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(I) (2022)

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The "Birdemic" of cult horror
jay-95-97111319 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is... just awful. I can't think of a single positive thing to say about it, other than it's better than James Nguyen films.

There are extremely long, drawn out scenes of walking and driving that accomplish nothing... I swear one driving scene took up a third of the run time. The director seemed to have confused building tension with building tedium. The acting is mediocre, at best, and in some cases quite a bit worse. If this was standard for movies, Steven Seagal would be an Oscar-winner. The dialogue seems like it was translated from Klingon, then jokingly filmed as a test run and used anyway. The sound is all over the map, even cutting out at times. This is so bad that one misses half the exposition in the primary story-telling monologue, so much so that the actor delivering it mumbles all the most important words, like the cult's name and the deity's name. The story is... nonsensical. First, the girlfriend seems to know that the main character has ovarian cancer, then later says "she doesn't think I know." That's only the least of the issues. The only apparent goal of this cult is to develop cancerous boils and super-long arms. This brings me to the laughable special effects. Even the blood was half "Suspiria" pink, with the boils looking like strip mall Halloween store applications. The supposedly super-long arms look like they should be advertising a used car lot. The music was childishly simple, the cinematography inept and the editing schizophrenic. Oh, and the ending was abrupt and unclear.

There are some seeming jokes in the credits (No tentacles were harmed in the making of this film), but if the film makers were going for a cheesy parody, they missed the mark by a state line or two.

Truly awful... and this is from someone who enjoyed the 1990 "Captain America". I'm EXTREMELY forgiving. I only gave it 2 stars because I've seen the likes of James Nguyen's "Birdemic", and things like "Roller Gator", and "Rock n' Roll Nightmare" (yes, through the good graces of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Rifftrax, who make them enjoyable).

Avoid this!!
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tjc_200519 January 2022
Embarrassingly bad. Nobody can act at all, full of awkward silences, conversations are completely unnatural.

I get that it is low budget but the cameraman can't even hold the camera steady or at least stop himself being seen in the reflections.

Don't be fooled by higher ratings it's absolute dog 4hit.
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Potentially good idea spoiled by poor acting and wasted time
therealdaklone20 January 2022
I understand that this is a low-budget horror and as such my expectations were suitably low. Sadly, this film failed to live up to even those, for instance:

1. Actors should be able to act. Sorry guys, but the acting in this film is bad. Stilted, lifeless and not helped by extremely mediocre writing.

2. Dialogue should be audible. Most of the time the soundtrack is too loud and the dialogue too quiet to be able to hear what's going on.

3. Show, don't tell. A quick flashback covers a whole load of story more satisfactorily than the super-long, whispered monologue given to one character.

4. Short duration = don't waste time! At about 1hr 20, this is a short film by today's standards and it wastes far too much precious time in the first half with meaningless driving scenes, a scene in the woods, long pauses etc etc. This time would have been welcome in later stages explaining what the heck is going on.

5. Short duration = trim story! Too much stuff is shoehorned in at the end as some sort of 'reveal' when it had never even been mentioned before. Reduce complexity and spread the story out more.

As others have mentioned, the effects are not great either but I'm fine with that.
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I watched this movie, give me my psychological treatment money
olcayozfirat9 September 2022
It's a ridiculous horror movie made in 2022. About 50 minutes of the movie is spent with a group talking idly at the table. There is some action in the last minutes, oh my god. It's like the characters are turning into Muppet Show puppets. It gave me entropy after watching the movie. I kept asking myself why did you watch this movie. I wonder if it brings substantial payoff to the crew on bad movies? Otherwise, he will not be included in this film crew. A final reminder for those who will make the mistake of watching, there is no sexuality and nudity in the movie. I really don't know how to write 600 words for this movie.
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My vagina is killing me.
nogodnomasters3 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Abby (Miranda Nieman) has ovarian cancer and is depressed. Her girlfriend Miranda (Hayley Sunshine) drags her to a party of her old friends including Scott (Scott Hale) who has recently returned from a cult investigation trip to Africa.

Much of the film consists of the group sitting around the table with Scott telling a story. We later find out more about the cult. I was not impressed with such a melancholy film/

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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agathecurie20 January 2022
So...this is obviously a low budget movie. As such I would forgive many things but the acting is just not brilliant. Honestly it was so bad at times it became enjoyable. Same for the plot, which is so nonsensical I was actually entertained by it. I was also frankly amused at those first 20mn of literal nothing - just sitting about and driving around without making a single point.

So I'm sorry to say this is not by my standards a good horror movie, or a good movie short (and low budget doesn't equal bad movie, let's just take 1981's The Evil Dead, for exemple). Was I entertained ?

Oddly enough, yes.
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johantessens21 January 2022
The Hale family has some money to spare to let their children play and direct a movie. That's the only reason why this monstrosity ever is made. (I think).
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Stupidest B-Rated Movie
mlacehightower24 June 2023
This is movie is one for the trash fire bins, obviously some director was high as a kite making this horrible horror film.. nothing makes sense the plot goes various directions, seems and feels like a bad amateur play gone wrong, let's not forget the terrible acting too!

You can stream this on Tubi, but like I said get ready for a very stupid B-Rated film!

I would never in my life suggest this garbage to any horror movie goer, spare yourself the insanity, absurdity that this film contains on every CRINGE level!

This is one film one would find out in the woods to be used for firewood ..

Whoever thought of this silly abnoxious film should go back to the drawing board of sorts to do better!
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A real turnip!
lusakazambie20 January 2022
Bad acting, ridiculous story. A film not even to see during a rainy weekend, that is to say! How can you spend money to produce such nonsense! Can we still talk about horror movies? Yes, definitely, a film in its filming horror where you will be bored. Avoid!
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Mostly amateur production with brief decent moments.
MonsterVision9926 January 2022
While it does suffer from faulty direction, amateur acting and a stale script, this low budget horror movie uses color in a creative way to represent sadness, frustation, mourning, romance, power, death and so on. The story itself also has a bit of potential, but overall, its a shoddy and uneffective film thats interesting enough to make parts of it somewhat watchable but its far from decent.
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Fun and interesting
thesportislife25 January 2022
The music is awesome and the story unique. Budget? Meh. Still looks great given I'm sure the low money. But the story and characters are there. Probably be a film that will gain a cult following.
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So much heart!
chillhbdc31 January 2022
This film has heart! The cinematography was surprisingly fantastic (the use of color and lighting like a pro) and I adored the nod to retro body-horror. It was giving me Evil Dead meets Mark Jones! For an amateur production, every scene appeared well executed (pun intended). The only major bummer for me would be the holes in the story. It left the viewer with some majorly unanswered questions - topics I wanted so badly for them to bring to light. Given, most do not enjoy narrative overkill in their horror; however, in this case I feel heavy lore was more than necessary. Other than that, I can see what they were trying to do..and they did it.

Despite the (rude) negative reviews for this film, give it a watch for yourself and support the art! I can certainly see fantastic things coming from this production team. They're one to watch!! Looking forward to seeing what they come up with next.
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marinaant-3621711 March 2022
Okay I knew this was gonna be bad from the moment I laid my eyes on it and in the end it wasn't just bad, it was probably the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. At some point I couldn't understand what was going on it was so weird and the effects don't bring it justice either. The acting was terrible too.
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marklgaines22 January 2022
Confusing storyline effects were not that good. Good effort in trying. Try to make more believable from now on. Use more special effects and leave more suspense by cutting away from a scene to make audiences think more. I can see that you have the potential to go further in the horror genre's.
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Stanlee10720 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was this made during amateur hour? It is a bunch of boring characters that gather together for a meal and discuss their lives.

The second part of this film beggars belief. It feels as though it was a b-movie made in the 1970s or 80s. Even if that rung true, it would be considered boring & uninspiring.
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Bloody and moody
henrybreaksit25 January 2022
This movie has a mood. And it sticks to that mood 100%. There isn't any levity in the script and I appreciate that. By the time it starts you know something bad is going to happen and the film continues to build towards a crazy 3rd act.
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Interesting concept
bigbaldkell18 January 2022
This is not my genre; however i found it an interesting story. The mood of it is well worth the watch. Not a big Hollywood production with any A list stars but an enjoyable view. Give it ax try! This might be the groundfloor of something bigger yet to come from this group of talent.
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Evil dead vibes
sallyishere25 January 2022
So i got some interesting vibes watching this movie. A slow burn ti west mixed with some carpenter and then some rami towards the end. The film makers obviously have a love for the genre.

There next film I'll be watching! New upcoming talent is always super exciting.
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Im giving this a 10
dotheroarbro25 January 2022
I enjoyed this film. I see the reviews and wonder, what the heck did other people watch? Its it low budget? Yes. Does it hinder the project? NO. So, out of principle I am giving this a 10.
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I'm partial because I'm in it :)
shelton-1510620 January 2022
This project was so much fun to work on together! A cast and crew that truly are all good friends and had a blast making our first feature film! I wanted to thank everyone who watched and reviewed the film, good and bad- either way you're helping us so I'm thankful for any and all feedback. For being shot in 6 days, in the middle of a pandemic, and it being almost everyone's first feature film experience - I'm truly proud of us putting this out there. This isn't the last of HaleHouse, we're just getting started :)
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Low budget but still solid
doctorsport19 January 2022
Go in knowing that the budget isn't Hollywood but they were able to pull off something really interesting. Good characters and a twisty story helps this movie breeze by. 80 minutes goes by quick and the body horror elements were cool. Wish there was more of it.
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Please watch until the end of the credits
ycp-9406629 January 2022
It begins kind of amateurish but then it grows on you.

Even if some big studio try to remake it eventually, it will never be as good as this.

I'm anxious to see what they'll'll do next.

Or maybe a sequel.
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Body horror with real characters
ronishere-1633819 January 2022
I didn't know what to expect when I started this film but I'm glad I did. A lower budget horror film that oddly enough doesn't feel cheap. The horror is well achieved and story intriguing.
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