The Witnesses (TV Mini Series 2020) Poster


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Good Doc On JW's
darius_sutherland11 February 2020
Firstly. Ignore RobMurphy review, he is probably a JW. Google the Australian Commision into JWs. Nobody really cares about the JWs. It's generally ex JWs who have seen the religion for what it is or have been abused that have an axe to grind. Others don't give a toss about them. If you want in depth look into the religion check out John Cedars on YouTube, an excellent source. Do what you want but don't cover up or fail to report child abuse, which it has been proved time and time again they do.

They have the two witness rule and now (only just changed) they will report it if required by law, for example I think in the UK you do not need to report by law or at least in a lot of states in The US.

Personally it is an appalling religion, notbthe people but the organisation at the highest levels teaching nonesense, controlling members, shunning, children dying due to refusing blood donations and applauded for doing so.

RobMurphy - Bugger Off
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Great Investigative Reporting
gertrudebgt11 February 2020
It was well done by Trey Bundy on such a difficult and highly emotional subject but he stuck to the facts and had all the evidence to back up every single thing that was said. The survivors were also excellent and very composed despite the struggles they have endured. It's a shame the Watchtower leadership were not brave enough to appear on camera and give their side of the story. Seems like they have no defence.
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kymstrout11 February 2020
Everyone involved in this project of showing what really is going on within this religion did an amazing job showing facts and the truth. I think this week will be marked in history as the moment the cracks became so big, even the governing body can't lie anymore. Trey Bundy- kudos to you and your staff. Amazing
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Well done
tech-2893111 February 2020
A well done and well executed documentary. Reasoned, well researched, and presented in a logical and clear manner. I image there will be a lot of push-back by the cult members, so I applaud the the victims for their bravery and thank the filmmakers for exposing this tragedy.

It is absolutely nauseating to see the pedophiles are being protected by this cult because they feel that they are above the law. I hope this issue continues to come to light and more lawsuits are filed until Jehovah's Witnesses apologize, change their policies and compensate the victims.
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The truth about "The truth"
rjlopez-7581211 February 2020
Within 10 minutes you will know this is not just apostate propaganda. They did their research and have a good understanding of how the organization works and the people coming forward do not have far fetched stories. Going out in field service alone with an older brother, and staying over other couples houses was a common thing. While witnesses will say that this stuff is everywhere and that this doesn't prove this is not Jehovah's organization, what is wrong is how the society handles it.
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Always Skeptical Of These Shows
airandfire12 February 2020
I know many Witnesses will dismiss this review, as well as this show, as apostate lies. And that's really sad. I wish they could let themselves step back and hear what these people are saying. Put themselves in these people's shoes. I believe they call it "fellow feeling". Empathy. I wish they could see these folks simply as fellow humans who are trying to live their lives as best they can. Because, if you listen, you hear the ring of truth in what these people are revealing. This was not easy to view. I only watched because I felt this was something that me, as an ex-Witness who continues to make excuses for his former faith, needed to see. And it was. People need to know what's going on. For the first time, I realized that the policies the Witnesses feel they are Biblically justified in following, are dangerous, not just to the people in their congregations, but to the people they meet in their door to door work. The Witnesses may claim that they do everything they can do to protect children, but that simply isn't the case, as this series proves. It would be nice if they could learn from this honest, open view of the Witness world. Hopefully...some will listen with an honest heart. Because these policies need to change. They cannot be in line with Christ's views on children and we humans in general. If nothing else, this series shows how Pharisaical the Witnesses have become.
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Critical thinker
temcurtis11 February 2020
JWs haven't been taught critical thinking. For instance does stating, "You have the right to report to police" mean that JWs will feel free to do so? JWs repeatedly take statements, whether from the Bible or from worldly authorities, out of context. Put into context they can mean something entirely different.

For instance, in the context of Watchtower doctrine it was shown over and over by the ARC that such comments are misleading when taken out of the context of other JW directives.

Given in the context of Watchtower doctrine, it goes like this, "You have a right to report to police but why would you want to bring reproach on Jehovah?"

Taken in context, is it right to conclude that JWs are free to report to police, when their loyalty to God would be put into question as a result of doing so?

Secondly, as many of us learned the hard way, matters are not always handled the way the org publicly directs and claims. Such cases of mishandling, are not "isolated incidents" as the org claims and as JWs tend to believe.

Why are they not isolated incidents? A critical thinker will ask, "Do the facts support the claims?" When they don't, further investigation is needed rather than claiming "it's just an isolated incident."

What action is taken to ensure that the same mishandling doesn't occur *repeatedly*? A blip in a magazine article that many may not read or take note of and that may soon be forgotten? How effective is a single blip in a magazine against a backdrop of, "You must not bring reproach upon Jehovah!" being drilled into them at every given opportunity?
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Deceptive, woefully inaccurate.
profess_tech11 February 2020
I cringed as I watched this series. The amount of selective quoting, refusal to actually disclose the JW child abuse policy as it is written on their website and letting the audience decide, was deplorable and against the standards of good, honest, journalism.

This series was no doubt designed to manipulate viewers. They smelled blood in the water, and went for it.

And what's even worse was they basically looked for the worse cases of child abuse they could dig up, and used that to characterize the entire religion.

This program is the worse type of anti-religious propaganda... the stuff that incited irrational hysteria and fervor.

I wish I could give this a -10... but a 1 will do...
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themusclecarlives11 February 2020
Excellent job of conveying the dangerous policies of the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses.
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A spotlight on the cult that the JWs are
dogonu-215-96573810 February 2020
Being a former cult of the Jehovah's Witnesses member for over 35 years, I can tell you from experience being a former elder that this is all true. No Nazi party member has ever been more dedicated to a leader than a JW is to the head of the cult in Wallkill NY. I have seen and been part of many coverups over the years. I left after being in the cult for over 35 years and a 4th generation cult member. It is destructive and will destroy you one way or another. I have family members who live on social security alone because they quit their job at General Motors in the 1970s early when the cult said stay alive till 75 and told us to sell homes and put our full time in the preaching work because the end was soon very soon. I still have the Watchtower bound volume from the late 60s that said not to go to college or even worry about school because this system would not last long enough to use any education or in some cases of attorney law degs or doctors degs in medical would we be able to even finish school, it was that close. They lied to their members ever since CT Russell and his adultery and scams like the miracle wheat. Anyone who is even thinking about this cult should do an extensive google search on the cult. It will scare the crap out of you.
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Watchtower's days are surely numbered now?
parksmush11 February 2020
Wow - who would have thought that those nice people that knock your door could be criminals!

This was a fantastic insight into a modern day cult and I'm sure that current JWs will dismiss it as 'apostate lies' or 'greedy lawyers'.

Thanks to Trey Bundy and the team for exposing the evil that the Governing Body are still trying to hide.
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Very well done.
aaronkozmits12 February 2020
Kudos to the Oxygen channel! This is an honest and well done special that hopefully opens people's eyes to this corrupt and vile doomsday cult.
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The truth about "the truth"
fritz91112 February 2020
For those that are witnesses or were once JWs most of what is explained is exactly what has happened to many of us. It is time to look behind closed doors and secret databases and expose the hypocrisy of this organization. Government needs to step in to protect the children still stuck in this cult and also be on the side of those that have been hurt.
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Well done & extremely important.
mikemeltuck12 February 2020
We were very impressed with the work that went into this. The flock may want to turn a blind eye & pretend this would never happen in their organization, but it happens all the time. Wake up people!
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Really Bad/Inaccurate reporting.. 1/10 (Wish I could rate it lower)
JamesP8211 February 2020
I can post many instances of falsehoods in that "documentary", but one stands out as a really unfortunate lie -- that Jws aren't allowed to go to police to report child abuse.

This is easily debunked in older Watchtowers that were given to the public (as the 1991 WT shows) and policy letters given to elders. The May 2019 article shows it, and also the newest, compiled policy in the "Legal Resources" section of JW(dot)org.

Yes the father who knew Lett did report, and wasn't reprimanded. The elders Bundy interviewed said they would report, and apparently had no worries about being "shunned" or losing everything.

This was a libelous "documentary". I wish legal action could be taken against both Bundy and Oxygen.
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Eye opening
naomi-6848911 February 2020
Wow! They say the truth will set you free. It has. I had no idea this organization sympathized with pedophiles and protected them. Sad!
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Facts backed by evidence.
daveromain13 February 2020
As many people know many JWs are friendly people. What they dont know is how the "religion" operates. Even members on the inside dont know some of the hidden ways the organization deals with various matters. Why? Because if they did it would question the very reasons why the chose to be a JW. This series give a very factual and accurate view into just ONE of many damaging aspects of the organization. The manipulation and high control aspects covered over for the love of "Jehovah". Those who give a one star review is a JW with congnarive dissonance. Seriously the facts are layed plain and they dont want to belive it.
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When Satan gets his hands caught in the cookie jar
angelarcousins11 February 2020
He immediately protests. It is clear that each of his followers scream and cry "LIAR" when documentaries like this one become available to the public. I am not a god following person, but I do know the story. I experienced the same story. I was a member from 7 months old until 18 and 11 months old. For two decades now I have been at this fight, trying to get the Governing Body to change their policy. Why? Because childhoods need to be fought for. I do not wish for another child to go through what I and many others went through. Abuse can never be stopped, however the way the Governing body handled it, is what I want to see changing.

Hold your hands up, admit your mistake, do the christian thing and apologise to all of us survivors and change your policy to, 'Elders should phone the police when an allegation of child abuse is heard' I can't make it anymore straightforward than that.

This documentary, like the several before this one, is 100% factual. The insular way this organisation operates is the first time however that it has really been reported. WT has members convinced, that this out here is Satan's world. That includes the police, the media, everyone even you reading this who have not ever been a JW are part of Satan's world according to them. Even if you are a practising christian of another organisation or religion. They believe that only they are right, that only their clique is the one true clean organisation driven by god. It does not look very clean from my experience and from where I am sitting. It's rotten on the inside and it goes right to the top. I give one name. Pat Garza and her alleged abuser Ted Jaracz. He died before she could get justice. How deep the cover up goes does not become apparent until you research that.

Governments need to be looking into this organisation now and stopping them from carrying on in such a manner. I hear the JW's screaming they did not cover it up. To be silent is to consent and seeing as a child cannot consent, the adults involved are complicit in the act because they knew about it and did not phone the police. It smacks of a cover up to me. Time to change for the greater good.

#SaySorry Change your policy.
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Brilliant and truthful
reneepickles11 February 2020
The only people who will downvote this are those still mentally trapped in the Jehovah's Witness religion.

This documentary was even handed, looked at the serious issue of hidden child sex abuse within Jehovah's Witnesses and used reliable sources for evidence of this problem being a real pandemic in the organisation.
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The Truth
susansinks12 February 2020
Accurate, factual information. Current JWs will dismiss this as containing lies, as they are conditioned to do. But for those of us who lived this life, we know it is the truth. JWs claim to care about the safety of children and give the appearance of supporting members who go to the police with allegations of child abuse; however, a closer look at their most recent written statement on this indicates that the elders contact the police when REQUIRED to. The instructions sent to elders say that they should contact JW headquarters first-not the police. And the organization is in court fighting for the right to NOT report to authorities.
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A Public Service
julieann-0957411 February 2020
Trey Bundy sticks to the facts to present an alarming case of Pedophilia cover up in the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization. The documentary will interest not only the injured former members but the public will be shocked to find out who's knocking on their door. This is an important presentation in fight to expose and hold accountable all those that aid and hide the evil that exists in the congregations.
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I wish I could give this a -10 rating
robmurphey11 February 2020
This series, like most material produced about JWs, relies on half truths to avoid being sued for libel and slander.

This was evident, especially in the Chessa Manion piece. Her father, reported the matter to police, and decided not to press charges. The father wrote Stephen Lett, who wrote back saying he agreed with how he handled it (calling the police). They claim people get shunning for calling the police. Her father was never shunned and he admitted to calling police.

Lie found and bypassed.

This is the BIGGEST lie Bundy told. He claims, very early, that JW aren't supposed to go to police. Really. Here is a quote from the Nov 1 1991 Watchtower:

" When our person or property is violated, there are authorities to turn to. You may wish to call the police.."

There it is. You can call the police. This magazine was studied by JWs worldwide.

Lie found and bypassed.

I can take the nest few hours, pointing out the lies in this program. But what I posted now should cause readers to question what they were being spoonfed.

Do your research. They don't want you to think. They want you angry, irrational, hating jws for no reason.
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Accurate representation of what is going on in this cult
evgeniy_grakhantsev11 February 2020
The programme is accurately representing what is going on in this cult in terms of child sexual abuse. It exposes the cult practices and mindset, especially the absolute, senseless and dangerous obedience to the cult leaders.

Absolutely recommended to anyone interested in Jehovah's Witnesses, especially to parents with children.
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They did an excellent job of showing the real dangers of this religion
wainey-3635511 February 2020
I was born into being a Jehovah's witness and was in for 33 years. I have PTSD from the trauma I was put through in this religion, sexually abused, my elder father is still currently covering for the brother that was sexually abusing us. This needs to stop, we won't be quiet until something is done to protect these children from going through what we did
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Excellent Documentary
lestersomrah11 February 2020
Trey Bundy displayed great objectiveness and emotional in really highlighting such a delicate issue. What an accurate portrayal of what exactly occurs behind the closed doors of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Certainly an eye-opener for the average non-Jehovah's Witnesses and by all means avoided like the Black Plague by almost every active Jehovah's Witnesses, who would rather watch every episode Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - than a 2 series about the same criminal activity, except that one strikes in an untouchable place.
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