"Harley Quinn" A Fight Worth Fighting For (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Finding plot holes, contrivances, and inconsistencies in EddyTheMartian007's review.
CesarSoze15 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
" This episode was far less eventful, which allowed for the episode to not be filled with as many plot holes "- So even before you've seen the episode, you've decided that there are plot holes in it ?

" Harley reverts joker back to normal so he could tell her where the book of fables is, except joker with amnesia should've remembered because he was reading bed time stories with it " - Yes he knew where the bed time stories book was but since he lost his memory and didn't know it was a real book of fables and what it was. How do you miss such basic details ?!

" Joker just felt off, though it was reasonable considering he was a different person for 6 months, but he didn't feel as evil, and some parts with the bit about true love just felt cheesy and out of place on this show " - Of course he wouldn't feel as evil, you said it youself!! He lost his memory for 6 months, and even supposedly he had a bomb in his head. And they've been talking about love and relationships since literally the first episode in season 1, how the hell is it out of place ?!

"Meanwhile Ivy's wedding is ruined so she just goes to Dr. Psycho? That doesn't make sense, he would obviously mind control you. Not to mention how Dr. Psycho can control all these parademons, but not Harley? Couldn't he locate her with his helmet. " - She wanted to kill him or whatever and she didn't know he had a helmet that made him stronger, since without the helmet he can't control her because she has powers. And no of course he can't locate Harley with the helmet, it's freaking mind control not a freaking GPS.

" Overall this episode was still a huge mess writing wise, with more contrivances, holes, and inconsistencies, but not as many as the last episode, without as many big repercussions " - Your way of thinking, reviews, and attention to details is a huge mess dude.

I did this since his reviews and the type of people that are like this give really false criticism and overview for the new people who want to watch shows and they really discredit great shows for wrong made-up reasons.
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Joker's back
thesystem-3867610 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Never expected this much development with the Joker, also never expected him to give Harley relationship advice either. Guess I've seen everything now lol.

Also liked how chill Batman was after Harley & Joker filled him in on what's been happening for the last 6 months.

It looks like Ivy is rushing ahead with this wedding just so she can forget about/ignore her attraction to Harley. And Dr. Psycho using Ivy to get to Harley was something I didn't expect, but I kinda saw coming after her wedding prep was constantly being interrupted by Parademons and she decided to confront him.

It looks like there's an actually push by the other characters for Harley x Ivy, despite Ivy shutting down that hope 2 episodes ago.

And believe me, I do still want Harley x Ivy to happen, but I'm pessimistic on it really happening. There were too many times in the comics where their relationship would fall apart or one of them dies, or something equally stupid would happen that keeps them apart.

It would be nice if their romantic relationship would've started a long time ago or at least have a full season to fully explore it(*cough s3 maybe *cough). It definitely seems like you can't have the main protagonist hook up with anyone unless it's the series finale, especially if they're lesbians. It's like an unwritten rule every animated show post "Legend of Korra" seems to follow.

Anyway, if Harley Quinn is only getting 2 seasons, and they somehow manage to be together in the end, I'll be satisfied, despite my gripes.

BUT if they do get green lit for a 3rd season, it would be nice if they either continue to flesh out their romance, or if Harley goes all Tobey Maguire Spider-Man and leaves her feelings unsaid, it could be something the showrunners could continue building a case for.
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dylanhughes-2216613 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
God I love this show. Can Frank do a recap at the beginning of every episode? Hilarious. This show is just brilliant. Alfred is gold. The references in this show phenomenal. The wedding planner.. wow.

Anyway. If you haven't watched this show.. what the F%CK are you doing? The whole worlds been shut.. WATCH THIS NOW!
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An improvement, but still suffering from plot holes, contrivances, and inconsistencies.
EddyTheMartian00713 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First we begin with a recap which is basically just an exposition dump to explain what happened last episode, and inflate their ego, though I found it a little funny. This episode was far less eventful, which allowed for the episode to not be filled with as many plot holes, though somehow they continue to contradict themselves. Harley reverts joker back to normal so he could tell her where the book of fables is, except joker with amnesia should've remembered because he was reading bed time stories with it. It just seems like incredibly lazy writing to just blatantly contradict yourself right after the last episode. Sy Borgman has already been forgotten, as has King Shark, Clayface, Batgirl and Gordon. There's many contrived moments like how Joker's wife throws a fake book of fables that a parademon happens to find, so that Joker and Harley go look for it in a parademon nest, find it conveniently, fight parademons successfully somehow with a bat a crowbar that was conveniently on the ground, and then Batman conveniently arrives to save them... I mean seriously?! Plus that part was useless since it was a fake book of fables. By the way how did they even find the book in the rubble of a destroyed building? At least Batman's back, he's always funny on this show. Regardless of the plot problems, another thing I found weird were the character decisions once again. Joker just felt off, though it was reasonable considering he was a different person for 6 months, but he didn't feel as evil, and some parts with the bit about true love just felt cheesy and out of place on this show. This episode just felt weirdly cheesy at times and sillier than usual. While I think this episode did manage to be mostly funny, there were a lot more childish humor. This episode mostly feels like filler despite so much that happened. It was just weirdly slowly paced. Meanwhile Ivy's wedding is ruined so she just goes to Dr. Psycho? That doesn't make sense, he would obviously mind control you. Not to mention how Dr. Psycho can control all these parademons, but not Harley? Couldn't he locate her with his helmet? I enjoyed his backstory and the brief Darkseid appearance though, those had its funny moments. Finally Joker and Harley go back to get the real book of fables, and get the Justice League out with Zatanna who was apparently fine this whole time. Couldn't she have helped out? Now a mind controlled Ivy finds Harley and will kill her. Overall this episode was still a huge mess writing wise, with more contrivances, holes, and inconsistencies, but not as many as the last episode, without as many big repercussions. It had its funny moments, and it was entertaining, but I just can't forgive the blatant disregard for logical writing. Somethings can be forgiven, but when it's so excessive it ruins the show. Though at least I can say it has still been enjoyable to watch for the most part.

EDIT: Response to seezar95's review, where he doesn't actually give any reasons as to why the episode was good, and instead focuses on my review.

[" This episode was far less eventful, which allowed for the episode to not be filled with as many plot holes "
  • So even before you've seen the episode, you've decided that there are plot holes in it ?]
That literally makes no sense. I watched the episode, where in that text did I imply i haven't seen the episode or judged it before it watching it?

[" Harley reverts joker back to normal so he could tell her where the book of fables is, except joker with amnesia should've remembered because he was reading bed time stories with it " - Yes he knew where the bed time stories book was but since he lost his memory and didn't know it was a real book of fables and what it was. How do you miss such basic details ?!] To be fair this is a reasonable defense, but with the dream he had of it, couldn't he have put them together that he might have the book? It's not really a plot hole, but more of a contrivance for Joker to come back. By the way, we never see how they get the book of fables back from the rubble of the building.

[" Joker just felt off, though it was reasonable considering he was a different person for 6 months, but he didn't feel as evil, and some parts with the bit about true love just felt cheesy and out of place on this show " - Of course he wouldn't feel as evil, you said it youself!! He lost his memory for 6 months, and even supposedly he had a bomb in his head. And they've been talking about love and relationships since literally the first episode in season 1, how the hell is it out of place ?!] This one is reasonable, it isn't a big criticism I have against the episode, I just thought that, in my opinion, Joker felt a bit too kind, and was just used this way so Harley could talk about her feelings. Joker shouldn't care or feel love. I just think the tone changed and the entire episode felt lighter and sillier than usual.

["Meanwhile Ivy's wedding is ruined so she just goes to Dr. Psycho? That doesn't make sense, he would obviously mind control you. Not to mention how Dr. Psycho can control all these parademons, but not Harley? Couldn't he locate her with his helmet. " - She wanted to kill him or whatever and she didn't know he had a helmet that made him stronger, since without the helmet he can't control her because she has powers. And no of course he can't locate Harley with the helmet, it's freaking mind control not a freaking GPS.] The point is he can control all these parademons from miles away and he can't control Batman, Harley, or any of the other important characters. Once Ivy finds them, he could mind control them. It is shown before that he can literally see through the people he mind controls.

[" Overall this episode was still a huge mess writing wise, with more contrivances, holes, and inconsistencies, but not as many as the last episode, without as many big repercussions " - Your way of thinking, reviews, and attention to details is a huge mess dude. I did this since his reviews and the type of people that are like this give really false criticism and overview for the new people who want to watch shows and they really discredit great shows for wrong made-up reasons.] "false criticism" Most of the criticism I gave this episode is objective. It is either hugely contrived and convenient, or blatantly contradictory of what was previously established. Notice how I still say I enjoy the show? I loved the first season, I found it to be great, and the first half of this season too, but now it has gotten bad. "wrong made-up reasons." Notice how you didn't bring up all my points because they were actual real criticisms?
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