"South Park" Le Petit Tourette (TV Episode 2007) Poster

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So funny
egunderson2431 July 2019
This episode is so great. The idea of Cartman faking having Tourette's in order to take advantage of people is something that seems like a perfect fit and while it strikes some similarities to the episode where he pretends to be retarded to be in the special olympics, it's a formula that always works so well and it's really funny. The spontaneous words he comes up with are so funny and it's really interesting seeing how everyone else reacts. The story feels like it flows naturally and the scene at the therapy center is really powerful. It's one of the show's most powerful moments next to episodes like The Return of Chef and Kenny Dies. In my opinion, any time the show manages to get a powerful emotion it result a in one of the strongest episodes. And the twist of him actually potentially having it is one I didn't actually see coming and it feels like he's actually getting punishment besides getting yelled at. It feels like he actually learned his lesson and even though you know its going to get reversed by next episode that's okay because the show doesn't follow that type of continuity. It's easily one of the strongest episodes in the first half of the season, next to With Apologies to Jesse Jackson.
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Legendary episode.
vstftfcs12 June 2021
Cartman's inner Adolf is fully unleashed in this classic episode. South Park take their twisted brand humour to a whole other level here; one that is rarely seen again, in any future episodes.
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Just so damn funny.
zalfrodo3 November 2020
This episode has to be my top 10. It's funny and smart
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loved it.
Kubrickphile22 February 2008
South park continues to be push envelopes and not let any topic go untouched. this time dealing with tourette syndrome.

not only is this show completely uninhibited but it always guarantees 20 minutes worth of laughter. even in a very serious subject such as this disorder.

though many thought of this episode as controversial and disrespectful to those unfortunate people suffering with tourette, i disagree.

during the show the characters made it quite clear to each other the severity of the issue, though cartman did abuse the situation, i don't think anybody can honestly say that the story was out to mock.

I'm sounding preachy which isn't my intent. final thoughts. great episode. hilarious as always while shedding the spotlight on an issue that not everyone is as familiar with as maybe they should.
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Great episode!
brian-linton122 March 2019
This episode is definitely worth a watch, and if you're watching this in a marathon please continue there is much more to love. It's a perfect examples of the evil nature of Eric Cartman... and more!
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"he's faking"
RainDogJr30 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a simple episode ad so far after watching all of the Season 11 episodes (with the exception of the Imaginationland trilogy) this is the one that made laugh the most, definitely is my favourite so far of Season 11. So basically Cartman sees at a toy store a kid who has the Tourette's syndrome and a new idea comes to Cartman. You can imagine, now Cartman has Tourette's syndrome and is great since Kyle once he knows about this is like "he's faking". Cartman is certainly on fire, saying whatever he wants to the teachers, to the principal, to anybody. On the other hand we have Kyle who now is the intolerant one, basically for saying that Cartman was faking he was taken to meet children with Tourette's syndrome just to let him see that Tourette's syndrome is for real and is great since Kyle is like "well maybe someone is faking to have Tourette's for fun", in short Kyle could not explain that Cartman was faking. Probably my favourite scene of this episode is when Cartman is with Kyle's family but right after this scene another kid fins that Cartman is simply faking, the kid with Tourette's who was at the toy store, Cartman basically said to that kid this: "isn't having Tourette's awesome". But to be saying whatever he wants and be for everybody a brave boy is sort of just the beginning for Cartman, his master plan: going on National TV to say anything he wants ("people will call it brilliant TV, they'll probably give me an Emmy"- fantastic, in this episode the word "s***" is used 26 times and certainly that's not all. South Park won an Emmy like a month or so before this episode aired). But here there's a twist, Cartman basically removed all the bricks of the wall, he says now everything without thinking so we hear from Cartman that he wet his bed last night, now is not fun for Cartman and he is like "I can't control what I say" and certainly the person who was with him is like "well of course you can't control what you say, you have Tourette's" so Cartman is like "my Tourette's has gotten worse, before I just blurted out cool stuff about Jews being lame and stuff but now it's gotten really bad". There is also stuff about Chris Hansen and To Catch a Predator, actually what happened with a pervert here happens with a lot more perverts, Kyle and Thomas were behind that to stop Cartman, Kyle ends being Cartman's saviour! Fantastic!

TSA VOICES CONCERN Over "South Park" October 3rd Episode

On Wednesday, October 3, the cable network Comedy Central will air an episode of the animated series "South Park" in which one of the young characters, Cartman, "gets" Tourette Syndrome. Given the nature of this program, we fully expect it to be offensive and insensitive to people with TS and garner numerous calls and emails from our members and the TS community.

We have already taken some pre-emptive strikes, such as requesting that Comedy Central air our Public Service Announcement (featuring comedian Richard Lewis) during or after the show. In addition, once the episode airs and we are able to see exactly how TS is portrayed, we will be able to respond with specific issues and problems we have with the show to the writers.

"We are actually surprised it took the creators so long to use TS as comedy fodder in this program, since no disability, illness or controversial topic is off limits to them," said Judit Ungar, President, TSA.

"We always see portrayals of TS (good and bad) as an opportunity for awareness and education, and a show of this magnitude and popularity is certainly no exception and provides a way for TSA to spread factual information about the disorder," said Tracy Colletti- Flynn, Manager of Public Relations and Communications, TSA.

We will be posting an official statement on this site with TSA's reaction to the program after the show airs.

TSA RESPONDS to "South Park" Episode

Unfortunately, as has been the case with far too many media portrayals of people with Tourette Syndrome (TS), the season opener of South Park ("Le Petit Tourette," 10-3-07) served to perpetuate even further the outright myth that most of those affected by TS have involuntary outbursts of foul language. In point of fact, fully 85-90% of people with TS never experience this tragically socially stigmatizing symptom (medically termed coprolalia). For viewers less familiar with the symptoms of this neurological disorder, the misleading take away message couldn't have been clearer – unless you curse, you don't have TS.

Despite our pre-airing trepidations, we do concede that the episode was surprisingly well- researched. The highly exaggerated emphasis on coprolalia notwithstanding, for the attentive viewer, there was a surprising amount of accurate information conveyed. The scripted input from parents, a neurologist, peers and the therapy session with the "TS children's support group" all served as a clever device for providing these facts to the public. "No doubt this South Park episode did generate increased national awareness about TS. Nevertheless, we are very concerned that school children with TS will be mocked and even bullied by insensitive peers who may have seen the program," said Judit Ungar, TSA President. "We realize that for over a decade the writers' satirical parodies have spared no group be they celebrities, the disabled or political figures. The fact that TS was the subject of a popular TV show attests to the fact that the public is so much more aware of the disorder. Obviously, this increased awareness we've worked too hard to accomplish can at times prove to be a double-edged sword."

TSA contacted the program's executives prior to the airing, and we will be in touch with them again. Perhaps we'll succeed in turning this into an opportunity for positive TS awareness.
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Funny Cartman episode!
gangstahippie21 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
La Petit Tourette is a pretty funny South Park episode.Cartman is at the toy store one day and here's a kid swearing out loud but not getting in trouble for it.His mother then tells everyone that the kid has "tourette syndrome".Cartman loves the fact that he can swear without getting into trouble so he tells everybody that he has tourette syndrome.Kyle, however finds out that Cartman is lying and tries to tell people, but they think he is insensitive and is put in a "Tourette sensitivity training" type place.Cartman's tourette's eventually land him a spot on a talk show, however he finds that he cannot control his tourettes and starts saying embarrassing things that happen to him.Meanwhile, Kyle tries to sabotage the show in an interesting way.
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how many swear words are in this
nathan-4084 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I tell you although it is funny how how this many swear words are in this one I'm sure the number of profanities and swear words in it would probably count up to about 200 because from what i last heard the greatest number of swear words on a south park episode is 165 counts of the word s**t but aside from that its so funny because in it there is swear words and also paedophiles shooting themselves in the head Watch this for your own survival also look out for a mention of cartmans father and also the annoying voice of Chris Hanssseeeen and also kyle has to save cartman from paedophiles (the catch a predator show is also on dateline) and they track a peado down and when they got there the peado "shot himself"
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nickeiffer4 December 2020
Super funny episode but what I liked about it is how it was somewhat disturbing at points.
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Offensive but Grand
mirosuionitsaki29 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Although, this episode was offensive to the Tourette Syndrome Association, others thought it was funny, while others thought it was a bad way to start the new season.

This episode was funny and just shocking. South Park has made history as being their first episode with the most cuss words, unless you count the movie as an episode.

I enjoyed how they made fun of Chris Hansen and his television show, to Catch a Predator. I didn't like the idea on how they thought Chris Hansen would do a show on tourettes and let a boy speak out and bash the Jews.

One thing I did not like is how South Park thought that people with tourettes syndrome would just blurt out bad language like that. I've seen people on television with Tourettes syndrome and they do not just blurt out bad words. Unless I am incorrect.
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