Fatal Fiancé (2021) Poster


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mja5828 June 2021
Silly waste of time - it should have been titled "Guess the Biggest Psycho".

It seems as if this was put together AFTER filming was completed, because some of the scenes appeared out of order.

I felt no sympathy for the heroine because she seemed to oblivious to what was going on.

Well, at least they tried.

4/10 (mostly for effort)
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A predictable film
lisafordeay5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A Brides Nightmare is a 2021 Thriller starring Greg Parrow,Brittany Underwood,and Camila Banus.

The story follows Leah(Underwood)who is marrying Mark(Parrow)in a week's time. However when Leah gets kidnapped on the day of her wedding by Mark's fiance's delusional ex Faith(Banus) who claims that Mark is actually Bryan who Faith claims to be a delusional narcissistic monster. Who will she believe Mark or Faith?

Overall I knew from the get go who was the bad guy/girl as when you see the actual culprit you hear this weird music playing once this person shows up. If your into silly made for TV thrillers then this is for you.
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2 hours of my life I'll never get back
lmnclips4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of bad Lifetime movies over the past few years, but to say this one is bad, would be an understatement. I love Brittany Underwood, she's an amazing actress, and I love all the movies starring her. But not this one. And there were a lot of things wrong with movie, like the background music.

There was this loud, obtrusive rock music that played throughout most of the movie, that was so loud and distracting. I wish it had just played in that one scene where Mark/Brian was strangling Faith after he had untied Leah, and never played again after that.

Another thing I should note is the poorly done and unprofessional editing that made this movie unwatchable (as well as the aforementioned background music)

Also how the heck did Faith suddenly appear at the institution? I thought Mark had killed her because he had poisoned her tea. Also, when he attempted to kill Faith in her hospital room, did he successfully killed her in time for the doctor to arrive, or was she still alive? We never see her again after that.

Last but not least is the rushed, and extremely underwhelming ending. When Priya knocked out Brian with the flower vase. The movie just ends from there and never shows what happens to any of characters. You could say I was quite disappointed!

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saintclaire-221255 January 2021
I rarely write a review. I have been tempted many times. I have complained many, many times of the background noise. It is so annoying, that I literally will turn the station. I cannot turn the television down, and put on the sub-titles. People tend to talk too fast, and I don't like to watch movies that way. I should not have to. This background noise is in most movies. I think if people just did not tune in, you people who produce these shows might listen. I know I have heard many people complain. Now, for the movie. Well, the actors were fine. The movie without all of the many, many commercials could have been done in half an hour. I thought the premise for the movie wasn't bad, but I kept waiting for something. Then, all of a sudden it was over. Not one of your best.
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haroot_azarian5 January 2021
WHAT IS IT WITH THE STUPID EFFING BACKGROUND MUSIC! The director should be locked up for life!!!!!!!!! Good job the mkv file I downloaded had subtitles otherwise I would have not understood half the movie thanks to the stupid loud music!
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carolynocean23 April 2021
I am truly lost for words here. How can I best desribe to anybody how bad this movie is ? The storyline is just ridiculous , the acting is terrible , and don't get me started on that awful , loud , annoying , background music that just would NOT STOP ! I wanted to scream so many times out of sheer frustration at the badly scripted and badly directed scenes , which seemed to jump all over the place !

I just wanted the whole thing to end and put me out of my misery .

A really Bad One , be prepared if you are going to watch this one !
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ExiledRoyal19 January 2021
We made it about 5 minutes into this before we simply couldn't stand Brittany Underwood's massive Vocal Fry.

If I wanted to hear gutteral noises I'd watch an Attenborough documentary. What is it about women of a certain ilk that makes them think it's attractive to speak like they're a creaking door?

Just. Stop. It.
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Colossal waste of time!
cherylann6115 January 2021
I hated this stupid movie. Bad acting , terrible plot . 2 hours of wasted time 😡
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Not sure why there's such a low rating
MikeyKup7 July 2021
First thing's first: the guy (Mark/Brian) reminds me so much of Christian Grey (from the movies), and I'm not sure why. He's just a similar vibe, especially in the aspect of control.

I don't think there's anything particularly special about the film. The editing could have used some work with specific scenes, but overall it was solid.

As for the story, there's a good enough amount of substance, here, and I think it speaks volumes because of the realism, in many ways. People truly do enter abusive relationships with seemingly-charming men who have it together, and well-enough so. Very interesting, and I felt bad for Faith. I still am curious what happened to her, but the movie in general kept me on the edge of my seat, everyone did so well. Good story, good film!
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Over the top editing and disorganized story almost made the movie unwatchable
lmnclips219 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Fatal Fiancée/A Bride's Nightmare/A Deadly Bridenapping. (I don't understand why they can't just use the publicized title rather than the original one. I have zero respect for movies that do this!)

I want to start off my review by saying that Brittany Underwood is too good for this movie! Why she even auditioned for the role in the first place is beyond me. Since anyone with a decent working brain would see how disorganized the plot is, which brings me to my next point.

To say that the plot was disorganized and all over the place, would be putting it mildly. The part where Mark/Brian poisons Faith was especially confusing. He poisoned Faith and the audience is supposed to believe she was killed? And then Mark/Brian dumps Faith's body into a forest believing that he successfully killed her. Then she wakes up during the night and tries to run away but Mark/Brian strangles her. And somehow she ends up back in the psychiatric ward? I could probably write a better, less convoluted storyline in less than 10 minutes.

The fiancé's acting was so bad, that I almost changed the channel once or twice, but kept it on to see how everything would unfold (a decision I ultimately regretted). It was made exponentially worse by the editing which they went overboard with. Why did the editors feel the need to make Mark/Brian repeat the same word twice or three times at the end of every one of his sentences? But as far as I'm concerned he was the only bad actor there. Everybody else was mediocre.

The background music was so repetitive and annoying. Just crappy rock/metal music! Made me want to rip my ears off every time it came on. It also played during the scene where he berated the chef and during his little rant in the climax. Leah's parents were okay, in terms of acting. But I wish they had more screen time. They just weren't in the movie enough.

And last but not least, the sudden, abrupt ending. You should've seen the look on my face when the movie ended right there and then. Right when the fiancée was about to shoot and kill Leah. Leah's friend, Priya, smashes him in the head with a vase and two of them hug while Mark/Brian accepts his defeat. And then it fades to black and it shows the preview of the next movie while the credits are playing at the bottom of the screen. So we don't know what happened to Faith. If the fiancée's second attempt to kill her at the hospital was successful or not. But it's implied that Mark/Brian was arrested since police sirens could be heard in the distance. A short scene of Leah and her friend wrapped in a blanket while Mark/Brian is being taken away in handcuffs would've been nice. Instead they chose to wrap the film up in the most illogical, half baked way possible.

Brittany Underwood is too good of an actress to be cast in such poorly produced and clearly rushed movies. Hopefully she'll look back at this and cringe.
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2 hours really?
canyongirl6025 October 2021
Since when does a common Lifetime type movie need to be two hours? Would be so easy to tighten it up. Thank goodness for the fast forward button. I need to get 150 more characters in here. So what up? Extra long padded Hallmark movie here. Good thing it was free.
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Possibly the worst film I have seen!
rosey-1420 July 2022
Oh my this was so bad, I turned off, even though I was trying to relax after a hard day at work in a heatwave!

Why did the lead woman's dialogue have to contain the filler word 'like' in every sentence, appalling acting, script and direction, even for a very low budget film.

I will avoid any films with this cast in.
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