Alien Gods (Video 2019) Poster

(2019 Video)

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Not Aweful, but not completely enjoyable either.
wbsimsjr-3240520 October 2020
Went into watching it with a open mind; about quality, not subject matter that is, it does appear to be decent. Though, the narrators monotone voice may induce snooziness. I can't honestly believe the estimated 1 million to make this thing. It is simply stock photos and 20th Century CGI. I did appreciate the effort given in correlating historical stories and their similarities between all the 'ancient' religions, but I disconnect when "King James" comes into the picture. How can one do serious historical research on material that has been butchered by English Aristocracy, rogue Popes, and based on a compilation of acceptable material by a Church brought into existence by Rome.....? Once in awhile it comes off the rail as you're watching and it goes into, what I can only call 'screen saver mode' displaying "Alien Gods" for what seems like forever. By the halfway point it was time for a snack, and as we sat down to resume everyone agreed it had explained itself enough and I turned it off.. Honestly I'd rather spend the time watching "Battlestar Galactica" or "Ancient Aliens", for a dose of the alien origin theory..
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What a sad, sorry mess of a film...
pdcrowe28 August 2022
I haven't posted a review here before, but this was so bad that I had to let people know. Seldom have I watched a documentary where I have come away actually knowing less that I did before. Where do I begin? Let's starts with the basics. The writing of this was so bad that it would have to be promoted several ranks to reach merely poor. I'm struggling to see who the target audience was here, maybe impressionable ten year olds? If you are trying to tell a story, you typically start with a beginning a middle and ending. This narrative jumped around all over the place never setting down for a second. I got the impression that they were trying to give us the old "Razzle Dazzle" and hoping we couldn't see because we had sequins in our eyes. What the writer succeeded in doing was mixing a smattering of facts with a huge helping of fiction. I've read that some UFO contactees have dictated reams of information 'inspired' by their encounter. This seems very much like the output from such a session but filmed as is without any editing. From a graphical perspective it was a mixed bag. Some of the GCI was sophisticated, but most of it was crude and looked like it had been created on an exceptionally low budget. This entire program was an almost textbook example of confirmation bias. Start with a premise then shoe horn all the evidence to fit that premise, ignoring everything else. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hard headed rationalist. There is something very wrong with our recorded history, especially before the Younger Dryas and the floods that followed. Slowly and surely, we will find more evidence of this in the coming decades. Likewise, I'm reasonably sure that there was and still is some interaction with humanity and non-human entities, call then elementals if you like. But this outpouring of snake like aliens producing hybrid giants is just pure liquid twaddle. For those with an enquiring mind, please walk away from this and instead read John A. Keel, Jacques Vallee and Graham Hancock. Then come back and view this again.
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Propaganda for Snake Worship
mariuchka6 February 2022
This is all that I got from this. Propaganda for snake worship; he's saying that human beings all were created by reptile god beings or snake gods (reptilian). Ancient Aliens has much more information and is more fun to watch than this. This is just downright creepy with all the snakes and the single minded narrow mind of the narrator. He has a very vivid imagination who's ancient artifacts; many of the things in the beginning made a little sense but once he got into the reptilians he stayed with it and dhut his mind to other optins. I think he's just rooting for the snake people. I could do nothing but chuckle at this. Very poorly put together by the guy who's convinced that we come from snakes or a reptiles. Perhaps some do but I think there's many other beings that created the human race not just one. Just ask the Peiladians. :D kidding :)
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Scraped off the sole of a loafer after a brief walk in the dogpark
papelindholm27 August 2022
Stories, fantasies, hearsay, more fantasies, fiction, even more fantasies...

When certain individuals.decide their next project in life is to concoct a psychosis induced tale based either on willful ignorance or flat out dishonesty, with the conspicuous goal to convince gullible simpletons they should use what little cognitive resources they have left speculating over even more utter nonsense than what their thought process has managed to produce previously, I fail to see any legitimate reason as to why they shouldn't be mocked fervently whenever and wherever they air their fabrication and by any means necessary prevent them from using up space that by right should be provided properly informative material instead.
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Poor attempt at important information
rlewisgarnett23 February 2022
Read Zecharia Sitchen and watch Ancient Aliens instead of this tripe. Fails miserably at world view, too focused on Judeo-Christian view. Teases toward important, then falls to pedestrian. The narrator doesn't even pronounce the terms correctly, such as Nefilim and Sumer. I suffered through twenty minutes before turning it off.
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Less Alien Gods, More Alien Snakes
By-TorX-19 May 2024
Alien Gods starts off with an interview with an individual who, having engaged in festivities on the day of the prophesied day of doom in 2012, became enamoured with Aztec culture, especially their myriad of gods, the depictions of which seem to suggest to the lad an extraterrestrial origin. This, then, suggests that ancient butlers mixed with aliens who they decreed to be gods. So, so far, so Ancient Aliens, but from there no other commentators appear, and in their stead is a never-ending almost stream-of-consciousness narration over equally never-ending random images and CGI (often of a rudimentary quality) with never-ending music that links biblical tales and countless various ancient mythologies and cultures to alien antics, with an obsessively recurring focus on snakes and snake folk from outer space. Indeed, there is a fixation on snakes and how snake terms influenced place names and sundry other things (like galaxy spirals and religious artefacts), but wouldn't an obvious answer here be that ancient people were in thrall to snakes rather than aliens, which seems a logical conclusion? But no, it is all about the 'serpent deities,' which the show categorically commands can be the only conclusion to be reached and accepted. At one point, somewhat eccentrically, the voiceover intones over the words Alien Gods filling the screen in different fonts and colours amidst a variety of flashing background graphics, which has nothing to do with what is being intoned and so is very odd. So, while Giorgio A. Tsoukalos' dubious claims try my patience, I would happily indulge in a non-stop 24-hour Ancient Aliens marathon than endure the bewildering Alien Gods again.
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