people. These people don't have a voice, they are always on the other side of someone else stories. The "extreme" Muslim, the radical Blacks, the immigrants, The poor African, the oppressed woman. What story of the world would tell if they could only have the power to speak? This is what this film is about, that voice that whisper; muted, subdued, erased, marginalized. What notes would that voice make? what would be their concerns? What would be their vantage point if they not only spoke but spoke in dignity reaffirming terms via a vehicle or an agent of their choice? In our multicultural world multicultural is just a veneer of a monoculture domination this film exposes that without any apology. This is all this film is about, and it is interesting the richness contained in this simple premise of Our Story, with Our Voice.
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beautifully put together
siobhanboksch23 February 2007
The film captures the conscience of one's inner state, getting closer to the truth that lies within, the truth most are afraid to express…a tapestry of many intricate layers. OSOV demands one to question one self, in the pursuit of getting to one's own understanding and not that of others. The path is an individual one and one that can only be walked alone. This is highlighted through the film as it is only the individual perspective and point of view we are exposed to and not any king of institution, which proves the power of one voice against many. The film is a must see by all especially here in the West where things are shifting rapidly. A must see for anyone seeking what lies beneath the gold we are shown. Well worth seeing.
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strange to here the other side
sales-2468 February 2007
Some would say that this film is controversial, it has views which are not mainstream, but i didn't see or hear anything controversial. I think people use the term controversial to either get people to not trust it, it isn't a normal view. What happens in this film is the blinding logic isn't popular but it should be popular and you realize something else, the degree to which only one opinion rotates around and around in Western society. and how we get presented with choices from the same coin. this is the context in which our freedom of speech is framed. The film shows the madness behind multi-cultural where we as minority people are almost like flavors, chocolate white people but that is the limits of how much we are accepted and to go beyond the boundaries set by those controlling society is to be maybe seen as a threat. And they have so many labels for those that define themselves against the grain. What i gained most from this film is how inescapable it is to escape medias perception. Even if you are aware you absorb so much even without knowing. I am happy i saw this film because it is like a repellant to that because i can re-frame the lies within a new window and have a different take on world events.
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An Insight into the truth
juneparris56 February 2007
Our story our voice brings to the forefront the problems that the world is facing today. These problems are related to every social situation in present day civilisation. In first and third world countries and in developing nations.In watching this documentary, one becomes aware of inner thoughts that were not expressed in the past. It opens up the mind into realistic thinking with a knowledge that we are all affected in some way.

Thanks to film makers such as Owen Shahadah, we are more aware of our hidden thoughts and wellbeing in an artificial world with false security. This awareness has left me with a thirst for more knowledge as well as a kinship to my fellow man. It teaches love in a world where there is hatred, and instills a certain togetherness in the world.

I recommend this documentary to any one who cares about mankind and the future.
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A New Voice of Social change
zbbetty8 April 2007
I love Michael Moore, I loved the corporation. However these still represent "white" voices. Good white voices but white voices. And in a plural world, as the film says, there should be a multi-representation of through in all areas of people activity and subjects. Our Story Our Voice is another master piece from Owen Alik Shahadah who battles with a difficult political topic to produce a doc which has your eyes glued to the screen. I saw this film when it opened at PAFF and I had some popcorn, it was not a good idea. From the explosive montage at the beginning to the end, I found it difficult to have to reach out and put the popcorn in my mouth. The film required full engagement. It is very fast moving and loaded with content, quotes, music effects, narration, images, stock footage from amazing locations around the world. And the content is like everything you thought but never read in the White newspapers. This is not a racial film, it is a political film but it is interesting how race and ultimately the perspective are linked. I think had this very topic been done by Michael Moore or those other people it would be very different. Because they would be capturing an inescapable experience which is white. Nothing wrong with this as long as we understand the need for plurality in cinema and story telling. This film testifies to the need for truly independent media from oppressed groups.
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