Crocodile Island (2020) Poster

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A giant crocodile movie please, and make it snappy!
BA_Harrison16 March 2022
The prologue to Chinese monster movie Crocodile Island is hilarious: a CGI WWII bomber, flying over the Sea of Dragon Triangle in the North Pacific, runs into a flock of CGI prehistoric birds, forcing the crew of the plane to bail out. The men tumble through the sky, the effect achieved through dreadful green screen work. Both activate their parachutes, one man landing on an island, the other snapped out of the air by a giant CGI prehistoric crocodile. The direction is atrocious, the acting laughable, and the special effects cheap and unconvincing.

The rest of the film follows suit.

Cut to the present day, and another plane - a passenger jet - crashes after encountering the prehistoric flock. A handful of survivors crawl from the wreckage and explore the island, where they run into monstrous crocodiles and giant spiders. The monster effects are on a par with Syfy originals such as Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, Lavalantula, Piranhaconda and Dinocroc vs. Supergator: shoddy digital creations that are more funny than they are frightening. The action is incredibly dumb (especially the discovery of a WWII radio, hand grenades and machine gun, all of which are functional), but still manages to be reasonably fun, as the survivors try to avoid being eaten while making their way to a rescue point.

4/10. It's far from great film-making, but sometimes cheap, trashy and technically incompetent can still be entertaining.
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Mysterious Island with questionable CGI...
paul_haakonsen2 February 2022
I have to say that I was actually lured in by the movie's cover/poster, and with it being a gargantuan creature feature and a Chinese one at that, of course I have to sit down and watch "Ju e dao" (aka "Crocodile Island") from writer Minming Ni.

Well, perhaps the concept idead behind "Ju e dao" was good in thought, spirit and on script paper, but the transition to the screen didn't really make for an impressive movie from directors Shixing Xu and Simon Zhao. Actually, the movie wasn't even mediocre. It was sort of lazy writing actually ,as writer Minming Ni was borrowing a bit too heavily from the Jules Verne novel.

The storyline was just generic and bland to the point where I didn't care about the characters or the storyline itself.

The characters in "Ju e dao" were bland and faceless. I didn't know where one character ended and the next started, because they had zero personalities and zero quirks or traits that would make them unique and likeable. So I didn't invest anything in the character gallery in this 2020 movie.

Then there were the special effects. They were special alright, but not in a good way. It was hard to fathom how such lousy CGI animation and horrible rendered textures would make it to the screen in 2020. It looked awful, and it took away so much enjoyment from the movie. A creature feature with gargantuan creatures is worth nothing without having proper CGI and effects to make them realistic and believable. Yeah, they didn't have that in "Ju e dao", believe you me.

Well, we are not out of the forest just yet. The acting performances in "Ju e dao" were horrible. It was for the most part very, very amateurish, staggering and wooden to look at. And that definitely didn't help to spruce up an otherwise flaccid and pointless character gallery.

You might want to save yourself the anguish and waste of nearly one and a half hour by skipping out on "Ju e dao" entirely. It just simply wasn't an outstanding, enjoyable or memorable movie experience.

My rating of "Ju e dao" lands of a three out of ten stars.
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melna_age22 July 2020
This has got to be the worst directing I've ever seen in a movie to date! One of the worst movies I've watched in my life!
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do not care to even glimpse at this
ops-5253529 June 2020
This is pure junk, i cant find anything good to say, so the grumpy old man regrets even trying to watch.use the ffwd button if available.
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okpilak17 June 2023
If a child is not scared by a monster crocodile and giant spiders, they may find this a fun watch. The version I watched was the dubbed American version. I have seen a number of Chinese films before, usually with very good CGI, decently filmed, decent dubbing, and often one person who turns out to be almost superhuman in abilities. This is not that type of film. The dubbing was terrible, with a long conversation in Chinese given a couple words subtitle, and some sporadic English. The CGI was not terrible, but flawed. We first see the croc tail in the water, and it seems like that of a normal croc. Then, it comes onto the beach, again not that large. Then it is on the beach, and is it huge. Interesting use of gunpowder to treat a wound. They set up warning pots around their campfire, so they would know if an intruder approaches. But it would take less then a second for the croc to pass the warning pots and eat them all. The storyline states Lu Wenbing shows the honorable aptitudes of family, etc., which may or may not have gotten across. The movie does answer two common questions, however. If getting away from a monster, can any of them not trip, get snagged, not stand dumbfounded, or otherwise fall? And how many bullets does a gun hold? For the first, not really. And the second, more than you could ever believe. And now it is perfectly clear that Chinese film makers have the ability to provide a real stinker just like some American film distributors.
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decent if you like monster/adventure films
nublingnoob29 January 2021
I think the other x2 1 star reviews are a bit unfair, i was quite pleasently suprised with this film, sure its not the best film ever, but if your watching a film called crocodile island about a giant crocodile, your not going to be getting oscar winning acting or writing etc, its a film about a giant crocodile and some other critters, and people stuck on the island, the effects range from pretty good to not so great, but if your like me and you like monster films of all kinds, you will find some enjoyment here
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Funny and amusing
programskinalog29 August 2021
Looks kind of like dark parody without intended funny scenes. A nice trip into the silly jungle. One of the rare movies that I've watched without pausing. That's why it gets 10 from me. A gem, for people who are bored by cliché.
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Entertaining monster flick
paul-ayres-607841 February 2022
Obviously a low budget movie but I've seen MUCH worse high budget attempts with similar story lines. The acting isn't bad, the script is weak and the CGI is only just about acceptable. However, the movie flows along nicely and is actually quite entertaining.
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Get them Croc(s)
kosmasp4 December 2021
A giant crocodile .. I mean of course right? Although to be fair if you strand on to an island that has never been inhabited by other humans ... who knows what you'll find on it? Ok I'm partly kidding of course. Although be prepared for the movie to give you more than your average crocodile - or is it alligator? I have to admit, I am still uncertain what the distinction is exactly.

I've read about it because I played Red Dead Redemption 2, but ... well I forgot I guess is the easiest thing to say about that. Whoever wrote the script here may have also forgotten a few things ... like how people would act or react when faced with danger ... surely not trying to make out in a river for example. Reminded me of classic US horror movie cliches.

The CGI barely works, but if you watch this as the "trash" (read low budget) effort that this is, you can have some fun with it ...
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Entertaining and Fun
It gets a little silly in places but overall it's fun to watch. The acting is decent. CGI effects vary a little but are mostly well done and are very effective at times.

The plot is basic but perfectly acceptable for this genre of film. Plane crashes, random strangers trapped on desert island with giant crocodiles and spiders wandering around. What could possibly go wrong?

The film claims to be "a condemnation of self-centeredness and selfishness and an ode to the greater love in our world and selfless dedication." This is evident in some scenes, particularly at the start, but I'm not sure it managed to live up to that thoughout.

It's a decent film, certainly no worse than a lot of other films in this genre. Give it a try. You just might enjoy it.
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Cheesy Chinese creature feature in every regard
kannibalcorpsegrinder26 November 2023
After a plane crash, a group of survivors finding themselves stranded on a deserted island tries to regroup and find a way to get off the alive, but when they discover the place is located to a massive crocodile and a race of gigantic spiders they must band together to put their differences aside and escape the creatures.

Overall, the film serves well enough as a generally inoffensive cheesy creature feature. One of the film's bright spots is the fact that it manages to play such a ludicrous and inherently silly story into being as straightforward and serious as it is. The scenario about the plane landing in the area as a result of the magnetic forces at play in the location and being stranded has some merit to it with the background on the area being responsible for the multitude of ship and airplane disasters over the years. It also serves well to explain the presence of the giant creatures as the crocodiles and spiders are shown to have survived unscathed on the island due to their existence. This allows for some fine subplots as well once they get stranded on the island as the chance for the father to reconnect with his daughter while they're trying to find a way off the island with their build-up as the realization to let her grow up and be more independent is an expected but still enjoyable aspect. However, where this shines is the relentless and cheesy creature attacks. The CGI for the swarms of creatures there makes the action they're required to perform seem all that much more over-the-top and unnatural as the attacks here become quite fun. From the opening ambush on the escaping pilot, the beach attack on the survivors and the subsequent chase into the islands' interior, the series of attacks on the group stopping at ponds or lakes for water, and the big chase at the end to get his daughter back after being accidentally abducted in a prior ambush, the crocodile is involved in a nice variety of action scenes here. As well, the inclusion of the spiders in the storyline as a further obstacle to overcome makes for a nice diversion and includes some more action as well with the creatures hunting the survivors in the forests of the island. This all comes together nicely enough to provide plenty of solid creature action for some positive features here. While there are a lot of positives here, this one does have some missteps holding it down. The main aspect here is the aforementioned abject cheesiness on display which makes the whole thing feel like a made-for-TV genre effort. The ludicrous story we're being asked to take seriously and the quality of the effects are the biggest factors of this, where the whole storyline just takes on one goofy twist after another with the means of getting stranded on the island, the presence of both the spiders and crocodiles and the later discovery of the WW II-era firepower left behind all seeming like the type of cheesy setups they are. Likewise, the CGI effects here carry that tone throughout, ranging from the passable involving the giant spiders to the ridiculous such as the croc attacks, and the outright laughable which is reserved for the spectacle sequences involving objects crashing or exploding. These are in line with the atmosphere established with the storyline and help to make the film feel even more like that kind of genre outing.

Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.
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