Borderline Cult (Video 2007) Poster

(2007 Video)

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Fails on so many levels
dgci-net21 August 2007
Three sociopaths, two men and woman, form a serial-killing team in northern Mexico. The woman lures young women to their remote country digs that includes the graves of their former victims, one of the men kills them, and the other guy digs their graves.

As plots go, that about sums it up.

As a profile of a serial killer, this movie fails. It also fails as psychological suspense, or even as slash-and-gore "horror". We don't even get a chance to feel for any of the victims, they're never with us long enough to care about them.

If you like characters with no apparent motivation and a complete lack of depth, you might enjoy this movie. If you like amateurish photography or a grainy, washed out appearance, you might find something here. If soundtracks that lean heavily toward the incessant droning of flies appeal to you, this could be a real keeper.

Otherwise, just be thankful it is only 81 minutes long...if you can stand it for that long. Not worth the disk it's burned on.
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One of the worst movies ever made
XavierFoxx24 October 2007
In circumstances like this, I wouldn't even use the DVD case of this film to level out the legs on my couch. There are more problems with this movie than I count.

Considering that it is based on a true story even makes it worse. Yes there are over 400+ murders in Cuidad Juarez just below El Paso Texas in Mexico. However, it is not the same person, and the ages of the victims range from 11-36. Real woman who were raped and murdered. Not just tortured. Those are real women who died brutally. To Blasphamy their lives and deaths making a worthless grotesque depiction of it with this film is just an atrocity.

The acting is absolutely terrible, the directing is pure garbage, (looks like it was shot with a home video) and the dialog, what little of it their was, was like a 3rd grader wrote it.

This was a pure example of a film being made, just to pull undeserved cash from your wallet.

Do yourselves a favor and do not watch this film. I wish there was a zero on the vote scale because I gave it too much credit giving it a one.

absolute crap!
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Exploitation without a plot...
penny_v22 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So... let's see... We've got a serial killer that looks like Drew Carey and is just about as scary, one female accomplice that lures in the female victims, and another accomplice that buries the victims in about two inches of dirt then marks the graves with a cross and a bloodied up piece of clothing... You'd think this grave yard might scare the victims off, or at least draw someone's attention… but no. I guess that's because the only people who are wandering around in this part of the desert are attractive young women who all become murder victims. Their hide out is in the desert, and amazingly, about half of the attractive female victims, on foot, happen to wander up to the hide out for no apparent reason, only to be tortured to death. On the occasional days that no attractive young women happen to stumble onto the hide out, the female accomplice goes into town and cons a cute young female into coming back to the ranch to be tortured to death. This happens over and over and over again. Not only is there not a single twist in the entire screenplay, but they actually show flashes of what is going to happen to the women as they approach, so you already know what's going to happen to them before they've been captured. Well… there is one minor exception to this pattern… One woman, instead of being killed right away, is held captive in the chicken coop, where, to pass the time, she takes off her shoes and dances around in chicken poop. Yeah… That's what I'd do in that situation… The editing has WAY too many special effects which is very distracting and even annoying at times. This is probably an effort by the editor to compensate for a lack of usable footage since the cinematography is pretty bad throughout the film and not shot in a manner that would allow for good continuity, particularly when they're shooting scenes of violence. The gore FX are very bad. They just put blood where severe injuries such as stabbing and mutilation had been inflicted on the victims. For the ending, in spite of the fact that the tag line on the DVD cover reads "…420 victims and counting," the threesome simply decide that 420 is a good number, so that's where they're going to stop… at 420… because it's a good number… Oooooookay… I'm really amazed that Lions Gate would be willing to distribute such a poorly made film
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An hour-and-a-half I'll never get back
arik196928 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, and I hesitate to call it a movie, is so bad my head hurts from watching it. The blurb says this movie is about three serial killers, but really, the woman lures the (good-looking, large-breasted, incredibly stupid) female victims out into the middle of nowhere, where the big fat guy kills them in various non-imaginative, not particularly interesting ways, then the black guy buries them (so I guess you have a serial lurer, a serial killer, and a serial undertaker). This is repeated 5 or 6 times, and then the "movie" ends. Seriously, that's all there is to it. I believe the genre of this abomination is called 'splatterporn,' but there is pretty much no splatter, and the acting ability of the cast is not quite up to porn standards. Even the good-looking, large-breasted women keep their tops on, so it's a waste from that angle, as well. Seriously, folks, you could hand out video cameras to random high school students and come up with something better than this crap.

I give it one star out of ten, only because there's nothing lower. Save your time and money.
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Really bad movie!
cjvelasquez4 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is without question the worst film I have ever wasted my eyes on. Living in El Paso, TX right across from Juarez I can honestly say the movie was in no way realistic in any way. I could not help but laugh as I saw the performances of the actors and the scene locations. This also has to be the dumbest script anybody has ever written. I fear for the motion picture industry that films like these get the green light. One sure thing is that the producers sure wish they had their money back.The very start of the movie is very disturbing. I say this not because of the violence but because of extremely fake looking murder. I really believe they used ketchup for blood.
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Kudos To The Marketing Dept.
werdnow11 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Thank goodness I rented this awful film from the 2 for a dollar shelf.There is nothing masterful about this film,and I usually enjoy Lommel's efforts.The repetitive luring and slaying of the victims,shallow acting,and un-inspired production, the viewer should be paid to watch this instead of renting it.You could have literally used the same kill over and over, along with the burial sequences they are identical each time,what a waste of film.Kudos to the marketing dept. for cleverly packaging this turkey,I'm sure I wasn't the only one duped.This effort isn't a good example of Mr. Lommel's talent and ability behind the camera.You expect a certain odd quirkiness from him,but in previous attempts it had substance,in this film he seems to be bored from start to finish,and uninspired.
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I had more fun catching STD's
fokker31513 August 2008
I immediately destroyed the DVD as soon as it ended. Bad. So bad. I can't believe how bad it was. Really, really bad. I honestly would have rather been at work. Plot...bad Acting...bad Story...bad No Boobs...Very Very bad Only symbolism: the credits at the end moved as slowly as the film. The guy who gave the movie a 7/10 is retarded. The end. IMDb has too many guidelines to post a comment. I just want to say how bad I hate this movie but it says I need more lines. So now, I'm typing randomly. I'm angry. And tired. I want to go to bed. But this movie is so bad that I have to keep typing. It's principle. My night is ruined. If I had a wife, I would make angry love to her. But I don't :(. this movie is bad, bad bad. Screw you IMDb. Here's 10 lines for you. Bad.
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Return of Lommel
Michael_Elliott27 February 2008
Borderline Cult (2007)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

There's no doubt that the career of director Ulli Lommel went downhill after his hit THE BOOGEY MAN, which has become a cult favorite over the years. Lommel's career has it rock bottom the past several years as he's started making movies that base themselves around real murder cases. BTK KILLER, GREEN RIVER KILLER and ZODIAC KILLER are just a few of these real killer movies from Lommel and all of them have ranged from horrid to poor. This film here deals with three serial killers who lure women out to the desert on the Mexico border and kills them. This is actually a small step up for the director who at least shows some technical qualities here. The performances are also better than you'd expect but the end results are still pretty poor. The film goes on way too long and we basically see the same thing over and over. A woman lures other women to the desert and then they're killed. There's a little gore, no nudity and certainly no suspense.
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Throw it over the border.
pulpnicktion13 March 2008
From director Ulli Lommel comes Bordorlone Cult a dull look at three crazy people who kill girls by the Mexican border.Ulli Lommel has been criticized for his poor movies he has made over the last few years, this is one of his worst.

Bordorline Cult has three killers. Melanie lours girls to their spot of killing. Another wears a top hat and scarf,he buries the bodies. The third actually does the killings. He kinda looks like a bald Drew Carrey.Togerther the leave graves all over the border. Its surprising to see with over 400 dead girls they haven't been caught yet.

Bordorline Cult is a waste of time. Its a poor horror/slasher film that is very dumb and has no suspense. Skip it unless your a die hard Ulli Lommel fan.
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Lommel goes south of the border.
DigitalRevenantX713 October 2013
Story Synopsis: A fictionalised account of what was responsible for the deaths of more than 400 women, mainly prostitutes & tourists, in the US / Mexican border town of Juarez. Three shady characters team up to kill as many victims as they can. With them in the area, nobody is safe.

Film Analysis: This is yet another of the staggering number of cheap horror films made by former German New Wave legend turned Hollywood hackmeister Ulli Lommel. As is the case with practically all of his post-millennial works, he takes a true story – in this case the mysterious force killing hundreds of women in the US / Mexican border town of Juarez – & uses it to mount an abstract film.

Borderline Cult is one of Lommel's better films, although strictly mediocre. There is not much to the film than three despicable characters luring female victims to an isolated spot in the hills & killing them. That's all you're going to get & Lommel keeps things going by using all the tricks he's learned after decades making art-house films in his native Germany & cheap hackwork in the States. It is like watching a zombie rise from the grave & stagger about with no real aim other than pure instinct. That is how the film feels to me.

The acting is disturbingly good – Christian Behm makes quite an impression as the intelligent brute who enjoys killing women & has a habit of comparing parts of his life to history's worst killings. He has made acting appearances in most of Lommel's post-millennial films & outdoes himself here. It is a shame that the film isn't entirely up to scratch. Also making an appearance is producer Nola Roeper, who appears as a fortune teller.
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Not so worth it...
CoasterMedia30 September 2010
It's a good thing that I didn't buy this DVD. I rent it for .50 cents and it is not even worth 50 cents. It is not even worth it being on the shelf or being exist at all. All it is, a pure torture one after another. No plot, no stories, no nothing... I can't believe I waste my time watching this movie all the way through. I was waiting to see what happen at the end like hopefully these dumbbells to be arrested. They dun' goofed up MAJOR times! 420 Times... We get the message. Don't get me wrong. SAW Trilogy is a FAR better movie this this crappy movie. The story behind SAW has points and purpose. This movie.... Ummm. None. I'm not usually put hate in the movie but this one set me off. I have seen a lot of movies and there are some that I don't like and rate as 1 but it wasn't as BAD as this film.

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Brilliant👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 Brilliant
acla-5826727 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think that any of you who wrote These reviews are true horror fans. 🤔 If you watch this film closely it's a masterpiece it was a brilliant approach how he captured each of these three sociopath behaviors into one brilliant master plan.

How each sociopath's technique and demise became each victim's final fate; by a Horrific Team effort.

It was surreal especially with what truly goes on across the Mexican border today.

Great job Ulli Lommel !!!!

This movie is based on a true story if you look up the Juarez murders over 420 women had been killed.

What I didn't like, is that they used the term lured.

How easily each victim did not need much convincing... I also appreciated Ulli Lommel's take on the Black Dahlia... that one is my all-time favorite.

I am a true horror fan I remember when I was a young girl my mother sent me down to my first horror movie fun house and Rosemary's Baby.

What really kills me is how critics are so critical.

This was excellent in capturing the true sociopaths psychotic mind.

I I was amazed how he captured right down to the letter each sociopath tactic to follow out they're psychotic plan I also appreciated how Patrick Faucette(buried each girl with special care, he even left one item of each victim which would probably benefit in the identification purpose later.
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Ulli is a very unique film maker who deserves more respect
ewamccurdy16 September 2018
Boarderline Cult... Apparently based on one of those true stories made into horror movies that you can't seem to find...BUT...that's not the here nor there.

It may be a low budget cheesy no real good guy good girl character setting, the main characters are the killers telling the story.

Ulli is a very talented and unique horror film maker. His vision is one of a kind and he definitely deserves more respect.

If you are a fan of found footage type of horror or based on true story horror then this is definitely the horror movie for you. I would honestly love to see a remake of this made with some crazy plot twists. It is a great story for horror. A new breed of horror if you will. I definitely recommend it if you are only a true dedicated horror movie fan.
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Hollywood House of Horror: Borderline Cult
Captain_Couth28 February 2009
Borderline Cult (2007) is another one of the notorious Hollywood House of Horror releases helmed by Ulli Lommel. Three sociopaths hang around Topanga Canyon and Juarez Mexico looking for easy prey. What they want or why they murder people remains a mystery? The trio spend their free time documenting their exploits on digital video in between looking for victims. Some of them wander in the area or they go out hunting for them. Who are these killers and why do they do what they do? Do find out why or if you care check out Ulli Lommel's Borderline Cult.

Like the earlier reality horror films from Lommel, they had all kinds of problems with the MPAA over content. This one is no exception. Many of the murders were heavily edited to get an R- rating. I've always wonder why he even bothers to try and get his films rated. Do they actually play in theaters?
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Another weird masterpiece from Ulli Lommel.
orkoserapis_x13 February 2008
The reason so many people don't like this film is because it is so unusual. Absent are most of the staple qualities that movies "must have" like plot, tension/suspense, character development, build up, conclusion. and so on. What this flick is really is nothing but a glimpse into the lives and actions of three serial killers, and it doesn't pretend to be anything more than that. It is just showing you what they do and why they do it.

Three strange individuals have formed a killing pact whose goal is to commit the most number of murders as possible. It consists of one woman and two men. The pact functions as a machine with each doing his or her special part. The woman lures the girls out to the remote house, the guy who looks like Drew Carey kills them, and the last fellow dressed as a magician buries them.

The characters are well defined and well explained, each having his or her own reason for doing what they do, and the acting is adequate. The Drew Carey look-alike is truly creepy and scary as the sadistic killer. He spends most of his time just walking around swatting flies and cutting up bugs and cactus's LOL! That is until some unsuspecting female victim wanders in! A truly horrible and memorable character there! The film employs the same harsh and grainy footage as most of Lommels films, which I quite like because it lends immediacy to the subject matter. The script is minimal and quite poetic at times. There is much use of special effects in the editing which gives the film a sort of nightmare-like quality.

My only criticism is that the gore isn't too well done, it seems to have been done cheaply with nothing but red dye. You don't really see any flesh wounds, perhaps the effects are too expensive for the production. But it doesn't really focus on the gore anyway, it is more interested in examining the relationship between the three lead characters. They don't like each other much, they all just depend upon each other for the completion of their awful project. The scene where they are all sitting in cold-blooded silence at the dinner table together is memorable.

On another note I believe it is Nola Roeper who plays the part of the female lead character. She has been a regular in Lommels previous films. However in this film she seems to have lost a lot of weight, and now looks absolutely gorgeous! Good on her! I think that the movie is fictitious but I am not sure.

All in all Borderline Cult is a very dark and creepy experience.
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"There's No Way Out! There's No Way Out!!"...
azathothpwiggins30 September 2021
BORDERLINE CULT opens with two drunk women staggering around. We learn that one of them is part of a trio of murdering maniacs. The non-crazy woman is tortured and killed by a bald man in Drew Carey's old glasses. There's also a voodoo dude in a top hat.

Another female is lured to her doom.

Then, a tarot card reading by a woman with a sprayed-on tan, more mindless murder, etc.

This is a totally nonsensical movie of "rinse and repeat" slaughter. Three weirdoes and the women they annihilate. It's lazy filmmaking at its most idiotic, with any semblance of a plot discarded in favor of one dumb scene of violence after another.

Roll credits...
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