Kek - The Movie (2021) Poster

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Literally changed my life
ashfoxsmith25 February 2023
This movie is the best, most well made piece of film I have ever witnessed. After viewing this masterpiece my cancer was instantly cured, my dog came back from the grave, and my wife gave me custody over the kids again. Be warned, by watching this movie your life will forever be changed for the better. Watching this twice will lead to many inconceivable inhuman powers turning you in to a God walking among men, able to end the world with the snap of your fingers. Watching for a third time imbues your blood with the cosmic power of the all powerful azathoth allowing you to instantly reshape the entirety of the multiverse with a simple thought. Be warned, watching for four times transmutates your body into an ethereal omnipotent being of pure energy capable creating and ruling over infinite universes simultaneously

10/10 would watch again.
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Kek - The Movie: The Definition of True Art
squiddinner10 April 2024
Since the dawn of mankind, the definition of what defines true art has been greatly disputed. From the neolithic cave paintings made by humanity's prehistoric predecessors, to the mysterious structures of stonehenge, or the perfectly sculpted figures of ancient Greece. More arguments can be made for artists like Da Vinci or Michelangelo for their depictions of humanity and science that eclipsed the discoveries of their time. Such artists sculpt the viewer's perspective, ever molding each individual's perspective of the world. In this way, the filmmaker is not unlike the artists of old. It is their job to change the lives, the views, and the humanities, of whoever casts longer than a cursory glance at their work. Within this niche of artists and therein, filmmakers, many films may come to mind: The Shawshank Redemption, 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Godfather, Vertigo. These films are often held high in their artistic integrity and storytelling which while true does not discount the fact that they have never achieved perfection. A new behemoth however, has arrived on scene; A film with actors so skilled that you are unaware they are acting at all, a film so visually stunning that it would bring a tear to the eye of even the most gruff and emotionless of viewers, a film which blends storytelling, character development, and cinematography so perfectly that only perfection remains in perfect perfection. That film is Kek - The Movie.

The writers of this film wield the brush of the camera and screen as DaVinci held his brush and drew upon the canvas. The Strife that the two main characters, John Addams and Guy8 is both unbelievable, though the way in which they are written makes them deeply relatable. Few filmmakers are able to put their character in unusual situations and have the characters act in a way that the viewers can understand. In some divine twist of writing, there is a level of political commentary with the thirty seventh president of the United States, Richard M. Nixon and his antagonistic hunting of the protagonists. On a surface level, It could seem like this is politically motivated. This however, upon the twelve hundredth viewing of this film, can be easily disputed. The villain is written in a way that makes him just as relatable as the protagonists. Nixon's motive is clear, and his humanity shines through any political bias that this film may have.

This characterization of the villain can be seen through the nonlinear progression of how characters and their motives evolve throughout this film. Ignoring what Nixon did in the 80s', the interpersonal relationship that is mutually distributed amongst the various characters is dynamic. Not unlike a river, the characters flow with the plot, being carried along, shaped and formed by it as they bump into other characters that flow in this plot river that also shape them I guess. Like a grandiose mirror perched precariously atop a mountain of human souls, one must climb to the top, stricken with a profound sense of what humanity truly is, before gazing into such a mirror wherein their very humanity is reflected back at them through the characters of Kek - The Movie. Whichever mode of viewing you choose to view it with is like a boat in which you sit with the characters and go along for the ride. Over the various plot points that are like rapids in the river: they are just as shocking as they are brutally entertaining.

Had I not been aware that this narrative was fictional I would have largely been under the influence that I was viewing a documentary. The performances of the actors were so on point that even someone who was living through the events of this film in real life would be far less convincing. ThiccenMcnugget's performance as John Addams completely erased any notion of ThiccenMcnugget I had prior to the viewing of this masterpiece. Every facet of John Addams as a character was performed seamlessly and brilliantly. While celebrity cameos can often feel trite, or on the nose, the few that were in this film were among the most brilliant. Valve CEO Gabe Newell as Fart was both funny and made me remember that Gabe Newell exists. John Cena is there too. That was pretty neat.

The use of cameras, lighting and composition is a staple of this film. However, it is impossible to mention the cinematography of this film without first acknowledging the medium in which it was filmed using Garry's mod. Garry's mod, affectionately known as Gmod, emerged onto the gaming scene in 2004 as a modification of Valve Corporation's iconic first person shooter , Half-Life 2. The brainchild of British developer Garry Newman, this mod transformed the source engine into a playground of infinite possibilities, igniting the imaginations of players worldwide. At its core Garry's mod offers a sandbox experience unparalleled in its freedom and creativity. Players are given access to a vast array of tools and objects, allowing them to manipulate the environment, spawn non player characters, and craft elaborate contraptions limited only by their imagination. Kek - The Movie was made using this engine. A masterpiece emerging from a 2004 mod of half life, while simultaneously being a perfect film. The engine allows for camera angles that would be impossible in the real world. This only deepens the impact of this film beyond what even the gods could comprehend.

If you have yet spontaneously combusted from this review alone, I heavily heavily heavily heavily heavily heavily heavily heavily Implore you dear reader to allow yourself to embark on a journey unmarred by blatant corporatism, political motivation, and sin. Take off, outside of whatever barrier in which you reside, and take the plunge into perfection. Take the hands of John Addams and Guy8 and allow them to guide you beyond the conventional definition of art and humanity. What better way to spend your time? Its unlikely you are actually doing anything meaningful with your time. You know that you'll probably end up wasting your time on earth doing menial things that will never grant you true happiness. This film is the solution to this. While most films only offer escapism for perhaps an hour or so. This one will sit with you. It will occupy every facet of your mind and break you free from this meaningless cycle of doing nothing with your life. This is the solution we have all been waiting for. Humanity has hit a turning point at which there is no going back. Give your life, your whole self, to this film.

Nonetheless, this film will likely cement itself in film history as on of the many greats and I would be remiss if I didn't recommend it. The future of all who worked on this film will go down in the history books as true artists who are reshaping what film is and therein, humanity.
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I honestly dont know what to say
MrHippo013 April 2024
After participating in the production and acting, I cannot stop crying. 3 years later and I have to constantly drink water because I continue to cry about this masterpiece of a film. How could such a thing exist. How could I partake in such a lifechanging piece of material for so many. As of writing this is one of the top 10 highest rated films on imdb, and I intend to keep it that way. Oh great god in the sky shine your blessed light upon the coom realm, for it is divine and true. Richard Nixon will stay in the depths of earth while all others will join you in your infinite song in thw coom realm. Oh joy to be.
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One Of The Most Necessary and Important Works of Fiction of the 21st Century
braylenrooney10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Kek is a story of love. Loss. Forgiveness. Redemption. Moral ambiguity. One of the first movies of it's kind in the entire field; a unique masterpiece not contained by the confines of Gmod's limitation. No. Kek transforms the very medium of a "movie", asks questions of standard film techniques, and spits in the face of a definition. "Media" is too small of a scope to accurately describe what Kek is. So much so that Kek, a creation so dense, would leave Albert Einstein scratching his head at its very existence. Kek even makes political, scientific, social, and economic commentary thorough enough to make 3000 offshoots of current theories that hold the keys to unlock the universes secrets. And that, ultimately, is what Kek is. Not a film, not a movie, not a comedy, but a culmination of the human experience; everything that ever will be and has come to pass. Kek is WE, the human being. It becomes evident when the entire universe gets blown up because of war -- a subtle critique on the never-ending cycle of death and destruction we face as a species. But truly, nothing means more to me than having the lead role as John Adams. Oscars and Nobels are but scrap metal comparatively to being part of this creation. It is truly the highest honor that could ever have been bestowed upon me. Where awards and medals are finite; human-crafted measures of accomplishment, being an actor on Kek is more than that -- it goes deeper than the very fiber of our being -- it is the feeling of oneness with the universe, feeling the atoms in your vessel shift and contort, and renew your spirit. It is the feeling...the feeling of finally being enlightened. Truly, no accolade compares.

"Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art- Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night And watching, with eternal lids apart, Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite, The moving waters at their priestlike task Of pure ablution round earth's human shores, Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask Of snow upon the mountains and the moors- No-yet still stedfast, still unchangeable, Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast, To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, Awake for ever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever-or else swoon to death." -- John Keats

10/10 ig idk. Watch it. Or not. I don't care :P...
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