TheQuartering (TV Series 2017– ) Poster

(2017– )

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The quartering. 25% of the fun you think it will be
blades_n_stone17 February 2022
If you are looking for the pop culture equivalent of a late night phone sex ad on cable look no further then the quartering. Wait. I'm sorry. That's an insult to phone sex as they at least use a script. The quartering started as a pop culture news an rumor/ opinion work. But has since fallen into unscripted, pointless and rambling narration of personal grievances, opinions, politics and conjecture. As pleasing the to ear as Explosive diarrhea in a public rest room while someone tries to play Beethoven with their fingernails on a chalkboard. The quartering is mercifully short winded. As he works on a content mill schedule for ad revenue relying solely on poorly fleshed out controversy to drive clicks. Filter out the stammering nonsense though and you find he simply has nothing to say. Often poorly repeating the work of better youtubers or reading from reddit.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this hate filled, political, nonsensical and pointless work of pop culture copy and paste. If you want actual film and comic news you will only find it here if others said it first days ago.
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It's just unwatchable..
ollzxbox1 June 2023
Pop culture podcasts and political pundits are truly a dime a dozen, however most of these shows are at least somewhat worth that dime. TheQuartering is not. Even going in blind, with no bias or prior knowledge, this show is just not worth watching.

The videos are unbelievably formulaic, and without any real soul or creativity put into them, presumably because there are around three new episodes a day. Non-existent fact checking and editing mistakes are common, and the topics of discussion are so repetitive in nature that almost every single video simply blends together with every other video.

The host himself, Jeremy Hambly, is just not a likable personality. I don't say this to be insulting, this man is just genuinely not an enjoyable person to listen to, and his on-camera personality isn't particularly endearing either.

All of this is made all the more worse by Hambly's lethargic, sluggish delivery, a transparent attempt at dragging out the length of what would otherwise be incredibly short videos so that every episode can fit in just a few more ads.

Where ever your politics lie, and what ever interest you have in geek culture, there are so many better choices than TheQuartering. In a world full of gourmet food, TheQuartering is like a half-thawed TV-dinner.
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So people still watch this?!.....
leehodge1322 September 2022
If your a white middle aged misogynist incel who likes his media completely free from diversity and will cry and cry if any is introduced anywhere, especially in reboots of franchises cashing in on nostalgia-berry projects coming soon to a streaming service on a smart TV near you. Marvel releases 12 movies with male superhero's = no problem, how about a female one? Absolutely out of the question in any shape or form!! How can a lady be a protagonist in a blockbuster movie?! If I had pearls I'd be clutching them so hard right now!!

Oh, Black Panther is black then is he, and always has been! Well so what Marvel your still being called WOKE! For casting a black actor!! If you like this kind of thing, the Quartering is your man!! Right up your street!
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Not even good as background noise
elburroliberty31 May 2023
Virtually zero entertainment value. Ignoring the clear political bias found in pretty much every video, the show's host, Jeremy has the charisma of a half-thawed frozen fish.

Even as background noise, it doesn't measure up, as the host's slow, meandering way of speaking is both a blatant attempt at reaching the 10-minute mark, and a genuine affront to the ears of any even remotely discerning listener.

I recommend just about any other political/media/news channel. In a genre that is so oversaturated with middle of the road content, at least pick channels that stand out in a GOOD way, not whatever this is.
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This Baller
zanealan-150232 October 2020
A man who has a laid back channel and says it how it is. He covers great and spicy content, that the mainstream wont touch. Disregard the haters who manage to climb out their mothers basement, to give a YOUTUBER one star.
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....what the heck was I thinking?
Natenbox626 October 2020
Current: To anyone who think that I came off as rather "red-pill" in any way from the older review.... I'm very sorry. After much realization over the years (especially when looking through Twitter), I do think that he is basically one of the dozens of these obnoxiously repetitive, boring, and overtly political "nerd" channels that are everywhere on YT.

I know that he is a self-proclaimed troll, but man is he super predictable (and honestly rather pathetic). There are better nerd-related channels that are worth checking out instead.

Original review (previous 4/10): While he does make some pretty decent points from time to time and makes some videos that can be quite entertaining and enticing, the other videos he makes tend to be rather repetitive and boring to sit through after a while. Not downright awful, just rather mediocre fare that is to be expected from these types of channels.

While his charisma isn't great, he does have a decent enough presence to make his content watchable (which is more than I can say about MundaneMatt and Jeremy Griggs). Though not my cup of tea, I can see why people likes his content.
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Probably you're cup of tea, if you think for yourself
john-marc-stanley25 March 2021
YouTube channel series that has a lot of focus on hypocrisy and pointing out immorality in online communities and Hollywood. A normal everyday basement beard, regular dude with pretty milquetoast takes bringing aggregated new article reports together with honest commentary.
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Fantastic reviews from a man under regular attack
michaeldwillis-2491625 March 2021
Jeremy is awesome! The Quartering is a great channel. He is nearly invariably correct, his reviews or views are nearly always spot on. He is under regular attack by those who hate anything that isn't Progressive, Socialist, or VIOLENTLY Feminist. If you support Leftist Progressive Feminist Totalitarianism, you will hate Jeremy. If you actually are a rational, thinking human being that puts logic before ideology, rational thought before brain washing, then you will LOVE him and his channel!
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Love a bit of Jeremy...
darren-7107325 March 2021
Covers lots of hypocrisy (and let's face it - there's a lot of it about) and ridiculousness in modern society. Calm delivery mostly, very watchable.
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Laid back honesty
clarks585 December 2022
If you like to know the truth,this is one of the shows to watch. Daily call out of the wacko wokest people. He highlights the absurd goings on in the world today and shows us how insane things are becoming. Teachers on tic tok admitting their agendas to sexualize young children and how they revel in young children calling them Zey,them and they,so the teacher feels whole. He calls out politicians for their lies and deceit. And every once,rarely he may get something wrong. But you know he'll immediately correct himself and apologize. Something the media never does,even after being proven wrong over and over. You may not agree with everything he says,but at least you know your getting the truth and where he stands. There are a number of good people like him on YouTube these days and feels good knowing the elitist media crowd is in their death throes because of people like Jeremy that don't feel like their better than the peasants.

You know he's doing something right when the leftists are calling the cops and having swat teams show up at his house fully armed and in armor because they be told the police,he's killed his wife and is ready to kill police. His editors and animation people are great and have great intros. Give it a try if you prefer reality and normal people.
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Jeremy is as fair and unbiased as humanly possible.
ericjoubertjr26 March 2021
The Quartering is a great YouTube channel, that provides fair and unbiased commentary on all things popular culture. It is in my humble opinion that the absolute transparency and honest approach that Jeremy brings is refreshing with the way that today's culture is transforming the commentary space.
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Free speech serve mild & I love it.
joel_zw1 February 2024
Jeremy is the unassuming, self-deprecating host of a gaming review channel that has transformed into a free-speech voice for common-sense Patriots. He reads mainstream articles to expose their lies and hypocrisy while giving his detractors in the media the benefit of the doubt, which only magnifies his appeal. If Tim Pool is Alex Jones, TheQuartering is Tim Pool. I'm watching him now on Alex Jones & it's clear TheQuartering is 100% pro-America without the BS. He even spruiks his delicious products unashamedly, like AJ. TheQuartering is winning the information war & I'm here for it. Let's beat the Deep State in their own game. 10/10.
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Jeremy Is Honest And Points Out Hypocrisy
zaynmaliksgirlbecca2 April 2021
I have been subscribed to him for about a year and immediately started loving Jeremy. One of the best YouTubers. He deserves all of the love and support in the world. I have probably watched him more than any other YouTuber. I love the memes he puts in his videos they're funny and truthful. We need more wholesome truthful YouTubers like him in the world. Not only he's truthful he's such a good guy. He helps other YouTubers when they're in need.
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Daily Visit
hogandj-2138213 April 2023
I visit Jeremy's YouTube channel on a daily basis. Rarely is he covering something not important to the current conversation and his take is frequently hated by the abusive left extremists which makes me want to watch more. He has refreshing takes and he is non judgemental of people's personal choices. But he also uses his common sense. He is especially on top and tracking current social media trends. You may not have the time to track down certain facts and that's OK-Jeremy can do it for you. Dump biased Mainstream Media & give Jeremy a listen and you won't regret it. You will be up to speed on current events.
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Ignore the liberals rating the show a 1.
vincentellis-875634 April 2024
Nobody does news like Jeremy. He calls out stupidity on the left(there's a crazy amount of it. Just check out the other reviews for a sample of their insanity) AND the right. Seeing someone unafraid to hold all accountable is refreshing in this world of "be liberal or we will harass you until death" or "be conservative or we will boycott you until death." When he's wrong, he admits it. When he's right, he doesn't boast.

Bottom line, if you have no bias, this is the best place to be. If you are conservative, you'll hate it. If you're liberal, you'll hate it more(as if they can hate anything more than everything else they continue to whine about).
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