"For All Mankind" And Here's to You (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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A solid episode brought down by a terrible scene
James098710 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode starts out strong with Gordo redeeming himself, the "Back in Black" sequence was incredible. The ending scene with the soviets on the moon was fantastic, really well done tension filled scene I can't wait to see where this goes next. But can we stop with the Danny, Karen storyline it's horrible. It's so weird, Danny was a CHILD last season and now they're developing a relationship between them. It knocked the episode down a star for me.
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I love this show but...
gerwinbraun9 April 2021
Some of the sideplots make this episode a 7/10 when it could have been a 10/10.

The main problem in this season and especially in this episode are too many sideplots!

The bad ones: The whole Aleida plot is compleatly irrelevant and just wastes screentime.

The Sojus Apollo project involving Margo and Sergej is boring imo and disturbs the pacing. It just feels like the writers dont know what to do with this plot while all the other stuff between UdSSR and USA happens on earth and moon.

Molly Cobb having health problems after her return is an example of how to keep a character in a show even when there is no more purpase for the character. Just cut it out, it makes absolutely no difference.

I dont want to sound mean but i dont give a dead dog on Kelly Baldwin searching for her real Parents.

The better ones: The love plot with Danny and Karen is a bit ridiculus but at least funny and has the potential for great conflict involving the actual main character Edward Baldwin!

I really like the character of Ellen Wilson becoming the female lead of the show. Her character is someone i can empathize with her even tho i am a man. That is very rare for me with femal characters so i guess the actress is doing a good job.

Gordo trying to win his wife back on the moon and overcoming his trauma is a nice development for a main character i empathise with.

The main Plot: The escalating conflict on Earth and on the Moon between the two Superpowers is exciting and thrilling. Thats the reason i watch this Show!

The last scene of the episode is one of the best scenes in the show!

To sum it up i think they should refocus more on the main storyline of the conflict between the UdSSR and USA. Furthermore they should limit the sideplots on the lead characters actually impacting the main storyline, which are imo: Gordo, Edward, Ellen, Tracy and maybe Danielle.

Let side characters be side characters!

Edit: maybe bring von Braun back for 1 or 2 episodes.
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Another terrific episode with phenomenal acting
terrylarosa10 April 2021
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I don't think I've been this invested in characters since GOT. The acting and drama are top notch. What an ending that can only end in an almost assured way. One reviewer stated there are too many subplots. Yeah......no that keeps the show well paced with the multitude of subplots. The only drawbacks was Ed wife's affair with a puny boy. At least pick a man if you're going to cheat. Also nice to see Gordo back on the moon. Exceptional entertainment.
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Amazing Episode !
Tv-Addict19919 April 2021
Wow, That Was an Amazing Episode, espacially the Ending !

Great Show.
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from the heart
moviesfilmsreviewsinc12 August 2022
For All Mankind Season 2 Episode 8, "And Here's To You," telegraphs its absolute worst moment the minute you see the episode title, but that somehow doesn't manage to lessen the truly disturbing scene in which Karen Baldwin makes a deliberate choice to sleep with Danny, who is not only half her age but was once a child she saw in diapers. Thankfully, the show also has Karen realize what a huge mistake she made fairly immediately - as soon as Danny starts talking about being in love and finding a place together, but it doesn't make it all any less horrifying. Karen has always been a difficult character to really know or like, but this is...whew. It's not clear what's going on with her story at the moment, but I feel confident in saying that she deserves better. Elsewhere, Gordo finally makes it back to space, ten years after his Jamestown mission and the breakdown that grounded him for a decade and derailed Dani's career. It's a surprisingly moving moment, and I say that as someone who's hasn't really enjoyed Gordo much this season. Yet, it's all great, from the (perfect) use of AC/DC's "Back and Black" as Gordo reenters Jamestown to the way he can't seem to stop comparing the new, more expansive base to the one he remembered. Even his reunion with Tracy is surprisingly awesome. Their relationship has generally been the definition of messy over the course of this series, but their conversation over a hidden joint in what is essentially a space station closet is a reminder of the ways they're good together. Granted, I don't know if that's the same thing as hoping they get back together - but suddenly I'm not as averse to it as I once was. The end of the hour finally kicks off the international incident that For All Mankind has basically been promising all season, as the Americans gun down two Russian cosmonauts who approach the mining camp. Maybe this a pollyannaish viewpoint, but watching two countries fight over who gets to strip mine resources from the lunar surface isn't how I like to think of mankind journeying to the stars, even if it's probably a likely eventuality, if that makes sense?
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dodgercodger10 April 2021
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Perhaps I missed it -- but was there a translation of the Russian card at the end? Does it explain why they were there?
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6 and a half star . I have been thinking about it a lot
stiansmerud19 April 2021
This episode have bothered me. It had a stupid soap opera subplot that just ruined a lot for me and when I come to think about it, the end scene of the episode and episode before it. Because the last moment/scene of this episode was great, but felt rushed. If they had dropped the subplot and maybe some more and paid more attention to the moon plot the last scene would not have been so rushed. They could have built up the end scene a lot more, because it feel so unnatural that trained personell would act like they do so quickly.

If it's still not set, drop the soap opera bits. Please, for the love of all mankind!
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Ewwwww 😫
leh028722 May 2021
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Danny and Karen? Bleh. Ew. And super out of character for Karen! I could see Danny trying to kiss her and Karen saying no and being kind about it. Making out with him and then having sex with her son's best friend and her best friend's son? No. Just no.
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Come on writers....
allen_pagent11 April 2021
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Seriously, Karen Baldwin doinking Danny Stevens? The son of her husband's best friend? Totally out of character for her. Overall this season hasn't measured up to the first season.
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By far, the worst episode of the series from a story perspective.
charlieedmond15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that the "marines" discharged their weapons without clearly identifying a threat during a "Cold War" is illogical. Season 2 was going really well up until this point, yes it's completely fictional and things don't have to make sense but holy hell, the lazy writing was clearly evident in this episode. A series with this kind of budget really deserves better writing.

There's 4 marines! 2 cosmonauts! They could have clearly waited to identify if they were really under threat instead of assuming. This whole "Guns on the moon" tangent really took the turn I was fearing it would take when I saw the Season 2 trailers.

It is indeed a pity, I was really starting to enjoy this series again. I'm also saddened that Sonya Walger is clearly going to be written off soon, she was by far the best female actress and deserved so much more screen time akin to Joel Kinnaman.
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This and the last episode...
evanmwright28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I made an account for the sole purpose of this review. Loving the show. This Karen Baldwin plot arc is completely unnecessary and ruining the episodes.
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Fabulous episode, scarred
bosporan23 May 2022
Some great elements this time, marred by a stupid move from Karen lacking any credibility. Shantel VanSanten has been the standout performer in this series, but this script is a ludicrous betrayal of the character.

There are, however, some nice character interactions, Margo & Nikulov, Gordo & Tracy, Aleida & Bill ... Further, the plotline around Molly and the aftermath of her radiation bath is interesting and moving as is Ellen's growing dilemma.

The ending is great bringing things to a head with the Soviets, changing space and the dynamic there forever ...

Overall a fabulous episode with a massive scar running through it!
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Good potential but ruined.
scottsideasare14 April 2021
Somehow or another the writers teamed up with General Hospital. It turned into a cheesy soap opera. Incredibly disappointing.
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AndrewIFisher5 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What could've been an incredible episode was immediately destroyed by inept writing of the nauseating scene between Karen and Danny. I say inept because it shows a complete lack of understanding of tone, jarring viewers after that incredible scene of vulnerability between Aleida and Bill. And it wasn't just the sex, but the pillow talk afterward-excuse me while I run to the bathroom for a minute.

You start to wonder why a show's writing team would intentionally burn down an otherwise honorable character like Karen. Is it because they're childish and they find the idea of a provocative relationship with her dead son's best friend titillating? Or is it because they have a deeper political agenda and Karen represents some cultural idol they revel in vandalizing?

This show has so far been good despite its missteps, but this is the first serious mistake that makes it almost unwatchable. One more and I'm done with this show for good.

Update: As soon as I saw Karen again in the next episode, I closed out. I think this is a show-breaking mistake.
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Gross, gross, gross, gross
tomgjcromwell13 September 2022
I don't know why they chose to have Karen sleep with Danny, but what a massive, disgusting mistake from both a character and writing perspective. I was so uncomfortable during that scene. She's twice his age, known him for his whole short life, he's still barely a child, and she's his boss. Karen crossed a major line that she can never get back from, and if her friends and family find out what she did, she should be rightfully shunned from polite society and divorced. She's a sexual predator now, not someone to sympathize with.

I don't know if the writers think they can come back from this, because based on the title of the episode, they knew exactly what they were doing.
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Don't. Please don't.
plossl-112 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
2 out of 10, because that's about how much of this episode was about the original premise, and the other 80% was soap opera. I was humming "Mrs. Robinson" to myself (the episode title sort of gives it away) as my wife was cringing while we watched Karen and Danny commit mortal sin. Yes, that sin. The one where they go irrationally out of character, and try to rationalize it with "Well, we both needed."

If any of the following happen, we plan to stop viewing. Here's the line in the sand:

1. Danny goes psycho over being jilted by Karen, and ends up with a substantial plot thread dealing with his conflicted feelings about Karen and guilt over attempting to kill her (and Ed, for good measure). The attempted murders fail, and we follow Karen and Ed through their tense but gratuitous convalescences.

2. Alternatively, Karen continues her romantic relationship with Danny, but confesses to Ed while he's in orbit flight testing Pathfinder and shooting at drone satellites. Ed writes Karen and Danny's names on a pair of missiles and conducts several unplanned orbit-to-ground tests.

3. Karen becomes pregnant. Is Ed or Danny the lucky dad? The writers have already set the stage for this imbroglio with Karen venting her lust on Ed after her kiss with Danny, then conjugating Danny the next day anyway. Ed thinks it's a miracle, assuming Karen doesn't tell Ed about Danny, and thus avoids death from an orbit-launch missile test.

4. Oh, I almost forgot about Gordo throwing down the gauntlet to get Tracy back. Tracy seems amenable to the possibility, so we may get treated to some low-g conjugating as well. Gordo! Stop mooning (couldn't resist) over Tracy. You made a great recovery, now move on and be all the astronaut you can be.

Delaying Apollo/Soyuz (isvinite, Soyuz/Apollo) into the 80's is very well written so far, and I'd like to see where they go with it. Is there going to be a race to Mars, and if so, what are the political consequences? And what about the shootings on the moon? That was a gutsy move, and the depiction of what might happen during a vacuum firefight was unexpected and shocking. More! More!

They teased an immense sea-launch rocket at the end of season 1. I was turning handsprings when I found out the Sea Dragon was a real design in the 60's by Robert Truax that dwarfed the Saturn V. It's huge, it's gorgeous, and... that's all we got to see of it.

The premise of extrapolating plausible twists of technology and politics is what attracted me in the first place. The shift to marital drama adds nothing, and is driving me away.
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This is dumb
tmania26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Karen and Danny have 0 chemistry, he told her some silly story about her dancing to Elvis when he was a kid, then gave her a beer one night while at work and played a cover of the Elvis song, awkwardly danced up on her like a goon and then somehow turned her on enough to get her into kissing him. 😒

Next day he said sorry, she says sorry, then he gets invited to the basement for a quickie, once the quickie is over, he goes full blown crazy and wants to run away with her, says he loves her, then immediately gets rejected, fired, and booted out of the bar lol.

Absolute garbage episode. Drama for the sake of unnecessary drama. All good character development for these two is gone.

It gets even worse when she tells Ed what happened right before this huge mission to space, then won't even tell him who she cheated with, tells him they both need counseling bc of her mistake and because he only sees things as black and white, or yes and no, and then wants to sell the bar seemingly without Ed knowing.

Are people watching this supposed to like her? What's the angle here? She cheated on him with a teenager who is also her dead sons best friend and plans to sell the one place that is very close to her husbands heart....but Ed is somehow partially to blame for her being unfaithful and requires counseling.

Great writing friends.
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Some dumb plot and character choices
mchristi-156-1691409 April 2021
I don't want to add spoilers, but one important plot point was poorly handled - it's not what people would do in that situation. And another important character choice just seemed random - no explanation of the background for making a bad decision.
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Karen and Dani
Sunnyp4eva13 January 2022
Karen and Dani made this episode look disgusting. What was that? ""We both needed?!" This whole episode is not needed. Nonsense. If this continues- I am going to stop watching. I gave 10/10 for all the episodes except this.
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Karen Baldwin subplot
errant-5278522 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People keep complaining about the Karen and Danny subplot, but to be honest, that's about the only thing of interest currently going on in this show. That and the daughter and her birth parents.

Guns on the moon is going a direction I am totally turned off by and I will probably drop this show completely if it keeps going that way if they just get away with murdering some cosmonauts. Gordo trying to get his wife back is just kind of pathetic and uninteresting. Oooh radiation glaucoma, how dramatic. Aleida's totally pointless story trying to win back what's his name after she personally insulted him was about the weakest bit of melodrama in history.

I ask myself almost every episode "Why am I watching this" and this being my 3rd attempt with this series since it debuted and when there's extra long episode this boring and pointless, I'm really tempted not even finish the episode let alone the series.
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