"Killing Eve" Are You from Pinner? (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Jodie Comer!!! Shannon Murphy! Wow!
lilstreet0811 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I basically forgot the plot of this whole show after watching this episode (In a good way). I was so immersed by the background of Villanelle and wow did Jodie Comer deliverer. It was heartbreaking. I don't think I've ever been so emotional after an episode before hahah. I love that they didn't show her kill her mother. Villanelle is so fascinated by her own kills but this is one that definitely breaks her. I could go on and on about this episode. Wowza.
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A Sadistic Stand-alone Mother's Day Episode
jamericanbeauty11 May 2020
This episode is more uncomfortable than enjoyable to watch, yet it works. It's not a flawless episode, but Jodie Comer gives a masterpiece performance. You will not see such a tour de force performance in all of tv this year and for that reason, she better sweep the awards season - Emmy, GG, SAG, Bafta - her performance is that special. Villanelle (Jodie Comer) visits her Mom and family in Russia. She hasn't seen these people since early childhood, so they're practically strangers she's getting to know. We get to see the reunion through Villanelle's eyes, and it makes for an awkward and unsettling episode. I watched the final scene on the train several times and Jodie Comer's facial expressions are horrifying, beautiful, disturbing, perceptive, heartbreaking, excited, uncontrollable, measured, wild, content...the last time I saw such incredible range was Joaquin Phoenix's Joker in that Murray Franklin talk show scene.
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Great performance
the_blueeyes13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We can agree that Killing Eve is starting to lose some steam. The cat and mouse game is growing old. So far, Comer is still giving her absolute upmost performance on screen. This is an episode quite different from everything else in this show, and it leans more towards drama than blood spilling fun (almost), and it is strictly centring on one red storyline . One can not deny that Comer is trying her best to score a more serious tone in this episode by going back and finding her family. And you may wonder, do we have an episode where she can´t leave a location without anyone murdered in her footsteps. No.. But this episode final scene of Villanelle on the train raises many questions. Is it a more different narrative coming to play here, or is it just the same old murderous Villanelle cementing the fact that she never will reach any sense of normality? So many questions from those last seconds..
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Outstanding performance
rtpanda11 May 2020
Wow. Jodie Comer deserves all the Awards. The episode gave the long awaited background on how and why Villanelle became who she is today. And does it so in a believable manner where you sympathize even more with her brutal ways. Without Comers performance it would definitely be hard to feel sorry for a serial killer but here it becomes almost easy. 10/10
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The Jodie Comer show
tomerbk2211 May 2020
It seems like this season the writers are trying to expand the world of Eve and Villanelle with bigger stakes and showing Eve and Villanelle are just a small part of a much bigger picture. Following this approach arrives this background episode that explores Villanelles past. Jodie Comer gives a performance that justifies all the awards that she has won so far. We don't only understand Villanelle better as a person but as a sadistic killer. No further explanation is needed as the final shot of this episode gives us all we need by itself.
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Jodie Comer is breathtaking
carol88511 May 2020
That last train scene deserves a Golden Globe. Wow,i had chills. Such an outstanding actress, she NEVER disappoints. I also loved the atmosphere in this episode, Shannon Murphy is a great director.
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Jodie Comer is gorgeous❤❤❤
amatbekova-3339811 May 2020
I am really exited of this episode. Jodie Comer's acting abilities are incredible. She absolutely deserves every f* award after this episode. Last scene on the train was masterpiece❤❤❤❤❤
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Witness Jodie Comer secure her BAFTA win.
babyned13 May 2020
It baffles me that not everyone has given this 10/10. I think people might change their mind in time. It's an absolute monster of an episode and critics will look back and see this as a stand-out, pivotal chapter.

It plays out like a self-contained movie, with a gentle build up, set more in the genre of a character drama than a violent thriller.

Jodie is the force that drives this episode. And the devious writing toys with our perceptions of Eve's character based on all that we know of her so far. The result is that there are twists and surprises around every corner.

It's a massive achievement that in the limited running time of one episode, they introduce us to a whole new set of characters, each of who we get to know intimately by the end.

In addition, this episode leaves behind the comfort zone of Killing Eve's regular format to bring us something really brave and special. The acting is outstanding, Jodie's performance is at the very least a BAFTA grabbing one, and the finale is both shocking and utterly satisfying.

And just when you think the genius can't be topped, the final scene enters the realm of the sublime, and leaves you with goose-pimples prickling up your spine.

I hope the user reviewers reconsider their luke-warm reviews and give this another chance!
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Mesmerising performance by jodie comer
bchicha11 May 2020
Jodie comer's villanelle is taken to her home to meet her family and we get to meet Oksana, and what a brilliant and unforgettable experience we get to have with roller coaster of emotions only to end with the most amazingly performed piece of play, it is all an audience can ask for from a show.
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toprako-8252029 September 2021
Every slngle russlan peasant speak english, that's wonderful, very realistic. Also glad that Eve is absent in thls episode, she was in almost every scene the flrst 2 seasons.
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Haunting, unforgettable episode....
wildsparrow1615 May 2020
I have not missed an episode, and this one was unforgettable. We finally learn the circumstances that made this beautiful, feral, homicidal woman-child who she is today, The pain and anguish she attempts to hide in the last scene confirms her Emmy-worthiness. Fantastic acting by all parties.
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Just awesome
moonhiddenside12 May 2020
Jodie Comer, just one word, BRAVO. Awesome acting. Good script with intrigue along the episode. Before the episode, we were guessing what direction this all was taking. Now, we have even more to guess.
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Are You from Pinner?
Prismark1027 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This one is a Russian soap opera. A diversion set in rural Russia.

Villanelle goes home to meet her family and they are all strangers.

It is meant to be a psychological interpretation of Villanelle and this is explored with the talks she has with her mother Tatiana.

There are other brothers, the little one obsessed with Elton John. An older one who dimly remembers his long lost sister and likes to sleep in the barn.

Whatever Villanelle was searching for, it certainly was not happy families.

This episode dispenses with the other regulars. It is all on Jodie Comer.
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Worst episode of the entire series so far, felt like terrible college screenwriting
moomin7713 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was about getting to know Villanelle's family and her origins, but instead does a poor job of dividing the characters into "who deserves to die" boxes when Villanelle eventually kills most of them...so that the viewer maybe doesn't feel bad for them or dislike Villanelle?

Stepbrother - cheating philanderer and dumb = ok to kill off. Girlfriend of stepbrother - addicted to phone, a wannabe bully with bad fashion = ok to kill off. Stepdad - supports mother putting Villanelle in orphanage = ok to kill off. Mother - bad mom that poisons her children's minds with negativity = ok to kill off.

Baby stepbro - likes Elton John and is young = innocent, no kill. Brother - Naive "look at the stars" from the barn, loves Villanelle, so = innocent, no kill.

My eyes were rolling so far back at how extremely contrived and basic the writing was. Each of the family members were made into a bad caricature, not worthy of Jodie Comer's great performance at the end in the train.

Also, huge pet peeve, most people in Russia don't speak English, not even the young people, and especially not some small village. The writers try to justify that with the family listening to English music but that's just ridiculous ::Eyerolls::
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SlowlyMonkey13 May 2020
Call me a crazy killer but that's one of the better origin stories i've ever seen. I wasn't very excited for this episode since i've seen some pretty bad origin stories / bottle episodes out there but this was the most serious episode of the show yet, and truly delivered a spectacle worthy of Villanelle's character. This has skyrocketed my respect for this show as not just a hugely entertaining one but as one with possibly massive dramatic heft as well.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about the direction in this episode that makes it seem so different from any others of this show before. It might the looming sense of dread throughout, and it really made for a wholly unique experience for me (when coupled with the usual comedy/offbeat moments). This may signify a big change in this show or it may not, but the way I look at this show and go in to every episode has certainly changed. Villanelle has received a massive boost to her character, and hopefully the show utilizes this and continues to build her up as we reach the conclusion of Season 3.

P.S. Jodie Comer is an amazing actress, but let's not forget about the surroundings here.. the episode was also fantastically written and directed to support her performance!
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Magnificent episode from a brilliant series.
baradanikto11 May 2020
A special episode this one. It goes without saying, superb performances from all the cast, and Jodie Comer pulls out all the stops here.

Deep, powerful with many layers. repeated watching (as with most of the episodes in this series) and delivers many insights to the character of Villanelle.

Amazing drama that you cannot afford to miss, especially if you are a big fan of this series.

Watch it !
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ruirebgamboa17 May 2020
This was not a Killing Eve episode. This was little masterpiece on his own. Jodie Comer was just the icing on the cake in an episode where the songs chosen played a huge roll. Just wow. It blew my mind.
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Great episode form the Mother Land
andrequinteiro11 May 2020
This episode is very entertaining. I love the setting and atmosphere. It has a super local feel. Villanelle's family is awsome! Love (Jodie Comer's) acting. The trowing dung contest was perfect, I laughed so much. Villanelle's character fits this alien world. I didn't know Villanelle's brother (Rob Feldman) but I liked the crazy and weird feel. Yula's (Natallia Bulynia) gun and dancing scenes were super entertaining. The director (Shannon Murphy) did a super job.
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A_Different_Drummer24 September 2020
Extraordinary episode confirms that this show is now and has always been about Comer, Sandra Oh is just along for the ride. And a great ride it is.
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Loved this episode
arc-6771114 May 2020
I gave this a 10 simply to offset the ones that were given because English isn't widely spoken in the Russian country side. Silly reason to bring down the rating of a superior episode. They used English because most people don't like reading subtitles. The final shot on the train is award worthy..
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dj-petar9422 May 2020
After this episode i came to conlusion i keep watching this show only because of Jodie Comer. In my opinion, it was the best episode of the season.
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Weirdly boring for Killing Eve
joecraven-4020013 May 2020
This episode is the weakest so far for me. Don't get me wrong, Jodie Comer is awesome, but who knows watches Killing Eve for a weird Russian family sitcom? It feels like the writers are struggling to avoid repeating narratives of previous seasons. Hopefully the next few episodes return to how good we know this show can be.
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favorite episode.
mir216 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The third season has concluded, now I can officially announce that episode five is my favorite. Villanelle burning her family's house down is iconic.
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Little girl Vilanelle
xujingyi13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So glad we are here to be given a chance to know much more about Vilanelle as a daughter, rather than an assassin. Really love Jodie's performance when V was on her train back, that kind of emotion ... it is beyond discription. Is it sadnessor joy? is it anger? I don't know, but I do know from now, there's no more Oksana, only Vilanelle: the Oksana in V died when mother told her to go.
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Excellente épisode 👌
ilyasmessi9 July 2020
One of the best episodes i ever wathe from that shoo
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