You Can't Watch This (2019) Poster

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A must-see
take2docs14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone unfamiliar with the four or five subjects of this film and not a radical progressive will probably find this quite watchable. Though not a follower myself of Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Tommy Robinson, or any of the others here, I respect them all and certainly side with them on the issue of free speech and, as such, wonder how any self-professing lover of democracy can possibly pan this. (Absolutely mind-boggling, this.)

Really, you don't have to particularly like all of the subjects but you ought to at least be in their corner if you care anything at all about Western freedoms and specifically the First Amendment.

The documentary focuses on a few relatively well-known public figures/alternative media personalities who in recent years have been the targets of a modern-day witch-hunt, one echoing the spirit of McCarthyism, albeit this time around it's a leftist crusade.

There is the mild and soft-spoken Tommy Robinson, who's been tarred-and-feathered and all but pilloried by the mainstream media in his homeland, merely for his trying to raise social awareness as to the factual problem of "grooming gangs" in the UK. For this, the likable Mr. Robinson was introduced to the words travesty and injustice, if he hadn't already known their definitions.

Ms. Loomer was at one time an online viral sensation, until she was de-platformed for her anti-sharia activism and "guerilla journalist" tactics. Whereas hate-mongering ayatollahs are permitted on some of these social media sites, as well as foreign dictators, here you have a freedom-loving, democratic American being banned, on account of her expressing totally constitutional political views. When folks like Ms. Loomer are simply out trying to expose various self-perceived threats to American civil liberties and are unjustly censored for it, what does that say about the contemptible techno-fascists/totalitarian-sympathizers doing the banning?

When you dislike someone so much, enough to want to remove from them their fundamental right to freedom of expression, somehow that seems rather hateful in my book, but notice how cleverly these victims of such shamefully undemocratic behavior have been made out to be the bad guys, what with their having been marginalized, ridiculed, slandered, and at times neo-blacklisted, solely for their being popular and influential conservatives. Unspeakably obscene, this.

YOU CAN'T WATCH THIS rallies to their side in providing these articulate subjects with an opportunity to speak and to defend themselves. In my opinion, it makes a great companion to the book "Censored: How The West Became Soviet Russia."

After watching this, perhaps under the covers or conspicuously in righteous defiance, you just may feel like revisiting the movie "1984," as there is arguably some similarities here.
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what was this really about???
ops-5253519 June 2019
Its not a good documentary at all, because its too biased on the people that has been left aside because of what theyve said and done in the social media world. there is not a hint of argument from them who has evicted them, and that makes this not a documentary, its more like a propaganda flick on behalf of the very small group of people with strong meanings and great powers in the social media community.
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who are the liberals
twirlinmerlin29 May 2021
At one point in time being of a Liberal ideology condemned anyone who censored free speech. I cannot understand how we have reached this time in which debate has been turned into an opportunity to spew a list of derogatory name callings. These and others are not the evil monsters in which the media try to spin ! Check it out, research, find evidence. This documentary reaffirms that in order to reach the truth you do not believe memes and abstract information like gossip be a critical thinker and produce facts. Great to see these people actually standing up for the truth !
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The definition of propaganda and not a real documentary
Watch this documentary without knowing any of these people are I can understand how you may feel sorry for these characters because this documentary does a great job only showing one side of the story it asks no hard questions they just left the protagonists whinge like little cry babies While not accepting any responsibility for their actions and gloss over the reasons why they were banned social media. this is not a documentary purely propaganda the producer of this documentary is also Tommy Robinson's ex cameraman(Caolan Robertson) so it's easy to see where the biased comes from. if you enjoy hate mongers wallowing in self-pity then this is a film for you otherwise stay well clear of this nonsense Or at least do your homework on who these people really are and don't be fooled by this sorry excuse for a film.
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mat-fletcher19 June 2019
A sad story of our slip into fascism, the real fascism where governments force private business to censor dissenting voices and where partisan activists lobby, smear and boycott to get their own way.

I don't know Laura Loomer but the other guys are all decent, genuine, nice people. If you have heard of Gavin Mcinnes, Alex Jones, Paul Watson, Tommy Robinson and have only heard of them via headlines or blog posts the you can be forgiven for thinking that they are a collection of persona non grata's.

None of it is true, they are all good people.

I wonder how long this page will last before it too is censored.
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Important subject, awful coverage.
disposablestarfish4 July 2019
Unchecked censorship. Consolidation of the digital public-square. International companies operating free of government regulation. The immense power algorithms have in shaping public discourse.

So many interesting avenues, so many profound implications, yet all this documentary manages is 50 minutes of YouTuber's having a one-sided whinge about losing money.

Boring and disappointing.
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If you're a true liberal, watch this and hopefully get back to your free speech roots
gabrielhebert16 May 2019
I don't want to live in a world where people are not allowed to use Uber Eats, have a bank account, stay at an Airbnb, are not allowed to participate in this generation's public square (which is social media) simply because they have views that some people disagree with.

This documentary shows a more human side to people who have been endlessly demonized by the mainstream media and if this continues, you will end up with a society full of people with nothing left to lose and no reason to obey the law anymore.

Specifically about the documentary...very good production value, the interviews were compelling and well done. My only gripe is that it ended so soon! I would have liked to see some interviews with some of the more reasonable lefties like Tim Poole, Joe Rogan, etc. I think their perspective and insight would have been very valuable for this type of film.
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Horrible film
tina-8708421 July 2019
I watched most of this film and it was horrible. No one cares about Alex Jones' feelings. Gavin Mcinnes was attempting to illicit sympathy for his insufferable conditions. Apparently, his neighbors found out he is a white supremacist and shunned him. This whole film is Alex Jones and Gavin Mcinnes playing the victim and begging for sympathy, a total waste of time
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Documentary with a powerful message
fletcher-0883315 May 2019
Although I don't agree with the people featured in the documentary on many issues, completely silencing, deplatforming and depersoning them simply because the political establishment and the mainstream media don't like their views is absolutely appalling.

Once this kind of extreme censorship is justified and normalised, it can happen to anyone. It isn't guaranteed that those laughing today will still be the ones laughing tomorrow.

Thank you for making this documentary. I hope you continue your great work.
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livinglegendcom8 March 2021
This unwatchable dumpster fire of a documentary blantaly only tells one side of the tale with a bias that it seems to have no need to cover up.
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it soften my leftie heart
milkbutcher16 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Though i've been vaguely sympathetic to conservative media figures who are emphatically denounced to demonized by many on the left, this documentary centers the personal experiences and humanity of censored righties and brings into stark light the threat it has on the radical freedom of speech at the heart of the united states

I don't agree with everything these people say, and may be outraged by it, but they have the right to speak and shouldn't be blamed for how others react to them. Though this documentary isn't the full story of these figures and the free speech battles, hopefully this documentary can help change someone's mind about who exactly we are fighting
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Some truth but hypocrisy abound
autorin-8710119 January 2020
Similar to all media this documentary is full of news. All personalities in this should have taken personal responsibility for their actions versus blaming everyone else for what happened to their platforms. All 51 minutes was how they have been treated so unfairly. In fact it would be fair to say they have received the free speech that they preach on those platforms.
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More conservative whining
sfdyoung-110 January 2022
Here we are, watching a "documentary" titled "You Can't Watch This." Obviously, WE CAN.

We are inundated with conservative snowflakes (what else can you call them?) complaining about how they've been silenced. If that's true, why are we still hearing from them?
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