Revealing Ukraine (2019) Poster

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One sided movie
hristostefanov-617635 January 2020
Let's talk with facts. The movie from Oliver Stone is completely one sided. We have no presentation of both positions in the conflict and no neutral commentary on them. We get only the pro-Russian views. It is unprofessional and manipulative to show only the one view and one opinion in a conflict. Thus the movie does not cover any journalistic standards for quality and it is ridiculous to rate it with ratings like 8, 9, or 10 stars. The movie deals with two topics - was the Maidan revolution bottom-up or top-down organised. And the American interference in Ukrainian politics. On both topics I could agree with the positions shown in the movie. This does not however change two important topics that are conveniently not covered in the movie. 1. No matter if the Maidan was bottom-up or top-down organised, the former president Yanukovich was an extremely corrupt politician and he deserved to be impeached and trialed. His house is now a museum where one can go and see for himself the luxury he was living in despite the low per capita GDP of Ukraine. 2. Much more important however is the topic of the war. And this topic is much more important than who shot 100 people at the Maidan and the American elections. The absolute fact is the following: Without Russian military interference in Donbas, the war would have ended in 2014. Ukraine is a huge country with 40 Million population, with a large army, large military spendings, and military industrial complex with own tank production. It is actually in top 10 in the world in weapons production. The separatist region is approximately 5% of the Ukrainian territory. It is ridiculous to even consider that Ukraine can't enforce their control over the territory of Donbas if they were fighting separatists with limited supplies. The war lasts for years because they fight against Russian supplies. So Mr. Putin is the one that could stop the war. But he doesn't because the war is directly in the interests of Russia. Why? Reason 1: Because Donbas can be used as a bargaining chip for the recognition of the Crimean annexation. Ukraine recognises that Crimea is now part of Russia and Russia returns Donbas. Simple as that. Reason 2: Russia invests a lot in spreading the idea that Ukraine has no economic future without Russia and that the fall of the Soviet Union and the orientation towards the west bring only economic misery to Ukraine. The message is - with the EU and the US you are going to be poor, come back to your Russian brothers. What better way to keep a country poor than maintaining a military conflict to suck the taxpayers money and to scare away potential EU investors.

These are the facts, Gentleman. I agree with the opinions in the movie regarding the Maidan events, but they are not the major issue. And with this one sided representation, Mr. Stone contributed too little to the pursuit of justice and truth.
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Revealing Putin and His Drive to Turn the US Against Ukraine
bdshandorinfo6 December 2019
If ever there was a piece of Kremlin generated dis-information, co-directed by Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian lackey, Victor Medvechuk- this is it! Oh, supporting star and Kremlin conspiracy apostle Oliver Stone deserves even greater condemnation as someone who should know better. The premise of this show is that Russia is the victim and Ukraine the bad guys. Ask yourself these questions: 1. Why no mention of the Russia-Ukraine Treaty of 2003 agreeing that both Ukraine and Russia have equal access to the Sea of Azov, which Treaty Russia has violated. Did I mention, the Treaty was signed by Vladimir Putin? 2. Why was there no mention of MH17, the singapore Airlines plane shot down, which every non-partial investigation has pointed to a Russian fired missile. 3. The show says Ukraine seceded from the USSR with a majority vote! Really, the vote was 91.3% in favor and was approved in every area of Ukraine including Donbas and Crimea. 4. Ukraine's defense industry is in shambles? Then explain why during the last year it has won contracts from India, Thailand and other countries for state of the art Ukraine manufactured tanks and armaments. Ukraine is also now in the commercial rocket space launch business. 5. Putin grew up in Leningrad and know very little if nothing about Ukraine so when he talks about one nation or people it is like someone saying Mercury and Mars are the same planet. The one point that the show is correct about is that Ukraine is a democracy and Russia is not AND Putin cannot stand the idea of a democracy and a tolerant society on his border- that is true. However, the danger is not Ukraine but Russia and the United States knows that.
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Putin thinks that Ukraine is NOT a country
juanjogarriz15 March 2022
Just minute 17:20 Putin recognize his frustration and intentions. After that there is an interview of Oliver Stone that seems to be sleepy and far away from the answers of Viktor Mevdevchuck, Putin's personal friend as Vlad is the godfather of his daughter. Not much more to add. The only good thing of the film s a good way to understand the conspiranoic nightmare Putin is living and his lack of humanity or democratic values. Apart from that the dramatic music is all time on and the cinematography is very poor (starting from the "poetic" naked female of the beginning of the film). It is sad to see Oliver Stone as a puppet of Mr. Putin strategy of building the business case of the invasion.
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Blatant Russian Propaganda
bodee-765464 October 2020
If you want to see an excellent example of Russian disinformation, this is the show to watch. Putin doesn't think UKRAINE was ever a country? Then what was 1918 when Ukraine was recognized by two dozen countries had diplomatic relations, passports, currency, international sovereign debt and was a democracy? And, what about the year 988 when Ukraine became Christian. Moscow didn't even exist. It was a fur trading post. The coins issued by Volodymyr the Great show the Ukrainian Trident on the reverse (tails side). If Kyiv was Russian and Prince Volodymyr was Russian-- why doesn't Russia use the Trident as it's symbol anywhere? Instead it is the National Emblem of Ukraine and nowhere to be found in Russia. In fact, Russian Czars and the Communists persecuted Ukrainians for wearing or showing the Trident. Don't believe me research it. And, BTW, Mr. Stone knows as much about the history of Ukraine as he does about the assainstion of John F. Kennedy.
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Just pure rubbish, sponsored by Russia
romjulianna6 February 2021
Don't fool yourself that this movie has any truth at all. Enough is to say it was sponsored by the Russian government.
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Promoting Putin and historic lies
eugenia-park3 October 2021
Russia is desperate to keep Ukrainians and their country under control. Is this film a promotion of fired actress and her politician, Putin loving hopeful to rule Ukraine under Putin, husband?

Misrepresenting historic facts, pretending there are peoples who speak other languages than Russian and Ukrainian. Russian language was imposed on Ukraine as all other Soviet republics, as the language of the centralized government in Moscow. Not a selected language by the citizens. Could go on and on about lies in this "documentary". There is nothing documentary in this film. Pure political ambitions, Putin's dirty politics and his defeated cronies. Super disappointed in Oliver Stone's collaboration here. American naïveté or money paid?
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alicat-851039 April 2024
Finally the truth and not all the rubbish we hear from the West! I find Putin a real gentleman full of wisdom and omg a lot of patience! It's a shame it seems so many people are still walking around with paper bags over their heads! I suppose all the people on this page took the jab too? Anyway I loved it and it really opens my eyes to the rubbish we believe!

After watching this documentary I took a step further and did some more research on the history of Russia and how they have been treated since WW2 it's incredible and the historical facts are all there and we choose not to see it just believe the rubbish that the media is telling us.

I'm sold and I'm moving to Russia! C ya later xx.
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Sad to see Oliver Stone associated with such hot garbage.
evilgeniustodd17 March 2022
An unwatchable pro-kremlin fantasy piece. Here's the recipe for this dogpile: mix equal parts alternate reality and incredulity.

Filter through a Qanon conspiracy documentary produced by Russia Today. Add a little Anti-LGBTQ for flavor, bring to a boil.

Then server to anyone that has unironically used the terms NObama, Killar, or Trump 2024.
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Biased Russian Propoganda
nickydre2 March 2022
A movie paid for by the Kremlin to whitewash their action in the East of Ukraine. The people interviewed are all Putins family, particularly Medvedchuk.
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Well I fell asleep when Putin started waffling on.
rachelellissteen20 December 2022
Did Putin took his medication early?

😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴 What was he blathering on about, ukrainians ain't Ukrainians, we are brothers Then Stone slavering over him was a bit sickly beyond belief, why would you have him interviewing him, if that scared of Putin?

Has he lost his fruitloop Conspiracy mind, he is supposed to be independent but just licked, well we all know what.

One sided interviewing technique is boring, bit like Putin.

Medvechuck seemed ok but then you remember he got swapped for 50 "supposed' Azov Nazis? Who says money is more important than supposed morals?

He said he wanted everyone wants peace and he keeps his money.

Regards Puttin.........
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Wild unsubstantiated conspiracy theories...and I love Stone's Films!
vitalymakievsky21 May 2024
You can look up my review history, and I think I have only given a 1/10 one time before for The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson (I love Mel's movies).

The 1/10 rating for me is for films that are gross misinformation in the face of obvious historical and factual information.

I think the other reviewers have pointed out some of the terrible gross misrepresentation of facts, like referring to the Revolution of Dignity of 2014 as coup-d'etat, over and over again. Or the wild lies about the history of Ukraine by Putin and some Ukrainian oligarch, which are never challenged in the documentary.

I would also add that the Right Sector, isn't a neo-Nazi organization, which lead Ukrainians into the front line to get shot by neo-Nazi snipers, this was presented as a hypothesis, with zero evidence!

Then for some wild reason the second half of this documentary, went off on some wild tangent about the Ukrainian interference in US elections of order to support Clinton. Which is just wild, because the Trump's campaign manager Manafort, was fired by Trump because of his ties to Russia! Of course as a side not after Manafort was already sitting in a fed prison, Tump then pardons him after rolling Manafort under the bus.

I can keep going about the falsely presented percentages, in charts, or suggesting that George Soros, was the main orchestrator behind the Revolution of Dignity, because Soros established a fund to help Ukrainians...23 years ago. And no mention about what the mass protest was actually about! And on and on and on...

Sorry, can't stop, at the end of the documentary Ukraine is presented as the aggressor agains Russia! And blames the Revolution of Dignity for the further destruction of the Ukraine's economy, without mentioning the Russian invasion of the Danbas region and along the Ukrainian borders right after the change of government!!!

This entire documentary is pro-Putin propaganda.

Lastly, I want to mention this documentary's biggest sin, is this film is exceptionally boring. It's basically two talking heads who have committed unspeakable crimes against the Ukrainian people, and some ideologue "journalist." That's all we get...
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