The Wrong House Sitter (TV Movie 2020) Poster

(2020 TV Movie)

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Could've Been Better Warning: Spoilers
Why did it have to end like it did? Unless the movie cut off before the ending? And they found the neighbor, but what happened that they didn't find the lawyer?
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What a Doofus Warning: Spoilers
The big Doofus lead signs a contract without reading it and then after the psycho's plan unfolds to squat in his house, he leaves his drink unattended in front of her so she can drug it.

You'd think Doofus's trust around this nutcase would be non existent after the lease trick, but he just walks into every trap she sets for him like the Doofus that he is. By that point, I was rooting for the squatter to take his house from him because all the plastic surgery he obviously had on his face must have sucked out his brain.

The Doofus's girlfriend had me in her corner when she investigated the psycho and got the goods on her from the past homeowner who revealed she's done this before...but strangely, we never hear from her just how she managed to get rid of her.

But when Doofus's girlfriend is shown phony pics of him with psycho after she drugged him, she lost me because she then immediately believes it even after knowing the girls all fruit loops....that would not have happened and she would've suspected the pics were phony.

Even after Doofus explains to her he was drugged, she isn't believing it...Why?! She heard from the past homeowner what a nut she is, so why not believe she drugged her Doofus boyfriend?!

One question that kept nagging at me throughout the whole film was why was this girl so obsessed with Doofus? She was pretty hot and could have any guy she wanted but is all hung up on a guy with the most plastic looking face i've ever saw---with brows that were so unnaturally high it would make Joan Crawford jealous. His face was so weird and distracting and I kept wondering why she was so hot for him. I just didn't get it.

The woman who was the neighbor next door should've been his girlfriend because her face was just as plastic and weird looking as his was.... Why are so many actors and actresses today altering their faces so grotesque like this? They look like they have Halloween masks on, and they're only in their 40's. Are they that afraid of wrinkles that they's rather appear unnatural and plastic? Yuck.

And then there's the ending....did the police not search the house and grounds for the psycho after she killed the neighbor?! She just appears in his kitchen when she's obviously wanted for murder. Where was she hiding when the cops were there? Didn't they search for her on the grounds?!

But she immediately flees the house when the girlfriend walks in rather than give the viewer a good climactic showdown fight which i've come to expect from these Lifetime movies. She just flees and goes to a new town to pull her psycho murderous shenanigans on another unsuspecting Doofus.

I can't speak for others but I really enjoy the showdown climaxes where the victim fights back and kills the psycho because it's not entertaining to see them get away. You want to see them get what they deserve. It was a huge letdown to see her literally get away with murder.

I wouldn't rate it as bad as most reviewers here because it was watchable to the end so i'll give it a 5 right down the middle....but for the love of God if this movie teaches anyone not sign anything EVER without reading the damn thing first!! I don't care if an Uber is honking outside---READ BEFORE SIGNING!!

And also stay away from plastic surgery. Wrinkles are your friend and they show a life well lived.
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Lifetime is "The Wrong Network" with this stupid flick
deedrala13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This stupid piece of crap is the latest in a long line that proves that Lifetime isn't even bothering to try to make halfway good movies. They're just churning them out a dime a dozen and couldn't care less if the audience likes them or not. 'The Wrong Housesitter' is pathetic, it's so bad. Here again is the same actor they keep recycling in so many of their movies, apparently because they think he's a dreamboat that will attract more female viewers to their lame movies: Jason Shane Scott, and as always, he can't act worth a darn. And for their information, he's not attractive in the least, especially due to the bottom half of his face being constantly covered with black stubble that looks like soot from a chimney, and his body being so out of proportion with a too-long trunk and short legs. And why is Viveca Fox in so many Lifetime movies with just a bit part as a boss or editor or school principal, etc., but always gets top billing in every one of them like she's the main lead? She has the same attitude and personality in every movie she's in. Apparently she's related or married to a Lifetime higher-up to get top billing in the credits every movie she's in when she's never more than one of the supporting players.

The acting by the female villain was bad also, but with such a lousy script and lame dialogue, she probably did the best she could with what she had. The story was dumb, there was very little suspense, and several glaring plot holes like what happened to the lawyer's body, for example. The ending was so lame, with the girlfriend running weaponless toward the villain with a knife, and the villain running out the door - as if the girlfriend could have fended off the villain with only her bare hands. The writers left it hanging with the distinct possibility that she can sneak back in later and kill everyone since no one in Lifetime movies ever locks their doors. And when she was telling the male lead why she had done it all, her delivery was so lackluster/lifeless, it was obvious that even the character herself didn't believe what she was saying. The actress had probably given up by then on the stupid movie being anything over a 1 out of 10, so she thought 'why bother? Just say the lines and run out the door'.
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unfinished, almost the worst movie
NijazBaBs9 February 2020
This is one of those "the wrong" lifetime movies and one of worse such ones. The only good things were topic and few funny talks and small events and realistic few things like possibility of it happening in real life. But beyond that everything else is flawed, unfinished, fake, boring, annoying, like two kids arguing over toys. Not good to watch. End is just like that appearing without any conclusion, with lots of questions...
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My Stolen Time
rdeegs25 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was your typical LMN movie, predicable but a fun watch; however, the ending overshadowed any redeeming qualities. The credits rolled with plot threads hanging like loose threads on a cheap garment. Our final reaction was, "What just happened?" They totally forgot one important character who was essential to the developing climax. She had the answers and was murdered by the villainess before she could reveal her knowledge to the victim. The villainess ran away with knife in hand, her next murder foiled when the victim's girlfriend unexpectedly enters the house. The police did find a random deceased neighbor in the house, and she contributed zero to the rising suspense. After finding the body and watching the villainess flee, the scene cuts to three weeks later. Everyone seems to live happily ever after. They didn't mention the killer nor the poor character who was also murdered. LMN, how could you leave us so unsatisfied?
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Did they find the lawyers body??
bstills-8435921 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not one mention of the lawyer who she drugged and dragged off. Terrible ending!
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I Love This Movie
Honestly, I never admit this publicly, or even to my spouse, but I bawled like an infant watching this film. The tone, the theme, the overtures-ALL OF IT-made the experience of watching this cinematic masterpiece one I will never, in my entire life, FORGET. I will show this movie to everyone I care about. I will show it to my children. I will show it to my grandchildren. I will visit my parents at the nursing home tomorrow and I will bring my DVD copy of this film, and I will not take no for an answer on them watching it.

Just the other day, a friend asked to borrow my phone, and they commented on my new lock screen being the promotional poster for this film. They said that they thought it was a bit odd. I swore to myself to never speak to them again, and I blocked them on every platform.

I think about this movie all the time. I'm starting to dream about it. I really identified with the main villain. I felt her pain as if it were my own-it was visceral. I too have had strange fantasies in my life, of what I wanted but felt I could never have... But this review isn't about me. It's about the glory of THE WRONG HOUSE SITTER. I started dressing like the main male character after viewing this film because of how much I admired his sense of style, and also how much I want to be him.

I've watched this movie every day since seeing it for the first time. I have it on in the background right now as I write this. This is not only the best LMN film I've ever seen, but also the most moving and impactful piece of media I have ever had the good graces to come across.

If you have taken nothing else from this review, please, PLEASE, take this advice: Go. Watch. This. Movie. Right. Now. You will never regret it. You will be changed forever because of it. It will make you cry, but keep pushing through. Never give up. Keep going in life; it's worth it, for when you come across once-in-a-blue moon beauties such as this.
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Deserves lower RATING!!!
charliepool-2048620 May 2020
This is one of if not the worst movie on lmn I hated the ending along with the setting and much much MORE!!!! Don't waste any of your time on this movie
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Very beautiful house and very handsome lead character
genevieve-0452319 May 2023
I really like this movie contrary to others. It's a Lifetime movie but it's really entertaining . This house is really gorgeous, only the kitchen is more big than my.appartment totally. The female lead character is so arrogant, calm and this is so interesting, only the part.worth to watch. I don't know this actress who plays the role of Mary but she is really beautiful tall and his face is amazing!

Viveca Fox has a little cameo but it's always the same thing, it concluded the story. The franchise of the wrong.should never stop. It's so good! I know also Viveca produced the all Franchise.

To be continued. I like have the opportunity to.say all this.
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Acting wasn't great but have to blame the writer and director for this fail. And lead male actors look so much more natural when they don't do Botox. Just saying.
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Anybody else up for a sequel?
pmtelefon28 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"The Wrong House Sitter" is why I don't mind spending my Saturday nights with Lifetime. It tells its story well and has a very likable cast. It also had two very dreamy actresses. Anna Marie Dobbins is something else. She's very dreamy and plays a nut quite well. Ciarra Carter is not far behind in the dreamy department and she also delivers a very nice performance. I'd like see Carter climb the Lifetime ranks. As far as the ending goes, it did catch me off guard but after a few minutes I was cool with it. It's good to get thrown for a movie loop once in a while.
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Good warning for home owners!
phd_travel26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you have ever considered letting a stranger look after your house this is a good warning. A man trusts a sweet looking stranger to house sit. She is the wacko house sitter who is like a combination of Michael Keaton in Pacific Heights and a Lifetime style femme fatale obsessed over the guy. She wires the home, tricks him into singing a lease and drugs him and takes compromising pictures. Keeps you interested in seeing how he's going to deal with her. One of the better Wrong movies. The ending isn't too outrageous.
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....was that it?
meppman25 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who enjoys watching lifetime movies and making fun of their ridiculous plot lines and 110 lb women killing men with butter knives I figured this would be a good one. However as chappelle said I wish i had more hands so i could give this 4 thumbs down. There is NO suspense until the last few minutes were she randomly kills one person and then runs away. The only thing that kept me going till the end was making fun of how low the main male character unbuttoned his shirts. Do better vivica
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poolecharlie-4905526 January 2020
This is the worst lifetime movie TO DATE! The story is very boring and the ending sucked avoid this one don't waste your time
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Bad. Even for a Lifetime flick.
tishadani25 January 2020
Listen- I love me a good lifetime movie. Heck, I even love me a bad lifetime movie. But seriously, this one was just a complete and total waste of time. Bad plot. Bad acting. Just... bad.
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Learn how to act !
arthurcoy8 July 2021
Can the acting get any worse ? I mean seriously ! OMG !
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A comedy that wasn't funny
tomfsloan14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie should have been renamed Three's Company. It had all the makings of a sitcom. A lousy sitcom. Stupid guy signs lease, goofy girl gets to live there. Girlfriend is uncomfortable with that. Haha. And by stupid guy, you'll see. Believe it or not, this isn't the best movie ever made.

And another thing, didn't they ever hear of green screen? They ARE in Los Angeles for crying out loud. All those driving scenes were completely horrible with that fake blank white background.

The drink with the drug that the Seinfeld girl drank was awfully fast acting for just one swig. No noticeable taste either. She was forgotten after that moment.

Aren't they bothered by the fact a dead body was found in his bed?

As the movie went on, it got worse by the minute. The knife scene in the kitchen was terrible. Only worse was the final act in the next guys house.
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The Wrong Face
LittleBlade16 March 2022
Anything with Jason Shane Scott is worth watching just for the sheer vanity of the man.

In my house, we call him "Flintstone" because of his ridiculous five o'clock shadow... more like eleven o'clock (pm) shadow.

In one scene, his face looks like it's made up from three different ones : the aforementioned, never the same twice, dirty-looking lower half; the natural-coloured, but clearly surgically enhanced area around the too-tight eyes; and the bizarrely pale forehead smoother than an ice-rink thanks to botox, enhanced by preened eyebrows that have been lifted so high they almost reach his hairline.

It's a toss-up whether he looks horrified, or he looks horrifying.

Does he own a shirt that he can fasten the buttons all the way up? Or does he just want us all the admire his chest pumped so much that it's bigger than those of all the female cast-members combined. And the tightness of his trousers over his too-big backside probably explains his strained voice.

I saw a quote from him saying that he quit a soap he was in because he was tired of being asked to do shirtless scenes. He must have realised that was the only reason he had the job, because he's done countless shirtless scenes - revealing a chest that looks more plastic that Ricardo Montalban's in Star Trek II : The Wrath Of Khan - in everything he's done since.

Does his contract for these endlees "The Wrong..." films stipulate that people must constantly refer to how handsome he is, in a vain - pun intended - attempt to convince anyone other than himself that he is handsome?
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a great waste of time
rolandogilead6 January 2022
May be the worst movie i ever seen with the most random end. It seems that they ran out of time to shoot or did not know how to finish it. The acting its terrible. How many razzies awards did it win?
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Beyond belief
michaelmlbfanwhite16 March 2022
These movies are so silly!!! ... Which movies ??... these movies Lifetime keep churning out....all are formulaic ...dialogue unimaginably stupid ...characters too are totally stupid...reacting to circumstances with mindless idiocy...acting is poor.

I know they are following their chosen profession but surely they have to have a conscience that will eventually tell them enough is enough.... However there is a market to supply ....I am now one of their market. Housebound....without streaming facility ....with little scope in thinking.

That's why these films continue to be made. Uuurgh.
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Insult to Lifetime movies!
momontherandom29 June 2020
I love Lifetime movies, but this one was hard to finish. The acting was SO BAD. The plot wasn't especially awful, but the acting ruined it. The house sitter, girlfriend and neighbor had to be "related" to the director somehow because they have no business in anything above a junior high play. Do not waste your time!
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I'd give it a zero if I could
melanie-1192721 October 2022
If Channel 5 had called this by the name given instead of calling it something else, I wouldn't have bothered recording it. As it was, I sat through it but dear, oh dear. The acting was truly appalling as it is with all these "wrong" movies. And, why is Vivica given top billing when she only has a minor role?

The plot was very similar to another movie which I watched years ago, except that one had better actors in it. I can't remember the name. So, this one seems to be a rehash of another film.

Kristin was probably the best one in it and it was nice to see the lawyer, albeit not for very long.

The neighbour next door was awful and just like a male version in another of these "wrong" movies. Honestly, I've never seen such rubbish. Vivica plays the same character she always plays and overacts. The others sound as if they are reading off a script. If this is what TV has come to, no wonder people are switching off.
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Awful acting
scarletepilogue5 April 2021
I love Lifetime movies, good and bad usually, but the acting in the movie-especially from the main character was nothing to be desired! Everything she said sounded so sarcastic and her voice is actually painful to listen to, it just made it too difficult to watch.
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