The Evading (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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a must miss
kfilms-319 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this movie is a real's like the old saying about giving a 1000 monkeys a 1000 typewriters and expecting them to write great literature, but instead they're trying to make a movie like they saw on the YouTube.

there's no color except a dull green, I had a headache the entire time from watching it.

the sound is inappropriate and distracting.

the acting is not so bad but you can tell they were just trying to get through some less-than-weak dialog.

the story, if you can call it that, starts off with an interesting premise but is botched so badly that it would be painful to watch even without the obligatory flashback scenes. seems like it was written in one sitting and then thrown out the window in production.

the monster is generic-looking and it never kills anyone, although people do die soon after they see it. there's nothing at all to make you care about the characters, so after a while it's just an exercise in (poor) special fx.

Agree with the previous poster-wish I had that hour and a half back...
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You'll Watch This With The Lights On!
radioman_28 September 2007
So You Can Read During The Slow Parts! I gave this film a 2 because I liked the audio work and a couple of the FX. Indeed, the whole look of the film showed some care. Now, if only they had rewritten the script and gotten better performances out of the actors. I say two these things because the script sounded like a first draft and the dialogue was so inane and repetitive that I honestly couldn't tell if the actors had any chops. Visually, there was enough there for a decent hour had a good editor been given free reign to cut, cut, cut. I think this was a case where a highly experienced producer might have pulled it all together. I just can't recommend this film except to die hard horror completists.
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It's terrifying...
jakey-d-128 October 2007
...just how much a movie can disappoint.

I had read a mixed bag of reviews on The Evading before watching. There seems to be a large divide of those who love it and those who hate it so as I began to watch I tried to forget everything I had read and judge it totally of my own mind.

First of all we'll deal with the acting, it was terrible. I'm being serious when I say it made me cringe in some parts. Especially from the main character Josh Carter (Eric Stevens). However don't let me throw you any by singling him out, he was just the grubbiest piece of coal in what turned out to be...well, a huge pile of coal. No diamonds here I'm afraid.

The script was bad, the camera work was worse and story verged on the edge of ridiculous for the most part then took a huge plunge to the abyss of idiocy with an ending that made me want to whisk my own brains with a rusty spoon.

The only reason this 'movie' gets a 3 rather than a 1 is for the sole reason that I did like the idea behind it. It's just a shame how poorly it was all pulled off in the end.
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Could have been a decent film, but...
D-Sligar30 October 2007
This film could have had so much going for it, but the silly twist and poor acting ruined it. Normally I would just give this film a 1 or 2 and be done with it, but the plot was interesting. Now, on to the bad stuff...

The filming looked like something shot in a Super 8, everything was all washed out and grainy, while the cut scenes were over-used and abused. Special effects were also overly abused and you'll find yourself growing tired of them over time, especially the whole drippy-black spirit character. Sound is poor, appearing to be shot with a tin-can mic. Finally, the acting was just so over done it was ridiculous. The actors seemed to think they were performing in some type of stage play instead of on film, sometimes yelling their parts and always massively over-doing it.

I really wanted to like this film, but all seemed to be lost in so many different ways. The story isn't thread-bare, it's just lost in poor production.
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Starts of with a promising concept but in the end, becomes completely pointless.
jhpstrydom17 May 2008
I came home from work and picked up my package of DVD's I ordered online, one of them of course was THE EVADING, so I got it open, put it in my player and started watching, when I was finished with it my reaction was that this was a good concept dragged through the mud, the concept for the first half kept my interest but then things take a bizarre twist and I figure, what was actually the point? Keep people guessing about what's going on, then throw in a so called twist ending that doesn't even put things in perspective? The film's actors also seemed a little dismal at times especially Eric Stevens, who plays the lead character who suffers from depression after the loss of his wife and pretty much keeps that same depressed look on his face throughout the film, the one cast member that showed some acting talent was the little girl who played Carla (I don't remember her real name) she actually tried to act decent and looked pretty creepy at times being so quiet.

Overall, the writer and director needs to go back to film school, and Eric Stevens needs happy pills or should try and get more sleep because this was really disappointing.
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An hour and 40 minutes of your life you'll never get back
sxchoc17 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I wouldn't bother writing a 'review' on a film as I believe that people's opinions on films are all subjective and as such I tend not to take a great deal of notice of them. But I felt simply compelled to warn the rest of the human race about this desperate attempt at 'filmmaking' (?!?!).

To summarise this film contains the worst dialogue I've had the misfortune to hear (this film elevates American Pie to almost Dickens levels), the most plastic, tepid cast probably ever assembled in the history of mankind, the (mis) direction is appalling with the 'film' staggering from one ill-advised scene to another, the 'time frame' camera-work is, being kind, nauseous and the storyline is completely non-existent and as for the plot 'twist' it's something that young children have doing for years when they've written a story and suddenly realised they have absolutely no idea of how they're going to end it. With the only difference that a story from a 3 year old may at least be entertaining.

All in all I fail to believe that there are poorer films than this diabolical trash.

There really should be some law against producing such drivel.
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I am terrified of forgetting the title and suffering thru 10 seconds of this crap once again
real_hiflyer10 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
You can't really say anything to spoil this movie. It more than adequately does this all on its own. I am ashamed to say I stuck it for 39 minutes after reading some good reviews on it. Those reviewers need their heads examined.

I include the camera work, acting, script, concept and make-up.

Not a single redeeming feature. I've watched thousands of movies. I just can't remember seeing all of these things combined into such a worthless mess. Seriously. Someone out there owes me 39 minutes I'll never get back !!!

For my mandatory tenth line all I can say is run - don't walk - to your nearest video rental outlet and beg them to place a warning label on the jacket. 'Suitable for brain dead viewers only!'
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Aaaahhh the PAIN!
Smurfneus21 September 2007
Oh yes, this film is bad. And if it is ever going to be compared to the "Sixth Sense", as some admirer (the producer?) posted, then this will be in a very dismal fashion.

The same will be true for any comparison to any movie that was not shot by some teenager and his younger brother in their grandparents' basement.

What do we have? The main ingredients don't sound too bad: A little girl, fashioned in the Sadako-style (complete with 'eerie' white-noise flashes on TV screens) wandering through a setting that would have befitted the "Inland Empire". A guy with a scream mask killing people with a knife. 'Special effects' involving black smoke. Oh yes, and the 'twist' at the end.

Assuming that one could easily have made an OK-movie from these elements, I've come to the conclusion that this film is nothing but a blunt attempt at at least winning some fame in the worst-movie-ever charts.
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Avoid at all costs
aldiboronti18 September 2007
The guy who made the favourable comment has to be involved with the movie, or related to somebody who is. Nobody in their right mind could call this a good movie.

Confused plot, wooden dialogue, actors who look as if they haven't a clue what's supposed to be going on (and who can blame them), laughable special effects, and a silly 'twist' ending. Of course the problem is how can you have a twist at the end if nobody understands the plot anyway? Really, I could give a bunch of ten year olds a camera and ask them to make a movie and they'd come up with something better than this.

Evade The Evading, it's a stinker.
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What a waste of time
hrairoorah7 July 2009
This rambling, mismatched, broken, poorly acted, bad dialog excuse for a movie is one of the worst I have seen. It started badly and then got worse. Do not waste your time on this one. The story makes no sense and nothing was explained. The cinematography was terrible and the cast of characters left something to be desired. The dialog was wooden and the delivery was stiff. In my opinion, there was not one good performance in the entire movie. And shame on the director for trying to steal a little from Japanese horror with the little girl and the hair hanging in her face. Not scary.I can't believe I watched the whole thing. I kept thinking "Maybe it will get better." It didn't. I did like the "creature" but even that aspect of this movie was underrated. I think that there may be the kernel of a decent story somewhere in there, but I may be wrong. This one was a stinker!
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A Great Indie Thriller
ellis_jeff24 July 2007
An original and provocative indie thriller. Great story, tight direction, great acting, esp. the star-making turn by Olivia Alsept-Ellis, playing Karla. Who is this actress and where did she come from? She's obviously destined for greatness.

This is a thinking person's horror movie. Don't get me wrong, it has plenty of thrills and chills. However, it is the storyline that makes this film unique. While comparisons to movies like "The Sixth Sense" will inevitably be made, this movie goes much deeper. The cast is terrific. Watch it and you will love it--just don't give away the ending.
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Hypnotic movie
milatary260125 September 2007
This movie started of really slow. Took me two times to watch all the movie because it was slow at the beginning. The sound seemed kinda a loud.

The actors and actresses did a wonderful job in there parts. I liked the special effects they used for the "IT" and the time change.

I think they could of done a better job if they put more effort into the movie. The graphics could of been a little better with "IT". It seemed like it was missing something in the movie. Oh where is the climax of the story.

Overall it was pretty good.

Since it was there first movie ever made. I would buy the movie and watch it again if you can sit through the slow part of the movie in the beginning.
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brilliant satire of contemporary horror
mshimkus30 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
like scary movie but darker and brooding, it takes all the clichés of your cookie-cutter suspense-thriller and turns them on their ear, complete with a monster called "IT", disorienting flashbacks, eerie little girls, evil robots, heroin junkies, secret societies, lots of gun play, British accents, and pressurized fountains of blood. And the ending is out of left field...totally unexpected. The dialog is not wooden, in fact it has the perfect tone for actors trapped in a situation that they barely have time to comprehend before the next round of terror and mayhem ensues. The director even appears in disguise for an ingenious Hitchcockian cameo. highly recommended.

buy 2, I want to quit my job
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Trippy backwards dialogue
roger-suttle27 September 2007
At first the movie starts out rockin and the actin is okay at times and great at times I really like the little girl in the film and that Goliath dude kicks some ass. Okay I am a fanatic at pickin up backwards stuff and things I thought about the voices in the background so I ripped the DVD and reversed the dialogue and I found out there are messages hidden in the movie. I am working on finding out where all the dialogue is from. I love backwards messages. This movie is full of surprises. Not the greatest movie in the world but at least it's not some remake crap or big budget bull. I recommend it for a night chillin on the couch rippin and gripin.
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Seattle Brand "Indie" Horror...
terrible25 December 2008
Seattle might be the perfect location to base a horror film. The gloomy over-cast and always present threat of rain makes it an eerie place to begin with, and director Rick Winters takes full advantage of this. "The Evading" begins like many others, setting up a horrific event that has haunted the main character, then introducing a new chain of circumstances in which he must figure out and adjust to. The story is solid and quite refreshing at times, as this is not your typical "Indie" type film, and it brings a certain thought provoking element that is not often explored in this genre. I enjoyed the introduction of the secondary characters and how they are inevitably thrust together for a common cause. Thanks to a well crafted lighting scheme and sensational cinematography, "The Evading" can be down right unsettling... My biggest problem with the film, was the inconsistent acting, where half of the cast does a phenomenal job and the others are quite stiff. This certainly takes away from an otherwise good story. Another issue was with the rather "Wizard of Oz-ish" ending, which we've all seen before and did not need to be present here. Over-all, "The Evading" is a decent film to check out, and I look forward to seeing more Seattle "Indie" horror in the future.
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Awesome start slow middle and kick but ending
cheezypuffs1327 September 2007
I really loved the beginning and then it seemed to slow down a bit in the middle. The story was a bit of a puzzle, and I had fun figuring it out, The after the main character and the girl chime their glasses together the movie throws you into a world like no other I have ever seen. I see a bit of a link and how they tried to set the character in the black cape to shadow people to the actual accounts of shadow people. Drugs played a major role in the movie which will of course turn a few heads.

In the end I understood what was going on and why. Then I watch it again and it was much better the second time around and things are clearer and the links that connect all the characters become clear. I think the cast and crew did a great Job. It is most defiantly an indie movie and as a big fan of supporting indies I fully support this one 100% but it is not for those who don't like to think or who are not to bright because it defiantly takes intelligence to watch this one. Anyone know the budget on this film? Kudos to this indie film crew, keep it up!
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Loved this movie
Rachel-lind2 October 2007
I am a big big fan of indie movies I am always looking for what is new coming out. I liked the visuals a lot and the little girl is so creepy. I really liked her a lot. The stabbing scenes were really gross and I had to turn my head but the premise is creepy as I looked up shadow people because I had never heard of them before and there are some really cool sites on them but I found this movie not to really be based on shadow people as they say but that is irrelivant. The art house feel of this movie gives is a feeling you won't find in the big budget Hollywood movies. I have seen the movie several time now and it gets better with time. Anyway a great way to spend an evening.
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This movie starts out a bit slow
gunderson-renee27 September 2007
but it picks up and the characters are interesting and memorable. The movie reminded me a lot of "The Ring" and "The Blair Witch Project".

Also folks the that bashing the director is wrong.

My husband on the crew and the director did no such as be high when he was directing. If I don't say so when I was there couple of times, I think the director did really awesome with his crew.

Not only did he make sure that Olivia was warm and comfortable he made sure that she was OK.

Rick didn't eat until he made sure that everybody else ate first. So quit bashing on one of your own crew member when you breached the contract.

So please stop and at like an adult.

It being his first movie and directing he did a really fine job.
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I will just say I agree with this review 100 percent
jill-sutherland9016 October 2007
Look up Jonny Cage's Horror Movie Reviews for the full review: I found out about this movie on MySpace. The official MySpace page for the movie asked to be my friend and I did a little research. I thought that the trailers all looked really cool and the cover art is pretty sweet. So, once it came out, I found it. And as you may have guessed, I loved it! This is one of the best indie films I've seen in a long time. The camera work is not all that amazing, but I'll get to that later. For right now, just know that this movie is gonna make waves.

The story is a little bit confusing for the average viewer. It's really confusing for those of you who are not necessarily, uh, horror-savvy. But overall I thought that the story was very well thought out and was compelling throughout. I liked how Josh's memory of his last moment with his wife changed throughout the story. It gave it that little something extra to keep you wondering. And do you know what sets this extraordinary movie apart form ordinary movies? It's that little extra. Yes, that's a movie quote. If you're not gonna keep up, go home.

The effects were my favorite part of the movie. I loved how they made the figure fluid; almost liquid in the air. I also loved the effects used to accelerate time and the ones used to distort the viewer's perception of reality. This effects director deserves major credit for putting this viewing experience together with almost flawless continuity. The only thing I would have liked to see is some ballsier camera work. It seemed like most of the shots were done with a stabilized camera that didn't want to or wasn't supposed to move. That's really my only complaint.

Rating: 23. Overall I thought this movie was absolutely awesome. It's one of those flicks that comes out straight to DVD, gets little recognition, after a while gathers and underground following, then explodes into a classic. I know I am building it up quite a bit but, it was just very well done! So, I would suggest you should take time out of your day and rent this movie, yes, go out of your way to rent this one.
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Watch the trailer
ima-pig603 October 2007
I really enjoyed watching the movie. It is true that it has it's slow parts but there is always a new twist that makes you wonder what is going to happen next and keeps you guessing. I love the little creepy girl Karla. She is a great actress and I hope to see her in another movie.

You can definitely tell that it is an independently made film with a low budget, considering this they have done a fine job.

If you're interested check out the trailer on their myspace website. That's how I found out about it.

Why is there no trailer on IMDb?
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