Repeat (2021) Poster


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4 Wheels And Then Two
slapdog326 November 2021
This Movie Isn't Really That Good But It Also Isn't Too Bad, With Your DNA You Can Talk To a Loved One Who Has Passed, Mmm, Not Bad! It Started Out With Four Wheels, Revved Up And Roaring To Go...Then Somewhere Towards The End It Slooowed Down To a Purr And Lost Couple Of Wheels Before The Finish Line!
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Good Acting Implausible Script
gilbert-0791912 November 2023
Joshua Ford and Tom England were so good in the 2019 film Cosmos that I found and watched their 2021 film Repeat as well. The acting is very good but the plot details are absolutely implausible and I'm not referring to the idea of communicating with the departed; quite the converse, I'm referring to the premise in the movie that the protagonist's work finding a reliable scientific way to communicate with the dead is hardly noticed at all by the public or fellow scientists. In actuality, such efforts and research would make worldwide headlines (even if it was quackery), so that aspect of the film, that his work was only know to a handful of visitors to his public demonstrations, was not credible. Also that the low-budget "equipment" he was using was clearly car boot sale junk was somewhat detracting from the film, although that in itself was overcome by the excellent acting and was mostly overlooked at least by this reviewer. Additionally his use of radioactive materials for his machine pilfered from a storeroom while not in and of itself unbelievable, becomes unbelievable due to again small but important details, such as storage and transport in an unmarked petrol jerrycan, and "holding a mask on his face", rather than actually wearing it properly, and mild radiation symptoms where actually he would be seriously ill in hours or days, was also very thin on attention to believeability. So this movie was not the best vehicle for the excellent talents of the actors and actresses who all turned in very good performances. Watchable but not believable.
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Good concept, poor execution
lincolnx15 December 2021
The idea behind this film is decent but the complete lack of budget and poor execution makes Repeat barely watchable. Watch it for the story and try not to let the laughable science turn you off.
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oh by god was this bad stuff...
ops-5253515 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When considering deep darn serious topics as loss and pain in relations, making this movie is just as an old joke of a movie made in the science fictious athmosphere of the movie makers in the 1950's, where everything is possible and so on.

Its a marriage that has turned critical, because the daughter of the family has gone missing. The dad uses all of his time as a proffesor to construct a digital dna sequencial device that enables you to talk to people on the shadow side of the world , namely the dead.. at a point of deep desperation dad tries to enhance and boost the machinery by using mums dna and him putting himself in front of the projector...

its really a monster bad production at a low level high even for british home film making, story and acting tries to give you a tale of the times, the ever sought after method of speaking or communicating with your dead loved ones, by punching lines at the computer and the loudspeakers blares out in a grumpy distorted voice, just like when the doctor checks your uvulae with a wooden stick...

productionwise it tries to be technical but it really miss the target in a voodoo style with a mass editing of 0.2 sec shoots, loads of blinking lights and shaking cameras, a sound level that is unexpectedly far too low, a sound production that goes too deep on the bass, and a script that is so intricate that you can visually see that the actors themselves are in disbelief of what they say...

now, im grumpy and old, and when watching a movie i will feel contentment and happiness afterwards but this was a letdown without comparision. They get a 2 for a decent playlength, and that they didnt connect covid19 into the screenplay. The rest could be stoked on trent or ebbe valed somewhere up country penrith or just be thrown peebles at. A no recommend.
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An interesting twist
nortok0018 April 2022
I found this movie had a really interesting take on the theme of alternate realities and is one of the few movies in this genre where I was left saying "Wow, I didn't see that coming" which was a pleasant surprise. The story also did a good job of keeping the alternate timelines together and cohesive. I really enjoyed it. One note: This is the type of movie you can't leave to go get a snack, etc otherwise you will be lost. Get everything you need ahead of time and pay attention to the details.
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What Just Happened?
l_boester19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a low budget movie it started out interesting enough with a machine that could speak to the dead and.a mystery concerning what happened to the couples' daughter. About three fourths of the way through the film the story line took a turn and I still don't know what happened. I don't think watching it again will clear anything up. I would not waste my time on this confusing mess.
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from an IMDb senior reviewer
A_Different_Drummer16 November 2021
Let's cut to the chase. About 19 out of 20 indies are rubbish. It is the nature of the beast. Richard Miller's REPEAT is without doubt the 1 in 20 that is so good it mimics theatre quality, or at the very least broadcast TV quality. The writing, acting, and direction are superb. Nor is the audience spoon-fed with frothy exposition. Right off the top, the viewer has to roll up their sleeves and figure out what exactly is going on with this very strange, very frazzled, college professor whose little girl is missing; his marriage is imploding; his job is in jeopardy; and oh yeah every night he gives free public demos of his new invention which, coincidentally, actually talks to the dead. Eerily similar in tone and pacing to Darren Aronofsky's Pi (1998). Well worth a watch.
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Repeat - a thriller drama
ike-tomlinson15 March 2022
A very good movie. For what it's worth this is an exquisite low budget production. The lighting could have been better but other than that I really enjoyed it. It's worth buying or at least renting.
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Above Average Indie Film
SteveCthatsme16 November 2021
An interesting one - When it comes to low budget British indie films this is up there. Great performances from the leads and an interesting story. This film is fairly swift with a nice short run time and an engaging twisty story with a really cool payoff. Not much else to say but worth a watch for sure.

Its one of those films that's going to have a little cult following I think.
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Made my brain hurt
justahunch-7054923 February 2024
I really enjoyed much of this as it's very interesting & very unusual, but I'd be a liar if I said I understood all of it. I believe I understood most of it, but there are just some things here that don't make sense. At least to me. The preface of this is a scientist who has invented a machine that he believes can communicate with the deceased. You are on your own after that. Since his young daughter has previously gone missing and apparently is presumed dead, though no timeline is provided, he has a personal interest in this as well. This is a combo of sci-fi and mystery and it is a gripping watch, but again, if you are looking for total logic you may not find it anymore than I could. Oddly, this is accidentally the second film I have seen starring Tom England and I say odd because they are the only two films, one five years ago and this three years ago, he has acted in, both very low budget indies and he has been very good in both. The other is Cosmos and it too is very interesting. He appears to be mostly a British theater actor. This is an intelligent film about a man increasingly obsessed with his invention as he expands its capabilities. I just wish it all added up, though the ending is intriguing enough that you might immediately want to start it again.
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Much better than it is rated!
danwilkins-988517 August 2022
I nearly didn't watch this. It came up on Amazon Prime as recommended, maybe based on other films I've watched, so thought I'd check IMDB for its score. It had a low 4.9, however recent reviews were very positive, so I decided to watch it.

I was pleasently surprised. Whilst low budget, it had a good plot, which I enjoyed thoroughly. I recognised 2 of the actors from Cosmos, which is even better. The mum is from Fresh Meat!

So, if you like films with a bit of Sci-fi and a plot that keeps you wondering what exactly is going on, this is for you!
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Very Solid Indie Film
icocleric25 July 2022
So it was a bit different than I was expecting, and the film felt like a "murder mystery" to be solved with Sci-fi elements throughout most of the film. Including flash backs to the events leading up to the daughter disappearing.

Because of this it is a very character based drama, but it does keep you guessing, and actually I really loved the twist at the end. And the end does make the film make a lot more sense as a Sci-Fi too. It was well acted, and the overall quality was really decent too. Much better than a lot of indies out there.

Strobe Warning! There are strobe effects when the machine gets turned on.
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Guessing to the End
RTN782115 November 2021
This is a very clever unique story that keeps you guessing until the end.

We watch as couple Ryan Moore (Tom England) and wife Emily (Charlotte Ritchie)struggle to communicate which is putting strain on their marriage. We find out that their daughter has gone missing and they are dealing with this loss in quite different ways. Ryan a cognitive scientist throws himself into his recent discovery, a machine that he believes can communicate with the dead ( I can not say any more in fear of plot spoilers)

England and Ritchie's performances hit every note, you truly believe and feel every emotion they portray. England's performance as Ryan through out the film is faultless. The supporting cast all delivered convincing performance alongside England & Ritchie.

The screen play was well written and each character introduced had a purpose which supports the story arch. The music score complements the style and is used well to create atmosphere and build tension.

Hats off to the Directors & Crew as they have produced a great film that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end.
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Ignore the low IMDB rating - it's a gem
abizmom8 August 2022
Not going to give any spoiler alerts; suffice it to say this indie film has heart, intrigue, mystery and a slightly Dr Who feel to it (in a good way). Suspend disbelief for a while and enjoy the ride.
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Fantastic film.. Not like anything you've seen before!
lucyoconnor16 November 2021
I recently saw this film and absolutely loved it! It's hard to categorise this film as its so different to any other genre. There was so much drama and tension throughout the film and I can't give toonkuch of the plot away as the ending really takes you by surprise. It's really clever story and the acting of the leads and supporting characters was fantastic. I really recommend giving this a watch if you are looking for something a bit different that will keep you on the edge of your seat!
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Great Movie
prasanyedekar30 December 2021
A rare Gem. Kept me anticipating the next stages and true to being a gem, kept the ending, as perfect as it could get. A theory of afterlife has been well showcased and brings alive with a good script, acting and direction.
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epuchowski16 November 2021
Such a great film - was gripped from start to finish! The wiring is fantastic, and the emotion portrayed by the actors is very moving. The ending was such a huge surprise. Would definitely recommend watching!
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Loved it, very moving
eazyd24719 August 2022
Really don't get the rating compared to other films with higher ratings. Found it very moving and quite clever. I think it also tied up the loose ends nicely. Well worth a watch.
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Great story telling and emotional writing
lesleyw-3624720 November 2021
The story kept me interested throughout, I was not sure which direction it was going to go and the main plot of the movie was a thought provoking concept. The highlight for me though was the emotional representation of the lead roles who are trying to navigate through their grief and the impact this has on their relationship.
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hanrich-3434216 November 2021
Incredible acting by the lead - he really is the story teller of this film - he takes you inside his beautiful emotional mind and shares his passion with you. The sets were so detailed and added to the feeling of being trapped in his mind. The writing in this piece is intense and with such a imaginative storyline the script spills intellect. The ending to this film is enough by its self. Enjoy watching.
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Wasn't Expecting to be Wowed!
mcmovie_marty16 November 2021
I don't want to say too much about the actual story as this film needs to be seen to be appreciated!

But what I will say is I have seen plenty of low budget movies, where unfortunately it's evidently easy to spot that the budget wasn't generous... However... this film is certainly not one of those films. In fact I have seen lavish budgeted films that didn't hit the same highs as this.

The narrative is thought provoking and whilst the film itself is a slow burner to start - in the last 40-50 minutes it definitely picks up pace. My emotions changed rapidly and by the end of the film I wanted to watch it again, as now knowing the ending - I wanted to watch it from a different perspective.

There are 3 things that make this film as magnificent as it is -

Firstly the storyline - it pushes boundaries and I've not seen anything like it before, and definitely not so well paced - as in the thrills are delivered at exactly the right times, the story unfolds quite perfectly and the emotions it leaves you feeling are quite remarkable!

Now the acting- Many may recognize Ritchie, and I was intrigued to see her in an indie film especially as her career is flying at the moment. But wow her portrayal of Emily is second to none! You believe every moment, she has a hard role to play but does it with ease. England as her Husband again is flawless! He takes us on a journey, at times, a roller coaster -but he makes an incredible lead with a completely natural and believable chemistry with Ritchie. Wood who plays Sam isn't seen so much to start, but her acting again is first class! Every scene is authentic and when her character comes - this is where the story really steps up a gear! Her character is an integral part of the film and she slots in the triangle with Ritchie and England perfectly- the importance of this believable bond really helps drive the latter part of the film!

My third and final thing is the music! Again this is an area where indie films can sometimes falter, but the score in this movie is astounding!!! Each piece enhances the viewers senses, one scene in particular- the beautiful melancholy notes fuse with the emotion perfectly to create a sublime and emotionally intense moment!

So in summary I whole heartedly recommend a watch of Repeat - it may not be everyone's cup of tea but if you have any sort of understanding and appreciation for film making you should absolutely appreciate the masterpiece achieved here!
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headnicky20 November 2021
My family and I really enjoyed this film. In fact, we didn't pick our phone up once during it (a sure sign of a great film!!) The writing was brilliant. It's clever. I love clever films!

The acting was flawless by all the cast, particularly the young girl who plays Sam.

I'd highly recommend this film. It's different from anything I've seen before.
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Solid 9/10
eightiesdreamer16 November 2021
Not usually a fan of sci-fi films, but this has an emotional depth that too many others lack. The topic at it's core: " Where do we go when we die?' Was initially what made me intrigued to watch and I'm glad I gave it a chance- I'm also glad I bought this film rather then rented, as it's a film I definitely need to rewatch!

Acting 10/10 Special effects (especially considering budget) 10/10 Music 10/10 Story 9/10 - would have liked to see a bit more backstory, however I understand the constraints of time - this film could easily have been an hour or so longer. Also maybe would like to see a few more "happy" moments to really help us appreciate the bond between certain characters and just to throw a bit more light in amongst the dark!

A solid 9 stars from me!
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A thrilling watch!
Graham-187252 December 2021
This film definitely exceeded my expectations - a gripping story that twists and turns, and kept me hooked right until the end. The acting was also great - such a range of emotions and ups and downs were portrayed really authentically, which helped keep track of the narrative whilst the story shifts back and forth in time. I really enjoyed it!
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Really enjoyed this
rockyou-0368621 November 2021
Saw the trailer for this on Twitter, and it intrigued me. At the time it wasn't released so I put it on my 'one to watch list.' not seen many sci fi genre films as emotionally hard hitting as this. It's one of them films where you watch and want to go hug the ones you love straight after. Yes I'm not ashamed to say it had me feeling a bit sentimental. I think a combo of the story line and acting from the 3 leads ensured that it hit the heart strings, it also had my wife sniffling and she can be somewhat of an ice queen. Really enjoyed this film from start to finish!
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