Happy Endings Sleepover (2019) Poster

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Okay, so, it's not the best...
olliesimcik3 May 2020
The movie isn't super, the plot Johnnie Allen being an American CIA spy is more or less just filler/fluff in this movie. There's a whole bunch of plot holes BUT- It's enjoyable and the characters are actually amicable. It kinda sounds like they Google Translated the script from Dutch to English but it's not the worst thing you'll ever hear. I'm giving it a 6 mostly because I came away from the movie feeling warmed, Johnnie and Sander's love story was fun to follow (even though it got a bit confusing at times).
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Interesting, but far from earth-shattering
derekthayer18 May 2020
A cute, unassuming film that is the movie equivalent of a 'beach read' book. The actors portray their characters with earnesty, if somewhat lacking in talent.

The premise of the twenty-something 'American' CIA agent is laughably ludicrous, but fortunately little more than a flimsy framing device for what is ultimately a romance.

A decent flick if you're looking for something of a lighter fare that's easy to watch, and easy to forget.
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Worst CIA agent ever
danieljmcewen1 February 2021
Johnnie is terrible at his job. Johnnie falls in love. A mission is treated like a road trip. I'd rate it lower but I loved Sander. He was a bright spot in the movie. He came across as the most genuine character to be found.
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Bad... so bad (but I kept watching!)
matthewconnell-606097 December 2019
I really wanted to love this film because the premise sounded interesting. While certain aspects have been well-made, obvious and careless dialogue coupled with incredibly wooden and amateur acting let it down.

I wanted to love you "Happy Endings Sleepover" and I rooted for you and your sweet characters throughout, but ultimately, the production value and questionable acting failed you. :(
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Laughably bad
Coralknight13 May 2020
Everything about this movie is wrong; it requires WAY too much suspension of disbelief to even get started. The "acting" (and that is being generous) is very amateur and comes off as a big joke, since no one would for one second buy that the lead is American (regardless of his backstory on where he was raised). Just bad. And to further insult our intelligence, the majority of the reviews here have only reviewed ONE film...which happens to be this garbage heap and give it a 10 rating, saying things like "this is being the best film movie I have ever saw! A must to watch!" Meaning, these are obviously coming from people involved directly with this mess (or their friends).
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The Room is a better movie
klatredyr28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm endlessly embarrassed that I ever accepted to take part in this farce.

Promising that this project would be a professionally produced and marketed film (via Netflix), the producer ended up showing his real talent as a hopeless mess and a blabbering salesman with no trustworthiness.

The movie is made by amateurs. I guess that's what they are when they work as volunteers. No actors received payment according to formal contracts and the line of lies in the aftermath from the producer is a movie script itself. He owes a lot of dollars to a lot of people.

I believe there is some sort of money involved when you can stream the horrible piece from Amazon Prime, but that has still not produced any money coming to the cast and crew.

Besides no payment no professional direction was conducted either. The cast was mostly left alone when shooting the scenes, and most of the post editing was done by the two lead characters - otherwise it would probably never have been finished - or with an even worse result.

This movie is a disaster, and it really sickens me that internet never forgets. Please someone; make it disappear!

I think the 10/10 reviews here tells the same stories as you can find on Trustpilot; everything can be bought for scraps.

This movie is a piece of junk. RIP

PS. Usually I don't comment on the projects I'm involved in, but this movie both sucks big time and has a lot of people using the term fraud - and that can not be untold.

Thank you.
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An Incredible waste of time
hddu10-819-3745813 May 2020
This is seriously one of those films that has you scratching your head as to who or why someone actually thought this would be a good idea. ALL of the characters are miscast (no one is believable...least of all the lead role as a CIA agent). In fact no one appears to have any formal acting experience at all. And why is a movie about Danish CIA agents shot in Denmark filmed in English? The way all the Danish characters try and pass as English-speaking Americans is beyond painful. In fact, beyond painful would be the best way to summarize this film.
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Strangely appealing
mgold-826 November 2019
I honestly couldn't (and can't) tell if this film is meant to be taken seriously, or is it a parody? I was sure it was as parody until about 3/4 of the way through, when it suddenly became a little too "serious" to be a joke. I had been enjoying it immensely up until this point. A love story wrapped up in a parody seemed like a pretty unique concept. The two main actors are very likeable. (And as an aside in response to one of the other reviewers -- who cares if the actors are actually Norwegian or Danish or American or Martian in real life!....But I do agree that there was a lot that could have been, and should have been, cut.) Something that shouldn't have been cut was the first two-thirds of the song "I Hope that I Don't Fall in Love With You". Something that I found very thought-provoking was the issue that caused the "disagreement" between Johnnie and Sander near the end. It would never have occurred to me, to react to Johnnie's reasons for not wanting to tell his mother about Sander, the way Sander reacted. But I can actually see Sander's point of view. It really made me think. It also made me like this film even more than I did when I was taking it as a big joke. On the whole, it was a strangely appealing movie that I would recommend without reservation.
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What a piece of junk
winstoncasey24 February 2020
This has to be the dumbest movie I have ever seen where is the talent how long did it take to make this movie 5 minutes?
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Love that big galumph of mine
tuckered-249591 February 2021
What a sweet, wonderful feel good film! The Co-Star is so innocently sweet that I would just like him to hold me. Our main character does a great job of delivering this performance. He reminds me of Evan Peters. I think the song, "I've had the time of my life" belongs in this film. Sure, it has script issues but this must have been a blast to be on the sets and locations with. The Russian... bad casting, bad writing... enough said about that character. Don't expect any little gold men (Oscars) for this film. Just watch it with an open heart, a smile on your face and with someone you love!
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Welp ¯\_(o.O)_/¯
usnavynuke13 June 2020
They tried. I assume they had a very low budget to give us this production. It was cute in its own way, but very unbelievable. However, I got a few laughs out of it, so I guess there's that?

I'm pretty sure it was both of the leads' first acting jobs, so I can forgive them for that. Also, I love that part of the world because it gives us so many attractive actors to look at.
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Happy Spying
earl-rose4 November 2019
Danish film involving a gay spy and......well the plot isn't easy to layout and besides that would be a spoiler. I enjoyed this film for its stars who are just the most engaging young men you would want to see. I enjoyed this film because it has a satirical take on spy movies. I enjoyed this movie because it made me laugh. I even liked the bad guy who is sort of pathetic in a nice way. I strongly recommend watching. Now. There is a bit of clunkiness to the enterprise here and there but it is easily forgivable. In fact maybe that is part of the film's charm.
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My instinct is to join the hate
aharon-izraeli4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all , CIA agent takes his goofy crush along on his first assignment ? I don't think so. I don't know why the spy story is even in here , would it have been significant if the protagonist was an exchange student ? It might have been a little more realistic. The actors are cute but not cute enough to make this movie good. I really don't know why I even review this , except that , in spite of its many , many , many flaws I watched it to the end. I kinda cared that they would stay together , so something did work somewhere along the line. If you're looking for high art this is not it. I've seen worse , but there are much better movies you could be watching.

If this was somebody's first movie I'd like to say , don't give up but work a lot harder before you start filming. Also the version of Paul Simon's America in the soundtrack was painful , and that's one of my favourite songs of his. Honestly I don't know how to rate this. I'm pretty sure that if I was in a different mood I would be harsher but for now , I'll go with a very generous 6.
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Slowest spy movie ever
codygdietrich28 February 2020
It is a 2 hour movie that tries to be a spy movie. The spies mission is to pick up a guy and drive home from one town to another. So it's basically a movie about a guy who travels to a foreign country to taxi someone who is somehow special. Even when there is gun fire it doesn't feel like a spy movie. Descriptions list it as a romantic spy movie, it's not really a spy movie and as for the romance. Well it over half way through the film that the romance starts to be and then it's one kiss, one night together and one conversation about past relationships and family. So it has limited romance. It's a movie that starts out in an interesting place and changes scenery and characters come and go but the actual plot line is fairly flat, with limited and basic tension leading to limited if any character growth.
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Foolish Attempt at Film Making
mbrady-9076431 December 2020
When ever a movie has running commentary by the protagonist, "Let me explain", means the viewer is in for a bag of hurt. This amateurish film's plot, writing, directing, acting, character development, cinematography, sound design, musical score, etc is painfully incompetent..The story is NOT well thought out and the director doesn't know how to tell a story using film techniques. I don't fault the actors , as I'm sure a competent director and script could have obtained worthy performances. It's essentially a bad student film.
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Saying it's true doesn't automatically make it FEEL true
ekeby14 November 2019
This is a Danish/American film. It's an American production, set in Denmark, with English and Danish dialog. The actor playing Sandor is a "Danish rap artist." (I SO want to go on a rant here about cultural appropriation, but I won't.) The actor playing CIA agent Johnnie is probably Dutch. Hard to tell, but I'm going by his name.The film explains away his "funny" accent by saying he grew up with his missionary parents on Curacao. Not buying it.

And I doubt very much that an American audience would be convinced the CIA agent is American either. He's obviously European, so the film has an aura of inauthenticity right from the get go. The screenwriter adapted the script from his own novel--one based on true events in his life. That's the second problem. An impartial screenwriter would have likely trimmed away a lot that the novelist/screenwriter probably considered essential, but which actually isn't.

This film fails, partly because of its storytelling technique, and partly because of casting. We're told in the beginning that this is based on a true story, but saying so doesn't give this film any street cred. The other reviewer here suggests it's satirical and that's why parts of it are funny. I think parts of it are so bad they're funny.

I can see that this could have been a good movie; it's certainly ambitious. But that would have required a different screenwriter, director, and cast.
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No words...
avdhf643 August 2020
The worst part about a bad movie is starting it with a big like. For the rest read all the reviews with 4 stars and less. The 5 stars and more reviewers must have been watching a different movie or not have watched it at all.
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Sets a new low for American LGBTQ+ movies
Lorenz106019 March 2022
It takes about 90 seconds to realise that, despite being set in Kobenhavn, the cast and makers of this trash probably never travelled farther than Pasadena.

I am from an EU country. I collect queer films from around the world - over 150, from places like Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Argentina, Georgia (the country, not the state), Portugal, and even Libya - and the USA consistently ranks last as far as quality of script, acting, and direction.

This is insulting and vapid beyond belief. Try something with subtitles.
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Gay spy in Denmark with romance
ks-6050028 November 2019
Gay theme adding a spy idea is bit strange for you to imagine. The teen romance part is nicely done but given the fact one of them is secret CIA. A tender n gentle boy holding a gun. Little bit hard to accept but the filming make it not bad overall. Barely accepted.
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It's a fun movie, lighten up!
carl-8021517 April 2023
Happy Ending Sleepover is not a "spy" movie in the sense of James Bond, or Jack Ryan, and it clearly does not intend to be. The basic premise ( a professional CIA agent takes a guy he just met along on his first mission - judgement this bad happens only in real life, no one in a movie would ever be foolish enough to pull a stunt like that).

Neither is it a deep philosophical investigation of the nature of relationships, or gay life.

What it is is a fun movie. The acting is not great, at times it seems the leads are almost just reading lines. But it's good enough, and the writing is good enough.

It's a likeable way to spend an hour an a half, and even good enough to go back and rewatch to pick up bits that made no sense the first time through.

Lighten up, sit back, and enjoy!
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Wow, what a surprise!!!
jakemcneillie-8588829 November 2019
Wow, what a surprise. You never know what you're gonna get with these indie films. I took my chance on this one and this one blew me away! It definitely is a hidden gem for sure. It started as a road trip film, dovetailed into being an espionage thriller, and turned into a touching gay love film. I am quite the cinema file and get tired of these films with too much shaky camera, barely to any lighting. The cinematographer, director, actors, and actresses killed it on this one. It was beautifully shot. It felt like these two main characters were so likable that they could actually be my friends and the Russian espionage villain was entertaining every time he hit the screen. Two thumbs up all the way!
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A time-passing gay movie that's pleasant to watch.
apollospacesix28 October 2021
It's all obvious that it's amateur and all, thinking I won't watch till the end. But, I did watch all of it. It was hard to watch when you think of all the large details like the acting and the screenwriting but, it's actually a decent film to watch if you're just chilling and wanted to watch a light gay film with mild erotica in it. Can't say that I enjoyed it overall but I'd say that it was entertaining at most.
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A movie to watch more than once.
orphan-5606114 December 2019
Having had the pleasure of living In Denmark years ago, the film grabbed my attention from the start. Johnnie's experience of Danish hospitality and acceptance brought back so many memories. It was the place where I first started to heal from my Christian upbringing too. The warmth shown by so many Danes to me is apparently still alive and well in Denmark. The movie is more remarkable for its heart, for the warm story it tells of love and acceptance, for the true sense of adventure that being an expat brings than for any adherence to some preconceived notion of a great movie. If you love a great story well told, a spy adventure wrapped in an end of the Cold War, a tale of awakening love, the frail realities of the conflicts that arise between duty and love and honor and seeing how real people muddle through, then you'll love this movie. We've watched it three times now. Each time makes me love the characters more and more. Each time evokes more memories of a wonderful time in my life. The screenwriter also wrote the book, and several other semi autobiographical works that are inspiring and heartwarming. Enjoy the movie, read the book, get into the other books. The accidental finding of this movie opened up a wonderful adventure for me. I hope it does for you too.
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This is an AWESOME movie for the LGBTQ Community
calvinburford8 January 2020
I stumbled across this movie one day while at home sick and absolutely fell in love with it!! It's not often that an the LGBTQ Community gets a movie with a lead character, much less a lead character who's a hero or superhero...this movie gives us BOTH!! I was truly AMAZED that the main character (Jeppe Fogsgaard as Johnnie Allen) is not only gay, but also a hero!! And to add to the amazement, he also is able to find the love of his life through the course of the movie!! WOW!! This is one of the first movies that I've seen that gives us in the LGBTQ Community hope that we will have future movies where there are main LGBTQ characters that are the main characters, hero's and/or superheroes!! I have watched this movie now at least fifty times and I'm AMAZED and in awe every time!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this movie!!
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Refreshing gay cinema
kalithor3 December 2019
I loved how different the story is from most gay movies. The first watch it felt a little off but by third watch I really love this movie! Well worth watching,make some popcorn, sit back and enjoy!
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