"The Mandalorian" Chapter 11: The Heiress (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Just give Star Wars to Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni already. Best episode so far.
jacobcharif13 November 2020
I'm not very good at writing reviews so it'll be short. Time and time again Jon and Dave manage to give fans what they want. It's insane how epic they manage to make every scene. I'll be rewatching this episode quite a few times just because of how it was shot.

Really good job to everyone who helped make that episode and The Mandalorian in general, perfection imo.
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poseyfan13 November 2020
Oh man. The fanboy side of me was well nourished watching this episode. As a huge clone wars fan it was great. Episodes 1 and 2 were good, but this was some of the best star wars I've seen in a while. These next episodes are going to be crazy
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Story driven, packed with Clone Wars and Rebels references
matthewrivera-6963713 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finally! We got an episode where we see more crossover characters from the two major animated series. Seeing Bo Katan was refreshing and done very well in both writing and acting. Learning that Din Djarin is a "Child of the Watch" was a nice twist. In retrospect, it shouldn't be too surprising given the clip we see in season 1 where he's taken up as a child in the arms of a Death Watch mando, but still great to get clarification. Very excited to see where the next episode picks up from the end of this episode. Honestly my only critic is that it isn't longer. Would've been a 10/10 if they added ten or so more minutes to help the flow of the episode breathe easier. But a phenomenal chapter nonetheless.
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So far my favorite!
ckhr13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Heiress! As soon as I saw the title card I knew who they were referring to. No, I did not get Sabine but I got Bo Katan instead with an Ahsoka name drop. It's looking like Mando is going to get to meet her (Ahsoka) in the next episode, but if this show has shown me anything is that they always put a big "yield sign" between exciting episodes. So we might have to wait until episode 5 for some Ahsoka action. I hope I'm wrong. If you watched "Rebels" you already know what she's after (Bo Katan) and what her motives are. She's after The Dark Saber. Which means there's more Bo Katan to come in future episodes. Hats off to Katee Sackhoff, she played a very convincing Bo Katan. It was the perfect cast really. I commend the casting director for making such a perfect casting. Subsequently, this episode gave us a different look at Mandalorians. The ones we were used to, you know, before this show started. The ones who can actually take their helmets off. It was a nice change of pace and maybe one day we'll see Mando himself take off his helmet casually. In summary, all of the costumes were on point and so were the SFX. They nailed the Mandalorian armor. They look like they were plucked right out of the animated series. Absolute perfection! I'm really happy with the quality of this episode. They did not cheap out whatsoever. Now, is it just me or was there a little hint of hair dye on Sasha Banks character? Sabine is that you?
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Watch the Clone Wars and Rebels!!
mistataco13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After a slower episode 2, this one is certainly thrilling. A surprise appearance by one Bo Katan was awesome to see. If you haven't seen "The Clone Wars" or "Rebels" you need to ASAP. Very funny moments with Baby Yoda and lastly, AHSOKA IS COMING.
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This is everything that we expect from the show!
UncleKingpin13 November 2020
First of all kudos to Bryce Dallas Howard for directing this episode. Although I liked her episode from last season, this one beats it by miles. The episode was a little short in length but I think it's better that they are not putting in unnecessary filler scenes to just stretch to a 50 minute long episode. I have spoken.
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This Is The Way
LuckySpecialist32313 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is filled with Clone Wars & Rebels references and I love it. First seeing Bo-Katan in live action and watching her mentioning Ahsoka Tano had me screaming. I would've love it more if they had longer runtimes instead of half-hour but beside this, it was nearly perfect.
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Starbuck, the helmet-removing Mandalorian
XweAponX15 November 2020
It was great to see Katie Sackhoff bring an assist to Mando.

The thing that is great about this show is that when we think we know what to expect, something else happens and it flattens us.

I was glad that frog woman had at least a few of her eggs left- and that Mini Yoda started to respect that these things might actually hatch into living beings.

But then again on Trask there are plenty of little octopus things to eat, or that might eat little miniature Yodas.

It appears that after their ordeal, Mando and the frog lady have developed a kind of rapport.

Also for appearances sake, Trask seems to be the planet of Mon Calamari. So now that we have seen Mon Calamari admirals in the movies, now we get to see Mon Calamari Dock workers and bartenders.

And Mando meets up with some of his kind, except are they really his kind? A lot of questions after this episode especially interest in a certain light saber that we saw in the last episode of season one.

I was told that this particular object actually has a history in Star Wars canon. So I am glad that these stories are being told.

I am also wondering why there are so many imperial troops and ships still around... although not in power anymore they still have the ability to bully their way around planets like Trask.

My only real complaint about this show is that when it gets into the episodic stories, they are just so short... although with varying degrees of relevance toward the whole story.

This episode was very relevant and pushes, rather propels the story forward in a great leap regardless of its short length.

And it was even a woman Director, Bryce Dallas Howard.
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Wow. Watch the animated shows if you haven't!!
theflashrankings13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is bound to unite the fandom, right? I mean, it's following the main plot, it introduced a live-action Bo-Katan Kryze, it solved the ridiculous egg controversy, it explained the Mandalorian's no-helmet rule and fixed inconsistencies there, it name dropped Ahsoka and we got our first glimpse at Moff Gideon since last season. This episode is truly a love letter to fans of the animated shows and definitely won't be as enjoyable to those who haven't watched them, but for those of us that did, personally, I was blown away. Bryce Dallas Howard delivered us a meh episode last season but this one blows it out of the water. We are finally on-track for the main plot and I can't wait to see what comes next. Obviously, we will see Ahsoka soon. Will we see Rex? Or Sabine? I mean, after this episode, I have no idea.
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irfan_mehboob13 November 2020
Chapter 4, now chapter 11- both are my top 5 mandalorian episodes. I wish Bryce would direct more episodes in a season. Her storytelling, angles, aesthetics, locations, are always on point. There are many jaw dropping moments in this episode. Its a roller coaster of a episode for your emotional state. Lastly, kudos to Jon Favreau, Dave Giloni and Bryce, of course for delivering yet another power packed, impactful STAR WARS episode that cathes its very spirit on every level.
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Perfect to the T!
evgenycaruana13 November 2020
I cannot express this enough, give STAR WARS TO JON FAVREAU!! NOW!! This episode is amazing!!! Nuff said!!
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Its okay, but its nothing new
chiaramichael-3292914 November 2020
Mando goes to new planet

Mando meets someone who will give him A, if he gives them B.

Set out for task

Finish task and Mando says goodbye.

Same structure for every episode this season
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joshuamathew-0343814 November 2020
Clone wars references doesn't make an episode great; sure it's fan service but what really matters is how they use it. I can tell you they didn't use it very well.

I think my main problem with the recent mandalorian episodes is how formulaic it's becoming. Mando goes to a planet, tries to get information, finds someone with the information, has to help that person, things don't go according to plan, things then work out, Mando gets information and leaves planet. This type of story telling makes it feel like the plot is moving at a snails pace because constantly Mando is getting side tracked, making it feel more like filler and less actual substance. It makes me feel like they're are padding out the story to keep the show going as long as possible, which really annoys me.

A whole episode just for a small tease for the next episode is a waste of an episode.

This season is really wearing me out. I don't think they'll ever reach the heights of season 1 (especially the first 3 episodes). Not with the current way they're doing things.
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My favorite of the series so far.
minebag14 November 2020
Congrats to Bryce on this one. Everything about it was masterful. 10/10
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Loved it!!
Simmer7213 November 2020
So Much Better Than the Last Episode. Very Action Packed! Also Back on Track storyline wise.

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Too Short
dtaylor-3560114 November 2020
This is the type of episode we have come to enjoy and expect from this series but at 35 minutes it is way too short! They need to be 45 min at least. This is the way!!
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AdamDroge13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this was a shorter episode. Only 35 minutes with credits. But they crammed a lot in here that made me happy!

The first two episodes were both solid. I loved the first episode. It's an excellent stand-alone episode that's very much of the style of The Mandalorian. The second episode was definitely a filler episode, but it was a good filler episode. But this episode FINALLY gave us Bo Katan. In the first two episodes when he's searching for someone else of his kind, I knew it was Bo Katan that he was going to run into. And it was so great to finally see it come to fruition.

If you have no idea of who this character is, what her significance is, or why she's searching for the Darksaber (which we saw in season 1), I'm not going to spoon-feed you. Go watch Clone Wars and Rebels. Or read Wookiepedia. Is this just fan service they're throwing at us? Sure. But that's not always a bad thing, especially if it fits into the plot. This show is called "The Mandalorian." So it makes sense for other Mandalorians to show up. My only complaint with the show as a whole is it hasn't gone anywhere yet. If you're happy with nothing but episodic adventures with Pedro Pascal for the rest of this show, then fine. You're allowed to feel that way. But I've waiting for the story to go somewhere and expand the Star Wars lore. After spending so much time teasing us, I'm finally glad that we had this reveal and that we now have a solid direction.

Even if you don't know anything about Bo Katan, I still feel that this could be an entertaining episode. We have a trio of awesome Mandalorians that our protagonist joins and some fun action sequences as they take over the ship. My only complaint is that it could've been longer. This feels like 50 minutes of show that got squished into 35 minutes. So why not just make it 50 minutes? I thought the length of the first episode this season was perfect. I was hoping they'd all be like that. But oh well.

Finally, the other big reveal is that THEY FINALLY NAME-DROPPED AHSOKA!!!!! SHE'S COMING NEXT EPISODE!!!!!! Given the relationship that Bo Katan has with Ahsoka, when she told Pedro that she'll take him to a Jedi, we knew that she was referring to Ahsoka. But it was satisfying to get that official confirmation! No more of this nonsense of them dangling the rumors over our heads. We're getting Ahsoka, ladies and gentlemen!

OK, your acceptance of this will go back to the previous conversation. Is your enjoyment of this episode going to rely on your knowledge of Clone Wars and Rebels? Perhaps. But I don't care. Ahsoka became my favorite Jedi over the course of Clone Wars and Rebels. Yet they've never bothered to tell me where the frack she's been over the course of the original timeline. I want my answers and I don't care what the internet thinks. The idea that we might finally get the answers makes me pumped for next week! If you don't know who Ahsoka is, you're doing yourself a disservice. She's the greatest. And I can't wait for her live-action debut!
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Short but Sweet!
sommelier-5296913 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching i noticed the run time...definitely was a let down. BUT...not so fast...if you were a fan of The Clone Wars and Rebels, strap yourselves in and prepare to make the jump to hyperspace!

******SPOILERS******* Rebels fans would be waiting for this moment, though I'm sure a lot of us were expecting Sabine Wren to show up before being treated to Bo Katan (played by the voice artist!) (only wish they'd have cast Ashley for Asokah...but i digress)!!! Some call this episode fan service, and i get that, however i see it as Filoni finding a way to finish a great story he began years ago. I'm hoping Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren become apart of the series, and by extension...Thrawn! Don't expect them to rely on the cuteness of the Child to get the series through more than 3 seasons. I absolutely expect further Clone Wars and specifically Rebels references to be used more. Loving the new season! Can't wait for more!
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In My Best James Earl Jones' Voice, "Most Impressive."
ObsessiveCinemaDisorder20 November 2020
The Heiress competently kicks off the main plot of the second season. Director Bryce Dallas Howard has upped her directing game since the smaller-scaled ATST-centric episode from last season, delivering a tight engaging action-packed 35 minutes with an awesome guest appearance from Battlestar Galactica's Katee Sackhoff. It is the most cinematic out of the new season thus far, topping the IMAX-filmed Krayt Dragon sequence from The Marshal.

The art direction on this show never ceases to amaze me. I was impressed by how tactile the ocean planet Trask looked, it was reminiscent of the opening fishing boat section from Man of Steel or even the ocean scene with the offshore windmills from Tenet. The blue-toned gloomy working man atmosphere feels like some East coast fishing port and the fishing boat especially looked like it was used and lived in.

I always check the writer of the week's episode during the end credits and every week I see it's just Jon Favreau doing it all by himself. Really? No help from a writer's room so far? All that detail? In my best James Earl Jones voice, I say, "Most impressive."

The Heiress heavily incorporates lore from the Clone Wars animated series, of which I want to go back and finish now. Lacking the foresight, I had dismissed the series because it wasn't live-action and therefore not canon, only to regret it now. I love how Jon Favreau intelligently incorporates inconsistencies in the Star Wars lore and spins them into more stories. The idea that there are different sects of Mandalorians is quite clever.

In a post-Return of the Jedi timeline, I do wonder why it's so hard to find the Jedi. If there are any of them who are alive, they wouldn't need to hide anymore and are probably in the process of re-franchising. I would think Mando only needs to travel to Coruscant, the center of the Star Wars universe, to find Luke Skywalker. I digress.

The burning question left in my mind is "Is Giancarlo Esposito's Moff Gideon force sensitive?" The fact that he was last seen brandishing a lightsaber-like weapon at the end of season 1 and added with the fact that Jedi are going to appear on the show, I worry that the presence of Jedi and Sith would overpower a well-armed bounty hunter. On the other hand, we've seen our fair share of blaster fights so maybe this is a great way to mix things up. We've seen how well Jango Fett held up against the Jedi in Attack of the Clones, decapitation aside.

Suffice to say, I am pumped for the next episode.
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And She is back!
Turanic13 November 2020
Well in fact there is more than one "She" that is back in this episode, fans of Clone wars will be pleased... Great episode with quite a few unexpected moments, explores the story line of Mandalore and Empire further with a few massive hints on what's coming next...
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This is the way!
rijuchaudhuri13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
BO-KATAN!!!!!! That entrance!!! And their combat actions!!!! Ufffff!!!!! Woah!!!!!! I wish they had more screentime!! And the imperial scenes were perfect! And the way her team fights them!!! I'm all down for a Bo-Katan standalone show!!!!! Take all my money!!!
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Love Mandalorian but..
nicomalmsten13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a bit surprised about the high ratings. How many times have we not heard "Help me do this and I'll help you", it's getting very repetitive. The way they butchered the stormtroopers, yawn. They are never in any real trouble. Also so easy to foresee what is going to happen. This show is overhyped unfortunately. It's good but not so much more.
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finally figured out the 10 raves
grumpy-315 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Most people in this world and they are growing in number just want the same thing, comfort food, friends who all like the same thing, comfort music and comfort film and tv, hence the blind reverence to a show that so far has shown no purpose or story of any depth or note. what it has repeatedly done is have scenes and beats from the star wars canon. all the fights and chases just bad copies from the films and anmiation. as has been pointed out by some rightly critical comments, the shows have been going from a to b getting into trouble getting out of trouble finish. so we have had three episodes each getting shorter and shorter 50 odd minutes 40 odd minutes and now 30 minutes, by the end hopefully the last episode will be only 10 minutes that should do, as it will not have anything to say
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Bryce Dallas Howard at her finest
colinafobe14 November 2020
Great job by Bryce Dallas Howard who directed the weakest episode in my liking before (s01 ep4). This show keeps us amazed and once we think wow the best episode so far they come up with even better one. Perfect sound effects in this and appropriate scores to follow twists, action scenes, damaged ship, suspense... We got all of the Star Wars in this episode: beautiful planet approach, smelly harbor, dodgy inn, classy imperial ship, aliens, creatures, heroes and villains, bits of comic relief and insane action. Keep 'em coming
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ljahcomix14 November 2020
Man this episode was incredible. Action packed with a great story and a return of an amazing character from The Clone Wars and Rebels
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