Crypsis (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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One of the worst movies in a long while
Jeff_Saps17 December 2019
Where to start with this one, how about don't. Truly terrible acting throughout, cheap effects and amateur cinematography. How this got made, or how this made it out of a college project, I have no idea.

I could do a better job making a film with a handheld, a couple of friends and a night in a woods. I could likewise choose a scarier location and some better lighting, and somehow work the effects better perhaps by using suspense and eerie, extended shots with nice angles. In fact I have done, but I wouldn't let my movie see the light of day, because I know it's not at the level that consumers deserve, just like this atrocious movie fails to live up to any decent level of expectancy.
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Poor script
coflorida25 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Idiots making one stupid mistake after another... while endless fighting with each other. I was rooting for the creature to wipe them all out.
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Bottom of the barrel
teebear81726 July 2020
How do these things get financed? Where do they find these 5th rate actors? What is the budget? $1,000? The scriptwriter must me a 12 year old D student. Horrible diologue. I believe much of this drivel was ad libbed. The actors must have screamed "shut up" to each other 40 times. At one point, 2 guys were laying on the ground at night with the deadly creature just yards is dead silent. So the one guy interupts total silence to tell the other one to be quiet. Huh?? Constant yelling to be quiet when the creature waz closeby. Assinine fighting instead of bonding. Hunting the creature instead of huddling together with clubs or spears. Non stop arguing and screaming. Omg. This one is so bad it disgraces movies. Shameful.
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tmccull5219 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Five imbeciles go out to document their adventures on an island, supposedly to win a bet. They do not suspect that they are being used as bsit to prove the existence of a monster that allegedly inhabits the island.

Where do I begin? With the imbeciles that are supposed to be good friends, but who bicker, slam and insult one another at virtually every opportunity? My favorite among these imbeciles is Josh, who singlehandedly commits every stupid mistake and ill-advised action of every idiot in every horror movie ever.

Talking or yelling at the top of your lungs while trying to hide from the murderous beast? Check.

Standing in the dark and turning on a flashlight so the murderous beast can find you more quickly and easily? Check.

Bolting from cover in a snit and stumbling blindly in the woods while the murderous beast is hunting you? Check.

Given tasks to accomplish that while help the group survive, but failing to accomplish a single thing? Check.

Being utterly annoying and useless while finding ways to infuriate his imbecile friends almost constantly? Check.

Whining constantly? Check.

Being an utterly futile and useless coward? Check.

Then, there's Ethan, the supposed wilderness expert in the group, who can't actually do any of the things that he's supposed to be good at. Let us not forget Brandon, who climbs up a tree to hide from the murderous beast, only to later forget how to climb down again. That's right. He forgets how he climbed up the tree, and can't figure out a way to climb down again. There is not a single likeable character in this movie... not one. As a group of friends, they don't pull together in the face of danger. Instead, they argue and turn in one another, and are pretty much willing to abandon each the other to their own fate. The old adage, "With friends like these..." comes to mind.

At some point in the movie, a rifle is introduced. It's supposed to be a high-powered hunting rifle, for the purposes of this movie. In actuality, it's a Gamo air rifle. How do I know? I own the exact model shown in the movie as a hunting rifle.

Foolishly, I ignored the negative reviews. I had hopes that this would be at least semi-decent, as the movie "Sweetheart" was. "Sweetheart" tells the story of a gutsy, resourceful young woman who become trapped on an island with a murderous creature, and she is ten times the man that any of the cretins in "Crypsis" are. She's smarter, tougher, more clever, braver, and cooler under pressure than Ethan, Josh, Brandon and the rest of the idiots in this movie are. See "Sweetheart" instead of this piece of crap.
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My Review Of "Crypsis"
ASouthernHorrorFan29 December 2019
"Crypsis" takes on traditional creature feature tropes. It is reminiscent of "Animal" and "Indigenous", mixing backwoods concepts of wilderness horror. It starts off with a barely convincible start. The story is high energy, and constant thriller. There is very little down time or respite from the action aspect.

The characters are stereotypical, annoying and surface. One or two in a cast is cool but with every character seeming to be a clone of every other then it is hard to connect with them. There isn't much realism built into these guys. The acting isn't all that great either. Still I did connect with a couple of the characters and I enjoyed the action sequences.

The horror elements are mostly done off screen with clever cut-aways and camera tricks. Most of them work, and the scenes with the creature coming in for the kill are my favorite moments in "Crypsis". I feel there really should have been a few really gruesome on screen kills though, the film teases us with the idea but never really delivers.

Overall "Crypsis" never lives up to all that it hopes to be. The story has some holes in it, the characters aren't developed enough to like, and the ending goes on two unnecessary scenes too long. Still there is some cool creature effects in "Crypsis". It pace is quick and the overall atmosphere is straight up horror. This isn't one for all horror fans but I think indie creature feature fans might find enough to like.
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A rough draft of an idea of a terrible film.
KingOfHungary5 May 2020
This is an abomination. You know a movie is going to be bad when it starts off with the credits of cast and crew in basic font with no sound. This one is about a group of insufferable, irritating pack of morons acting like children, go to camp on a tiny island for a night, and the entire film them running around in the dark in the woods, and making snide, annoying, nonsensical, obnoxious comments to each other. Lowlight goes to the pudgy asian dude, who spends the entire time not understanding a single thing, and making braindead comments to everything anyone says, while everyone tells him to shut up after every comment, deservedly. There is no acting, there is no cinematography, there is no point to this. This movie should never have seen the light of day. Honestly atrocious.
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Dumb and a serious tone
arzakem20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I heard it from one of the actors... dumb and dumber... and this movie is choke-full of it. If the ridiculous screenplay won't annoy you then I'm sure the constant quarreling among all the actors would. There is no real scare in this movie. The monster itself was like a suit bought from an 80's horror movie scrap sale.

Finally, I haven't really paid attention to any of the real story or if there had been a real "twist" since between several yawns and psshhh's I really wouldn't care. Watch a 60's classic horror instead - you'd be amazed.
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OK movie
jeanxgrey7 January 2020
Great make-up effects and average story with some good and more bad acting. Watch it if you have nothing else to do.
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BandSAboutMovies12 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A group of friends makes a bet to survive on an island. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious old creature starts to hunt them and what was once an innocent bet is now a fight for survival. As the night goes on, none of them may make it out alive.

The PR for this promises "a pulse-racing profusion of Stranger Things and Predator." No pressure, right?

This is the first full-length film from director Paul Anthony Rogers.

Honestly, it's pretty basic. There's a weird creature that ends up looking like Gollum on steroids and he kills just about everyone. I've had an entire holiday of arguments that I'm still getting over, so I really didn't feel like listening to an hour plus of idiots in the woods fighting and then yelling one another's names as they are chased and murdered. Your mileage may vary.

It certainly looks nice and the non-CGI practical monster is a definite plus.
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I can't do this
nogodnomasters22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a teaser and then we have 5 guys enter in a survival bet on Harker Island, a stone's throw into the bay that is supposed to have a deadly humanoid creature. Before the group could degrade into "Lord of the Flies" the creature appears early and often. The drama was limited. The camera work was mostly jerky. I was neither scared nor impressed. I expected the Asian guy to die first. No girl in the group to be the "final girl."

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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This film sucks
BigFilmWatcher4 February 2020
No need for any long reviews here. This film sucks. 😔

Storyline is lazy and unoriginal Editing feels rushed The acting is subpar
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Fun Indie "Teens In Peril" Horror
rossboyask-117 January 2022
Standard monster story about Teens going off to a remote island and then being picked off one-by-one by an unseen predator. The creature effects are great.
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Not worth watching.
flickeringstate20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it started out looking good, but then it became just another mediocre scare fest. 95% of this effort is photographed in the dark, with an Orc type cryptid revealed at the end. It is not worth watching, there's nothing original here, just 5 guys running about (in the night) like headless chickens... 1 out of 10.
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takato052429 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can get passed the jersey accents. I can get passed the clear sexual frustrations the boys have with each other. I can't get passed the awful pacing of the story. It's like they themselves forgot it was supposed to really be about getting evidence of the creature, and just rushed it at the end. No resolution. No ending. Just awful. These boys are supposed to be grown adults but they each came off as freshman in high school. Not even good background for falling asleep to
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What A Streak
dinsmoretrevor16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a streak I have been on!! This complete waste of film makes like 5 of the last six pictures that I have picked out to watch and review have been nothing but GARBAGE!!! My grandchildren could make a much, MUCH better offering for a horror film!! The one good movie in those was Killer Klowns From Outer Space. And when Killer Klowns is the best movie in a bunch, the others must have been garbage!! Let's see...Grizzly Rage, Lowlifes, and two or three more lovely examples of cheap movies with no budget. Oh yeah...The Badge, The Bible and Bigfoot was in there, too. I'm gonna have to come here BEFORE I select a picture!! I rated this a one because You can't rate a movie at zero. LOLOL Again, I apologize, folks!!
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