"Agatha Raisin" As the Pig Turns (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Free Jez!
safenoe25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was hoping Jez (Rhashan Stone) would finally make a comeback to Carsley, and well he sort of did via voicemail, where we learn, much to Sarah's utter dismay, he has extended his mission for six more months. What is the conspiracy of silence surrounding the absence of Jez since the start of season 2? Is there some sort of racial angle at work or what? Free Jez now!

Anyway, I always chuckle seeing Agatha Raisin's whiteboard which is a parody of the ones in the British crime dramas.

Hopefully Jez will return in season 4 please.
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Not as terrible as the reviews make out
xbatgirl-3002919 March 2022
I looked at the non-spoilery reviews before watching and I was ready for this episode to be a horror show. It does get off to a really shaky start, but the second half improves. The mystery was more focused too, after the last one being so poorly plotted. Agatha does start off in raging jerk mode plus has another scene that is nothing but eye-rollingly bad pratfalls, same as in the haunted house episode. It's pretty impossible to accept her as a competent sleuth and formerly wildly successful businesswoman. She's shown to function slightly below the level of Toni - who I *guess* was the cause of the traffic tie up in the opening scene? It was so poorly written/edited/filmed, one can't be sure. Once they drop most of the slapstick antics of the first third, the show becomes more watchable.

Altogether not amazing, but by Agatha Raisin standards definitely not the worst. Also, as I should have expected, the sexual jokes were quite tame, even if very very hacky, so I have no idea how any but the most prudish could be outraged. They're more a symptom of overall amateurishness, but most of the characters make it fun.
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Best of season 3?
skinnybert2 February 2024
By now I can't really say how well the story logic holds together, as this episodes plot twists get so tangled that I just accepted it and let it roll on. Keeping things lively, we get different combinations of characters, including the return of the always-wonderful Mathew Horne. Lucy Liemann gets a bit more range than usual thanks to a certain plot twist (which isn't really explained or prepared; it's just there, and so we must accept it). Tyack and Barnett are again the front-runners -- Barnett especially seems to delight in making every second of his role entertaining, and Tyack is just naturally charismatic. Come to think of it, so is. Jason Merrells. I wish Ashley Jensen equalled them, but perhaps this role just doesn't give her that opportunity .... though it sure seemed to in the first two seasons.

Hard to believe, but even at this length, it seemed like we were missing some plot elements which were simply thrown into explanatory dialog, despite seeming to drag out a bit for running time at the end. But y'know, it's TV: it ain't perfect, but it's beautifully shot and well-acted. Beaton's work doesn't plumb the depths of human existence, nor tries to; it's light-hearted action/mystery with a middle-aged woman driving the story line. For all the ways we might think season three could have been richer, it's still adequately entertaining. On to season 4.
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Great Episode
drdanifrederickduus25 February 2020
The past 3 movies of Agatha Raison have been incredible , Season 3 is also a winner and just gets better as it finds it's footing. I hope & I believe it's now firmly planted as aa regular staple in which Acorn TV will continue more episodes in the Seasons to come.
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Agatha deserves so much better.
agnabeya29 February 2020
Agatha Raisin is not a silly ignorant woman- so why have the writers created this sad pastiche that would make a farce from the 1950s look like Shakespeare? When did Agatha become an exaggerated and clumsy idiot?
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where has the writing gone?
deronadams27 February 2020
As season 3 progresses, it seems the writers have succumbed to the carbon monoxide poisoning that's been leaking into the writers' room - in short, As the Pig Turns is terrible.

The characters are cartoons, the dialogue is trite, and the acting of Agatha's portrayer is completely over the top - was Agatha always a clumsy buffoon who has trouble walking? Seems so!

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The downhill slide continues
keithloll-153662 September 2020
The first two seasons were quite enjoyable. And then there is Season 3 where it all fell apart.

I'm part way thru "As the Pig Turns" and it's doubtful I'll make it to the end. It's become an uninteresting clown show. Sorry to see the series end on such a low note.
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AWFUL episode.
irishizan2 March 2020
I havent read the books & usually enjoy simple "cozy" mysteries. This season is not as good as the others & theyve made Agatha too dumbed down & shrieking all the time. But I especially HATED this episode. It was nothing more than in-your-face sexual innuendo. Bawdy bad dialogue and not a good mystery. Skip it.
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Increasingly preposterous
addie379 July 2020
I enjoyed the first 2 series. Yes they were light and unbelievable as a serious murder mystery series but they were entertaining and i would rate then 6.5. This latest season has been shocking. Poor scripts, more plot holes than a piece of crochet, poor characterisation. This final one in the series was worst of all. Agatha's clothing is inappropriate and her make up is always too much. The Inspector is given a script that is pathetic- whilst it is traditional that the police are never as bright as the private detective this takes it to a whole new level. Sorry but I wont be watching future series.
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What's happened to such a great show?
blackbird26353 July 2020
Really disappointed with the third series so far but this is definitely the worst episode. This seemed like a bad carry on film more than anything. The sexual innuendo just doesn't fit right with the program. Agatha has gone from sassy and forthright, to clumsy and annoying. The other characters are now in it all the time and it's just become farcical with everyone now playing detective. As for Wilkes, his character is just ridiculously stupid and not in a funny way. Such a shame. I loved the cosiness of the first series but it's now completely lost its way. Time for Agatha Raisin to hang up her stilettos I'm afraid.
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A bad direction for a once delightful series
karenmiddleton-2584020 January 2021
The series takes a sharp turn reaching hard for laughs, where it misses and falls flat.
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Getting harder to watch.
cwkepi-435-9621849 January 2022
Like the other reviewers have noted the episodes are getting harder to watch. Agatha character has turned into an irritating bumbling fool. She's not much of a sleuth anymore, she's a cross between Benny Hill and Lucille Ball without the charm of either. Someone get me the Tylenol.
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Agatha Jumps the Shark
bpirwin13 March 2022
Agatha goes from a sympathetic, fish-out-of-water character to a pompous, condescending bully who is hard to like. One wonders why her friends hang around her let alone volunteer her their time. Add to that some boring slapstick and a whole lot of clumsy sexual innuendo and this episode is a colossal loser.
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As the Pig Turns
Prismark1012 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very much from the opening minutes when Agatha Raisin is irate at a traffic jam in a country road. Then booked by the police for dangerous driving who does not check out what caused the jam.

You just knew this was going to be a dreadful episode. I would go far and say this was not even fit for broadcast. Pantomime acting and a script fit for the sewer.

As for the mystery. Agatha Raisin and friends go for a meat dinner. A hog roast pig but it turns out to be a human torso. The tattoo was a bit of a giveaway.

It seems the the dead man was involved in a criminal enterprise with a gang. One that involved farm vehicles getting stolen and moved abroad to sell on. It looks like there was a falling out.

The main suspects look to be two Polish brothers. They act suspicious but it turns out that they were transporting goods to help refugees. A charitable sideline.

A dead giveaway was the ever so convenient cop who always seem to be there at the right time to be an obstruction.
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dazza-8095518 July 2022
Agatha has become exceptionally annoying and irritating. Why anyone would volunteer to work for her or even be by her is incomprehensible. The writing has gone from bad to awful. It's not humour, its stupid and silly. This episode makes the Carry On films seem like Shakespeare. God only knows why they decided to go down this road. The fact that Wilkes is sooo incompetent wasn't funny at the start, and now its even worse. The DI is often useless on cozy mysteries but this one makes the police from Shakespeare and Hathaway, and Father Brown look intelligent. Whivh is difficult in itself. It's just too much. No more AR !
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carole_james27 February 2024
Completely agree with the other reviews. So disappointing. Why have they turned Agatha Raisin into a horridly agressive version of Norman Wisdom? All of the light hearted charm of Series 1 and 2 has completely vanished. Amazed that the lovely Ashley Jensen agreed to these dreadful slapstick changes to her character. Most of the time she acts as though she is drunk.. staggering theatrically around. Even her stylist seems to have gone on a completely different tangent. I can only guess this series was directed and produced by a different team to the first two. Sadly it feels like a totally different programme.
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