The Blue Shell Incident (Video 2019) Poster

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One hell of a masterpiece
amirboughdiri16 November 2019
This is the best cinematic creation of all time. It is so great. This movie has created a new genre of art. It is truly a piece of peak human greatness.
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A masterpiece
yeetmcpeepee16 November 2019
This short film is a true masterpiece of modern cinema. This film shows the horrors of something small that can break someone to the point of no return and all of the consequences that follow.

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A meme masterpiece.
taiogao16 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Only a meme master like Joel could make this amazing film, with great jokes and surprisingly, a good plot for a meme movie.

Did I say a meme movie? Haha, sorry! I MEAN T H E M E M E M O V I E

or is there gonna be another?
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More than anyone could have imagined
Spalumpkin17 November 2019
A year long effort to make something that started as a seemingly small project. There's plot, there's jokes that make you struggle for air, and there's a full story behind each scene. Amazing and full of passion and to finally see it finished was worth every hour of mishaps and learning. It couldn't have been any better of a result. Thank you Joel for the masterpiece.
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Thank You Jobel, Very Cool
birdwithhoodie18 November 2019
This is one of the few things I've ever seen that truly shows that regardless of how dumb and senseless something is, it can somewhat still evoke actual emotion.

Definitely worth your time if you haven't seen it yet.
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Absolutely beautiful
Powerofyourmind16 November 2019
Unironically a well done short film. Many of the lines were given to Joel through the stream's chat, but the creativity of this film that was done completely through a program over two decades old is nothing short of astounding. The parody of "YouTube poop" internet culture proves itself to be very funny at times, and even given that it had limitations, you see it for what it was really supposed to be: a beautiful homage to the era of fan made video game videos.
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The Shining of our time.
acceptedgoblin17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When Mario said "ROLLING RAVIOLI" I felt that...

The multi-layered narrative, deep characters, atteniton to detail, amazing cinematography. This movie is the definition of a masterpiece. Our human minds cannot create anything better than this, this is the ultimate movie experience.
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A Sundance short film by a revolutionary director/actor.
zsadism19 November 2019
I have never been so enthralled by a short film. Mr. Joel has created a masterpiece that no one will ever spaghet.
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A true masterpiece in more ways than one!
redstonepro17 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"The Blue Shell Incident" by Joel is a fantastic film. When I first watched him make this film, I felt a personal attachment to these characters, this will be important later. So when I saw the completed movie, I was quick to watch it.

The film shows Joel's skills of 3DMM throughout the movie. It starts very simple and basic, then moves on to higher quality, finishing with the most astounding part of the movie, the fight scene at the end, filled with camera panning, sfx and immersive music. This type of scene I'm pretty sure was never seen from the likes of day in the 3DMM community.

The character development is great, especially the bond between Luigi and Duck. Luigi first meets him as he holds Lasagna Ocelot's gun to Mario. Luigi is confused by this. When Mario escapes the restaurant, he and Duck have a conversation on why Duck's helping Luigi and not Mario. This comes into the last scenes, where Duck sacrifices himself to end Metal Gear McQueen. He speaks his final words to Luigi, "You were the bro I never had." before disintegrating into dust. This actually shocked me and made me feel sad, as I had known Duck from the very start, when he was first put into the movie. The after-credits scene is great at creating mystery, as it shows only one side of the conversation with Garfield, leaving me guessing until the very end, where he finishes off with 'Scatman John', who was previously in the movie and presumable killed.

In conclusion, this film moved my emotions and was very immersive throughout the movie. The only part I have trouble with watching is the start, as it is very basic and has no pull-in factors, which could kill a large audience.
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An Unexpected Masterpiece
rtd-4192518 November 2019
I feel that Joel has created a movie so good that it should deserve an award for best short film of the year. The fact that anyone was able to make such a great, funny, and emotional story with software from 1995 and still entertain me every time I watch it is something out of this world. With every live stream that Joel was working on this movie, you can see the passion and the interest that goes into it. It's especially proven when he spends 12 hours working on the project. Once again, a fantastic film that you will not regret watching
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Pure masterpiece
karlkalja8 December 2019
One of the greatest movies of all time. This deserves oscar nomination.
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This is more than anyone could dream
bamo-2993719 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In a modern world were movies aren't but entertainment, Blue Shell Incident is a true piece of art as I've never seen before. Pulp Fiction? The Godfather? Netfork? Those are nothing compared to this amazing experience. Scenes like Luigi crying for the death of his brother as his tear broke as a glass is just an example of the kind of movie this is, which is also a deconstruction of action films. The animation, music, sound effects, voice acting and narrative are on top, and all of this acompained by a beautiful message shared in a really subtle way.

Master piece, 10/10. We'll never seen anything like this ever.
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A brilliant cinematic experience. Just shy of reaching Rat Movie levels unfortunately.
MobyStick12 January 2020
A brilliant cinematic experience. Just shy of reaching Rat Movie levels unfortunately. Still a must watch for all movie lovers!
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Many okay inclusions that bring back nice memories, but not a real creative achievement
Horst_In_Translation6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"The Blue Shell Incident" is an animated short film from November 2019, so this one is not yet half a year old. The writer and director of these 26 minutes is Joel Johannsson (as Joel Vargskelethor) and (according to imdb) this is his first filmmaking work. He basically did everything here and normally I'd say it is a pretty impressive feat if this applies to a movie, but here I cannot say the same because the quality is simply not there. Instead, the filmmaker gives us one famous character after the next while never really constructing a good story around these. Of course, some character are more famous than others and some also get more screen time. The best example is Garfield early on, who may be the third biggest character here after Luigi and Mario and I somewhat liked that because I am a big Garfield fan. Yep, the two plumbers are at the center of the film, most of all Luigi because he is the hero here and Mario the antagonist. And still it feels as if Mario is featured more prominently here, has more screen time (or at least the same) and also many more lines of dialogue. Luigi barely talks. Oh wait, there is this random duck, who may have more screen time than Garfield. Anyway, back to the two stars here: I should have liked this more because I always found Luigi at least as interesting as Mario, but I didn't. One reason is the animation. I read people say we should not be too harsh on this aspect because given the program Johannsson used here, this is as good as it gets. Maybe this is true, but then I say: "How about you use another program?" So this is not an apology. Like I said in the title of my review: You will find many familiar faces in here: Be it the M&Ms, Marge Simpson, Garfield, Toad, Link, Donald Duck and so on. Many many more. The problem is just that some of these are featured very briefly and killed off immediately, sometimes also in a fairly graphic manner, while those who do have more screen time (no matter if they live or not) feel really forgettable too, simply because their inclusion is not justified by a quality story line.

The perhaps weirdest cameo comes from Scatman John, who is disguised as Mario on one occasion so we think Mario is not actually evil, but we are wrong as we find out not much later. Anyway, as for Scatman John, it was really weird, but I did not like it at all. Not classy at all. (Not sure the word "tasteless" applies in the English language the way it applies in German.) I can deal with actual people being used in animation and it is even alright if you kill them off, but the way it was handled here was just tasteless and don't tell me that was a tribute and the filmmaker is a fan or so. South Park shos how it needs to be done. Not the way it happens here. The title of this film is a reference to Mario Kart by the way and the inclusion of this scene that fueled Mario's anger was certainly among the better moments of the movie. Music is also a crucial component here as you will get a familiar tune here and there, like at the very end when Mario is killed by the duck. Not by Luigi. There you get the standard tune that is always played when Mario dies and just so familiar and famous. Okay, what else can I say about this one? Oh yeah Johansson/Vargskelethor also does all the voice work himself and well what can I say there? He is no Lorenzo Music, that much is safe. So not a good job from him here either. I am pretty certain this is not gonna stay the only filmmaking credit and maybe eventually he will even make a sequel to this one we have here, but if he does I have little to no interest to watch. Even for me as a fan of all these (Nintendo) games featured in here, I cannot say I enjoyed the watch overall, even if here and there this film had an okay moment. And these moments were not even frequent enough for a film that run for under half an hour. So best is to skip the watch. Don't be tricked by the high rating here on imdb. This one is not better than the Godfather franchise. And certainly not better than the video games it originates from and yes well these exist here on imdb too and have lower ratings. Enough said. I suggest you watch something else instead.
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This is Vinesauce Joel at his peak!
danmanx-220 November 2019
Vinesauce Joel created this with the intent of showing it off to his many fans on the internet. Joel got better and better with the program as time went on and put together this masterpiece within one year. Not only is it outrageously funny, it's unique and original. He also filmed the making of the whole thing on his twitch/youtube channel. I'm hoping as many others that Joel reads this and understands how much we appreciate his sense of humor and his witty remarks. If you haven't seen it yet, look it up on YouTube.

I would kill for a director's commentary of Blue Shell Incident. Joel is an artist of the highest order. Joel, if you ever read this, you will always have the #1 spot on my subs. Thank you for Grandad! Thank you for DOS madness! Thank you for your facade corruptions! Thank you for Bulk Bogan!
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luftbasis20 November 2019
Why my pp get big??? i watch and my pp get big and im scare d
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A work of art
doughnutdrake20 November 2019
This is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest film I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Joel's masterful storytelling will have you on the edge of your seat. I do not believe this film will ever be surpassed.
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The most beautiful thing
mariomalachi29 November 2019
It cured everything I had it can even cure depression, hideo kojamas could only wish to make something so good.
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True Masterpiece
Memelord20203 December 2019
Love it. Recommend it to the fullest degree. 10/10 would watch again
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Beyond perfect
bspennington-9053521 November 2019
I have never seen a more beautiful film in my life! Recommend to everyone!
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The mark of a perfectionist
porygon220 November 2019
This video is short to be something to feature in , and it gets classified as a meme movie, but to me this is one of the most entertaining "cinematic experiences" (if such classification applies) that I have come across. And that is for a very simple reason. This movie was born out of a man's passion.

As a director, Joel Vargskelethor shows a great deal of understanding of what it means to know one's audience. The plot, while completely nonsensical, is extremely well put together as the movie enters its last couple of quarters, turning what had been a simple collection of disembodied scenes and inside jokes featuring well known Super Mario Bros. characters into a fully fledged comedic drama with some very neat strokes of genius thrown around. The movie is in essence more than it shows in a first viewing, though, as it portrays the learning curve that Joel as a person goes through from the first episodes to the last ones of his 3D Movie Maker streams. Joel himself sets the tone with the opening credits, mentioning that he's learned a lot of how to operate the program along the months that it took for this movie to be put together. But that's not all Joel goes through.

This movie, above any other feeling, radiates fun. You can feel the fun that both Joel and his audience have had in deciding every nook and cranny of the piece. And for that I think that it has to be appreciated as what it is, even to people who might stumble upon this video without knowing what exactly ever joke refers to. It is a delightful combination of all the elements that make a movie become "so bad it's good", a curated delicacy the ingredients of which are all sorts of tropes that make every Joel stream different, yet equally refreshing and, of course, fun.

Joel, you probably will never read this, but keep doing what you do. You bring a smile to more people than you can think of, I'm sure. And by doing what you have fun doing you end up creating something wonderful, with your peculiar and lovely style all over it.

so yeah id recommend it
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it's a masterpiece
davimiyamotox21 November 2019
It's one of the most exciting movies I've ever seen in my entire life
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An emotional, action-packed journey that everyone needs to see
SanicGamer2223 November 2019
Animated, written, and produced all within just over a year, The Blue Shell Incident is a cinematic marvel you just can't miss. Full of crazy comedic moments, edge-of-your-seat action sequences, and emotional moments that would make even the most emotionless of people cry, The Blue Shell Incident might just be the best film of 2019, perhaps of the decade, no...of all time, perhaps? The characters have deep back stories, the voice acting is top notch, and there's a BUP moment here for everyone. So please, I beg of you. If you have about 26 minutes of your long life to spend...Watch this film. If you want to watch a movie with the Mario Bros., a duck with a gun, Garfield, and none other than THE Scatman John himself, please watch this. It will change your life. It opened my eyes to more than I could've ever imagined.....
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A Goddamn Masterpiece
plstheplus22 November 2019
This work of art will blow you away with its amazing story, jokes, and animation. Amazing to know that this was created in just one year by one amazing artist!
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the best movie ever made
charliereed-891065 December 2019
This movie is amazing. It's so comedic and also so tragic. By the end of this movie i was in tears. This movie is a masterpiece
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