Hi Bye, Mama! (TV Series 2020) Poster


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Made me feel emotions I didn't know I had.
gFroleen25 May 2020
I'll start off this by saying that I'm not one to cry while watching movies or tv shows, and I if I do, it's mostly just a little bit of tearing up. "Hi Bye, Mama!" had me crying my eyes out, tears streaming down my cheeks at least once an episode.

"Hi Bye, Mama!" revolves around a pregnant woman that died in an accident and her loved ones, and how she's spent the last five years as a ghost looking on. Watching her daughter that she never got to hold grow up, her husband deal with mind numbing grief and eventually remarry. Until one night when she suddenly comes back alive.

I think what made this show so impactful for me was the acting. Despite having barely understanding of Korean, the raw and powerful emotions that the cast performed was what stood out and by not knowing the language the emotions portrayed was the main focus point for me, instead of what was being said.

The show also had it's more light-hearted moments with happiness, laughter, and people finding solace, but for me what made this show stand out was the great portrayals of loss and coping, and the helplessness that comes with it. Some of the side stories sometimes felt a bit rushed and that they could've done more with it, since I did feel at times towards the end that the show was slowing down a bit. Finally it had a fitting, well-written ending that gave closure for the audience and the characters themselves.

Overall this is one of my favorite tv shows I've ever seen, and I say that despite not really being an avid k-drama viewer. I'm writing this review 24h after I finished the show and I'm still a bit shook of the impact it had on me and the fact that some of the scenes still make me tear up as I think back on them.

"Hi Bye, Mama!" is strewn with beautifully profound messages of family, friendship and love and I'd recommend everyone to watch it, just make sure you have a box of tissues at the ready. This show I will for sure keep close to my heart for a long time.
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dhjnjbvpd20 February 2022
I'm going to make this short but this show really traumatised me . Every single episode I cried . It really showed that not everyone gets a happy ending . Whenever I hear about it or see certain clips about this show , I literally feel soo hurt . It's nice to watch but if you like happy/ light funny shows then this is not the one to watch.
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Could have been a lot better
Patel_KH27 April 2020
This drama had all the ingredients of a great show. However writing wasn't good enough and the script was especially disappointing towards the end. It is still a worthy watch for anyone who is interested in a drama about family and importance of daily life (living everyday to the fullest and without regrets). Beware: if you decide to watch this, keep a box of tissues with you.

Things I liked:
  • Kim Tae-hee's work as Cha Yu-ri (wow, she nails this role. Hats off to her. Single reason to watch this show)
  • Beautiful cinematography

Things I didn't like:
  • Heartbreaking ending (one could think of multiple ways to end this better than how they did. Also the reason provided for this end isn't compelling or convincing enough - you will know what I mean once you reach the end)
  • Quite a few scenes were repeated across two episodes
  • Some filler moments were quite silly

  • The main background score (the one that comes on when Yuri come back to life - this shot is lovely too) is fantastic
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The spirit of gratitude even in death
emmetee22 March 2020
I wasn't sure what to expect when I started watching this show but I'm glad I found it on Netflix! I'm new to Korean Dramas and this series has been a nice break from some of the other Kdramas I just started watching where there's someone emotionally, physically, or verbally abusing someone. In this drama it has elements of a decent and realistic view of life after losing something special.

I laughed, cried, and felt a renewed sense of gratitude for life & death. I will be sad (ironically) when this series ends.
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This show broke me
sepidehzekavat29 August 2020
I like to watch a lot of tv shows from different countries & out of all of them, this one was different. Every single episode made me cry, a lot of the time til I got a headache I had cried that much. It isn't your typical romantic kdrama, it isn't overly 'mythical' or whatever either. The characters were cast so well, every emotion seems so genuine & the writers/production team did a wonderful job. It teaches you to really focus on today instead of worrying about tomorrow. Would highly recommend.
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So raw.
tonyaascura28 January 2022
There are reviews that state the story drags. Maybe to some. But honestly, to me, it gave me time to appreciate the story in its entirety, get to know the characters and gave me different perspectives of life & death. The acting was phenomenal & really made me believe that they were actually experiencing this. I cried like a baby throughout the series. I love it. Looking forward to more projects from everyone.
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No other series or movie made feel this way
steli-os23 August 2020
While not perfect in every aspect, it made me feel like no other series or movie ever made me feel. I couldn't sleep the night I watched the last episode. It made me think things differenetly. I'm actually in shock while writing this review, many hours later...

The funny thing is, I avoid watching this type of dramas. I thought it's a comedy because of the trailer I watched on Netflix. It's actually the opposite.

My main critisism is the length of the series. It could/should have ended in 10 episodes. That's the main reason I give only 8 stars. The acting is great and Kim Tae-hee is amazing.

Worth watching, but be prepared to cry...a lot

Edit: They shouldn't make a second season. It ended perfectly.
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Emotional and Sentimental
trangnguuyeen17 May 2020
If you want to cry, then this the the drama for you. I'm only on episode one and I have cried 3 times already. When the main character's mother cried, I did too. I was reminded of my mom and how close we are. It's not too heavy but the impact gets me thinking about how precious life is. Really really good so far. So good that I had to pause to give it a review.
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Sentimental and sad
deanadeva3 May 2020
There has been quite a number of Korean drama with the return of a ghost among the living. And In that lines, this isn't anything very different. The actors did a good job trying very hard to balance such a serious plot with humor wherever it works. It was just too sad a story and not for the weak of heart or people who cannot stand a lot of tears. But the selling point of this drama is the take away from each episode. There was a life lesson they tried to send with each episode and I think that does make a difference.
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Made me feel emotions I didn't know I had.
meydiana-652426 February 2021
I'll start off this by saying that I'm not one to cry while watching movies or tv shows, and I if I do, it's mostly just a little bit of tearing up. "Hi Bye, Mama!" had me crying my eyes out, tears streaming down my cheeks at least once an episode.

"Hi Bye, Mama!" revolves around a pregnant woman that died in an accident and her loved ones, and how she's spent the last five years as a ghost looking on. Watching her daughter that she never got to hold grow up, her husband deal with mind numbing grief and eventually remarry. Until one night when she suddenly comes back alive.

I think what made this show so impactful for me was the acting. Despite having barely understanding of Korean, the raw and powerful emotions that the cast performed was what stood out and by not knowing the language the emotions portrayed was the main focus point for me, instead of what was being said.

The show also had it's more light-hearted moments with happiness, laughter, and people finding solace, but for me what made this show stand out was the great portrayals of loss and coping, and the helplessness that comes with it. Some of the side stories sometimes felt a bit rushed and that they could've done more with it, since I did feel at times towards the end that the show was slowing down a bit. Finally it had a fitting, well-written ending that gave closure for the audience and the characters themselves.

Overall this is one of my favorite tv shows I've ever seen, and I say that despite not really being an avid k-drama viewer. I'm writing this review 24h after I finished the show and I'm still a bit shook of the impact it had on me and the fact that some of the scenes still make me tear up as I think back on them.

"Hi Bye, Mama!" is strewn with beautifully profound messages of family, friendship and love and I'd recommend everyone to watch it, just make sure you have a box of tissues at the ready. This show I will for sure keep close to my heart for a long time.
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Lengthy, Boring
sowmya-geet29 April 2020
Started watching this show with high expectations.. but disappointed.. not really worth watching 16 episodes. Show is dragged a lot. Unnecessary stories in the middle. Over all 'it could have been better'.
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Just awesome
saul-8332821 March 2020
I am addicted to it! The cast is amazing the plot too The drama gets you more than a heart attack Loveeeeeee it
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Good Enough
PennyReviews22 April 2020
" Hi, Bye Mama! " was a tearjerker through and through. The story starts with a heavy note, though the main character is trying to lighten the mood a little. Still, the premises, the main story, and the whole concept is sad and you can't help but, eventually, get emotional one way or another, as the drama keeps throwing one blow after another. However, after a while, it was tiring to watch the leading lady cry constantly in every scene. Not that she wasn't amazing and nailed every one of these scenes, but it was a bit too much to watch in a row.

Another thing that the drama did right was the ending. Towards the middle, it was a bit overwhelming to imagine the inevitable, but the writers concluded everything beautifully, and gave closure not only to the characters, but the audience as well. Unfortunately, in retrospect, the drama overexploited the main story and, in the end, it felt like nothing really happened, just the main plot and nothing else. Still, the drama was entertaining till the very end. For a side note, it would have been nice if they have shown how the main couple patched things up. Finally, the performances were great from everyone in the cast.

So, overall, seven out of ten.
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After 16 LONG Episodes, This Show Just Left Me Feeling MISERABLE!
tesswysko21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
16 Episodes, 16 that could have been cut down to a potential 10 Episodes! I've never seen a show before that re-election SO MANY scenes, and rehashed the same thing so repeatedly! That gives the show the feel of wading through mud, and honestly I fast-forwarded through a LOT of it! That's the first problem, but as big as it is, sadly it's the least! The WORST issue is the storyline! It starts off light hearted,even comedic at times,then about five episodes in,everything goes off the rails! It gets super heavy,sad, deep, and they start throwing things into the storyline that don't end up resulting in anything, making any common sense,and characters that were important then just up and disappear! For instance,the Shaman tells her if she wants to stay alive, she needs to take back her place in life - daughter, husband. How does she know that? Then all of a sudden, she tells her if she does that,then her daughter will see ghosts for life, and this exorcist with his boom boom stick is going to take her and train her as a Shaman -what's so bad about Shamen? But then the Exorcist just disappears out of the picture,never to be seen again! So what's to say it would happen? The daughter quit seeing ghosts.... So much like that made no sense, and it made the whole thing that much more depressing! So if you're looking for a light hearted ghost K-Drama, THIS ISN'T IT!
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The day I was forgotten
alaningle731 March 2020
The clever story line and superb acting provided us with an excellent first series. A woman dies in the process of protecting her unborn daughter. As a ghost for 5 years she sees how her loved ones over time deal with it in their own ways. Then the deities make her human again and she has a limited time to resolve the problems her haunting caused. There are also side stories of other ghosts and shamens which all make you think about what we leave behind when we are gone.
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I watched it because of good reviews, not your average drama
Hellooo123432127 April 2020
It's good, in the beginning it was fun to watch but it gets more serious and serious and heavy. If you are seeking for some lighter k-drama during Corona/COVID-19 times try something else;
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hi bye mama!
rubyrosebdumlao30 March 2020
I love watching Korean movies and Hi Bye Mama is one of them. My mom showed me this new series. This is funny but ultimately touching. 100 percent good story. It has few episodes but it made me cry. Today is the finale episode. Once we are done with this coronavirus, I will rush to watch Hi Bye Mama with every new episode. I wish filming Hi Bye Mama will go a long way! :) - Grant
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Really loved
alesmax12 April 2021
Very emotional and the feelings that touch your heart!
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One of my favorites
jryiphnwy4 June 2021
This korean drama made me laugh, cry and gave me all sorts of emotions. It's something that I wouldn't mind watching again and no doubt i'd still enjoy it. Great acting and great cast too!
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Nice to watch for killing time
mayaagustini6 April 2020
Back and forth scene a bit confusing and I thing its too much, but good things is story line was not bad.
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Highly recommended great series!!
butterflylarita17 July 2020
I just had to write a review on this series right now! This is one of the BEST ACTING , AND EMOTIONAL, FUNNY SERIES TO DATE, that I have watched! It will have you crying, and laughing out loud! The ghost theme is what made me want to watch it, so cute! The actors are just amazing!!!!! They can be so emotional in their roles, it doesn't even seem like they are acting their parts! Its like they really are living the story! I am telling all my family and friends about this series, because it is so enjoyable! I don't even mind that I have to read the subtitles, its that good! There is so many great things to watch in other ethnic culture entertainment, thanks to Netflix, and other outlets! I truly enjoy them! The writer who is making this is really wonderful in keeping you hanging on from one episode to the next!! I do hope that it will get a ton of reviews, and will give us many seasons! I'm only on the 4th episode, and I'm hooked! What a great entertain, during all of this pandemic days! Please, please, I dare you, just watch the first episode! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!
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So much emotions
bublynanda11 July 2020
This is such a heartfelt drama. So much emotions.

The best thing about this drama is the stepmom did not turn out to be evil unlike most fairytales. Afterall stepmoms are moms as well. It shows the pure love and sacrifice of mothers. The genuine friendship between women who are mothers as well.

I particularly liked this show because of the friendship between yu ri, min Jeong and hyeon Jeong. Even though circumstances were tough for all of them, they could understand each other's pain and support each other instead of tear themselves down (most shows show that women can't support each other when they want the same thing)

I wish the baby had more screen time. She was too cute to have so less lines.

This story is a bit slow for me. But it has the perfect amount of emotions. Those who like emotional, genuine stories should definitely give this a chance.
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Deserve 10 stars for me
lozaboshbosh2 May 2020
First it's really interesting with new idea not like all the other korean dramas Second the actors really fits to their roles Third heart catching. There is jot even 1 episode i couldn't cry it made my heart melt Fourth i liked the ending so much it is realistic although it never happen but i like it Fifth the story gives us all the chance to think about how precious our lives and how people surrounding us specially family and close friends are special and loving and care about us It gives really good messages inorder not to regret about what happened in life Really thanks so much
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Heart warming and well executed
maddyleon815 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is only my 2nd Korean Drama so I was curious how it would be executed. First up technically the visuals and acting is top notch. I could really relate to the characters and some of the emotional scenes and dialogues will stay with me for a while. This isn't just about a mother who has come back from the dead but the entire gamut of relationships that she is part of that have been revived and their impact is seen in the drama. There are other part stories as well which make you think about how you would approach life if you had a second chance! Kim Tae-hee is obviously the main star here but the entire ensemble cast acted really well and you will remember them well. My only criticism is that the story really slowed down after the half way mark and felt rushed up in the final episode and there were may be a bit too many flashbacks in some episodes I
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Had some charm but wow did it drag
reevegutsell24 October 2020
The two best things about this series are a) it contains the cutest little kid you've ever seen and b) it doesn't contain the stereotypical plotline of two women fighting over a man - how refreshing! But wow - the endless crying, dramatic scenes rerun over and over, and an inordinately slow-moving plot had me nearly bailing on this show many times. I'm on Episode 13 and honestly am not sure I can stick it out to the end. I have never seen so much weeping in my life. I really think this entire show could have been compressed into a two-hour movie, and would have been the better for it. The female lead character is kind of engaging (although she spends way too much time crying, lying, and looking guilty) but the male lead character is entirely lacking in appeal - he ignores his wife and daughter, is bad at his job, and is mean to his friends and colleagues. Giving grief and depression their due, it's still not clear why anyone would actually want to hang out with him - including the viewers. It probably goes without saying, but this show could really have benefited from some more humor - as another reviewer wrote, watching it feels a lot like slogging through mud. The husband's best friend does provide a bit or comic relief, though the ghosts that are supposed to be funny are more annoying than anything, in my opinion. Some more engaging side plots would have helped too. If I can find a plot summary somewhere I will probably just skip watching the rest of the episodes and move on to something more lighthearted and entertaining.
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