"Monsterland" Eugene, Oregon (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Had potential but fell short...
StephenIsADumb3 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not really sure what went wrong here. The atmosphere was fantastic and I liked the premise of this troubled teen dealing with a paranormal experience. It actually reminded me of when I was growing up so I almost felt like I could relate to him. The online friends being in his room like people just hanging out was a cool concept but made less sense the more conversations they had. The shadow wasn't intimidating at all but I still felt a little creeped out by not knowing what might happen to him next. The ending, or lack there of, is the main reason this failed...you see like...light shooting the shadow??? And then it just ends abruptly. It's like they couldn't wait to wrap this episode up and just quickly finished it off. Such a shame!
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no ending
abel-699263 October 2020
It was ok and got more intense as it went along and then........nothing, it ends without any closure to the story.
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So, SO far beneath the story it's based on
Magnotta4310 October 2020
This is based on the short story S.S. by Nathan Ballingrud, but in truth it is based in name only. I don't know if the people who wrote this episode thought they were making something relevant or frightening, but this episode is neither. The histrionic characters are shrill and unlikeable. The story meanders from scene to scene attempting to build dread, and then tries to make a statement about...not listening to what people online tell you? Maybe?
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Complete and utter garbage 🗑
duckboy-941713 October 2020
When you end an episode with NO END it ruins it & you sit there pi$$ed off...... just saying 😒
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More to it than you think
thermann9-174-1603287 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with a couple of other reviewers here that it's a statement on the conspiracy theorist subculture.

It does a good job on building upon what may lead someone to be susceptible to seemingly outrageous claims. It also provides some reason to sympathize with such a person.

Desperate in their own loneliness and problems, they seek out explanations for why they are in their predicament. Based on reality or not, they just want someone....or something to blame and to end their strife.

I think the ending is meant to be open-ended. That is, this is still a new(er), or now more publicized phenomenon and we don't yet really know if facts and reality will win out or if we're all going to be chasing ghosts and demons around our house.

If you're looking for a horror series, this may not be it. I'd categorize it more as psychological suspense. Worth watching if you're willing to take some time to analyze and process what you just saw.
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Absolutely Terrible.
jon50003 October 2020
Every single character in this episode is insufferable and obnoxious. I've never seen one episode of a show have this many badly written and annoying characters. The whole premise is really lame and poodle executed as well. At first I thought the idea of the people in the chat room coming into his room was clever, because it would have gotten really tedious reading their conversations the whole time. But then it just took a turn to the absurd and impractical. Someone thought they were very clever, but it was just dumb. If they aren't actually there then how are they interacting with him? How are they sharing a bottle of booze? It makes no sense at all and is just plain stupid. On top of that the ending is non-existent. What a frustrating and stupid waste of time. The first episode was pretty good, but you can definitely skip this one.
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The Shadow Knows...
Gislef15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the episode is a metaphor. It could be a metaphor, but it's like a Rorschach test. If you're "left-wing" you most likely see "Eugene, OR" as a metaphor for right-wing conspiracy groups. If you're "right-wing", you see it as a metaphor for left-wing cancel cultures. If you're the middle of the road, you probably see it as a condemnation of both sides.

Or maybe it's a metaphor for first-person shooters: the shots through Nick's helmet at the end make him look like a first-person shooter, and parallel the shots earlier when he's playing online.

Like "Port Fourchon", the episode is an exploration of a "loser" and how the supernatural gives him a way out of his miserable life. Unlike "Port Fourchon", Nick never abandons his family. In fact, he gets a new one with Shadowwatch (West even says at one point that they're Nick's "family"). Apparently, Nick ends up shooting his own mother. However, it's an "accident", rather than Toni's deliberate abandonment of her daughter in the previous episode.

Using three actors to portray the members of Shadowwatch, rather than using the static "Talking via Skype or text" method, is a nice directorial touch, presumably by Kevin Phillips. Charlie Tahan gives a good performance as the stressed-out Nick. It just seems rather repetitive of the previous episode, "Port Fourchon". They're not identical, by any means, but putting two stores in a row about people who have miserable lives probably wasn't a good idea.

Basically, both stories are about "losers" who find a release in the supernatural. Nick and Toni both find a kind of acceptance in the supernatural. That's why I don't think the story is condemning right-wing or left-wing: if people weren't stuck in crushing poverty and misfortune, they wouldn't have to seek other outlets that include abandonment and killing. Interestingly, neither story says, "Well, the reason the protagonists are in deep doo-doo is because of a conservative or a liberal American government." That's why IMO folks who read it as condemning right-wing or left-wing are projecting. Kosar doesn't come across as trying to tell some political metaphor: misinformation and conspiracy theories exist on both sides of the political spectrum.

I would have rather 'Monsterland' started out with "Eugene" and dropped "Port Fourchon" entirely. But oh well, it is what it is.

Overall, "Eugene" is an okay episode. I don't mind the lack of a conclusion. It would be nice, but that's not the story writer Scott Kosar set out to tell. There are good performances, and the concept is good. It just seems a bit repetitive of "Port Fourchon".

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. What do you think?
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A swing and a miss.
mrwolfie9 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The shadow was real. It existed before he went online to see what it was. So whatever the moral of this story is, it is not about bad influences online. No matter what he does about it, the problem DID exist. The chat room manifesting in his room was cool. Until: they passed a bottle of alcohol around and all comment on how bad it is. And then, the ringleader gave him some pills for his sick mom (I know right, such a bad person!!) And the end. no-one knows what happened. Some people think he shot his mom, he could have shot himself, he could actually have made a light gun and been shot by cops...
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A secret society the return of the shadow man!
blanbrn13 October 2020
This episode two of "Hulu's" "Monsterland" called Eugene, Oregon is one's that's interesting with suspense as it has a supernatural and creepy feel. Set in Oregon it involves Nick a poor teen who lives with his sick mom and after he's fired from his fast food job his only life is playing on line video games. Plus he misses dad as after daddy left Nick is cash strapped to buy Mom's medicine. Now enter a strange shadow man did he appear from the online games or is this a haunted demon of the past or is this a ghostly form of dad!? Reminds me some of an old 1980's "Twilight Zone" episode "Shadow Man" only this modern take is not as good. Still it's a journey of facing one's own dark demons in the form of a supernatural shadow force. Overall nothing great still a watch if you like suspense and the supernatural.
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Charlie Tahan Is Fun To Watch But ...
martinrandall-3670616 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Tahan is great as the troubled teenager Nick. But the story and the rest of the cast are not so good. In fact, the story and direction are moronic.

Members of Nick's online discussion group appear to be in his room and interacting with him directly. It's a clever device but it is over used and becomes confusing and after a while, just plain stupid.

Yes, the story can be interpreted as a warning about a susceptible person becoming radicalized online. Nick is a sweet kid who is basically bullied into doing something he definitely does not want to do, at all! But he gives into the pressure and becomes Rambo, Jr.

I stayed with it because I genuinely cared for Nick and wanted to see if he ever found some peace in the world. No one knows because the story simply stops with no conclusion or even a hint at resolution. Did they run out of money and just wrapped with what they had?

Disappointing at best, stupid, derivative, sophomoric, and idiotic at worst. Charlie, you should have passed on this one, buddy!
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Misunderstood, but not bad by any means.
tashaspencer-0439624 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of viewers hated this episode, and I can see why. Because they fail to grasp what the actual message was. It was definitely not a straightforward story and you have to take into account all the information you are given. Nick was clearly troubled and was taken advantage of by people online. I also know a lot of viewers think he killed his mom, but I get the feeling they talked him into hunting down his father. I think his father was the "shadow" because if you pay attention everything fell apart when his dad left, those are Nick's words. The group also looked the father up and showed Nick. I think Nick hunted down and killed his father, hence why the shadow was running and eventually got on his knees. I could be wrong, you never know. But I think it was executed nicely. I think everyone who hates it just had different expectations of what the story was meant to be like.
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If it says horror have some aspect that's horror, not HORRIBLE!!!
joiningjt14 October 2020
I'm so sick of people saying it's not horror but it sends a social message or it's about where our society is today, NO !!!! If it says horror you have to add something that involves HORROR!! There are all types, slasher, ghosts, possession, evil of any kind, jump scares, any scares, HORROR, even if it's just a little, as far as social issues leave that to the news or the documentaries,and if you cant help but have social issues involved then involve horror!! Oh and it can be a comedy horror this show has none if that, NO HORROR, even worse no entertainment!!! Watched 1st 3 episodes everyone was terrible!!!
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Lofty ambition, failure in production
blaisehartman26 November 2020
The episode wanted to be high brow, showing radicalization via the internet. What we got was a slow moving episode with no emotional payout or conclusion.
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garciaramos-6783214 October 2020
Big build up, only to be a dud in the end. Anyone giving this episode more than three stars is suspect.
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Outstanding Episode Charlie Tahan's Performance is Amazing
mikelc202025 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off Charlie Tahan's acting in this episode is phenomenal. This is not easy material and Charlie deserves tremendous praise for a job well done. The subject matter tackles radicalization via the internet and offers a disturbing ending that is left up to the audience for interpretation. "Eugene, Oregon" definitely deserves multiple viewings to fully appreciate its artistic storytelling. It's unfortunate that too many people want everything spelled out for them in a story. This is a piece that is open to interpretation and deserves discussion. Props to Hulu for greenlighting this script! And props again to Charlie Tahan!
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Terrific episode
mywordsdidglow24 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I understand why some reviewers are so negative on this episode. Personally, I thought it was great. Incredibly relevant in our internet misinformation saturated, confirmation bias obsessed nation. The ending was ambiguous, but how we combat misinformation inducing violence while respecting free-speech is a issue with no clear solution. The acting was first rate, the situations the characters found themselves in were believable, as was the need to blame someone/something else for their struggles.
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Lack of closure is an under appreciated art form
neuromancerx-110 October 2020
Many negative reviews focus on this episode's abrupt ending and lack of apparent closure. This is more a reflection on the consumption oriented nature of the audience than any particular failing of the story. When it ends it leaves you mildly irritated, guessing, thinking, theorizing. Instead of spoon feeding you a carefully digested resolution it makes you run it back in your mind, examine various key moments and come to your own conclusion. Trust me, it will take you 15 minutes at most to figure it out. It is depressing that people are so used to training wheels on their entertainment that 15 minutes of reflection seem like an obstacle to deeper appreciation of an art form.
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Huh...I thought it was about schizophrenia...
setgetsiin18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was an incredibly developed story regarding school shootings and mental illness. You do not NEED to see the ending of that situation to KNOW the ending to THAT, do we...??? Good Grief, people: How did you THINK it ended?? How can you NOT come to conclusion that he was either carted off to the nuthouse or killed by the authorities?

I'm not understanding the hatred. I love Charlie in anything, he doesn't typically do crappy TV/Movies; I think most people missed the mark on this one.

It was clearly about a kid losing his marbles, utilizing what materials he has in order to build his support system out of literally nothing.

I thought it was pretty good.
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Good allegory, lot of reviews seem to be missing this
cgalpin4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This series isn't a straightforward horror, it definitely feels like it was a bit mis-marketed. This specific episode deals a lot with current issues and isn't as straightforward as a lot of the reviews here are painting it.
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A story about the online radicalization of rightwing, conspiracy groups
adventuresntoto13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's important to note they prey on disadvantaged, white youth with no support system. The horror is that the radicalization won, and that he murdered his mother. Brilliantly written, directed, and acted.
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So relevant in 2020!
unclehud5 October 2020
Internet manipulation ... is a MONSTER!

The show is great, as is this episode.
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