Singapore Social (TV Series 2019) Poster

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Bearded dude thinks he's the second coming
crystal-albert3 December 2019
Think I made my point. What a GOOF! His gf is also an entertaining side note in pretentious affectation! Good times OR was it???? DA DA DUNNNNN........
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Generally enjoyed it but it's all over the place
melodyso3 April 2021
I always Iove Asian representation. And this one is quite a light hearted show to finish in one go. I quite enjoyed it. But it's just all over the place. The storyline is very weak and incomplete. The drama feels forced and I feel difficult to relate to any of the character.
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Fake Friends playing cast in a pretend reality show?
toactistolive28 February 2021
This is painful. Which really sucks bc I wanted to like this! When I saw the characters Sukki Singapore, the country's top burlesque performer, and Tabitha, their breakout star from Singapore Idol, I was pumped! Even if I didn't like the forced plots or another people, I was bound to enjoy their stories? Right? Nope. Not at all. These people are not all friends outside of this show. And right away it's the lie that is presented as truth that shines through. Trust ur audience, they know when u are being fooled. Then as the storyline progresses bots admitted that these people don't know each other real well. So when they invade each other's life and question their choices, it doesn't make sense. They just met. Everyone is asking questions that are obviously prompted by the producers, which lead the other people to be confused! After all, who cares if someone u just met thinks u should be honest with ur ex-girlfriend, plz hen u don't even know her well or the whole story! All of the girls go after Vinny and his ex-girlfriend, Christina's relationship. It's so bizarre. Vinny and Chistina obviously don't care and don't even really know the group, yet the amount of time that is spent discussing them is over-the-top! At first it made sense bc I thought they were all friends, so they had more info than we do. But nope! They know less! It's obvious that the producers made this a plot line no matter how much Vinny refuses to play along. Hen everyone goes to Sukki's burlesque shows and it just seems like no one likes it and even the few shots shown are lukewarm. I'm sure it's on purpose, but if not it's really weird then. The storyline they follow with her is so bizarre and boring compared to what it could have been. Hell, this could all be a documentary about her putting on a new modern type of hip hop burlesque show and how someone who comes from a culture that frowns on her choice of work immensely. But instead we see her go to start a long distance a boy from Minnesota. That doesn't even make sense! That screen time could have been used with better footage. She barely shares her story about why burlesque, and that's something we would really like to know more about. I just hate what a wasted storyline she is. Then the character of Tabitha is maybe going to redeem this show! Maybe we will see how her video gets filmed and be blown away with the desire to create and be creative. But when they start the video it's filming it's literally her laying lifeless lip syncing a song with a camera moving in and out towards her. The time spent trying to get an authentic video shot that expresses where she was at in her journey when she wrote this song, for a flower montage that we have seen with almost every other over produced artist. Yawn. And once again we r seeing another one of the main characters setting us up for some big creative released that is just anti-climatic. Those are just two examples of the moments that will let u down and are a missed opportunity to present this genre of talent and youth. We already have shows like this. I was hoping to learn about the culture and country ans up so Ming creative generation of Singapore. Instead I learned that this show wanted Singapore kardashian fame without understanding that it captured a group of influential influencers in a moment of time in a way that allowed us to see the vulnerability and talent of people that create such envy and high emotions. Love them or hate them, u feel something. This group just lacks any emotional investment from their cast and plots. They need to not copy what we already have and allow them to be authentic. So basically just skip this and go watch Westwood or Westside on Netflix about a group of singers doing a musical together. Now that's something with real people and a real plot!
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Very Sad Scam of What Makes Singapore
croissantsfordinner28 November 2019
There's been many parallels drawn between Crazy Rich Asians and Singapore Social with some reviews calling the latter a "sequel (to the former) that no one asked for".

Crazy Rich Asians was a box office success. It also fared relatively well amongst critics, and was touted as a game changer in the Hollywood scene.

It shone the international spotlight on Singapore and whilst some online commentators raised the lack of ethnic diversity and argued if Newton Hawker Centre should have featured as the Hawker Centre of choice amongst locals, many more were in unison that the film presented Singapore beautifully.

Was it an representative view of a regular slice of life in Singapore? No, but neither did it claim to be. In fact, it was in its name itself - that it was a focused anthropology surrounding the lives of Crazy Rich Asians, and in this particular case, some of them happened to be Singaporeans.

With Singapore Social however...were they just looking to alliterate? The promotional blurb on the Netflix site for the programme says "Peer into the lives of young Singaporeans as they defy expectations..."

No wonder young Singaporeans took offence - because if you're going to put their young nation into your title name for promotional purposes globally, then you better do it justice.

And to do it justice, please first take a look at who should be given the rights to tell our story.

It's a known fact that CRA featured an Asian American director Jon Chu, with Kevin Kwan the Singapore-born novelist as counsel. Chu also insisted on bringing in a screenwriter of Asian descent Adele Lim to revise the original script. I'm not saying they know Asia/Singapore, but you have to give them props for trying.

In Singapore Social, if you take time to scroll through the credits (that is if you've lasted long enough), you will be hard pressed to find Singaporean names, especially amongst the first few "executive" roles. Instead, the guys who took care of transportation must be undeniably Asian/Singaporean (really, go look!).

When will we learn that we ourselves must tell our own stories? I'm sure you will find quality production houses a plenty in Singapore (but none of them would probably try to sell a whitewashed wannabe Singapore as a pitch).

All it takes is one small slip from an ignorant party (Love Productions USA, I'm looking at you) and the validation of several others who don't know better (um Netflix?) to undermine years of progress in making Asians feel like there's something relatable for them on the screens of international TV.

To be fair, I might have an uneducated opinion - after all, I am writing this review having watched only one single episode in the series.

I simply saw no point in wasting an additional seven good hours of my life.
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Its filled with crap and delusional cast. Waste of time.
The money spent on this abomination flick are better off donated to the needy.
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First impressions from Singapore: Bad. Very bad.
the_headspace23 November 2019
When the media wants something to look a certain way, it will show it in that way, and completely miss the point. According to Singapore Social, Singapore youngsters are all millennial Western wannabes, moaning about their "traditional Asian parents", even though their parents were all born in the late 80s.

"Why get a diploma?" "I confront that school of thought." "Hashtag Asian parents."

I teach higher education in Singapore, and I don't see any of these characters. Ignorant and self-obsessed.

"You look Thai." "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not."

"Maybe sometime in 2019, I'll work on communication with my mom. That's not going to happen."

"Sukki's questioning how I'm such a rebel" (for getting an inside lip tattoo).

Singapore is not like this. I just hope these inane empty-heads aren't taken as role models by the thousands of youngsters trying to find their own way in an increasingly hard world.

And even without the Singapore context, this is painful watching.

Just awful.
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Overreacting reviews, it's not that bad.
shawdawn-558675 December 2019
I just got done watching all 8 episodes and it's not that bad or it's not even bad at all. I don't understand why people who watched only the trailer and said oh, I don't like this continued to further rant on something they never wanted to watch in the first place, just don't WATCH the show. Now to the review I saw some people think it is trashy it's NOT.

To be honest it's just about well to do young people in Singapore that face problems with family/relationships and they are trying to figure out their next step in life and hanging out with their friends. Yes, it's a bit cringe and corny at times but it's a fun watch, that's all. Watch it when you have nothing to do or your waiting for your favorite tv show to come back on.

If you take this show so serious you have never watched reality tv, take it with a grain of salt and keep it pushing. If your upset with the casting don't give this show any clout by talking bad about a show you want cancelled it's contradicting. Also the cast weren't awful people nor were they trash because if they were considered that a reality show with REAL TRASHY PEOPLE would be a bit more pleasant.

P.s. if you hate people that are doing financial well I guess this show is not for you.
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More disappointing than my secondary school math grades
honeycombcrunchie12 January 2020
Where do I even begin? Horrible dialogue, jokes, premise and the consistent vapid ramblings from people so detached from the average Singaporean life they wouldn't know what a kopitiam or mama shop looks like. This show should be a test for those trying to deal with secondhand embarrassment.
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Silly but quite fun
magdakasprzyk8 December 2019
I'm surprised to see so many negative comments and so many people butthurt because of the title. I found this show silly but nicely shot and entertaining. Just some easy and mindless entertainment.
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Pretentious millennial waffle
pcbcfggray23 November 2019
Utterly tedious, give it a wide berth. The dialog is ridiculously phoney and feels forced. Throwing a few four letter words into a discussion doesn't make it any more watchable or trendy. What where the producers of this garbage thinking?
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If you love MIC and TOWIE you'll love this
jessyvalerogil28 November 2019
It's interesting to see how others live. Don't take this series too seriously. Easy watch.
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almoazimmarketer22 December 2019
Totally obsessed with this show.. they better make a season two!!
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Pretentious, distasteful and poorly casted.
movieglossier24 November 2019
I've never watched a show where I straight up cringed at every scene.

There's absolutely no plot or storyline, obviously scripted dramas along the way. Seems to emulate the 'Crazy Rich Asians' theme but in poor taste.

Not sure how they came up with the title since it definitely doesn't offer any glimpse into the scene in Singapore. Whoever who did the casting did an awful job - picking Mae, a trust fund baby who's only talent seems to be partying and complaining about her first world problems. Tabitha and Sukki were rather bland. What's weird is how they picked Paul, a 50 year old pan asian man to fit into this clique.
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Doesn't even come close to representing Singapore
Zensha29 November 2019
These pretentious and self-entitled young "Singaporeans" don't even come close to representing the average Singaporean one bit. Most of us don't even talk like this, act like this, and share the same values as them. Please don't get me wrong, I'm in no position to judge them nor their values, I'm just saying that the title is extremely misleading which if you're not a Singaporean should definitely only take with a pinch of salt. I don't blame the youngsters but the producers/director for this disaster of a show.
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Might've gotten better reviews with a different title
audreyprynkhan29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The title being Singapore Social we would expect it to be literally following the lives of normal Singaporeans and how their social lives would be like. But this is not what is depicted. Unfortunately not inspiring at all. So, what is the purpose of making this series?

First off, the main casts of this show... Need I mention the obvious issue here? What happened to the accent? I need not explain this any further.

This circle of friends are too childish especially when it came to everyone being meddlers in all their friends relationships it's nauseating. Taking into consideration these are a bunch of mid 20 year olds acting with the brain of 16 year olds. Especially Sukki being so annoying and whiny and giving off such a delusional vibe. It's so sickening that at one point I just wanted to enter the screen and slap the living hell out of her.

I'd watch it just just for a chick flick thing to pass time light heartedly. Obviously a mistake for me to watch.

Please make a minor change to the subtitle on Episode 7. Paul's scene to be exact. Tompang is not a chinese word. It's a malay word.
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Singapore Social Is The Worst Thing That Came Out Singapore
suit-2287828 December 2019
Netflix I hate you for this, I really do. I hate everything about this show. The actors, the cast behind the scene, the director, the person that pitch this idea to Netflix and the dumbo at Netflix that gave this project the green light.
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The creators of this show missed something
Eslo-Reviews2 February 2021
There's a lot that you will find confusing when you start off watching this show - because no one is really introduced to the viewers. I'm not a Singaporean local and I don't know who and why anyone should care about any of the people this show follows. And that was what the creator or producer or whoever cuts this show together missed. There should have been better intros so the viewers are meeting new friends but this show makes you feel like you're just a voyeur in these strangers lives. You just begin to follow people who's name flashes across the screen and you just have to watch and figure out for yourself who they really are, what they do and etc. I had to Google some people as I watched because even the show doesn't even show anyone but a few of them actually working on screen. There is too much left out to make you feel really invested to care about some of these peoples outcomes. This show does reveal the many different dynamics of people that exist in the world, especially in this one group of friends. Where each is in a different stage of their lives pursing and achieving different goals but celebrating them together. I was however pulled in by this show because of the truths this show does reveal. The mental difficulties Asian adults / young adults face and constantly struggle with when it comes to becoming your own and breaking traditions in culture.
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Absolute garbage
ashepreston29 November 2019
Is this Singapore's version of Jersey Shore? I somehow managed to get through 25 minutes of this absolute garbage.

Thankfully I'm yet to ever come across anyone in Singapore remotely close to these people.

This should be pulled off Netflix now! People shouldn't think this is reality and switch to anything else.

I challenge someone to get through the entire series without wanting to throw up
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Refreshing opening, but repetitive content with dreaded drama
hnpuyenbt20 June 2021
I'm an outsider, never lived in Singapore, have worked with a couple of Singaporeans, and I'm surprised to see so many harsh comments on this TV series. For me, it's an entertaining watch. I don't think it represents the majority of Singapore as the characters feel the burden of being an outcast or an inbetween. These people are out-going, it is so real that you're troubled when you stand between cultures and prejudices. Perhaps it's the headline that leaves a mis-leading message.

Now, after watching a few more episodes, I'm finally tired of the drama that we already get from the few first episodes.
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Should be renamed Singapore Snooze
tlfern28 November 2019
Poorly produced joke of a show - trying to hard to copy The Hills reality tv format, but missing the mark by a long-shot. None of the characters portrayed show any real personality - instead they are all cashed-up, binge drinking millennials who prance around sprouting scripted lines with their trendy hairstyles. There's no heart or soul to the social situations or characters portrayed. Is this a peek into Singapore life? No. Unless you're into aerial shots of the cityscape by night... there's nothing that you can get out of watching this tryhard's the wealthy 1% with their rich parents, who have no real problems, fake accents, even faker social connections, stand for nothing and amount to nothing. An utter waste of time.
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Title: Entertainment and Realness
swagyjane26 August 2020
I hate to say I have a favorite but Sukki is freaking awesome. However, I do believe if you enjoy reality shows that actually give entertainment and realness this is the show for you
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Pretentious, Vapid, Shallow-- Hm.
Aesafern29 November 2019
I don't think my review will be different from the others so I'll keep it brief. What a bunch of lost, young individuals. Especially when they get all deep and meaningful, I hope other young people don't take it seriously-- it's their expression, not advice.
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Guys, CHECK out the 10/10 reviews. SO "INSIGHTFUL".
justinliew-5660122 December 2019
I found it really weird that after hearing so many negative comments online, i find 20+ 10/10 reviews in a row. Oh no what did i miss? A fresh new perspective? How about no.

I cant believe NF was willing to invest in trolls to pump the rating. CHECK OUT all the 10/10 ratings. ALL CREATED ON 21st December. How budget can you get? At least pay more for trolls with different creation dates and some reviews of other titles. Man, what amateurs. But again i don't blame NF, their originals are usually fantastic, probably not used to doing stuff like this.

How bout we just call this "Social", set in Singapore.
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Please do not watch it
raspecwamen29 November 2019
Major cringe fest. Trying too hard. The money into the production can be used to make a lot of good quality Indie films.. I didn't make it through the first episode. KUWTK is way better. (Can you imagine that?)
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Pretentious fake and redundant
brianchoi6 December 2019
I just hope Singapore is nothing like the series. Everything in the series is so pretentious and off the track of the genuine humanity culture of a place.
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