"Evil" Rose390 (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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The episode I've been waiting for
vwvoyager22 October 2019
The one thing I love about this show is the fact they leave certain plots open and don't offer a definitive answer, but leave it to viewer interpretation. The creepiness factor was top notch in this episode, as I was becoming completely engrossed in the girl's 'game'. The other story was excellent also, a true nightmare. Well done.
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Creepiest episode yet...
geoffreyspencer19 October 2019
Excellent episode. I am afraid to say anything to ruin it for those of you who have not seen it. Brilliant acting by the kid.
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Best episode yet.
LegendaryFang5627 July 2021
Holy crap. I'm in shock. I wasn't expecting that conclusion to the case, let alone a disturbing one like this one. Best episode yet, this one is, for sure.

There wasn't even a proper conclusion or an unexplainable occurrence unless you count/consider the whole Rose390 thing to be one. That certainly would fit within the criteria of "unexplainable occurrences."

The only difference compared to the previous ones in past episodes would be that it wasn't "known" to any character, like the camera footage of "a ghost" and the occurrence with the virtual assistants (I may be forgetting one, but those are the ones I remember.) This show is becoming very enjoyable.
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Well Halloween is near
neverenoughgold19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy, creepy, creepy, with a little Exorcist thrown in for interest.
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Where you live
notanaxkiller-107-28791118 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Every episode reinforces my belief that this is the best series on TV. The story lines get under your skin, and hit you where you live. Where you can feel it. This episode is a testament to many of the the things that can and DO go wrong, despite our best intentions. People are full of hope, but there is a limit to their resilience. Sometimes Evil wins.
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Brave and intense
aknel-cerna19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Incredible episode, haunting, emotional, powerful. I admire the writers because they had a courage to did an episode about something that many others avoid.
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I was worried...until this episode
sweetstuff122013 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So, I'm just getting around to watchin this show on Netflix.

I was worried that this show was going to tie up the endings, neatly and scientifically, each and every episode, based on the first 3 episodes. After episode 3, I was close to giving up. Honestly, Michael Emerson was the only reason I decided to give episode 4 a viewing.

Boy, am I glad I did!

The non-traditional, unhappy, and open-ended closing scene was fantastic.

Both my daughter and I were left feeling very satisfied. If you don't like questions being left unanswered, then this is not the episode for you.

Several other reviewers said that there was a "Disney" or "too many kids" aspect to this episode. Yes, there was that feeling slightly. However, the other storyline in this episode was SO dark and deeply demented that the almost lighthearted (although, in some places, creepy) nature of this parallel plotline with the VR was absolutely necessary.
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I just don't get it
ladiesman-216451 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why the parents kill Eric, they knew the help will come next day, they are begging for it. They have been patient for 2 years, suddenly they decide to kill him? Can't just lock him in his room for just a night more? I just don't get it.
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What a jewel
shaista-2867314 November 2019
I wish I could adopt these girls. Brilliant episode and I hope they don't cancel as they usually do with good material.
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Paternal misery
Sjark19 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A 9 year old boy, Eric, exhibits psychotic tendencies, but it actually feels like more of a backstory, to the real plot of the episode, which starts innocently with grandma bouchard getting a couple alternative reality goggles for her grandkids. Might be a poke at the gaming industry granting adult content to minors, and the creepy men that prowl the internet.. or women, who knows, we never find out. In this alternative reality they access an "adult game" as the girls put it, with the impressively realistic gory vr horrors; spiders, decapitated ladies and whatnot. Eventually they magically connect to the "world wide web" (dear god the nerd in me recoiled at the low end technical expertise of the show), and immediately Rose390 wants to join, and the girls let him/her in, because apparently their psychotherapist/inquisitior mom never warned them about stranger danger. Anyway, Rose invites them into a "hidden level" via "the board". Ouijaboard ofc.. and they all merrily summon the devil together, because that's what one does on the internet. Ben the magnificent interrupts their little ritual and turns on the child filter, and gives the pedo a piece of his mind as he sends the girls to admit their sin to the mom. Return to eric story for a bit, and David connects to him about their shared interest in comics, and proposes he finds guidance from god.. Because nothing cures crazy better than religion as we all know, and he merrily moves along thinking that helped.

Back to the story, the girls now bound by the child filter has discarded the goggles, but Rose hasn't given up, and logs on their goggles remotely, waking the 2 older sisters, offering to disable the kids filter, even though in a previous scene she insisted she couldn't interact with anything, only observe. So she does, and pulls out the board suggesting they should find out what dear old dad is up to.. turns out he's actually in heaven.. and not guiding people to mt.Everest, according to rose anyway, and if you can't trust your internet paedo, who can you trust? So naturally they run into moms bed, and press the issue, prompting mom to do the responsible thing, and lie to them, like any good parents would, even making a media message, and all is well again, because mother knows best.

Until the next day with the backstory, David is called to Erics' house to bond with the boy, only to find him praying to god while merrily drowning his baby sister, like david told him to.. or whatever makes sense to a psychopath that gets introduced to religious solutions. David saves the baby, in a maneuver that would have squished any infant babies outside of the marvel universe, but again.. this show has no regard for science, or medicine as it turns out, and saves the day. This rushes the need for an exorcism, only to be thwarted by erics' parents who apparently murdered him after the incident, despite knowing help is on the way, because after 2 years of this hell, they just couldn't risk one more day with him under lockdown. The inquisitor trio pretty much gets an admission of guilt from the mom, and quietly lets her close the door in their sadfaces, as she turns to go lie to the police about murdering her 1st born along her husband. Don't ask, don't tell I guess.. David does spend the rest of the night praying to god to forgive everyone, because at least someone should know what's up.

Anyway, back to the story Kristen sits in front of the TV with the 4 little ones, and one of them asks if they can finish the game, or the ghosts will keep haunting them.. lying to their mom, who in turn lies to them saying she'll think about it, which brings us to what this episode was really about. The things parents will do to protect their children. Erics parents turned their home into a prison because they feared what either they or he would do to each other.. and eventually does, and Kristen can't quite contain the burden of lying to her children, despite knowing that it might be worse if they know daddy is indeed quite dead, so it's better to tell the pretty lie about him to buy herself time, and the episode ends with her hiding in the kitching sobbing uncontrollably trying not to give away her crippling grief to the laughing kids in the next room, and robbing them of their momentary joy, and perhaps innocence. but the truth is coming.. what pray tell are in those journals Townsend is sitting on?

Probably the best episode so far, as far as plot movement goes, but it still has a long way to go in order get get a higher score from the critical reviewer.
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Just to offset
Laelpe048110 September 2021
Very enjoyable episode would've given it a 10 regardless but im only posting it to offset the first reviewer's score because its obvious that person doesn't "get" many things..
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Calicodreamin11 October 2020
Leaving the plot open is gutsy, but also leaves the episode unresolved and almost pointless. Good acting and interesting turn of events with the VR creepy kid.
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Just mute your TV
gobords17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Or fastforward any time Kristen's kids are on because it will be a solid 5 minutes of screaming before the plot moves forward. Her kids are the worst part of this show. "Have you guys ever noticed that when you all talk at the same time no one can understand you?" -Ben

Rest of the episode is okay, however, the story revolves around adults trying to understand and explain basic things to kids. It's almost like the writers forgot the afflicted kid had been treated for 2 years before Kristen and David showed up. You're telling me none of the professionals had ever tried to have a conversation with the kid...
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So cartoony...but dang it was enjoyable
garabedian12313 October 2020
I was so sure the demon was gonna show up in the video game...otherwise what was the point? Vr that works in the dark...its so comical but dam was that some scary stuff. ..but seriously what was the point of the scary game?
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Too many kids.
javabeansam27 November 2019
It was only a matter of time when a horror show brings out the creepy children. In this episode, we see that Kristen has 4 little girls and Kristen's Grand Mother seems to be there a lot. With student loans and 4 kids to feed, no wonder Kristen is stuck with such a creepy job. Not really liking this one, too many kids in a show brings this episode down to a Disney level for me. Giving it a 6 for that reason.
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Have these writers ever met another living person!? Warning: Spoilers
Seriously... you're expecting us to believe that these parents had gone two years with their son acting strange, trying to poison them to death, getting violent with their younger daughter and apparently arrived at the conclusion that this son is demonically possessed. That the TWELVE psychologists who had assessed, and all apparently arrived at TWELVE different conclusions never once recommended that he probably should be institutionalised for the safety of the entire family. That the parents NEVER ONCE reported any of this to the police, let alone the incident when he did finally manage to throw his baby sister in the pool and drown her. Like.. REALLY!? And then that David, who's normally quite cautious in his discussions about hope, faith & prayer would tell a kid that if you pray to God and ask him something, you'll get it!?

I do sometimes wonder if these writers know anything about exorcisms and even the Catholic church itself, too.

You're already asking audiences to believe or remain sceptical as to whether these supposedly supernatural things going on are real but you cannot then strain all credulity and reasonability with parents that act so helpless but never once go to the police. Never considered that the kid needed time in a hospital and then to end it with the family killing the boy. No. This had to be the most unreasonable episode of television I've ever seen.
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Worst episode yet.
filipstabel13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't how AR or VR works.

A girl with long black hair, the stupid board, it's all Hollywood clichés in one episode.

The plot with the kid takes a backseat to the overdone tropes. Yes it ends dark but the whole over the top side plot destroys whatever tension there was in the episode.
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Are You Pregnant Or Have A Heart Condition???
wandernn1-81-6832743 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So the gang starts out at a nice suburban type house. They are there to visit with a boy named Eric. Eric has like the cleanest room for a teen I've ever seen. Apparently Eric bit his sister. Eric changed 2 years ago according to his parents. They say he tried to poison them. 12 Psychiatric protocols. ' And back at Kirstens House, he kids are playing with some Crazy VR setup!!!! Wow that's pretty crazy.

Okay a very long opening sequence but it was pretty creepy.

+1 Star

Now, back to ERIC. Eric seems like quite the character. Acts older than he is certainly. Wonder how that will turn out.

Ben is working on Kirsthens House, and finds the 2 older daughters fooling around with the VR sets again. 'Hail Hail Hail, Here He Comes'

Eric comes out of his room and is mowing the lawn. He's taken a turn for the better!! Haha. But when David comes over, ERIC is praying by the pool and his little sister is in the pool underwater!!! David saves the girl. Eric is obviously still troubled.

The Kids are still playing some questionable VR thing.

-1 Star for the VR thing. I just found that whole thing ridiculous.

And The team gets the exorcism priest on board and they go to visit ERIC and find that ERIC has run away.

That's how this ends???

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Confused on why the mom carries on a lie.
mapstothecity6 July 2021
Why is the mother carrying on a lie about the kids father.
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Child therapist here....
egyptianorchid-9259430 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am a child therapist that specializes in working with kids like the child in this episode, and I hated that this episode regurgitates so many horrible tropes about kids that struggle with empathy, aggression, and power/control. I get that it's just reflecting our society that does not understand these kids, but I don't have to like it. And because I have worked with so many families in this struggle I liked that they got some things right: trying all the suggested therapies and meds but it doesn't seem to help, the parental fear and desperation to protect their other kids (younger siblings often do become a focus), and the approaches used based on fear (locks, deprivation environments, over prescription of meds etc). I also do not think parents that had potential help on the way (exorcism, pipes, a team investigating) would kill their child. That said, Eric needed a therapist that wasn't afraid of him, and could really help him and his parents... not an exorcism. I also am pretty sure CPS would have been called in and Eric possibly hospitalized not just left in the home after trying to get rid of a sibling.
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"they killed him"
q-83817-65499013 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow thanks for explaining it out loud as if what the mother said wasn't obvious enough. The writers of this show think you are too stupid to figure that out yourself. Also Eric has attempted to kill the family before, why didn't they kill him back then? Attempting to kill the entire family with bleach is much worse than attempting to kill only one of the family members. Ca\n't they just lock him up for one more day and try the exorcism first? The video plot is also completely pointless this is the most boring episode of the entire season. The only thing you learn from that plot is that they love their dad very much! So unexpected!

You can skip this episode and you'll lose nothing.
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