The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (Video Game 2008) Poster

Kevin Michael Richardson: Terrador, Chief Prowlus, Hermit



  • Chief Prowlus : Dragons... Bah. Do you have such little respect for our laws, that you form an alliance with the very ones who caused all our misfortunes?

    Hunter of Avalar : Chief Prowlus! Malefor... he alone is the one responsible. This dragon is our last hope... You must see that!

    Chief Prowlus : Yes, yes... The purple dragon... I know the story! But unlike you, I have not forgotten what they say Malefor was like when he was young... And I have not forgotten either was SHE has done. I relied on you, Hunter, as I must rely on all of us in this village to protect it. But you chose to abandon us... and bring the dangers of the outside world with you when you returned.

    Hunter of Avalar : The dangers are already around us! Don't pretend to ignore them!

    Sparx : Hey can't you guys stop arguing? It's getting awkward for everybody.

    Cheetah Warrior : Grublins! In the valley! Prepare your weapons!

    Chief Prowlus : Now see what you've done?

    Spyro : Let us go! We can help!

    Chief Prowlus : Our warriors can handle this.

    Cynder : Now is not the time to be stubborn!

    Sparx : Hey, a lot of weird stuff happens when they get upset. I'd listen to them if I were you.

  • Spyro : Ignitus...

    Ignitus : Young dragon, you never cease to amaze me.

    Terrador : We never lost hope that you would return. Ignitus made sure of that.

    Spyro : I should have come back sooner. I let you all down. But that won't happen again.

    Ignitus : Spyro, you've done more than anyone could expect of a dragon your age... What matters now is that you are here and, what's more, you've returned with your companions.

    Cynder : Well, it's not like I've really had much of a choice in the matter, seeing as how we're stuck together.

    [Spyro and Cynder reveal the magic chain] 

    Ignitus : Interesting... This device is foreign to me. Mason, what do you make of this?

    Mason : Never have I seen such a thing. It has the mark of evil.

    Ignitus : ...Likely crafted by Malefor himself. I fear we shall not be able to remove it.

    Cynder : What! But there has to be a way!

    Spyro : How can we fight back if we're made to fight like this?

    Ignitus : Spyro, Cynder, you have done well to get this far, despite this. Do not view this chain as a hindrance... but allow it to be a reminder of the bond you two share. Your destinies are now intertwined. And that thought is a hopeful one.

  • Chief Prowlus : Is everyone alright?

    Cheetah Warrior : No. Meadow is missing. He had gone upstream to search for herbs this morning and is not returned. We have to go find him.

    Chief Prowlus : No, it is too dangerous to mount a search now.

    Spyro : I'll go! I'll find your missing friend. Hunter can come with us.

    Chief Prowlus : You are free to act as you see fit, but Hunter stays here. However, if you remain true to your word, and come back with Meadow, I may reconsider. And don't bother returning before then, as you'll likely succeed only in attracting more Grublins to our village.

  • Terrador : Momentum has swung to our side, Ignitus. Perhaps this victory will mark a turning point in this war.

    Ignitus : I'd like to believe that.

    Malefor the Dark Master : [a dark image of Malefor appears]  Citizens of Warfang... Congratulations. You shall be the first to witness the resurrection of the Destroyer... and the end of the world.

    Ignitus : Malefor...

    [the volcano starts to rumble and erupt as the giant Destroyer emerges] 

    Ignitus : By our ancestors... What is that?

    Malefor the Dark Master : The Destroyer has commenced it's journey to form the ring of annihilation. At the end of his journey, the Belt of Fire will spread across the surface of this world in a torrent of fire and ash. There will be no escape.

    Terrador : The Destroyer? But that's impossible...

    Spyro : Ignitus! I don't understand.

    Ignitus : Nor do I. The ancients believed that this creature brings about the birth of a new world.

    Sparx : See, that sounds like a good thing...

    Ignitus : ...By issuing it's destruction.

    Sparx : Oh...

  • Hermit : Come closer so I can see you in the light. Tell me, why have you returned here?

    Spyro : What do you mean? I've never been here before.

    Hermit : Not you! The female!

    Cynder : You must be mistaken...

    Hermit : Indeed, your appearance has changed, but not your eyes. Your eyes give everything away. You are the black dragon, Cynder; the terror of the skies... the Dark Master's puppet.

    Cynder : I was... but... But I'm not anymore. I'm not proud of the things I've done.

    Hermit : Oh, is it that simple... to turn your back on Malefor?

    Spyro : You don't have to listen to him Cynder.

    Hermit : Did you not recognize the creatures that moved in the shadows? The Apes too had served the Dark Master, but more for their own greed and thirst for power than any true loyalty to him. This is how Malefor repaid them... Doomed to remain in the dark... feeding off the power of others, never being fulfilled. You can run... but you cannot hide Cynder.

    Spyro : Cynder! Let's go!

    Hermit : Hahahaha! The Dark Master will find you... Hahahahahaha...

    Spyro : Cynder... are you okay?

    Cynder : I'm fine! I'll be fine.

    Sparx : Well, I'm not! Was I the only one who was freaked out by that guy? *mumbles*... Sheesh, okay at least it wasn't a complete waste of time. Tadaa!

    [Sparx reveals he swiped the key] 

    Sparx : Come on, whatcha waiting for?

  • Cheetah Warrior : Meadow! You are wounded! How...

    Meadow : I will be fine... thanks to these two dragons.

    Chief Prowlus : Meadow, please forgive me. These dragons willingly sought to help you when I chose not to. I do not share your faith in this dragon, Hunter... but by putting you in chains, I committed an error.

    Hunter of Avalar : We all make mistakes.

    Chief Prowlus : Yes, and I shall try to atone for mine if you will permit me. Use the forbidden tunnel. It will lead you directly to the Dragon City. If this dragon is indeed our last hope, then I bid you a safe passage... and good luck.

    Hunter of Avalar : We could use your help.

    [Chief Prowlus stares at Hunter with a blank face] 

    Hunter of Avalar : Very well. The invitation shall be left open.

  • Ignitus : Listen to me! We must prevent that monster from escaping the canyon no matter the cost. Every moment counts!

    Terrador : You heard the dragon! Let's move!

    Ignitus : [to Spyro and Cynder]  We will do all we can to give you time. The rest is up to you.

    Sparx : "the rest is up you"... pss... no pressure or anything.

  • Spyro : Ignitus... what do we do?

    Ignitus : There is no more that can be done. Listen to me, not much time is left. Everyone must get to shelter.

    Cynder : What about the outline populations? And there are countless still inside Dragon City! They need to be warned!

    Spyro : The Underground City... Ignitus, there are endless caved down there. We saw them. We can lead them there!

    Ignitus : No, I need you and Cynder here with me. Hunter, send your falcons to the outlying regions and tell them to get beneath the surface, as deep as they can. Go! All of you!

    Terrador : I know you're up to something Ignitus. I've known you for too long.

    Ignitus : Go to the others Terrador. There will be panic and disorder... a strong leader will be needed. I'll find my way back once I get Spyro and Cynder through the belt of fire.

    Spyro : We have to confront Malefor, don't we?

    Ignitus : I see no other way. The belt is weakened, and this may be our only chance to break through.

    Cynder : Yeah... if we aren't incinerated first.

See also

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