Psychosynthesis (2020) Poster

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Slow, tortoise like, Melodramatic and never goes anywhere
QuentinJ4443 September 2020
In a perfect world, this movie would still be a waste of time. The storyline goes nowhere, it wants to and had the possibility to, but the person writing this story must have fallen asleep while writing because he loses his way.

Believe it or not, the scores in the film were melodramatic and way too loud on accusation. There is no nudity, but there is one sex scene, you can only see the woman's facial expression no body parts shown.

The acting in the film was at a novice level, this film truly was a waste of time. I could only wonder how the film was financed and made it to prime TV'.
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Decent idea; blah acting.
lenoremcdonnell15 September 2020
Sorry but I thought the acting was awful- with the exception of the actor who played lead character's husband. The idea for the movie is good; just hated the flatness of the characters.
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I Promise.
wandernn1-81-68327425 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay! Amazon you recommend, and I watch!!!

We begin here with some girl taking pills, a LOT of pills in front of her med. cabinet. There's a knock on hte door and a voice 'Mommy?? Are you in there???' Great.

Oh and then dude giving girl a shower? Not sure what is up here. But we don't like shower scenes with no nudity. Pointless.

-1 Star for shower scene with no nudity

So this girl she needs a transplant? I guess she gets one. And then we skip to 3 months later. I guess she's just now getting back home after 3 months. She certainly seems just as unhappy now as she was 3 months ago.

Haha, she shows up in the House of the woman who DIED, who she got her heart from. And ends up playing the piano. She didn't know how to play the piano before. She is confronted by the dead woman's husband. She finds out the woman killed herself, and now she HAS HER HEART! And apparently also her piano talent.

So the 'suicide' was investigated. But why is she over at the widower's house having dinner?? Why is she attracted to the Home of her dead heart donor??? Apparently she stays and has sex with the dude. And she wakes up with all her clothes on.

-1 Star for the no nudity sex scene and waking up with all the clothes on

And then she goes home and her husband is waiting for her and she doesn't want to talk about where she was. Haha I would so be out of there with the kid and divorce papers in the works!!!

And then after a bunch of nonsense, she apologizes to her daughter and husband for all her 'stuff'. And I watched the end twice to try to figure out what was going on really. She pulled out her own tooth and then it ended. So I'm not sure really if she was supposed to be the dead woman still or back to herself. I'm assuming she was still the dead woman but it wasn't really clear to me. And that's how it ended. Another pile of dung. 3/10
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Extremely boring & hard to follow
papreppergal30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I stuck with this disaster for slightly over 75% of it before finally calling it quits. Extremely slow paced and not well thought out plot makes it hard to appreciate the work that went into it.

My very first complaint, I suppose, is that the mother of the family, who received a heart transplant, which wasn't depicted as a very loving, caring family member before getting her transplant anyhow, so the entire rest of the movie depicting her a a poor family member, who is essentially cheating on her husband, isn't exactly easy to follow along with.

There isn't a clear "this was her personality before the transplant VS her personality now" thing happening. The story is "attempted" at being told from a hindsight perspective constantly - learning who the original woman was as new personality traits are shown. It makes it very slow, boring, and confusing at what we the viewers are supposed to be paying attention to. It also makes you not care about the characters at all with their constant conflict & drama issues (because she's apparently not the same person she used to be). The only person you might care about some of the time is the husband who, in his frustration with his "new" wife, becomes a bit of an a**hole.

I really tried to finish watching this movie but I just couldn't do it. Usually when I encounter a bad movie, if I watch 50% of it, I'll go ahead and watch it to the end. But this one was so bad I called it quits after the 75% mark.

DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME on this one.
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deborah_bryant200123 September 2020
This movie .. was almost not a movie. It was comprised of long, exhaustive scenes where nothing happens, strung together. And this is my favorite genre. It is disappointing, annoying & bad.
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Not much changes (or happens).
TokyoGyaru5 January 2021
She's an unpleasant, selfish, uncaring, vapid, empty woman in the beginning and nothing about those qualities changes. Luckily, it was a short sit. They get 3 stars because it's not flat-out awful (and because I watched a film of far worse quality earlier today, a film that was FAR more entertaining, ironically) in its construction, but it doesn't do anything interesting or new. Seems like a competently made student film, and that's fine, but is that enough? No. There are no character arcs, so you're left with a promise that the concerned, supportive husband and their child will receive more negative treatment. What was the point? It's anyone's guess.
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Great look, interesting concept... not much else
prillman29 July 2020
I was looking forward to watching this film directed by Noam Kroll, who I've "followed" for a few years now. The plot and concept were interesting, and the cinematography itself was great... but I was rather disappointed in it. I felt the movie moved at a glacial pace, with A LOT of breathing space in between and within the scenes. I thought the first interesting thing (besides the concept) didn't occur until almost an hour in, and that's only 10 minutes before it ends. For a 71 minute film, I thought the story was stretched as much as it could've been. I didn't particularly care for the acting, although not a whole lot was required of the actors either. I also found some of the profanity odd (almost forced) in places, like the husband f-bombing his weak, sick wife to get in the car to go to the hospital, rather than (God forbid) helping her. The ending is justifiably ambiguous, but also has at least one major hole (unless I didn't see the fix) relating to the character "getting away with it." Overall, definitely a low-budget film that used the most of its resources, but I felt could've been better and at least a little more interesting.
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An intriguing and atmospheric slow burn
JBH_Akaba6 September 2020
As someone who's been following Noam Kroll's excellent blog for a while, I was very interested in seeing his second feature, Psychosynthesis. And while not perfect (the running time is too short to develop all the nuances of the characters), I'm really impressed with what Kroll has managed to achieve with such a limited time and budget. Despite its DIY nature, it sure looks like a real movie (more than some garbage I've seen on VOD) and the visuals are quite engrossing. The acting is good (specially the husband) and the low key nature of the project gives it some much needed authenticity. For people who like small and ambiguous character studies, Psychosynthesis is pretty much a must see even if it doesn't break any new ground. Nice job.
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Assured, chilling, meditative cinema.
ryangordonflowers13 July 2020
Noam has done an amazing job writing directing and editing this film. Mysterious, chilling, assured and meditative cinema from start to finish. Superb acting by the whole cast, gorgeous 4x3 Cinematography/Lighting, great score. All around wow, heavy dark flick.

The plot evolves in a satisfying way with new information added in each scene... Alice's (Stephanie Pearson) step by step change from sick and fragile, into a force to be reckoned with, was well thought out and emotionally resonant, both script-wise, and acting-wise... definitely rattled me. You can see the darkness grow in her eyes as the scenes progress. I liked the twist with Johnny Day's character (will refrain from spoilers). Was also very impressed with Olive (Gracelyn Hanon Awad)!

Noam you are an inspiration to independent filmmakers everywhere. Can't wait to see the next one!
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A beautifully shot and directed film with a slightly sketchy, yet entertaining script.
jasonrbender25 July 2020
I sat down to watch the film, being a long time reader and subscriber to Noam Kroll's social media and email subscription, so I was intrigued to see what his mind would concoct.

Visually the film is very pleasing to the eye, from the lens choices to framing and set design/costume choices, to the camera movement and overall feel. Everything seems used to guide and build the world and the atmosphere and mood very well.

The acting is good between the two leads, while passable with the Michael character and the daughter, but they also have the least to do, so its not as egregious as if the leads were set that way,

The pacing I feel does have some issues here and there, where I feel that a little trimming may have helped, but for a film that focuses less on dialogue and more on the visual storytelling and what is happening the Ava mentally, it does feel appropriate for the most part.

The story for me though is the weakest part. While not bad, it has some questionable psychology, as well as a few of the character choices seem questionable also. Jacob never thought to call her mother to double check the story when she didn't show up. Neither Ava nor Jacob thought to consult the physician when the problems became a bigger issue. It just felt as if this happened to heighten the drama a little artificially.

However, having said all that, I did suspend disbelief, and allowed myself to be in her headspace, as outside of my criticisms, I love that it chose to try and tell the story from a more nuanced, visual narrative, rather than fall back on too much dialogue and exposition.

Despite the criticisms I had, I still enjoyed the experience and would recommend it highly as a good slow burn dramatic thriller, that has a wonderful visual sense.

Very nicely done!
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A moody, artistic, & entertaining indie drama
brandonplantz30 July 2020
This unique, taut indie flick respects the art of filmmaking. It's evidenced by its creative cinematography and color grading, excellent music score, thriller-genre editing, and great use of the minimal locations. It is an impressive and enjoyable film.
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Moody atmosphere that will stay with you long after you've watched the film
denis_steve_giguere11 July 2020
If you want to watch a big action movie, this is the wrong movie. But if you're in for an small independant movie that takes its time to build atmosphere, then you should watch this. And, at a running time of 77 minutes, while it takes its time, it does not waste it. There is something happening in every scene the keeps advancing the story. Many moments of the film will stay in your head long after you've watched the movie. Noam Kroll is a director to look for in the future.
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A Solid Hitchcockian Indie
MWBachochin19 July 2020
This film is an excellent example of doing a lot with a little; while not clearly evident that this film is low budget, there are principal techniques that inevitably give them away. That's not to come away from this film suggesting anything inferior, but given that indie appeal, the film does what it intends to do exceedingly well. The film takes on a very Hitchcock like approach to a psychological drama with an ending that definitely took me by surprise. Definitely worth taking a look.
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A very well produced independent film
The music and cinematography were both extremely thoughtful. This really set the mood for the entire piece. I always forget how intimate a 4:3 frame can feel, and how under-utilized this aspect ratio is (the fact that it was put to use so well is even more impressive). Overall a solid indie thriller, I seriously recommend.
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Impressive low-budget thriller
helencrevel16 July 2020
A really tightly plotted, tense piece of filmmaking! There's no fat on the script at all and it really zips through it's 71 min runtime. It's great all round but I was particularly impressed with the cinematography - the bold colour palette, framing and aspect ratio feel claustrophobic and the atmosphere created really keeps you hooked. I didn't really like the characters and I predicted the ending very early on - but it didn't feel like they were 'the point' of the film so didn't spoil my enjoyment at all.
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Haunting film!
dan-373-23742326 July 2020
The use of low lighting to create mood, not to mention the hypnotic score only enhances these terrific actors performances. Watch this film to see the very best of indie film. Truly haunting.
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Less is More
bennybrown13 July 2020
Beautifully shot, with exceptional music and a really interesting story. Sustained a mood throughout that was very reminiscent of Lynch and Hitchcock.
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A movie to remember aka I can't forget
rderanian-305-43722425 July 2020
There are so many films these days... one can spend hours just going through the trailers. And yet how many of these films do I think about even a day after viewing? Then there are those films I've watched a long time ago that still are with me... akin to life changing, a part of my mind so to speak. Perhaps I've forgotten the details... the nuances of story, cinematography, editing, soundtrack, etc. but what remains is this feeling that I can't forget... that I will remember it seems, forever. This is one of those films.
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Great example of indie filmmaking at its best
otherfi12 July 2020
The cinematography presents well beyond the presumed budget of this film. The storyline and character arcs were terrific. The contained locations only added to the sense of being engaged in the world the filmmakers created.
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A visual feast, subtle story-telling that will get under your skin.
creatingaphotographer27 July 2020
Unique in tone, intimate in nature, a story that'll suck you in. Wouldn't be the film it is without the pacing, always allowing you to catch, or hold, your breath between scenes.

A triumph of budget.
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BEYOND spooky
adam_reider26 July 2020
The framing of this film was so cool - it's like you were always wondering what was around the bend or what lurked in the shadows. Found myself craning my neck a few times. Human instinct! Kudos to NOam Kroll and the cast.
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A Hitchcock/Aronofsky Hybrid That Delivers
calebyowell22 July 2020
It's a slow-burn, but the film's intelligence, performances, and execution pays off. If you like smart and scary psych thrillers you'll dig this.
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Solid, little creepy indie that's worth your time.
mrholmes-7445511 July 2020
Solid, little creepy indie film that is well worth your time. Great framing with the, checks notes...1.33:1 aspect ratio. Beautiful colors throughout. Decent production value across the board. Stand out job by Stephanie Pearson as Alice. She really pulls you in with her characters pain and anguish throughout the film. Can't wait to see what Noam Kroll and crew come up with next! -c
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Very smart indie filmmaking
oldacademypictures10 July 2020
I discovered Noam Kroll's work through his podcast (which is a very useful tool for filmmakers) and was not disappointed by this film. Most "no budget" or "low budget" films tend to be mumblecore dramas. I'm not putting down that genre or type of movie... but with resource filmmaking, we have seen so many versions of films about friends in their 20's or 30's who go to a house for a weekend and talk about their problems. This film is not that.

Pscyhosynthesis is a low budget movie that has a way bigger scope, look, feel and ambition than most films with it's budget. It's a very interesting premise and features great performances from faces that I have not seen before. I definitely recommend checking it out if you are a fan of David Lynch, Paul Verhoeven or just want to support really solid indie filmmaking.
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Chilling Atmosphere and Cinematography
jaredjamesking-0317810 July 2020
The atmosphere of this movie really had me feeling like I was in the world with these characters. You are lulled into calm one minute and just when you feel safe things take a turn for the weird. I'm assuming this is the feeling of the main character through her journey of ghostly possession/confusion. Soft and moody lighting throughout was great and helped with the tension. This movie reminded me of supernatural movies from the 90's with it's direction and camera work. My only compliant is there could have been more chemistry between the protagonist and her husband and I was a little confused why the husband of the dead woman and her husband look so much alike (stature, haircut etc) but I'm assuming its symbolic and just went over my head. Overall great acting and excellent cinematography. Worth checking out if you are a fan of suspenseful movies with a supernatural edge.
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