Decoding the Past: Earth's Black Hole (TV Movie 2007) Poster

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Doesn't suck
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews5 March 2009
This is a very theoretic documentary, that aired on The History Channel. It deals with the possibility of a Black Hole in the Earth. We are explained what such is, as a space phenomena, and then they go into the interesting concept that is the basis of this program. It's a pretty big, forehead-slapping "oh, of course" moment when you find out what they mean by the idea. That is part of the reason I'm not putting it here. This features interviews with specialists within several fields, some actual, real-life footage from many different sources and times, as well as graphics and more. It ran at an hour total, so without commercials, it's 42 minutes, give or take a couple, from start to finish of the production. This may very well provide food for thought, for those who want to know about the subject. There isn't particularly anything offensive in this, in fact, unless the thoughts expressed bother the viewer, there is nothing that qualifies. I recommend this to anyone that wishes to find out all regarding this. 7/10
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I'd rather have my brains scooped out with a rusty spoon...
generian8 March 2009
A little disappointed in the history channel.

This feature is an example of what happens when academic institutions graduate students with a low D average. In the grand tradition of Eric Von Daniken we explore the media hybridization of Gerry Springer and Pseudo Science. Stuffed full of "Machines that go Ping" and important looking props, it is an exemplification of how an illegitimate premise can be propped up by the manipulation of anecdotal faerie stories as though they represent actual scientific data. It manifests the descent of intellectual integrity in Public Television into a sort of Luddite reality TV.

There is no "Bermuda Triangle." The popular notion that this area has an unusual statistical incidence of accidents or loss of ships/ aircraft has long ago been dispelled by actual examination of records. Analysis of the disappearance of Flight 19, demonstrated that it was nothing more than pilot error, fog, and breach in protocol... not the boogie man or some supernatural time warp.

NO... there is no special magnetic anomaly in that area that sucks ships and aircraft to their doom and no "temporal rift." GAWD We are to believe that a black hole resides within our planet, and yet... after about 4.5 billions of years the planet has somehow managed to avoid falling into it. Yet we are to believe it must be so, because we are given to a false initial premise that the "Bermuda Triangle" is somehow "special."

Most of the legends surrounding this and other areas with similar reputations, date back to early sea faring and wooden boats... lost to attacks by sea monsters. (cue spooky music) Educated mature adults will likely find it extremely offensive to have something like this portrayed as science. It is a sensationalized deception and misrepresentation of scientific process solely for the purpose of production profits. Little more than the video version of vanity press.

I would sooner trust the theories held by the small hedge in front of my home, on why cabbage is the dominant intelligence on this planet. I believe it to be an erroneous theory, but that my hedge is at least earnest, and this video does provide a genuine argument for its case.

The History Channel airing this as a documentary? What next? Perhaps they'll broadcast "Herbert West: Re-Animator" as a documentary on advances in surgical medicine. This should in my opinion be run as an infomercial, not a documentary... immediately following the home colon irrigation system and those loonie "secret cures for cancer the government doesn't want you to know about" assaults against reason that populate 3AM network viewing.

This piece scores 10 out of 10 trans-orbital lobotomies.
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