"Unsolved Mysteries" 13 Minutes (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Not much of a mystery
ssarsilmazkthy2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watch a ton of true crime documentaries and police interrogations and my bet is on the husband . He is weird as hell. Just look at the way he treated Pistol before and after the 'disappearance'. Watching her son broke my heart
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Creeped out
emmabmurphy4 July 2020
I was completely creeped out by the lady's husband. The way he acted with her remains did not seem normal to me at all and his attitude towards her son was just cruel.
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We all agree it was rob right?
Calicodreamin5 July 2020
An interesting episode featuring an unsolved murder and a creepy husband... the interviews were relevant to the case, the timeline well established, and great visuals.
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Not really a mystery, although technically unsolved
krystinab-885-19207016 July 2020
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The husband is a disgusting piece of trash. I am fairly sure he had something to do with Patrice's murder, whether he committed it himself or paid someone to do it. The awful way he spoke about Pistol tells you all you need to know about what kind of person he is. Her poor Son never got her ashes or even any of his things after his mother disappeared, as well as losing all his stuff. What kind of monster does that to a child?! Rob is one sick twisted weirdo & I feel devastated for Pistol. I know it's unlikely he'd ever see this but I am so so sorry Pistol for what you have been through, I hope you know it was so clear how much your mom loved you & wanted you to have the best life. I hope, despite your pain & suffering, you can have some semblance of a good life, its what Patrice would've wanted.
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Edvis-199727 February 2021
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Well... I'm not investigator or detective here, but. That husband sounds sketchyas hell. Who blames child for being jealous of his mother? It seems it was backwards and he was jealous of her. He even says that he and his wife had never argue. This is lie. It's impossible don't argue about something. Everyone does that,even for little things.What kind of man says that he doesn't like his wife children. It just approves my suggestion that he was jealous. Her friends told that she was fighting constantly and wanted to divorce. So why he is even trying to lie? Some of his sentences has irony inside. And I can't understand how person can mock on his wife case. I don't even talk about when he was speaking about funeral. He kissed skull and still sleeping with ashes and he saved " our love"? That's so weird, like I've seen tons of True crime,investigations,murders and I've never seen such weirdo not to be guilty. It's sad that we didn't get any information about autopsy. How she was killed,when and other stuff. But it's understandable that they want to make those sensitive information public before finding real murderer. I liked this episode more than first one.
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chevellesss-6311612 July 2020
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Not that hard to figure out the killer is the husband. Possessive, controlling, jealous of his wife spending time with her own son. Guy is a narcissist. Who get jealous about their spouse spending time with their child?
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Rob basically told us all he got away with murder!!
mdbourke-282-89997328 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A few clues

1. Boasts about having a degree in criminology 2. Details exactly what he did the day his wife was killed 3. Suggests that a wheelbarrow could have been used to move her body (at 58 years of age at the time of her murder, and with suggestions from investigators that it would have required effort to move her 'dead' body to the location she was found. 4. Speculates that someone might have kept her as a "Toy" 5. References sleeping with her cremated remains like a "Teddy bear" or a toy? 6. Denies arguments with his wife, ever 7. Takes advantage of the fact that the investigating officer only follows evidence, not speculation 8. His hatred of his 16 year old stepson was disturbing and seemingly borne from jealousy
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Doesn't take a genius to see Rob's motive
mark-7838321 September 2022
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I lived in Cumming for 3 years and instantly recognized the setting when the episode started. It's always weird to hear these stories from a place you called home at one point.

Anyway, I am a studier of psychology and humanity. And it's clear to see Rob purposely went to the neighboring town at that time and made SURE to pay attention to time details so he would have an alibi while someone he hired to kill her did the job. He spoon-fed too many precise details that someone normal would not have been paying attention to, unless they wanted a tight alibi.

Also, his motive was to have her all to himself which is exactly what he got. This is why he was creepily crying at the end. He now had her all to himself. Doesn't matter if she's alive or dead. He won because he has possession of her remains. I mean, to not offer the remains to her son is CLEARLY the signs of a psycho with no emotions.

But of course, US laws protect many psychos because of our stupid system. It's not enough just to see someone is mentally ill. I've had a mental man stalking me for years and police won't help me until someone dies.

We need a special force assigned just to checking out people with major mind issues because they are rampant in the US today. Brains cells are dying left and right from our overloaded lives, processed foods, and stress over money.

If they just looked more into Rob and his phone records, they would likely find a clue to solve this case. I really think he had someone else abduct her and take her to the woods where he even may have possibly met up with them later. He just wanted to be out of town during the abduction.

And keep in mind, he laughed when he said he has a degree in criminal justice and he said things no loving, normal man could speak of about his dead wife. For example, "did someone go use her as a toy? I don't know!"

These are CLEAR signs that he is HIGHLY suspicious.
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Great episode
TruthbeTold26265 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watching rob during this episode is a clear indicator that he knows more than he says. He all but confessed within the last 10-15 minutes of the episode. How he mentions hes the only one that will possess her now. How he slept with the ashes, and how he had the funeral director rebuild her skeletal remains. Why have no profilers interviewed this lunatic? I'm willing to bet it was a murder for hire and that blue car is in a junkyard within a 200 mile radius.
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Hardly a mystery
petegallows4 February 2023
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So a creepy weirdo of a husband murders his wife, that wants to leave him, and boasts about it.

He got away with it, because the police must have been clueless. He's not even trying to hide it, of course he says he didn't do it, because he'd rather be at home than in prison for murder for the rest of his life.

Everything he says is pretty much "yeah, I did it. And you know what? You can't prove a God **** thing. And the son of hers, he would like at least her ashes, well guess what, they're mine. I keep them in a closet somewhere. But I used to sleep with them. I also let the funeral people re-assemble her bones and I messed around with her skull. Yeah, I am a weirdo, you don't like it? Tough luck".

He insinuates, pretty openly, that he actually kept her as a "toy" (before murdering her. Or maybe even after..) - that's not a word a grieving husband would use in a million years, to describe what some unknown perpetrator could have done with his missing/murdered wife (or even wife's remains? Who knows) It's a weird word to use in any form, when talking about something like this.

I don't know how to feel about this documentary, I mean, nice that they told us, here's the guy who did it. On the other hand, he's not in prison and he's laughing at us.
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Not bad, but...
rdoubleoc2 July 2020
Not bad, but I think they should stay away from murders since a lot of shows already cover murders (disappearances are another thing, like the first episode, but usually there's only a few motives for murder and not much mystery).
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the husband did it..
Tulip882 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is no doubt in my mind the husband did it... he killed her.. probably for wanting to leave him...
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No mystery in this one
bladgab3 July 2020
This is a retelling of a homicide. Rob is creepy as hell... he might be involved. A lot of this is covered by other similar shows.
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Definitely Rob
brandonneicke8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Rob is A Psychopath and this was a great watch but at the same time hard because he is getting away with it but he also can legally keep the trophy at home. Terrible but hopefully they get evidence eventually
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Episode was good
melissagarrad2 July 2020
That episode was good but that husband was so creepy.. He wanted to see her assembled bones? Kissed the skull?? and also slept with the ash box.. This is really weird or maybe i cant understand the psychology behind..
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We All Know the Husband Did It
crowgrl1310 July 2020
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It's so plainly obvious. He was extremely jealous of anyone who got her attention other than him, even it was her son or a friend. After her disappearance, he admits he changed all the locks and wouldn't let her 16 year old son (who he admits he hated) in, not even to get his things. The husband talks about his day, how he had a time stamped receipt from getting gas (very convenient), but that doesn't mean he didn't hire someone else to kill her. And the way how he said he wanted to view her skeletal remains (he asked the investigator to "lay her out" in his own words), picked up her skull and walked around the room with it, then kissed it goodbye, AND how he slept with her ashes is creepy as hell. And evil glee he has about the fact that her son will never get her ashes, saying, "I'd never share these ashes with anybody. Particularly Pistol." His crocodile tears don't fool me. Laura Palmer's dad was more convincing on Twin Peaks. Rob Endres is a scumbag.
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Everything is not a mystery
theforager2 July 2020
If someone got murdered and body is found but no evidence found simply does not make it a mystery. This episode is just like filming a murder case and its investigation. There is not a single clue of a mystery.
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Rob is the new Carole Baskin
sgavfc-511-6285653 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Rob definitely did it. The police need to resolve this ASAP. Excellent episode.
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Guilty As Carol Baskin
mateus-7475317 July 2020
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Spoiler: Patrice's husband, who was 20 years her senior, is guilty as sin in the court of public opinion. This smug little man is the epitome of strange agent. He changed the locks on her son the day after she went missing. He's shaking during these interviews. He said some of the most bizarre, inane things you would ever hear from a "victim. " Both her son and good friend agree; they also reference the possibility of impending divorce. The son, who is very credible, references them fighting often. It's just simply seems as though he farmed out the wet work. Rob Endrés is as guilty as Carol Baskin.
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A good person vs a horrible person
irina37598 October 2020
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Pistol vs. the ultimate piece of garbage, Rob. I'm all about being creeped out, but this episode got me mad af. It is crystal clear that the scumbag husband is knee deep into the crime. How can you talk to this guy and NOT raise a question mark wheter he is sane or not? So much jealousy and anger in his voice, even after 15 years. The first clue was how he started laughing when telling the story about how he found out the wife was missing and that the police wanted to interrogate him.
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shuttfupmom2 July 2020
A stark contrast from episode one.

maybe it picks up but i'm half way through and all it's been is reel after reel of how the disappearance affects the family (a before & after) - which is sad but not mysterious or interesting in anyway.
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Extremely sad felt for the son deeply
Kit-Angel6 April 2022
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Gosh the husband is just beyond awful. I felt so very sad for the son. My mother died when I was 13 and that was bad enough but at least it was at home and I could say bye to her. To have your mom murdered and not really fully know the circumstances is just terrible. I like many here formulated who I think is responsible pretty early in the programme. One of the posts here bullet points it out and I think I agree very much with them. I hope the son, father, sister and friends can find some peace and pleasure still in this world but it must be so so hard to do so with justice denied for the one you loved so deeply.
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Like everyone else, not much of a mystery
metteholmnielsen5 August 2020
But imagine being the camera crew filming the husband... yikes.
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bubandsamsmom26 August 2020
I don't know about that husband. It's very disturbing and heartbreaking how he talks and treats the remains and her son . I don't like him
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13 Minutes
bombersflyup19 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure about this one, all the early stuff seems unrelated. The convicted murderer the police had a discussion with seems the culprit. I guess I see the world differently, Rob seems genuine to me. Allowing them to interview him and shaking. Her friend may not know him at all and perceive him completely wrong, he may act totally different around others, doesn't mean he has a negative thought in regards to her. The way it pauses on Rob after his responses, solely attempting to make him look sinister, but I don't see it. The son said himself that he was trouble and it was a regular thing being sent to the front office, maybe Rob changed the locks for his own safety being 50+ years old. Also why's the son got an AK47 tattooed on his arm after the fact, not that it's a damning thing, but that's your choice of tattoo, yes named Pistol. Bit more engaging than the first, but has similar problems dragging out limited content.
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