My Bossy Girl (2019) Poster


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Love doesn't see physical or mental disabilities
Misss2515 April 2021
The title of the movie is so misleading. I watched the whole movie, didn't see in a single scene she was bossy or dominating at all. However, she was so helpful, she helped him to overcome his disabilities. He was so socially ditch but she helped him to make friends and she was his first friend whom he has taken her to home. The boy was also so kind and help that he made a electronic wheelchair for her and also took her to several places where she couldn't go.

The story Isn't usual so I really didn't know why people are ratting it so high. It's an okay dokey movie.
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Bossy/Sassy/None of the above?
kmccabe-17 April 2022
I presume the rather odd English title for this film, My Bossy Girl, is supposed to evoke memories of the much loved 2001 Korean romcom, My Sassy Girl. The heroine of this piece is neither bossy nor particularly sassy. She's a complicated wheelchair bound young woman, who has escaped from her frankly dreadful parents into the world of Paralympic archery. After an incident with a large stuffed bear, she falls in with a young engineer who has issues of his own. Their sweet relationship faces obstacles from all directions. Will love triumph? You'll have to watch this film in order to find out. As others have pointed out, the Amazon Prime copy of the film has subtitle sync issues. I set out to "find" another source for the film online, and was annoyed when the version I found was in an even worse state. Fortunately, I was able to manually adjust the subtitle delay on the found version. The hassle was worth it, this is a thoroughly delightful film. But, come on Amazon, fix this issue!!!
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its watchable, Lee Elijah is special
backnblack-0612316 August 2021
Not figuring id last more than 20 min in this movie was pleasantly surprised, there are no big name stars in this by my account but its okay not overly silly or a lot of drama one thing for sure Lee Elijah has that "it" factor first time seeing her and very impressed, this actress is going to be heard from.
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Well Developed Enjoyable and Cute
leahcubed30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
9.5/10 is my rating. This is a (2019) South Korean romantic comedy (sports) movie. The total run time is 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Hye Jin (Lee Elijah) is an archery athlete with an attitude. Life in a wheelchair has not slowed her down much and a dispute over a contest ends in her motorized wheelchair being damaged. When she leaves she discovers that her braking mechnism malfunctions. She crashes into a tent where a group of robotics engineering students are hosting a tent as part of a larger event Hwi so ((Ji II Joo) can fix almost anything electronic and fixes Hye Jin's wheelchair for her no problem. Grateful for his help, she wants to buy him a meal and this is the start of an unlikely friendship. These two young people and their group of fiends navigate the challenges of life and grow through it together. Will love develop between two seemingly oppositve people?

I highly recommend this cute drama. I think the title is a bit lost in translation because I think it just refers to how she is a bit of a forceful personality that doesn't always play well with others.

But that is really her charm. I enjoyed the main female character's feisty nature and the fact that she was an amazing archer. Hwi so had attributes that made me think high functioning autism. But it could have just been the genius mentality. He was sweet to the core and I thought it was great the way he fit her personality like missing puzzle pieces. Each contributed to the other what they needed. She had that "cool girl" vibe and he had the quiet, itroverted "nerd" like mentality. She liked to do fun/exciting things and he was the quite the genius. I could easily have seen this being a series as I liked the main couple and their friends and enjoyed watching what they could create. Spoiler** There were fun scenes like they all sit around and are drinking beer. One of the friends is like here drink up and he is like I am one of those people that lack the metabolite to break down alcohol (only in way more technical terms) and our "cool" female lead is basically like shut it and drink your beer. And he got quite drunk but had a lot of fun. She brings him home and is apologetic because I don't think she realized he would get as drunk as he did. But his mom actually thanks her for exposing him to life. Same when, later, she encourages him to drive but they get in an accident. Mom comes and she thinks she will be mad because she is the one that encouraged him to get his driver's license but she says no-one was hurt and it was basically good for him. I loved the mom. With only a little over an hour and a half it was well paced, believable and my main critique is it left you wanting more only because the characters were so enjoyable. They did not fully tell us what happened to put her in the wheel chair nor whether, or not, the main male lead had a psychological condition or was just severely socially inexperienced to the point it made him seem like he might have autism. It ended well/happy. Enjoyed this immensely and would encourage others to watch it.
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You have to watch this beautiful movie...
paul_haakonsen11 February 2021
I sat down to watch the 2019 South Korean romantic comedy "My Bossy Girl" without knowing anything about it. But given the title of the movie I assumed that it would be something perhaps like the 2001 movie "My Sassy Girl".

Let me just summarize this movie experience with a single word; wow!

Turns out that "My Bossy Girl" surpassed that movie by far, and this was indeed an amazingly nice surprise of a movie. And truth be told, then the South Korean cinema has a tendency of doing romantic comedies quite well. But I will say that "My Bossy Girl" was something out of the ordinary.

I really, really enjoyed this movie from start to end. It had such a beautiful story to tell, one that sinks in and sticks with you. So a big thumbs up to writer and director Jang-Hee Lee for that accomplishment.

And not only did "My Bossy Girl" have a very enjoyable, entertaining and beautiful storyline, but it also had some very impressive and captivating acting performances. I am not overly familiar with the talent of Elliya Lee, but wow she carried this movie phenomenally well with her impressive and outstanding performance as the strong-willed, life-loving, disabled girl Hye Jin. It was honestly a pure joy to watch her in this movie. And Il-Joo Ji, playing Hwi So, also put on a very good performance.

If you enjoy romantic comedies, but if you want more than just your average run-of-the-mill standard rom com, then you most certainly have to treat yourself to this movie, because it is such a good movie.

I believe that "My Bossy Girl" is a movie experience that will stick with me for a long, long time, And if you are a sentimental person, you might want to have a tissue at hand for this movie as well.

My rating of "My Bossy Girl" settles on a most well-deserved nine out of ten stars.
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Light Hearted
sankalptiwatne18 July 2020
Nice and light Hearted romance with wonderful acting by the actors. The movie also has a strong moral message for society.
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Delightful movie with a terrible title
gee-1528 March 2021
Maybe something was lost in translation but the title of this film is very misleading. This is actually a simple and straightforward romantic comedy elevated by the performances of its actors. There's really nothing new here but a sweet romance between a headstrong young woman in a wheelchair and a slightly socially inept young man. They start as friends and are becoming something more when an unexpected event severs their relationship. Ultimately, the film teaches us that no matter how physically or psychologically damaged you may be, you can still support those you care about. It's a film I highly recommend.
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Good film
xnwmaamyr8 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good film. The plot of the film is like a romance film in general. This film tells the love story of a paralyzed woman and a man who has a trauma. And there is a part where the father of this girl does not like this guy because he said, his son is already physically disabled, dating a mentally disabled man. The moral value, the importance of circle / friends who support each other, and love that doesn't know the physical.
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Elijah Lee is beautiful
phd_travel16 February 2021
Elijah Lee is pretty and deserves lead romantic roles. Mostly she has played supporting roles and usually she is the antagonist. So it is refreshing to see her in a sweet romantic role smiling sweetly.

The story involves a girl in a wheelchair who dies archery. The guy is an engineering student. Obstacles are not too irritating. Nice way to handle handicaps mental and physical.
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Sugarsweet feelgoodmovie for the family about taking steps - no matter if theyre mental or literal ones.
shide_8522 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The initial overacting and over the top character actions kind of eliminate the notion of how low budget this movie really is. It's incredible value for money counted as a romcom. These issues come together into a plottwist which strengthens the movie in a very fashioned way. This is a perfect movie to watch if you want to appriciate family bonds as life shifts - embracing change.

Pro's Packed full of positive messages Camera work Twist

Con's At times some more extras could have made a real difference A little over the top early on Could have made a stronger metaphorical connection with the staircase they walk, made it clearer and it would have made a larger impact

End Notes: Some metaphors are snuck in even if they are put on display - as the staircase they travel together to reach "home" (read; their happy place), this could have made a strong impact on the movie if used right. Like the ocean is used in Mikra Anglia (2013) (a masterpiece of slow dramas).
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