Shark Season (2020) Poster


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Wow....what garbage
nathanjamesemerson20 August 2020
This ranks alongside Snow Shark Ancient Snow Beast and House Sharks as the worst shark movies ever made.

I love shark films. Even the cheesy low budget ones. But this was garbage.

Michael Madsen literally phones his performance in. And in the most wooden way possible.

He has phone conversations with some random guy in a boat who has no relevance to the movie whatsoever. And most of the time you see this guy from his back. It was obvious that this guy was not an actor. The conversations he has with Michael Madsen are hilarious. Each conversation has them repeatedly say the same things over and over but with some dialogue changes. It is extremely bizzare.

Now to the blonde lead of the movie. You will see her space out of lot with some really strange facial expressions. You don't know if she is trying to look shocked, struggling to remember her lines or holding in a fart.

Not too mention the out of place 10 minute conversation she has with the other girl about love and drama while stuck on a rock escaping the shark. There are more important issues for them to be concerned about then that crap in their situation.

The shark is the typical z grade quality CGI. In some cases each time you see the shark you hear some weird wooshing/growling sound. And ironically, the shark is the best actor in the film.

The only good thing about this movie is that it's funny. And that was not the intention of this film.

Make sure to listen to Michael Madsens horrible phone message to his characters daughter 'This is me....calling you..... something along the lines like that. Awful

UPDATE - Changing the movie title to DEEP BLUE NIGHTMARE on Lifetime is not going to change how bad this movie is. I don't know why they bothered changing the name
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Fabulously Bad , Watch It !
carolynocean18 January 2022
I had such a good time watching this , best entertainment I've had in a while .

Where to start ?, Well Michael Madsen for one , what was with the birds nest on his head ?

And what was he staring at when he was on the phone ? I thought that his eyes were going to pop out of his head .

I was more scared of him than I was of the shark !

Next, the daughter , was she smoking something throughout ? , and you know what ? She probably could have caught the shark in her mouth eventually ,because she never closed it !

From terrible camerawork , to terrible acting , to terrible dialoge , this was one hell of a great watch !

Pour youself a large drink and enjoy !
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jbhomefries20 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love shark movies and have seen many but this is by far the worst I have ever seen. It seems like it has been directed by a 5 year old, no thought has gone into this film at all. There are so many flaws that it is ridiculous. 3 kayakers paddle for 3 hours across the ocean for a photo shoot with two dead batteries on mobiles and not even mentioning the guys mobile. The rescue helicopter only had a pilot so couldn't save them, the small rescue boat could not get near them as they said they were too shallow even though the Great White was 40 feet plus beneath their kayaks. They could have stayed on the islands before the tide covered them instead of going back into the water and the way the shark was killed, justvridiculous. Many more flaws but I'm too upset to write them! Michael Madsen must have been desperate when he agreed to star in this terrible movie.
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2 things Disturbed me!!!! The blonde chicks Snot & Michael Madsen's Acting!!!!
lukem-527601 May 2021
This is another really poor & extremely cheap killer shark Thriller about stranded youngsters being stalked by a great white & the real used footage of the shark looks great because it's Real but the c.g.i side of things is AWFUL!!!

The blonde chick also has some horrific Snot near the it gross

But the most disturbing thing about this cheap & tacky flick is that former "Reservoir Dogs" star Michael Madsen is in this playing one of the girls dad & he looks horrendous, he looks half dead & scarily frail & very old looking!!! It's a shame how he's turned out in his later years & he's now a horrendous actor!!!!

Film is crap.
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I was rooting for the shark - remember JAWS in the 1970's?
mja5819 March 2021
This was very silly LMN movie - I felt sorry for the shark!!

Please note:

1. Michael Madsen needed a hair color touch up - his grey roots are clearly visible.

2. Michael madsen needed a cough lozenge - he sounded very horse.

3. Just a silly plot - sinking island?

4. This reminded me of JAWS in the 1970's (I saw it then) but that scared me - this one made me laugh.

Have many drinks before viewing - REQUIRED!!!
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Scary moments
gweesha19 March 2021
There were some morbid moments. If you read the description of the movie, you can surmise what I'm referring to. It was hard to get past the bad acting in this movie. The man who plays Sarah's father is so creepy and beyond stupid. He keeps calling his daughter who obviously is stuck in the middle of nowhere with a dead phone, expecting her to call him back. Hard to watch without screaming at the TV. Lol
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Not great
emguy19 August 2020
The movie seemed like an earnest newcomer effort to create a suspenseful shark attack movie (not over-the-top silliness like Sharknado (2013)), but now I see that several cast and crew have a list of credits behind them. They couldn't do better? Several crew members are credited in both movies; both movies are from The Asylum.

The basic premise is straightforward: Three people get stranded in rising waters while a shark circles them. Will they survive? That's the story.

The writing was amateurish. At a few points, it seemed like the screenwriter was thinking, "I looked up some stuff for background, so dang it, I'm going to squeeze it into somebody's dialogue somewhere." For example, the distraught father is on the phone with his frightened daughter, who had just indicated that she and her cell phone might die at any moment. Did he really need to go into an extended explanation of king tides, instead of quickly telling her what to do before her phone shut down?

The characters repeated themselves a few times unnecessarily too, which felt like padding. They also flip-flopped a few times (for no apparent reason) about what they should or shouldn't do next.

There were a few disjointed topic changes in the dialogue, as if the screenwriter decided to shoehorn an arbitrary subplot or two into the script -- but only in the form of dialogue, not activity. Whether it was the writing, the direction, or the acting that was inadequate, they couldn't make up their minds about each character's attitudes toward the subplots.

The performances weren't great. Paige McGarvin had the least amateurish performance, although this included screaming "What do you want?" at the shark. Seemed to me that the shark was pretty clear about its intentions. Michael Madsen just phoned in his performance, literally. Almost all his screen time had him, by himself, on the phone.

One ludicrous bit was when the operators of a small boat told the girl treading water -- water that was entirely too deep for her to stand in -- that they couldn't come to her because the water was too shallow.

The title "Shark Season" seems pretty arbitrary. How was this shark season, really? I guess they were desperate to find a shark title that hadn't been used previously.
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Watch it on mute
leesimon-2635715 February 2021
I love shark movies, and I especially love the ones with stalker sharks or silly-science. Unfortunately, everything in this movie and how it was made makes this a piece of garbage. The CGI is TERRIBLE. The writing is awful. I would generally say that the dialogue is awful, and it is. But in this movie, there is also quite a bit of narrating, as one of the characters leaves long, exposition voicemail messages to another character, despite knowing that their phone is dead. There are also many instances of just screaming at nothing, which make no sense. Why would you scream at a shark who just ate your friend "what do you want?" Did she think that the shark wanted her to cosign on a loan? Every spoken word i this movie is mind-numbingly bad. I've seen worse movies, but this one is quite stupid. Florida looks absolutely beautiful, and the shark does get a few people, so maybe watch it on mute? I will never see this one again. Too dumb.
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bad everything
moonnight07227 October 2020
Were to start..bad cgi for the sharks, bad acting, and bad writing. when you see island near you you paddle to them. you can clearly see shore in the distance and land mass but maybe they think we didnt see them and this was in open water
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miasmolka3 April 2021
Okay so I have 45 minutes left to go but if you need a great movie to make fun of with your boyfriend, this is it. Highly predictable, very contrary. The dads on the phone like "is there some other island you can swim to?" And the chicks like "dad no we're in the middle of nowhere" and then you'll see another island in the background. It's so bad it's awesome!
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RNMorton23 March 2021
Unbelievably cheesy tale of three kayakers attacked by a great white shark off the Florida Keys. This is most definitely not a real-life story. BUT between the goofy father, ditzy girls, CGI shark and dense rescue workers it all worked for me. There's so much bullcrap in the world that a stupid, pointless movie like this is the only thing that makes me feel alive. Enjoy.
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ts-000019 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There's a saying.. Beauty fades but dumb is forever,sums up the actresses. The dad was just not right,was a decent actor years back. I think this is where actors go,when they have no alternative opportunities. Someone finally in a boat comes to rescue them.. I get about not coming closer to the girls with the boat,but with them not even helping was ridiculous. Let's watch her kill the shark with an oar,sure.. why not. Lol. Came across as a comedic attempt,at suspenful/drama. Hard pass at something I'd watch again,unless to torture someone. Camera work & music,was average at best.
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Michael Madsen's wig is the scariest thing I have ever seen in a movie!
omendata22 March 2021
Wow just wow - how can the acting be so bad from everyone concerned in this? Surely there are some good actors in Hollywood who would act for peanuts or nothing just to get their names known? I surmise the actors; and I use the term loosely in this, have either given the producer a few... ahem... casting couch favours or are family members!

Michael Madsen - well what can we say but that syrup was just a laugh-a-minute especially when he is on the phone it literally starts moving back exposing his real grey hair underneath I couldn't stop laughing and sorry Mike but when you are past your best it is time to give it up and you are 10 years past your best but he was obviously thrown into this calamity just to add a name to the cast list! He actually looks like my gramps with a dodgy black syrup, some dreadfully bad blusher on his cheeks and the turkey neck of doom. Watch the end sequence closely - he is so frail he cannot put his sunglasses on with his hands shaking or was he inebriated? Either way what a poor old sod, i actually started to feel sorry for the old fella, how very, very embarrassing to go out in your career this way - better to grow old gracefully!

As for the movie? Well it is Asylum and a tv movie so you should really not expect much and try and review it in that context but even so the shark effects were pretty basic. The problem is the acting, it really takes away a lot from the movie and makes it hard to watch and just adds another Shark Turkey movie to the seemingly endless list!
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vengeance2026 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this film was bad, only just watched there after buying it on DVD a couple of weeks ago.

The film follows 2 girls being stalked by a Great White Shark while one of the girls dads tries help them. So, it's a straight forward type of film which is fine by me, the opening was great but the film from that point went down hill fast.

I found the film to be pretty boring. With a body count of 3, bad CGI Sharks & lack of excitement the film was pretty poor. 3/4 of the film was filled with dragged out wooden dialogue, which I think was there to beef up the film as it was already short in itself at 1hr 20mins.

The characters while cute looking were somewhat annoying & conveiniently survived at points where they could've easily have died like the latteral 3. The female soul survivors was an eye roller in itself. The attacks were pathetic as with the overused obvious stock footage of the Great White Sharks. The ending was embarrasing, cringey & so unrealistic.

Pathetic Shark Film 1/10
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"The Bite in Beach Season"
Kamurai259 December 2020
Horrible watch, most likely will not watch again, and do not recommend.

This is one of those 2019+ movies that looks like it was made in 2013. While a lot of the movie has some modern cinematography over the ocean, the cg shark alone looks like it is left over effects from another movie.

While I think the ladies actually did really well for what they were (clearly) given, but the script is so horribly structured and written that it literally doesn't make any sense at points, and really looks like 3-4 movies were cut together.

While Michael Madsen can act, he was very clearly given some weird direction. He seems more like a crazy villain explaining his mad plot rather than a concerned father. Literally the same voice for "I hope you, my daughter, are okay", and "you better save my daughter, or I'll kill you".

The guy on the boat alone doesn't make sense no matter how you cut it. He speaks in some other worldy alien affect. You could literally cut him from the movie entirely and it would make more sense, even if you didn't caption the responses over the phone.

What a lot of this comes down to is a lot of 2 hot girls in danger, either trying to avoid, outrun, or fight a shark.

I'm not saying some people aren't going to enjoy this, just know what you're getting into with this one: and I did my part to tell you not to watch it.
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Madsen was awful
teebear8179 December 2020
What irony. The "NAME ACTOR" who has been in good movies was the only bad actor in this. The acting by the lesser known actors was acceptable. Madsens was awful. He literally phoned it in. All he did was talk on the phone a few times. He looked like crap. He is said to be 63, he looks 73. He looked like he just woke up.... Haggard, disheveled, uncombed hair. His voice sounded sick, and he only cared about a small paycheck here. For a shark movie it wasnt too bad. Bad special effects but thats expected. Madsens resume is; Good Tarentino movies, or low budet garbage. No middle ground
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Get rid of this Movie now
shrimpheads-7895415 August 2021
This movie was awful. I wish I never saw this. Michael Madson was playing the dad on the phone-like seriously? They couldn't get a better role for him? Plus he sounds like he has a sore throat and I can't believe that the girl calls her dad instead of 911.

If anyone likes this movie im speechless. If you feel the need to murder some of your brain cells, then watch this movie. It's gonna be hard to watch the whole thing so I hope you make it through this awful trainwreck..
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leepererin19 March 2021
This movie was absolutely horrific. At times it seemed like it was trying to be funny. And the girls with the screaming and yelling! Damn I need 2 Excedrin migraine now. Thanks
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New name, same dumb movie
PepperPants19 March 2021
This is actually the same movie as Shark Season 2020 but released under a new name, Too bad they didn't make the movie better when they updated the title.
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The WORST ever!
sstephyadelphia19 March 2021
This has to have been THE absolute WORST movie I've E.V.E.R watched! From the cliched and predicatable writing and storyline to the cheap camera work and location shooting, to the rock bottom acting skills exhibited by the 2 females, the dad, and even the chopper pilot and the boat driver who communicated with the dad - - my gawd it was all horrendous! The girls' screams, their out of breath speech (they interpreted being scared to mean they should act as if they'd just finished running a mile track race), the dad's clinical, emotionless, interaction with the people going to save his daughter. My gawd, it was LOL awful!

This movie should have had some redeeming qualities, but it didn't. The premise sounded interesting and it should have been, but everything was just so bad. Smh Don't waste a second of your time on it.
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Sharks don't leap out of the ocean to snatch people off motorized jet skis lol. I could forgive the bad acting and the bad CGI but sharks just don't do that. If this was filmed as a comedy I could accept it, but it was all done serious so when that happened I was immediately out of the movie. The girls don't even have the sense to paddle to the empty jet ski and ride away on it. They just paddle to a beach and talk about life. Weird.

And Michael Madson was WAY too old to play that young girl's Dad---he should've been playing her grandfather instead because he looked like the Crypt keeper.
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Looking for a good comedy?
schtacy22 March 2021
The movie is horrible, but the dad is so hilarious to watch. He made me laugh every time he opened his mouth to speak!
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Yikes...a shark...I think
mwcanadian19 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is insanely bad, sure the girls are beautiful as can be, but their acting is not. The dad has creepy wrote all over him and sounds dumb. It's like he was acting with a sore throat, someone get him medicine.

But the main issue I had was the shark. At times it looked good, but then at times it was like watching a video game shark come at you, the effects are that bad at times. The scene when dolphins fight the shark is very bad.
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It only took 5 minutes and we were out
DebraIonaVogel9 January 2021
Some nights, you look and look and finally land on something that you're willing to give a spin.

Michael Madsen is in it. That made me that there's some production value. Not written, directed, edited and scored by the same dude in his mom's garage.

Nope. The opening scene was a girl in beautiful, crystal clear light blue shallow water. She rides her paddle board a few feet and we cut to the shark filmed in deep, dark water. Looks like it was taken straight from stock footage...

Then we skip back to a shot of the girl on the paddle board being circled by a shark bigger than the water is deep with CGI so bad it's worse than Syfy movies (which this may have been).

We were out.

I, literally, spent more time typing this than we did watching it, so you wouldn't have to. Come on, give me thumbs up and you are welcome!
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rhondashepherd12 June 2021
The movie itself wouldn't be so bad. But the acting was some of the worst I've ever seen. I do realize that it could just be me since we all have different taste. I just couldn't get past how both the girl and her dad always had that strange look in their eyes staring off into nowhere. The girls was the absolute worst. I had a really hard time finishing the show to see what happened. I have this issue about not finishing a movie once I start it. The dark haired girls acting was a bit better but still really horrible at times. I was very confused because I recognized the man playing the dad and had to look him up because I knew he had been a very good actor in other movies. I don't know why the acting was so terrible.
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