"Smallville" Bride (TV Episode 2008) Poster

(TV Series)


Tom Welling: Clark Kent



  • Clark Kent : [Lana is reading a text message in a secluded area of the barn/wedding reception when Clark finds her]  Chloe's glad you came. I could have used some warning. You weren't planning on coming back, were you?

    Lana Lang : Yeah, not until a few hours ago.

    Clark Kent : So, what changed your mind? I'm not expecting you to say it was me.

    Lana Lang : I read about the mysterious blur saving lives in Metropolis. I'm proud of you, Clark. It's who you should have been all along.

    Clark Kent : Does that mean you're happy you left?

    Lana Lang : It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. But I'm glad that I finally had the guts to do it.

    [silence between the two former lovers] 

    Lana Lang : I would have died before I admitted this, but I used to sit on my front porch and look across the field at this barn, imagining a summer wedding here. Of course, I always thought I'd play a bigger part in it.

    Clark Kent : You probably would have if I had given you Chloe's wedding gift. I had Jor-El erase all the memories that Chloe had of the real me. I wonder if that would have made things different between us.

    Lana Lang : I understood the lies that you told me to protect your identity. But I could never forgive you for taking that away from me.

    Clark Kent : You can't mean that. Lana, it turned your life upside down.

    Lana Lang : Maybe it was exactly what it needed. I could have landed a lot of places in my life, Clark. But without you, none of them would have led me here.

    Clark Kent : So that's it. It's all over. It's that easy?

    Lana Lang : No. But where I am now, for the first time it feels right. Clark, I know neither of us could say it... But maybe Clark Kent and Lana Lang just weren't meant to end up together.

    [Both turn to the reception where the crowd starts cheering for Chloe and Jimmy to kiss] 

  • Lois Lane : Jimmy's in bad shape.

    Clark Kent : The nurse said they had him stabilized.

    Lois Lane : But he's not out of the woods. He has severe internal bleeding. They're medevacing him to Star City to one of the country's top surgeons. I'm gonna go with him. I'll stay there until I hear from Chloe. Why did this have to happen to her? Why do these terrible things keep happening all around us?

    Clark Kent : I promise. We're gonna get Chloe back.

    Lois Lane : What if we can't?

  • Colin : [Filming]  Now be yourselves, just speak from the heart.

    Clark Kent : Jimmy, Chloe. I can't tell you how happy I am the two of you found each other. You're very lucky to be together. Look, your wedding day's gonna be perfect - I'm gonna make sure of it.

    Lois Lane : Stop hogging the spotlight, Smallville. Hey, cuz, you know that I love you, and I wish you and jimmy long and happy years together. And remember what The General always says - marriage is the only war where you get to sleep with the enemy.

    [Thinks about what she just said] 

    Lois Lane : You can edit out that last part, right?

  • Oliver Queen : Lex is alive. I was tracking a wireless ghost router he was using to bounce e-mails to Tess Mercer. If we can get our hands on that router, it'll tell us where the e-mails originated.

    Clark Kent : It's not like Lex to leave a trail.

    Oliver Queen : He's not leaving a trail. His routers pop up all over the globe. But every time I show up, all the hardware's missing.

    Clark Kent : You want me to race in there and grab the router the next time Lex sends an e-mail.

    Oliver Queen : That's right. Now, listen. Based on the previous pattern, I'm expecting one today. This means we could be hours away from locking that monster up for good.

  • Chloe Sullivan : Thank you for letting us have our wedding here.

    Clark Kent : Yeah, well... it's the least I could do. You were always the best friend I ever could have had.

    Chloe Sullivan : You say that like something's changed. Clark, trust me, we've been through too much together. Nothing is gonna make me forget that.

    Clark Kent : You're right. The important thing is that your life is everything you want it to be.

    Chloe Sullivan : It is. It's like I've been carrying around this weight... and I don't know why, but a few days ago... I finally let go. Like I can move on.

  • Clark Kent : "It's really hard for me to put my feelings into words, but from the moment we met, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

    [touched, Lois turns around to say something] 

    Clark Kent : Jimmy's vows, they... they're really sweet.

    Lois Lane : [her face falling]  Yeah, he's a regular Cyrano.

  • Lois Lane : Smallville, chop chop. Let's go. We can't have a wedding without the escort to give the bride away.

    [stopping short when they see each other] 

    Lois Lane : Looks like you're ready.

    Clark Kent : I have it all under control, except for these cuff links. They were my dad's, and I've never had to put them on before.

    Lois Lane : Well, I guess you don't have much need for cuff links when you have a whole closetful of flannel shirts, huh, Farmer John? Big city boy, let me give you a lesson. You just have to make sure this part sticks up straight, and then it slides right in.

  • Clark Kent : What are you two girls doing?

    Lois Lane : The bride needs somethig borrowed to take to the altar.

    Chloe Sullivan : [as she opens the box, Clark begins to feel the effects of the kryptonite inside]  How about she carry your piece of Smallville's finest meteor rock down the aisle?

    Clark Kent : Hey, why don't you put that away? I... I have a better idea.

    [as she closes the box, he picks up their high school year book and takes a small, white rose from inside] 

    Clark Kent : You gave that to me, freshman year, at the homecoming dance.

    Chloe Sullivan : And you kept it all this time?

    Clark Kent : I never throw away good memories.

  • Clark Kent : Sorry I took so long. The warehouse was guarded.

    Oliver Queen : Well, it's a good thing the infamous red-blue blur is faster than a speeding bullet. Let's see it.

    Clark Kent : [noticing a newspaper article about Oliver's parents]  Is that what this is about? Oliver, you told me you set aside your need for vengeance. I know how much you hate Lionel Luthor for what he did to your parents.

    Oliver Queen : Did? Clark, it's called murder.

    Clark Kent : You can't punish the son for the sins of the father.

    Oliver Queen : That's not what I'm doing.

    Clark Kent : Oliver, I remember when my dad died. I was so angry, I almost crossed a line that I could not come back from. I'm not gonna let you make the same mistake.

    Oliver Queen : Well, the truth is I'm going after Lex for you.

    Clark Kent : That's only half the truth, isn't it?

    Oliver Queen : Clark, come on, you know how dangerous this guy is. He may even know how to kill you. Why don't you just... give me the router? Okay, it's gonna take me a couple hours to download it, anyway. You're gonna have plenty of time to eat cake and do the chicken dance before we even take off.

    Clark Kent : No, I'm gonna keep this until after the wedding. If you're really doing this for me, Oliver, you'll wait until I can go with you.

  • Clark Kent : I can't do this today.

    Oliver Queen : Clark, what are you talking about? You've given Lex, like, a hundred second chances.

    Clark Kent : And if he's out there alive, he hasn't made a move for months. This can wait 24 hours. Chloe can't.

    Oliver Queen : The wedding? Is that the real reason you don't wanna go after Lex or is that just an excuse? Chloe's gonna understand.

    Clark Kent : No, she won't. When I had Jor-El bring back her memories, I asked him to leave out the ones about who I really am. You know everything she suffered through because of me. And not to give her away on her wedding day? It's not an option.

    Oliver Queen : Maybe Lex hasn't made his move yet... but he will. He's more dangerous now than he ever was. Chloe may not know your secret anymore, but Lex still does.

See also

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