"True Blood" Mine (TV Episode 2008) Poster

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True Blood:Mine
Scarecrow-8817 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sookie meets an old vampire gang Bill once hung with(they were in his home as she arrives to see him) and doesn't exactly like their nasty streak. There are vampires out there that still prefer to kill and suck the blood of humans(not "toe the party line")and this decadent brood are such an example. Sam and Tara sleep with each for the hell of it because both are lonely, love another, and haven't had sex in quite a spell. Jason goes to Lafayette for something to cure his flaccid erection problem after a not-so-pleasant experience with Dawn(Jason questions why she would associate sexually with a vampire and allow him to bleed her). Jason is offered "V-juice"(vampire blood)as a means to correct his inability of a hard-on(which is actually a psychological problem with a vampire he saw banging the strangled victim Maudette from episode one)and agrees to dance in his underwear for Lafayette's internet site clientèle. Sookie's libido is out of whack as it is revealed during her introduction to the vampire clan that she is a virgin and we see that she desires Bill. We get a glimpse into the destructive environment of Tara when she goes home to a violent, drunk mother. In the morning, Tara realizes that Sam barks in his sleep. And, the strangler strikes again, and the victim is another lover of Jason's. The fabulous Lois Smith, as Sookie and Jason's "gran", Adele, continues to be a revelation of the show, as a source of wisdom for her granddaughter, even if she is a bit eccentric..there is a great conversation sequence where Sookie needs guidance on how to handle her relationship with Bill and the gift she's been "cursed" with. I always enjoy these moments between Sookie and Gran because there's a warmth and spirit the two share, how the actresses mesh so well together, producing lots of real nuggets. Lafayette's character is further elaborated in this episode, such as how he earns extra pay outside his bar and grill cook position(such as his homosexual prostitution with senators)and is a successful drug dealer. He also is a place of refuge for Tara as she escapes the harsh environs of her mother's erratic fits of alcoholism..drunkenness fueled with hyper-religious zealotry isn't exactly a good mix for anyone involved. The sexual tension between Sookie and Bill is certainly noticeable and it's quite obvious that it's only a matter of time before they "consummate" their relationship. A constant I'm noticing is the use of sex in the show..it can be quite jarring, the amount, very much a HBO show.
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Tara gets laid
lastliberal24 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The series is picking up in excitement as Sookie(Anna Paquin) manages to escape from three evil vampires that continue to prey on humans. Her new "friend" Bill (Stephen Moyer) manages to convince the others that she belongs to him. How long that will last is anyone's guess.

In the meantime, Sookie is constantly plagued by thoughts and dreams that will likely lead up to an eventual union with Bill, but one can only guess how many episodes that will take.

At least Tara (Rutina Wesley) managed to get her needs taken care of after suffering for many months.

Hanging on to this one for as long as I can.
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You know what I really wish would come to Marthaville? Huh? Buffy. Or Blade...
Chalice_Of_Evil20 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It was funny to see the reactions of the three lame vampires, when Sookie informed them that she was immune to their attempts to 'glamour' her. I felt sorry for Sookie being surrounded by those three, and thought that Bill was a bit of a jerk for letting their almost-biting-her go as far as it did. Thankfully, he stepped in and saved her (and I didn't take his "Sookie is mine!" to mean that he literally thinks of her as an 'object' which he 'owns', I just think he was saving her life the best way he knew how). I liked how Sookie saved Bill by warning him that the human he was about to bite had Hepatitis D. I also liked how he returned the favour by telling her (with his eyes) to remain quiet when the vampires were going to find out how she read the human's mind. Sookie's reaction to Bill having dated one of the vampires was amusing.

The scene where Dawn returned home, expecting to find Jason where she left him last episode, then got attacked by a masked intruder was extremely disturbing, but also very well-acted by Lynn Collins. Her reactions (to him telling her that he was going to rape her, then learning that he'd apparently killed Jason) were very well-performed. Then when Jason took the mask off and revealed his fool self to her - I absolutely wanted her to slap him. Although she didn't, and seemingly got over Jason's sick prank rather fast, it was made up for in their next scene.

Also well-acted was the scene with Sookie in her car, trying to hold it together after having driven home from Bill's. It was interesting to hear them discuss the inner workings of a vampire. It's just a shame that it led to them having a fight. Sookie and Bill *both* had valid points, though.

The second scene with Jason and Dawn was great. After the way he treated her, who could blame Dawn for what she did next? His laughing at her and nonchalantly flossing, after she told him to leave, made Dawn's actions all the more awesome. She had several great lines in this scene alone. From her amusingly yelling "To get a cigarette!" (after he asks her where she's going) and "God, just because you lost your hard-on doesn't mean you have to have a f@#king meltdown. Believe it or not, the world does not revolve around your d!ck." to her returning with a gun and informing him "You do not own me, Jason Stackhouse. And if I want you out of my house, you better get your sorry ass out of here." - then doing the most kick-ass thing ever and actually *firing* the gun when Jason was dismissing her/acting all blasé about it. "You are obnoxious and full of yourself and dumber than a box of hair." has got to be my favourite line of Dawn's EVER, and one of my favourite lines from the show so far - mostly because...truer words have never been spoken. Her "I don't think I feel like waiting." and firing the gun again, telling him once more to get out, just added to Dawn's already-established awesomeness. It was gratifying to see Jason stumbling out in a hurry, his jeans around his ankles, panicked. There was some more good lines from Dawn after this, but you get the gist.

Nothing in the episode could come close to the greatness of that^ scene, but there were some other good moments. Such as Sookie's dream about Bill (and her waking to find her cat, Tina, watching what she was doing - with her hand under the covers - and telling her to "Stop that!"). Sam making growling and woofing/yipping noises in his sleep. The scene with Sam and his collie, with Sam wishing that "Buffy or Blade or any one of those badass vampire killers" would come to town to take care of Bill Compton. As much as I like Bill, and am not on-board with Sam's wanting Bill gone, I have to admit I loved the use of those references. I also like the fact that Sam actually plays with his dog and treats him well (unlike certain other characters who have dogs on other shows. Yes, I mean YOU, Clark Kent! You neglectful bastard!). All of Sookie's scenes with Adele were good too.

The ending of this episode, while being very well done, was also pretty sad. I mean...Dawn! How could they?! You were the best!! And for that, apparently, you had to die. It's a damn shame, and she is indeed missed after this episode. Although, I have to say, Anna Paquin's acting in the scene was excellent. The way she had that slight delayed reaction to seeing dead Dawn, before screaming her head off? Anna can really scream like nobody else.
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This is "adult" genre material of the highest order
citizenchris26 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
True Blood: se1 ep3 "Mine" 9-26-08

Its clear upon viewing the third episode of this freshman series that barring any unforeseen shifts in tone and or subject matter I am in love this series. This is "adult" genre material of the highest order. Not adult because it features sex, or violence as these things are more akin to an adolescent take on the material. Rather its adult due to its use of the genre...in this case Vamprie....as allegorical commentary on any number of societal and interpersonal issues. Thats right folks the vampire show is perhaps the most mature/accurate/adult depiction of sexual and or romantic relationships I've seen in quite a while. The past couple weeks have seen me gushing over Anna Paquin and how lovely/brilliant she is. This streak continues into the third ep but I want to take the time to comment on how amazing Rutina Wesley is as Tara. She gets perhaps the best lines of any character and manages to deliver said lines with remarkable authenticity and fantastic comic timing. Of note as well is the series serialized structure...im quite fond of the cliff hanger endings with the subsequent ep picking up quite literally where the last left off.
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Nobody can say that "Mine" is boring!
skay_baltimore16 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bill to Sookie: "We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie...my magic's just a little different from yours, that's all." Sookie to Bill: "Why on earth would I continue seeing you?" Bill: "Because you will never find a human man you can be yourself with".

I'm not sure exactly what "Mine" episode another reviewer was watching...but Dawn DID slap Jason in the face -- several times -- after he played his little prank on her. In fact...he said some of the better lines so far WHILE she was slapping him in the face: "Yes...yes...yes...just think of it as foreplay, baby. Do it again. Do it again." (And as far as what happened the next time Jason and Dawn got together...I guess it's a matter of taste as to whether or not that was the best scene so far on TB. It didn't get my vote. And I'll leave it at that.)

Humor: Sookie, after having just woken up from a very erotic dream, is touching herself under the covers. When she then sees her cat staring at her and hears it purring loudly, she says: "STOP that". And...Tara...driving an orange Gremlin. With a black racing stripe. (I don't care what anybody says...simply SEEING one of those after all these years is just flat out funny!!)

The wisdom of Gran -- questioning why anyone would pay $3 for a cup of coffee with too much milk in it. (Damn if I hadn't wondered the same thing myself. Many times.) And then telling Sookie, when she asks for advice about Bill, that G-d has a reason for everything -- even vampires.

But don't blink...because before you can get all warm and fuzzy...Jason is knockin on Lafayette's door -- looking to score some Viagra. Lafayette points out to Jason that Viagra is LEGAL, and he only deals in illegal commodities. Lafayette sells him some V-Juice (Vampire blood) instead. But Jason can't afford it. So...to pay for it Jason dances in his underwear, while wearing a mask that looks a little like an Asian Ronald Reagan, as Lafayette videos him.

And finally...it looks as if TB only made it to the 3rd episode of the first season before killing off one of its prominent characters.
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S1.E3 - Mine is Good [8.6/10]
panagiotis199331 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(S1. E3) My Live Reaction / Review for True Blood Season 1 Episode 3 ''Mine''. Episode 2 was good and I gave it a rating of 9/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. Bill has some weird friends. Bill and Sookie havent even started their relationship and it's already falling apart? Sam and Tara having sex? I saw that coming. It seems like Jason hates the vampires more with every episode. It's kind of creepy when you think about the fact that Bill is almost 200 years old and Sookie is 25. Tara's family situation is really messed up. Sookie's grandma is such a sweet lady. I have to admit that Jason dancing for Lafayette was pretty funny. Overall a pretty good episode, my rating is 8.6/10.
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Mine continues to show the series potential
jackDee-5656530 December 2020
But overall the sex and pointlessly added in dialogue hurt the episode, season one is a weak season for me, its good fun with interesting plots but seriously overdone scenes with no real importance to the overall story arc
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Orgy and Sex of Vampires and Humans
claudio_carvalho19 September 2009
Bill protects Sookie telling the other vampires that she belongs to him. The vampires tell her that blood of virgin is delicious and they have an orgy among them and the human Jerry in front of Sookie. Meanwhile Jason has a dissatisfactory sex with Dawn; Sookie loses her virginity with Bill in her dreams; and Tara has one night stand with Sam and then she breaks with her alcoholic mother.

"Mine" is a disappointing episode of "True Blood". I expected to see a traditional vampire movie and the idea of widely open vampire existence is interesting. However, the major concern of Alan Ball in this show seems to be the eroticism associated to a blending of "Twilight" with "Angel", with the romance of Sookie and the Bill, a vampire that really recalls Angel. Further, like in "Six Feet Under", the author seems to have the interest in pleasing the gay community with the character Lafayette. The joke with the Starbucks coming to Marthaville is hilarious. The lines and the wise advices of Adele Stackhouse are the best moments of this show. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Minha' ("Mine")
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Sex for everyone
loridonaldsonrocks24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had more going for it besides sex but it seemed like every scene was referring to it, if not showing it directly. Even Sookie was having fantasies after trying to cut ties with Bill and asked her grandmother if she should listen to her head or her... heart? And it's pretty messed up that Sam and Tara slept together considering the employer/employee relationship and that Sam is in love with Sookie and sleeping with her bff could definitely cause problems later on. Dawn and Jason's thing was really messed up too bc Jason pretended to be a vampire and essentially raped Dawn?? I'm so glad that she chased him out of her house with a gun, even though she ended up dead after that, but I guess that's the mystery for next time.
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